
Guest's On Earth

Alex and his son walked out of the ring while everyone pretty scared of both of them now seeing the power that both father and son shared Alex smiled while looking at the hell riders while Junior looked expressionless then Alex said he would be going to earth in a day to visit Frederick and Junior would accompany him, Aurora and Delora wanted to go too but Alex said he can't risk bringing all of them out, and more so Junior was the strongest among them, both of them felt down when they heard that Junior was the strongest so they demanded training sessions immediately, Lisa felt the frustration of the kids but didn't object to their request and decided to take both of them on her own. The following morning Alex and his son left the underworld to earth, as they got to earth Frederick felt the power and immediately knew it was his brother but he couldn't tell the other person with a high amount of magic similar to his brothers and that scared him.

Frederick decided that he and Michael would go alone as he knew Alex wouldn't come for war without giving a sign, Moments later Frederick and Michael were outside the city gates waiting to see Alex and the mysterious person who shared an equal amount of power with their brother, Alex and his son appeared far off and Frederick was confused if it was the child that released so much magic power even Michael was getting confused because they both felt similar magic power from both of them so they waited for Alex to arrive. Junior wore an expressionless face while he met his uncles for the first time and he knew very well that they were the ones who locked his father in a cell for years.

Hey Fred, Hey Mike meet your nephew Alex said with smile, Both brothers were taken aback as their nephews power exceeded theirs at his tender age and this made them a little bit scared. Frederick and Michael took Alex and his son to the castle, all the palace guards wanted to attack but Fred stopped them and said that they were not having war at the moment. *Inside the palace room* Fred, Michael with Miranda and their families were seated while Alex and Junior stood at the center, two servants entered and gave the duo chairs to sit while Alex sat his son said he would love to stand for a while then Junior looked at his cousins and thought of how weak they were and Junior spoke Uncle Fred I want our family war to stop so let my dad be the god of the empire and the dark empire should be restored Everyone including Alex was shocked at Juniors request he had a point that they should resolve their family problem, but making Alex a god and restoring the dark empire that was something else, now Fred calmly spoke to Junior and asked why does he want his father to become god and the dark empire to be restored, Junior smiled and told him that his father should become god because he was the most powerful El that ever lived that is the demigods that lived and the dark empire was meant to be restored that was why the dark powers passed to his father. Miranda and Michael were worried because the child had known a lot about the past and the family history even which their own children didn't know, Fred's son spoke to Junior and said it was forbidden for any man to become a god so other humans would worship Miranda was about to caution him when Fred raised his hand stopping her from interfering into the conversation. Junior felt insulted that a weak person who couldn't even slay an imp dared spoke to him the demon lord then Fred's children and Miranda's children supported their oldest brother and cousin but Junior hushed them and said they had no right to speak when powerful people spoke now everyone was taken aback and Michael was raged that Junior spoke like that then he shunned Junior as Junior opened his mouth to speak Alex voice thundered the room, Alexander Junior silence then Alex became calm as he spoke to Junior and said that is not a way to address our elder cousin, now you may apologize to him Junior wanted to refuse but the stern look on his father's eyes were scary and he knelt down and apologized to Ophis(Frederick's first son)