
Chapter 81 Pleasure

What fish, what shrimp!

Give Jiang Xuening a hundred more courage and she won't dare to eat it!


When it comes to food, peach slices of cake can't help but sprout from her mind. If the man in front of her personally goes up and asks her to eat, is it not impossible?

No, no, no, no, quickly dispel this dangerous thought!

Xie Wei was already afraid that she knew about his things that were not known to others. If she accidentally said them, God knows where this person will think again, and it will become a real disaster from the mouth, which is not good.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuening's face showed a smile, and she was worried. She carefully defended herself: "Last night, she slept in the bedroom of Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal Highness Princess. She was not used to it, so today she is sleepy..."

Xie Wei's eyebrows twitched slightly and he said, "On the side of Princess Chang?"

Jiang Xuening nodded unusually sincerely, and as soon as she raised her arm, her wide and exquisite palace dress sleeves and robes hung out, saying, "Really, you see, even the clothes were found by the Princess Chang for me."

The girl still looked at him with a hint of shyness in her eyes, as if she knew she had made a big mistake, but there was no intention of sophistry or denial, although she also found reasons for herself

Xie Wei looked at her palace attire, his furrowed eyebrows still lingering.

But when he spoke, his voice had calmed down a lot compared to before: "If you haven't slept well, go back and catch some sleep. I happen to have something to do today."

Jiang Xuening was overjoyed and didn't expect Xie Wei to be so articulate. She wanted to compliment him and said, "Mr. Xie is really reasonable..."

Unexpectedly, before she could finish speaking, Xie Wei calmly added, "I'll make up for the missed class tomorrow."

Jiang Xuening: "..."

She should have known! Those surnamed Xie should be so unforgiving! She was too happy too early!

Xie Wei saw with his own eyes the frozen smile on the girl's lips, and the newly appeared brightness on her face instantly sank. The cloud of darkness that had accumulated in her heart dissipated a bit for some reason, and he said, "If you must know the finger technique I'm talking about today tomorrow, if you don't..."

Jiang Xuening immediately nodded like pounding garlic and said, "I will definitely do it!"

Xie Wei suppressed his smile and calmly let out a "hmm", then walked out of the side hall first and headed towards the Qianqing Palace with the eunuch who came to pass the message first.

Seeing him walking away, Jiang Xuening slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You scared me to death!"


At this moment, some people in the Jiang Mansion were also frightened.

This afternoon, Meng will take Jiang Xuehui to Hanshan Temple to pray for blessings.

Sitting in the room drinking tea and talking before departure.

Meng remembered Jiang Boyou's words of support for Jiang Xuening and sighed lightly, saying, "Originally, the name of our mansion's attendant was reported to be you, but somehow Ning's sister was allowed to enter. She followed Wanniang and learned an inhumane character, and I'm afraid it won't make you better in the future. Now that the Marquis's Mansion is in trouble and Prince Linzi is about to select a concubine, I just hope you can go and get a good contract today. It's a bit lucky."

Jiang Xuehui sat at her head, but remained silent.

His gaze drooped, only falling on the embroidered handkerchief on his own leg, and he still couldn't understand the meaning of Jiang Xuening's words that day.

At this moment, the butler outside suddenly hurriedly came in and spread the message, "Madam, the father-in-law in the palace is here!"

Meng and Jiang Xuehui stood up almost simultaneously.

Meng's face turned pale, and her voice trembled as she said, "Is it something that happened to Chao Shang? Did the master cause trouble? Or did Sister Ning cause trouble in the palace again?"

How did this butler know?

However, everyone in the Jiang family knows that their second daughter had a very dangerous encounter in the palace a few days ago. Recently, the court has been unstable, and now that there are people in the palace, they can't help but think about bad things.

Unexpectedly, the father in law who came in smiled and bowed down and said, "Madam, please be polite. Miss, please be polite. We are ordered by Princess Royal Highness Princess to leave the palace. Miss Jiang is specially told to go to the palace to read with us. Please make some preparations and go with us to the palace. The palace is waiting for you urgently."

The one who came was Huang Renli, who was waiting by Shen Zhiyi's side.

However, neither Meng nor Jiang Xuehui knew each other, and upon hearing this, they were momentarily surprised and uncertain.

