
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

My first day as Diablos 2/2

Slowly the sand moves in the blanket of the earth falling on top of each other endlessly until slowly in the distance a shadow crawling on the sand while a mountain like phantasmal beast walks as though it has covered it's self in sand

"Well I can understand why Diablos had use its digging ability when it could, To have such an overbearing heat blasting on my scales I cant even sweat to cool off the heat that's going to make a crack up their on my scales, at least I can cool off by trying to flap my wings"

Soon a strange scene occurred a phantasmal like beast would swing it's wings like their is something bothering it in the inseams of its armor but it was instead trying to cool off not noticing the amount of sand it would kick up like a baby in a sand box throwing a tantrum

"You know a thought just occurred what if I make a sand storm but uh I think would have to learn how to dig like a Diablos, when I just thought of that I remember that movie didn't it look like Diablos was swimming I know I'm not a good swimmer but I'm all alone out here so it doesn't hurt to try it"

I tilt my head slowly and slowly push my horns to the uncountable amount of sand and slowly force them inside the sand and place my claw tipped wings into the sand, once I believed I was ready I started to rip the sand from each other as though I was in a desperate search for my key's

"wow this is so easy, it's as if I am gliding though water now my biggest problem is when the sand gets in my eye and the fact that ill have to resurface to breath but I think I know why a Diablos lungs get so much air not only to make it's iconic roar but also so It can hold it's breath for a very long time"

Once I was deep enough in the sand with my eye's closed I could feel my scales cool down from the light sand now covering but now I would have to move so slowly I would push sand to the side of me as if I was crawling in metal gear.

"No this isn't right this is just too slow for it to be right but I won't mind because I'm still moving but I should really learn dig how to dig like a real one because they are much faster than this but at least I'm doing it kinda?"

"Well even if I'm not doing it right I learned multiple things from this one experience one doing the dig like a Diablos without swimming experience and two not only could I feel the vibration in the sand around the area but Diablos has such good hearing that could hear the wind blow some sand off some mounds"

Slowly tufts of sand lift up as though a shark was slowly swimming through it but while Jackson was going slowly through the sand, The sand would fly up as high as six feet blasting outward as though an explosion would regularly happen.

Then in a rush, horns blast out from the sand and giant wings push out as though it was revived from the grave, the giant phantasmal beast would slide out of the sand as though it was a new born taking heavy breaths of the world around it

"Okay *HUFF* I can't hold my breath longer than half an hour while quite long theirs nothing to do but move under the sand, But what's that smell", As the Diablos would raise its head above the sand it had blasted upward it would take a long breath as though to taste the air

"I got to go check that smell out I hope its some food cause I've been out here for an hour now i haven't seen a cactus at all" and so the Diablos would once again bury it's self under the sand and would crawl towards the new smell.

"mmm the smell is getting stronger I should take a peek at it" Slowly sand would lift off the ground as a pair of horns and pronounced ridge rise up eyes slowly open showing the red eyes as though they've been bothered from the sand for a long time, when all of a sudden they would widen in surprise.

"Cactuses YES! I knew my system would say I'd be hungry soon but wow, no wonder Diablos are territorial to find a cactus this far out I would also make sure no one eats it, But that speaks for another problem I only found one cactus patch I'm glad its big enough to feed me but since I'm in fate the humans of this world may know this spot or not"

"Well all I need is to find some water and I know what your thinking, that if theirs cactuses there then there should be water underneath them but if I do that I'll lose a food source and just have a half empty water source"

The Diablos would slowly move its accustomed jaw towards the cactus and *SQUELCH* "Mmm I don't know if it's my new tastebuds or they really taste this good but my goodness they are delicious I almost want to eat more but I got to find a water source or something.

And so once more I went to the desert in hopes of finding something.