
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

Rowena's pov

I stared at the note, totally unfazed probably because I had Giselle by my side.

"Who could have sent this?" She asked, ripping it to pieces.

"Who else, definitely the wizards" I replied and walked away.

"Where do you think you're going to?" Giselle asked as I grab my coat from the top of the chair I was sitting on earlier.

"To see that Jaden's okay" I replied without giving her a look, she pulled me before I could get to the door.

"You get a death threat and the next thing on your mind is you find your little lovebird?" She yelled.

" I'm not going to look for you this time" she added, tightening her grip around my arm.

"You and I both know who they're after" I yelled back wriggling myself from her grip and storming out the door.

I got out the house and took a taxi to my workplace, that's the easiest way to know where Jaden works plus I haven't been there for days now, I at least owe them an apology.

Jaden's pov

"Are you going to tell me about that girl or nah?" Aaron asked as he took a bite from his cheeseburger, lunchtime is something we all looked forward to and he was about to ruin mine.

Honestly I've been avoiding him for days because you know, there can never be "a girl".

" Oh that, uhmm I met her at the coffee shop" If I was going to lie I should lie with someone he'll be seeing me with often right?

"What? The girl with the platinum dyed hair?" He asked and my fork fully loaded with pasta dropped back into my plate.

"You know her?" I stammered, beads of sweat forming around my eyebrows.

"I'm sure everyone in here patronises that coffee shop mate, she doesn't seem like your type but what can I say, love really is blind" he replied picking up his napkin to wipe the bits of cheese at the corner of his lips.

"Yeah, please.. don't say anything to her" I begged and he nodded slowly.

Wizard kingdom**

Writers Pov**

The queen sat in her jade throne thinking of who else to send since everyone has suddenly become incompetent.

"My queen you look extremely bothered, whatever could the matter be" Rafael asked as he polished her crown, something he always did as a part of his kissing-up-to-the-queen routine.

"I am tired, we really need to bring the prince ba-"

"And why do we need to do that?" Rafael interrupted, his eyes bright red with flames.

"You think he'll come back, be the powerful king with you by his side. You created a dream for yourself but sorry to burst your bubble my queen, that's impossible" he roared taking slow steps towards her.

"I don't understand" she shivered.

"He's in love with someone and I know she's not human, he'll bring her back and you know what next?"

"She'll become the Queen" she replied, eyes wide like she just heard a revelation.

"Exactly and where does that leave you, where does that leave us and everything we've worked for? We shouldn't try to bring him back!" He continued.

"We should kill him" the queen whispered and Rafael smiled in satisfaction.

Back to the human world***

Rowena's pov

"I said I was sick" I said for the umpteenth time to my boss but he was bent of firing me not like I cared about the stupid job anyway, I just need to earn a living and put food on my table.

"And again, you should have called" he replied sipping from his cup and reading a newspaper.

"I'm sorry Mr. Marco please let me keep my job I promise it'll never happen again" I begged, a very big dent on my ego.

"And if it does?"

"I won't bother coming back"

"Fine you can keep the job"

"Thank you so much" I smiled and ran off to ask around about Jaden starting with my coworker, Peter.

"I thought you said you no longer had any interest in him, miss runaway worker...." he said still brewing coffee without even looking at me.

"C'mon Pete I really need to know if he's been here this morning don't be a big baby"

He finally turned to face me and I put on my cutest look, you know, those puppy dog eyes, and he just chuckled and turned back to his coffee. "Alright, freak, I haven't seen him this morning. Although I haven't actually seen him for a while now. But you can check his workplace. It's not far from here."

"Uhhhmm.. Thanks a lot but I'll pass. Since he hasn't been here today, I'll just wait for whenever he comes around. He can't do without coffee for an entire day" I immediately regretted adding that last part because Peter left what he was doing completely and gave me that 'are you for real' look.

"It's not what you think Peter. I just guessed because he's always buying coffee at least twice everyday"

"Ok ma'am... If you say so" his annoying laughter made me want to burn his hand in the cooker. But that aside, I had bigger problems to burn. Since he hasn't been here this morning, I'll probably have to wait. But the last thing I'd think of doing is going to meet him in his office. That's a big 'NO' from me.

"Black coffee please, extra foam"

"..... Coming right up sir" I said and lifted my head to see who was ordering. My eyes widened and I almost forgot myself before Peter gave me a little pinch.

"Take home or you're having it here?" I asked

"Take home" his voice was soft and innocent.


I wondered why he kept staring at me like he knew me from somewhere, even though I know it's my first time of seeing him here. He's beauty isn't any match to Jaden's, but he's a sight to behold. His long silky black hair was packed in a bun with a few loose strands hanging freely at the back of his neck. His skin was fair and glowy. Tall and not so built, his navy blue tuxedo complimented his eyes that were glittering.

First time I'd ever been attracted to a man that isn't Jaden.

After Peter brought his orders and he left, he turned to me and once again gave me that 'what is your problem' look. Peter is someone that'll rather use facail expressions instead of using his words especially with me.

"Don't blame me boo, I must appreciate good looking men"

"Maybe if you would go down to Jaden's office, you'll get to see this guy and many more like him"

My eyes widened again. "Why didn't you tell me that he works with Jaden!! I'll deal with you later". I said and ran to try and meet that good looking stranger. Getting him to stop his car wasn't much of a hassle because no one could possibly ignore a crazy girl throwing her hands in the air and screaming at the top of her voice.

".... Hey..... Uhhhmm... Hold on sir..."

I said after he stopped I was still panting so he gave me a bottle of water from his car and I forgot he was a stranger and gulped almost half of the bottle at once.

"What's so important that you want to tell me"

"Do you by chance know any Jaden?"

I saw a little smile forming on his face. Why was he smiling, if he knew Jaden he should just tell me I'm not making any jokes.

"Well missy, yes I know a Jaden, the problem is which Jaden exactly are you talking about?"

"Don't play smart, the one that works with you, Jaden Scotts.... I just want to know if he's ok?"

"He's ok.

He's actually the one I got this for. I'm not the coffee person"

"Why didn't he come get it himself?"

"Reasons best known to him. But he mentioned that he was avoiding a few things plus he has extra work to do because he's been away for a while"

"Ohh.... Ok. That's fine. Since he's ok, I'm good with that. Do one thing for me, don't tell him I asked after him."


I turned and trudged back to the coffee shop without looking back. I heard his car engine and in no time he was gone. Different thoughts started crawling into my head. 'was he actually avoiding me?'

I felt a sharp pain in my heart and for the first time in a long long time, I missed being in the skies.... Where I won't have to feel any sort of pain... Pains like this one...

Emotions rather.