Meng Shi couldn't believe it: "Well, how can His Highness the Long Royal Highness Princess declare our eldest daughter to enter the palace?"

She even had some fear when she said this.

Only said, "Did the second girl in our mansion cause trouble?"

Huang Renli came out of the palace just now. He was very clear about Jiang Xuening's stay last night by His Highness Princess Royal Highness Princess. Hearing Meng Shi's words, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and the smile on his face faded a bit. "Madam, don't worry, our highness likes Jiang Er very much, and left her to stay in the palace last night. But when she used the bait in the morning, she said that she remembered the bait made by the eldest girl, and our highness remembered it. Guess she missed her family, so we sent our family to pick up the eldest girl into the palace and accompany her to read. I don't want to go out of the palace."


Meng choked and suddenly fell silent.

Princess Leyang allowed Jiang Xuehui into the palace, but it was not because she liked her or because of her outstanding talent, but because Jiang Xuening casually said one more sentence while using pastries this morning!

Jiang Xuehui was even more surprised.

She knew in her heart how much Jiang Xuening despised her since returning to Beijing, and didn't even want to give her a good expression. Now, she even told Princess Leyang that she remembered the pastry she made

Jiang Xuehui can indeed make pastries.

But God knows that she once gave it to Jiang Xuening, but Jiang Xuening dumped all her Dim sum on the ground in front of her! Then, with a nonchalant smile, he said to her, "I'm sorry, I accidentally spilled it and wasted some of your attention."

But her reaction is also extremely fast.

Meng's hesitation had already caused Huang Renli to furrow his brows lightly.

Jiang Xuehui quickly bowed down and said, "Thanks to the love of His Highness the Royal Highness Princess, Xuehui has thanked His Highness the Royal Highness Princess for his grace. Now she will pack up and go with her father-in-law."

Huang Renli thought to himself that the girl was quite clever, so he nodded and his face slightly softened.


Jiang Xuening, who had finally escaped from Xie Wei's hands, returned to Yangzhi Zhai from the side hall of Fengchen Hall. Without even having lunch, she plunged into her own bed, closed her eyes, and fell asleep with her head covered.

===Kunning Section 102===

She didn't wake up until the palace attendant called for her in the afternoon.

It turned out that Princess Leyang had become very playful recently and called on the palace members to play with the teapot. She even came to Yangzhi Zhai and called on the accompanying readers to join her.

Everyone enters the palace first to accompany Shen Zhiyi in reading, and secondly to be her fun companion.

Shen Zhiyi is invited, who dares not to go?

Jiang Xuening slept just right, so she quickly got up to wash herself and went to Mingfeng Palace with everyone.

Shen Zhi was playing wildly with her clothes and people, and the palace people rarely saw her happy and were playing with her.

Jiang Xuening's mouth twitched as soon as she stepped into the hall.

I don't know where Shen Zhiyi learned the tricks. Some palace maids had long notes on their faces, and even painted their faces with ink, looking a bit disheartened. It was obvious that they had been punished for losing.

As soon as the accompanying readers arrived, she immediately pulled them to play together.

There are naturally people in the middle who are eager to take this opportunity to please Shen Zhiyi, so they are very positive.

Jiang Xuening is not the same.

She didn't eat at noon and was a bit hungry. As she watched some preserved fruits and pastries still displayed in the hall, she didn't catch up. Instead, she paddled in the water and fooled around. Everyone was playing in front of her, so she sat at the back to eat first.

Shen Zhiyi naturally saw her at a glance, but when she saw her sitting there eating, she didn't call her thoughtfully.

Everyone played a round of throwing pots first.

Shen Zhiyi, holding an arrow in her hand, often hit the target with just one throw, making her a skilled player who often won applause from the crowd. Jiang Xuening followed suit and cheered from afar.

But some people didn't get used to her leisurely demeanor and greeted her, saying, "Miss Jiang, won't you come and play? I heard you used to wander around the neighborhood and play games like throwing pots. You must be the best at them, won't you show us a hand?"

Jiang Xuening looked up and saw that it was Chen Shuyi.

The young lady wore a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, looking at her with deep meaning and mocking her expression.

