
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 9



I flew into the air at the first attack Gwen threw at me; my magic wasn't working. I could hear sounds of Jaden getting mercilessly beaten, and I hit the ground.

"Focus, Ro. Channel your emotions." I whispered to myself and kept whispering, but it was like pouring water on stone.


Was I hallucinating the last time?

I stretched my hands and imagined myself levitating, still channeling my rage and the thousand emotions I was feeling; it worked perfectly in my head, but I was still firmly rooted to the ground.

Great! I got into a fight with wizards without checking if my powers worked.

"You would have made it a lot easier for the both of us if you had just let him go." "Now take a look at him," Gwen laughed as she slowly lifted me in the air. For the first time since our fight started, I caught a glimpse of Jaden.

Sprawled on the floor

Half-dead maybe

with blood coming out everywhere.

Gwen's twin sister is definitely a lot more twisted.

"I thought you wanted him alive." I cried because I knew I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to him.

"Change of plans, honey bunch, all thanks to you," she smirked and paced, still holding me in the air and clearly thinking of what to do next with me.

I still couldn't understand why my powers chose to betray me. I could feel the anger rising and the burning desire to kick both of their asses, but my powers just wouldn't work.

"Mother, if you're behind this, please, I beg of you, let me save this young man," I whispered, hoping Mother Nature would hear me and do something at least.

"We're getting bored!" The twins said in unison that it was even creepier than the last time.

I felt something wrapped around my neck, and I started to choke as the air got thinner. I struggled to release the grip, but what power do I have against something invisible?

We were losing

In fact, we lost our lives.

I was almost breathing my last when the grip suddenly loosened, and I fell to the ground immediately.

The twins were both on the ground; I had no idea what was going on.

Did my almost-near-death experience awaken my powers?

Or did the cut blood circulation start to mess with my brain?

"You're setting out to stress me, aren't you?" I heard a familiar voice say something, and I smiled.

"Well, I'm your little sister," I replied as I coughed, trying to catch my breath.

"You can walk, right?" "Take your prince charming and go while I take care of these two," Giselle instructed. I had so many questions to ask, but I knew now wasn't the time.

I rushed over to Jaden, hoping he'd still be alive.

I crossed my fingers and tapped him a little; there was no response.

I placed my head on his chest and heaved at the first heartbeat.

Alive but unconscious.

I lifted him and carried him in my arms.

Remember my superhuman strength?

No, it's definitely unmatched for wizards and their magic.

I took one last glance at Giselle, and she was clearly having the time of her life, something I missed a lot. being able to fight and not get scared of breaking a bone or getting injured.

"Woooo!" She shrieked as she dragged Gwen's twin around by her feet. Gwen was already out of fuel.

I smiled and walked quickly with Jaden in my hands before he ran out of blood, though his wounds had already started to heal.




"So we won?" I asked no in particular as soon as I opened my eyes and saw I was no longer getting beaten.

"I wouldn't say that; in fact, we lost," Elle replied, giving me a glass of water.

"My sister came to our rescue," she continued as I drank hungrily.

Immediately her sister walked in all drenched, and I realized it was raining heavily.

"You should have seen me whoop their asses," she twirled joyfully.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked with a smile, and they both laughed.

"The rain is her, and she is the rain," Elle replied, though I barely understood; I just nodded slowly. I had much more important questions to ask, so I carefully set them up in my head.

"You should rest," Elle said mildly, tapping my shoulder and leaving with her sister.



I let Giselle get dry as I watched something random. I knew a lot of questions were coming our way, and we were about to open up to a human, but first I had to get her to agree.

"How'd you know where to find us?" I asked, my eyes still on the TV.

"Tracking device," she replied, and I could feel she was putting on a mischievous smile.

I turned off the TV and faced her immediately. I had on a mischievous smile too.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Rain dust, I sprinkled some on your clothes, and you know I can always sniff out the dust I make," she replied, throwing a suede sweater over her head.

"You know that's creepy as hell, right?" I giggled.

"But it did save your life," she said as she hopped onto the seat beside me.

I looked behind me and then started to whisper, just in case.

"Look, we have to tell him everything," I started.

"Why?" she asked. "He should just go back to his normal life," she whispered back.

"He has seen way too much to go back to a normal life," I pressed on.

"You can't just tell humans all about our world and existence," she continued.

If there's one thing you should know about Giselle, it's how hard a nut she is to crack.

"But he's not human," I said, and she threw her hands dramatically in the air.

Jaden walked in two minutes later, completely healed and looking better than he did before the fight, well except for the blood stained clothes.

Can we get our first kiss already?

"Am I interrupting anything?" He asked as he looked from Giselle to me; we were both staring hungrily at him for whatever reasons.

"No, come sit," Giselle said, tapping the seat beside hers.

"Thank you. I uhmm..." He trailed off.

"Remember the deal?" "You're supposed to tell me all I need to know," he continued, and Giselle rolled her eyes.