Kingdom Building Isekai-Fantasy Novel With A Reborn Protagonist! - In a tale of redemption and rebirth, Sam Yong, the son of the richest man on Earth and a known playboy and gambler soon finds himself cast out of his family due to a cunning scheme devised by his half-brother who was recently found and his fiancée. The Other World, a fantasy world. Every human from Earth who arrives on this planet is given a system, that would allow them to create 'MMO'-style characters and statuses. For the first year after the United Earth discovered the portal, only the richest families with ties to the government could go in. 4 years later, every human was allowed access, and another 5 years after that, Earth is destroyed, causing everyone to teleport to the Other World making it their new home. Banished and homeless, Sam discovers a portal to the other world, much earlier than the rest of Earth, and he begins a 15-year journey as an adventurer. Gaining experience and earning himself a reputation for his reliability, he was entrusted with a high-stakes mission that promises him a life of wealth and honor. However, he is then betrayed by his closest friend, who takes the reward in order to pay for his family's future. Filled with regret about his life, Sam is granted a miraculous second chance, awakening just days after his exile from his family home. Determined to make his life better, he sets his sights on becoming a Lord in this other world! - Daily Uploads! - Webnovel Spirity Award 2023! discord: ryder#1830 twitter: ryder_novels art isn't mine