Jiang Xuening took a small bite of the candied fruit in her hand and gently put it down before speaking.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhiyi frowned and said directly to Chen Shuyi, "Didn't you see Ning Ning eating? She will come to play after she finishes eating. What are you talking about?"

That's too impolite!

Everyone was stunned!

Chen Shuyi herself had no idea that her mouth was slightly open, and she was at a loss for a moment.

You should know that Chen Shuyi is also the apple of the eye of the Grand Master Chen, and her status is considered prestigious. She often plays with Xiao Shu, and who in the palace doesn't sell her face?

Even Shen Zhiyi used to treat her kindly.

Now, just asking Jiang Xuening a question directly triggered her to have a seizure?

Chen Shuyi's face was a bit uneasy, turning red and white for a while. She spoke hesitantly to defend herself, "Your Highness, I didn't..."

Shen Zhiyi had no expression on her face and said coldly, "If you don't mean it, just shut your mouth."

The hall was instantly quiet.

Jiang Xuening also stared blankly at Shen Zhiyi.

Even discerning people can tell that Princess Leyang doesn't seem to be in a very good mood, and her words are completely defending Jiang Xuening. Even a wealthy lady like Chen Shuyi doesn't want to give any face.

What is Jiang Xuening's ability to captivate people like this?

During her rest period, You Yue had a great grudge against Jiang Xuening and hated her to the bone. However, she dared not speak up or take any action, fearing to fall into Jiang Xuening's trap. At this moment, she could only express her disdain and indignation towards Jiang Xuening with her eyes.

And then

She hadn't even had time to think about what kind of expression Jiang Xuening needed to show in order to provoke her displeasure and anger. Shen Zhiyi had already seen her gaze.

Shen Zhiyi stared at her for a moment, then raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you mean by looking at Ning Ning with this kind of gaze?"

You Yue:??????

She was completely bewildered.

I can't say I dare, I can't do it, that's all. Now I can't even use my eyes?!

You Yue was so frightened that she turned her gaze back and trembled, saying, "I..."

Shen Zhiyi didn't listen at all and said, "Look at Ning Ning with this kind of gaze. I'll have someone dig out your eyeballs!"

You Yue shuddered, and a cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Her face turned even whiter in an instant, almost kneeling on the ground to admit her mistake. At this moment, she didn't even dare to lift her head and said in a single voice, "Yes, yes."

Firstly, Chen Shuyi was immediately scolded for not doing anything, and later on, You Yue's gaze was intimidated. The other accompanying readers all felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Most people dare not speak.

Yao Xi looked at Chen Shuyi and You Yue, and gently said, "Sister Shuyi should have no malice. Miss You Er is just looking at her. Her Royal Highness Princess Royal Highness Princess may have misunderstood her."


Shen Zhiyi didn't really invite them to Japan just because she wanted to play pot throwing. She still remembered Jiang Xuening's words in the morning, "Life here isn't going well.". I used to be careless, but now I can see many clues by secretly observing.

She sneered.

Still holding the pen that had just been used to draw a flower face for the palace maid who had lost, she walked slowly to Yao Xi and looked up and down at her, saying, "Miss Yao is quite compassionate. Why don't I report it to the imperial brother and send you to Baiyun Temple to become an aunt, or do you think your compassionate heart can be useful?"

Yao Xike did not show any malice towards Jiang Xuening, but just stood up and said something for Chen Shuyi and You Yue!

Surprisingly, he threatened to be sent to become a nun!

Which girl dares to face such a thing?

Everyone took a deep breath.

Yao Xi never expected that he would be scolded even if he said a fair word. He felt both hatred and fear in his heart for a moment. His fingers hanging on his side quietly clenched, and his situation was extremely embarrassing, but he dared not even say a word.

Jiang Xuening's preserved fruit is still in her mouth, with a hint of sour sweetness.

At this moment, he was so shocked that he couldn't swallow it.

Her eyes wandered among the people and fell back on Shen Zhiyi. She had no idea what the noble Royal Highness Princess was crazy about and how she hated people.

Although she feels that

It's amazing!

Shen Zhiyi turned her eyes and touched her slightly admiring gaze. A red glow flew over her face, only to feel white clouds floating under her feet, and her whole body was about to fly. She pretended to unintentionally avoid this gaze.

