
Chapter 82 Ning Er

===Kunning Section 103===

Jiang Xuening is happy, but some people are not happy.

Until now, who can't see that Princess Leyang did all this for Jiang Xuening?

Although Jiang Xuehui's entry into the palace is quite eye-catching, even smart people can recognize Jiang Xuening standing behind this incident.

When she said the word "happy", countless people in the hall darkened their faces, indicating that even the best mood for playing had been destroyed in an instant.

Next, Shen Zhiyi also invited Jiang Xuehui to play together.

A few people among the crowd were obviously forced to smile as companions, and Xiao Shu had not said a word since Jiang Xuehui appeared with the square brocade handkerchief.

At night, the Yangzhi Zhai is lit with palace lamps everywhere.

After returning from the Mingfeng Palace, she finally arrived at her own room. The eldest lady of the Xiao family and the niece of the Empress Dowager in the harem, without the attention of others, finally allowed all other expressions to disappear on her face, leaving only the remaining almost silent and serene.

Finally, raise your hand and gently press down on your forehead.

Xiao Shu slowly closed her eyes, but the curvature of her fingers tightened one by one. When she opened her eyes again, she swept the tea cup directly onto the ground!

The palace attendant next to her was startled and stared at her with wide eyes.

Xiao Shu's chest slightly undulated, but she didn't look at anyone else.

All that came to her mind were the embroidered handkerchief that had fallen from the sleeve of Prince Shenjie of Linzi when she met him, as well as the one she saw on Jiang Xuehui today

Others may have forgotten.

But she still remembers it clearly.

It's not Jiang Xuening, that person is not Jiang Xuening!

But who could have imagined it?

During her time in the palace, Shen Jie also paid close attention to Jiang Xuening everywhere, and her words were often suggestive of affection. In the event of an incident at the Yongyi Marquis's Mansion, Yan Lin directly distanced herself from Jiang Xuening's relationship.

All sorts of clues point towards her.

So last time I was

The fingers placed on the table clenched little by little, and Xiao Shu could only feel a sarcastic twist: not only did she not eliminate the real threat, but she also showed signs and made a real enemy for herself

Jiang Xuening is still sharp after all.


At the same time, the atmosphere in Jiang Xuening's room became quite subtle.

After being tossed and turned by Princess Leyang, various ornaments are already available here, fragrant and delicate. The calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall are all authentic works of famous scholars from the previous dynasty.

Jiang Xuehui is a knowledgeable person who can distinguish at a glance.

The palace people have naturally arranged her room, but it is no different from other accompanying readings. When invited to visit Jiang Xuening's house, it was easy to notice the huge gap between the two, the chasm between the two, and thus gain a very intuitive and clear understanding of his sister's level of favor in the palace.

Jiang Xuening had already changed out of her complicated palace attire, wearing only a simple pleated skirt with sky blue entangled branches and lotus patterns. Even the previously painstakingly tied bun had been shattered, and her long black hair was scattered behind her head. A few strands were gently wrapped with her slender fingers, curled up.

She only looked at Jiang Xuehui with a smile on her face.

Jiang Xuehui sat across from her, calm as water, and said, "What are you trying to do when you let me into the palace?"

In front of Jiang Xuening was a qin, but it was not Jiao'an, just an ordinary qin.

She reached out her finger and gently played with it.

When he heard the trembling sound, he finally said calmly, "Everyone has come to this palace, and he has indeed brought that embroidered handkerchief. Big sister wants to say that she doesn't even know why I let you into the palace, but it's too fake, isn't it?"

Jiang Xuehui then lowered her head to look at the embroidered handkerchief and let out a soft sigh, "How much you hate me, and how our relationship is. You and I know it all. If you want to help me, I won't believe it."

Her eyebrows and eyes actually have a slight resemblance to Wanniang.

Jiang Xuening watched, her fingers fiddling with the strings paused for a moment. What she remembered was what she had done in her previous life due to jealousy towards the person in front of her: after accidentally learning that Prince Shenjie of Linzi secretly favored the owner of the embroidered handkerchief, she tried every means to obstruct Jiang Xuehui's participation in the selection of concubines. However, she took this embroidered handkerchief and once again "ran into" Shen Jie. So she snatched Jiang Xuehui's marriage, became the Princess of Linzi, and even became the Empress, completely trampling on the "sister" she hated.

But will you ultimately be happy and proud?

It doesn't seem to be very happy, nor is it very proud.

Jiang Xuehui is still living very well.

Sometimes, Jiang Xuening even thinks: She stole Jiang Xuehui's marriage, does Jiang Xuehui know?

She couldn't show off to her from start to finish.

Because shortly after she was chosen as the Princess of Linzi, Jiang Xuehui married far away and left the capital, leaving her with no opportunity to tell her the truth, show off to her, and provoke her hatred.

"You know I won't help you, it's good. The palace is full of danger, and some people misunderstand things and use the methods that should have been used on you on me, almost losing their lives." Jiang Xuening sneered and curled her lips. Looking back on the sudden change in Xiao Shu's face today, she felt relieved. "Someone saw you bringing that embroidered handkerchief today, and your face changed.". I don't think my sister's days in the palace will be very pleasant in the future. We naturally stand idly by and watch the tiger fight from the mountain

If someone else were to change, it may not be possible to guess who framed it that time.

After all, everything has no clue.

Xiao Shu was unlucky when she met not only Jiang Xuening, but also the reborn Jiang Xuening. Nowadays, no one knows about Xiao Shu's desire for the future empress position, but Jiang Xuening fought fiercely with her in the previous life. However, from the beginning, she knew that beneath that seemingly aloof face, there was also a hidden ambition and fierce desire.

