
The god of the Underworld

When Alex and his family got to the underworld he was happy he had met his kids and Aurora and Junior rushed their father but Delora was a dragon and he was much bigger than them so he felt a bit sad. Alex saw how Delora reacted and went to him and touched his fore head then Delora changed into a boy though he was younger than junior dragons aged faster so he was about 13 years in human form . Alex went up to the hell riders who were all now masters of the underworld and they all bowed when they felt his magical powers it was far more than it was in the years they wondered how he grew to the actual power of a god and he told all of them how he controlled the lost ghouls and dark flame dragons and meditated in the dark flame temple training on his dark magic, all of them were surprised as he started telling them his battles with dark beings and now he was the strongest dark being after defeating Horos the god of darkness. Alex had learnt the secret art of shadow speed only top dark wizards could do it and Alex vanished in front of their very eyes and came out from pillar of the underworld temple. Then all of a sudden the earth shook and a man came out from the flames that erupted from the earth it was Hades the god of the underworld and everyone bowed except Alex and Hades smiled and said Alexander god of shades well I have a gift for you everyone was shocked Alex the god of shades that was beyond their imagination and Hades continued by telling him that it was his time to join the older gods and let the younger ones rule and Hades made him the god of the underworld and god of death there and then while he vanished. Junior, Aurora and Delora just stood watching their father made god it was a shock that Alex had now become the overall ruler of the underworld, Lisa was still confused as she didn't get a hint of what was going on, one second Alex told them he defeated the strongest wizard another second he is the god of shades and now he was made god of death and the underworld. It was too much for her to put down into her memory it happened so fast , Alex now felt something painful inside him then he fell to his knees Lisa rushed to him but Mira held her back and told her to watch then Alex eyes turned black and he stood up with a content expression on his face but didn't smile as usual when Alex stood his robe automatically changed and dark aura kept moving around him nonstop it was his shade and death powers combined too much dark magic for one being but Alex possessed it all.

Alex walked with Clara around the underworld, Alex had developed a mutual feeling for Clara since their last night together, Alex held her hands but Clara was not comfortable as he knew how Lisa looked at other women women around Alex but Alex took her to the river of the dead and told her to feed which she did and enjoyed it as it had been long she had fed on human souls this much, then Alex held her and kissed her neck which made her lose control and returned his kiss, then Lisa walked and saw them and she was shocked as she had never seen Alex taken interest into another woman except her but she didn't react she just walked up and cleared her throat making them aware of her presence, as Clara heard Lisa's voice she was shocked and turned and stood away from Alex in fear of Lisa so Alex went up to Lisa and said something into her ears then leaving both women to talk to each other. Lisa said I know you love him as much as I do and he loves you too so there wouldn't be a problem if you join the family this shocked Clara as she never knew that Lisa would be so accommodating to share her man with her. Lisa and Clara walked smiling and chatting when they met Alex coming with the kids, it was like a family reunion when they met each other and both women joined Alex and the kids as he was taking them then he made it clear that he would be attacking the empire alone in a day but Junior, Delora and aurora refused and said they would take out the empire themselves. Clara and Lisa laughed when they heard the children speak and said that they were not ready for war the Aurora challenged their parents to duel against them which wasn't surprising to Alex so he said all three should come at him instead and they did Alex dodged their attacks till the children unleashed their rage making their eyes glow pure white and they attacked their father hitting him beating him at the duel this was a shock to Clara and Lisa as they didn't know where the kids learned their powers from but Alex calmed and used a magic technique of shadows against them which made him defeat all three of them. Then Delora said Father you cheated Alex laughed and said it was a fight and he didn't say he wouldn't attack back then they agreed and said they would be prepared next time, now Delora wanted to prove to his father how strong they were and said he wanted to fight the unending legion of demons and Alex refused saying they could die and Lisa and clara objected that they would watch from above hearing this Aurura and Junior said they wished to join then they agreed but Lisa and Clara told Junior that he should signify when it was becoming unbearable for them as he was the smallest this pissed Junior of he was the smallest but the second strongest person that stood in the family but only Alexander knew as he had felt his sons rage from within.

Inside the unending arena the demons were released at a thousand per wave which the children killed while everyone was pleased with their effort then Alex decided and said ten thousand demons should be released per wave, Lisa and Clara with all the Hell riders were shocked but didn't stand against his opinion the children now faced a more difficult situation but only Junior didn't stress as he used the hell chain he slew the demons at hundreds at a time which made them very focused on him then Alex increased the wave to fifty thousand per wave which was way too much for children now Delora was getting weak so was Aurora and they were losing at their end so Delora fell in the middle as the demons were about to slaughter him a bright wave blurted out of Junior as he slew all the demons around Delora and Aurora in seconds then he stood in their front facing the entire army while Junior fought he released massive magic energy which shocked everyone except Alex as he was stronger than the rest of them then Alex removed Delora and Aurora then he removed the barrier allowing limitless demons into the arena before joining his son together they released a high amount of magic that a hundred powerful mages would release and Alex wasn't releasing all his magic then the titans came. Three titans emerged from the portal of the endless arena then Alex and his son jumped up into the air flying now this shocked Alex as he saw his son flying but the focused on the battle as they flew Junior was faster than his father but fought the titans with less experience but his speed helped him, Alex dodged the attack of the titans and focused on their nape bone below the neck in between their shoulders and slaughtered two of them as Alex landed on the floor waiting for the next wave he saw a shocking site as the titan swallowed junior,

Everybody was horrified as they didn't pay much attention to Junior now he was been swallowed by a titan as Alex grew rage something shook the titan from within and it began to tremble as its stomach divided into two part separating the upper and the lower part of the body while Junior came glowing in red aura as he gathered a powerful magic in his arms and as the demons emerged from the portal he blasted it and vaporized every single one of them and he landed for 10 minutes no single demon came out from the portal. Alex and Junior ended the test and decided to come on but before the portal closed a forbidden demon escaped the ghoul sucker a ghoul like creature that moved at unimaginable speed the only one of its kind, and Alex sensed the danger that lied before Junior but surprisingly Junior watched it and as it came towards him he waited stealthy and when it was close enough he gave a destructive blow and the demon laid down half dead as Alex slit its throat and some dark aura came out and consumed Alex and his son giving them the power of the ghoul sucker.