
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

My first day as Diablos 1/2

I could feel it, my body was so vastly different, I could feel how much air was flooding my lungs, I could smell the hot air and feel how heavy I am, from the top of my new head to the bottom of my new tail.

"I knew I had to open my eye's but I just couldn't believe it my dream about being isekai'd, Being reborn it was real I really made those wishes, I could have been Fatalis or I could have been safi'jiva, but I picked Diablos damn I was just thinking of my favorite that moment."

"Well at least he's strong enough, but damn other than me picking my favorite did that thing say fate? if so I'm probably fucked and I can feel It this strange feeling in the air as I breath it's so dense, shit I'm in the age of gods as well this is bad not only are some hero's alive but some could be made during this age."

"I can't die to them, Not after I just got this new life of mine I got to get strong, strong enough so I don't get hunted down in the game like Diablos. But now I got to wake up and get this new body of mine moving."

Slowly I open my eye I can feel my scale like eyelids open, The first thing I noticed was my face and its elongated mouth and then I saw them, my horns the number one staple of Diablos and one of my greatest weapons in this life as long as I have them I won't be in too much trouble.

Now I slowly lift myself up I can feel my body's weight these plates they are heavy "I'm a bit surprised how Diablos was able to fly but that speaks to how strong Diablos really is to be able to fly with his heavy body."

"But now comes the problem I've never been Diablos, Shocker I know but now I got live like this and I don't know how to fly or dig like a Diablos it doesn't look hard when you see it from the game but once I'm underneath I won't know how to dig to them, I know sonic bomb's stun Diablos so they will probably work on me."

"First though I got to find some food I know Diablos eats cactuses so if I find that I should well off for some time, but I should find two more or one more just in case from how big this body is, and then I have to find a water source DAMN I should have wish to stay human or something."

"Welp I already made my wish no use crying over milk lets get out of here wherever here is," slowly I lift my armored body and lift my head to get a full look where I am but before I could get a full look.

[System Activating 1..2...3 Welcome To The System Of evolution ]

"Finally I was worried I would have to do something obscure like do something x amount of times for some reason but luckily its like the rest of fanfics, welp lets check it out and see what I can do on it".

[System Of Evolution}

[ User: Jackson ( Diablos regular variant) ]

*No Titles*

*Upgrade section*

*Check up section*

(Zero Points) ]

"Well the first thing I noticed was that I was classed as the regular variant which means I could quite possibly become the other diablos that are in the monster hunter franchise, all of them being powerful enough to drive back a deviljho and maybe a elder dragon but that is a big maybe. Well lets check out this upgrade section."

[System Of Evolution]

[ User: Jackson ( Diablos regular variant) ]

*No Titles*

*Upgrade section<

*Muscle 0/10

*Scales 0/10

*Bones 0/10

*Organs 0/10

*Check up section*

(Zero Points) ]

"I can see it already once I put in those points their going to up the cap to 20 then higher there is no way points are this hard to get right?, I hope I didn't just jinx myself but knowing my luck in the past life I wont doubt it if I did. Now I should look at the check up part of the system."

[ System Of Evolution ( Diablos Regular Variant)

*No Titles*

*Upgrade section*

*Check up section<

(You are a healthy Diablos although soon you might be hungry)

(Zero Points) ]

"I can immediately tell this will be incredibly important, it being able to tell me when I could be hungry is so nice, I wont have to find out when I'm hungry myself and be weaken by that and have someone else take advantage of that moment."

"But For real now lets get of this cave I'm in and find some cactuses and a water source because if I don't find that soon enough who knows what will find me I can never be overcautious in fate especially when its during the Age Of Gods who knows what crazy stuff happened that's wasn't written down."

And so I took my first step into the unknown desert not knowing if I would become a legend for the throne of hero's or if I was destined to become the monster for the hero's story's.