Turning his head towards the others, he had a cold expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, he loudly said, "I have said before that anyone who dares to offend Ning Ning, don't blame me for being impolite. I didn't expect someone to turn a deaf ear to me. Don't think that I came to you today to have fun with you. I called you here just to warn you - anything that this princess can manage, anyone who wants Ning Ning to be unhappy, I will make her ten times, hundred times more unhappy!"

The arrow used for throwing the pot is still on the table.

The faces of the palace attendants were still covered with sticky notes and ink marks.

But the playfulness and laughter just now have been swept away.

At this point, the accompanying readers finally understood that today they were called Liwei!

For Jiang Xuening alone!

For a moment, everyone had their own thoughts, but after listening to Shen Zhiyi's previous words against others, no one dared to open their mouths to refute or speak for anyone, without exception, everyone was trembling.

Xiao Shu is quite calm.

But she quietly withdrew her gaze from Jiang Xuening, and as she lowered her head, she couldn't help but feel a little more fearful and unhappy. Because Shen Zhiyi's warning undoubtedly included her.

But her identity is different after all.

With Empress Dowager Xiao present, she didn't have much concern about Shen Zhiyi's words, and she wasn't as foolish as the other few people.

"Your Highness, I have received it."

At this moment, Huang Renli wore a festive smile on his face and entered the hall with a brush in his hand. He bowed and bowed to Shen Zhiyi, saying this.

Everyone couldn't help but look at him.

At this moment, I was very puzzled: someone picked me up, who?

Shen Zhiyi's expression suddenly relaxed, as if she was also happy. She walked up to Jiang Xuening's side and said to Huang Renli, "Call someone in, give Ning Ning a surprise!"

Huang Renli waved his hand.

Jiang Xuehui, who was waiting outside, straightened up her mind and bowed into the hall. She did not look askance, but did not dare to look too much. She folded her hands in front of her, holding the embroidered handkerchief, and bowed straight in front of her: "Jiang Xuehui, my daughter, has seen Her Royal Highness Royal Highness Princess Chang, and Her Royal Highness Royal Highness Princess Jin An!"

Surprisingly, it's Jiang Xuening's sister, the eldest daughter of the Jiang family, Jiang Xuehui!

Everyone was immediately surprised.

Shen Zhiyi waved her hand and said, "Stay flat. From today on, you will also be one of the accompanying readers of this princess. You are Ning Ning's sister, and having you with her can make her happier."

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's eyes widened: Did the Jiang family produce two accompanying readings? And the meaning behind Princess Chang's words is that she specifically called this person to accompany Jiang Xuening!

I have all kinds of expressions for a moment.

Unlike Jiang Xuening, who only returned to Beijing at the age of fourteen or fifteen, Jiang Xuehui is a serious girl who received education from a wealthy family in the middle of Beijing. Her words and actions are elegant and dignified, and she is very calm and composed. Her eyebrows and eyes are light and graceful, which is completely different from the bright and captivating feeling that Jiang Xuening gives people.

However, no one can be happy about it.

Jiang Xuehui thanked Princess Leyang for her grace and then got up.

Her embroidered handkerchief was originally in her fingertips, and as she stood up, it also gently drooped and unfolded, revealing the red ginger flower embroidered on the snow-white corner.

At first, Xiao Shu only frowned when she saw someone.

But when the embroidered handkerchief fell into her eyes with this red ginger flower, her calm and aloof demeanor, which seemed to not place herself among the crowd, suddenly shattered, and her face had changed faintly and suddenly!

Shen Zhiyi held Jiang Xuening's hand and smiled as if inviting credit, "How about it, Ningning? You're feeling so good now, aren't you?"

Jiang Xuening's gaze drifted gently towards Xiao Shu, and her gaze turned towards her. Seeing her expression, she suddenly realized that Xiao Shu, at her age, was nothing more than that.

If you dare to harm me with your hands and feet, I dare to put the person you truly fear under your nose!

I make you restless and restless!

Her sister may not necessarily be a fuel-efficient lamp, let's just tell you to keep an eye on her!

A kind smile bloomed on her lips, and when Jiang Xuening looked back at Shen Zhiyi, she had already smiled sincerely and sweetly, saying, "Your Highness, thank you for taking the trouble. It's so satisfying now!"