A string of clues, it's hard not to doubt her!

Upon hearing her words, Jiang Xuehui immediately remembered what she had heard a few days ago: Sister Ning was framed in the palace and related to the rebellion of the Tianjiao Rebellion, almost losing her life!

My heart suddenly trembled with fear.

It wasn't until then that she vaguely understood: that matter was actually related to herself!

Jiang Xuening can naturally tell her the cause and effect, so that she can be wary of Xiao Shu, but after all, she cannot help but care about Jiang Xuehui, and this sister is indeed not foolish. She doesn't need to say it, nor is she lazy to say it.

So the topic was diverted.

As she fiddled with her fingertips, she thought about not making any mistakes when she went to learn the piano at Xie Wei's place tomorrow. However, she casually said, "Do you know who held the embroidered handkerchief that she lost?"

Jiang Xuehui fixed her gaze on her, but eventually lowered her gaze and slowly said, "I probably know."

"Zheng -"

Jiang Xuening's fingers trembled lightly, along with the sound of the piano.

She suddenly raised her hand and looked back at Jiang Xuehui, but her gaze suddenly became sharp, as if she wanted to see through her at this moment!

Got it!

Jiang Xuehui actually said she "probably knows"!

If she had already known by this time, then in the previous life she would have happened to meet Shen Jie with her embroidered handkerchief and taken away her marriage, Jiang Xuehui would have also been aware of it!

But she never had a seizure

Jiang Xuening even thought that she was unaware from start to finish!

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuehui originally thought that her second sister, who had always harbored hatred towards her, should have already understood the whole situation by doing what she did today. But why, after she answered truthfully, Sister Ning showed such an expression instead?

She doesn't quite understand.


Jiang Xuening remained silent for a long time.

Looking down at the piano in front of him, he felt that he had lost all the mood to practice. He reached out and pushed the piano, saying coldly, "I'm tired. I've said almost everything I need to say. Please go back."

She has always had such a capricious temperament, and it is rare for her to sit down and patiently talk to her for a while. It is not surprising that she has given the order to leave now.

Although Jiang Xuehui felt that she had something to say, she didn't ask much.

So she got up and asked her to go to bed early to rest, then pushed the door open and walked out.

That night, Jiang Xuening couldn't fall asleep again.


The next morning, they arrived at the Fengchen Hall for class, and the palace staff added an extra seat in the second row for Jiang Xuehui to sit down. The original eight accompanying readers were officially replaced by nine.

The gentlemen who came to teach were naturally amazed.

Because Jiang Xuehui was added midway, they have never studied the subjects they taught in the past, so gentlemen can't help but feel a bit worried. There are not many people who are used to Jiang Xuehui or transfer their hatred towards her. Although it has been heard that the eldest girl of the Jiang family is different from the uneducated second girl and is a true lady of the family, the things taught by the master in the palace are different. Jiang Xuehui cannot know everything, so she is waiting to see the good play and wants to see her make a fool of herself in public.

But what happened next was like slapping them in the face——

Jiang Xuehui not only knows, but also knows everything!

Although the lintel of the Jiang Mansion may not be considered high, the Meng family actually raised Jiang Xuening as a noble lady, with excellent poetry, songs, and etiquette!

However, she is usually not fond of publicity and rarely shows herself in front of others, so few people know about her.

Now, due to having to answer the questions of the gentlemen in the palace and not understanding the situation in the palace, I dare not be careless at all. With great seriousness, I easily won the admiration of the gentlemen.

Nowadays, the gentlemen are different from the ones Jiang Xuening encountered when she first entered the palace for school. After Zhao Yanhong's incident, everyone probably knows what kind of person Xie Wei is, and no longer dares to favor Xiao Shu more openly.

Jiang Xuehui is also Jiang Xuening's sister.

Who doesn't know that Jiang Xuening is under the care of His Highness the Long Royal Highness Princess in this palace? They actually wanted to flatter them, but Jiang Xuening's academic performance was too poor, even if they had thick skin, they couldn't praise her.

Alright now, here comes Jiang Xuehui!

Just right now!

Firstly, she is Jiang Xuening's sister, who was also selected into the palace by Princess Chang on an exceptional basis; Secondly, the etiquette is thoughtful, gentle and virtuous, and it won't embarrass the teacher at all. It doesn't look like Jiang Xuening's prickly head at all; It is truly rare to have learned and read poetry and books proficiently.

Gentlemen, of course, will no longer hesitate to praise and praise Jiang Xuehui greatly.

However, in just two or three days, Jiang Xuehui, who had just entered the palace, had already become a favored and appreciated delicacy among the gentlemen in the Fengchen Palace.

Originally, Xiao Shu stood alone in the Fengchen Palace.

Now, halfway through, a Cheng Yaojin appeared, gradually suppressing Xiao Shu's radiance. The two months were shining brightly, and for a moment, it was truly amazing.

It's hard for others to tell whether Xiao Shu is happy or not.

But Jiang Xuening knew her temperament well.

In the past, she was able to stand out from the world without any dust, but it was because no one could pose a threat to her. But once you feel the threat, your once aloof demeanor will naturally become precarious due to changes in your situation.

So, whenever she thinks about Xiao Shu's current mood, Jiang Xuening feels extremely happy in her heart——

There's no way.

I fought for so long in my previous life, but unfortunately, in this life, she started to attack me again due to the misunderstanding of that embroidered handkerchief. Of course, I cannot be too polite to her!

What's even more interesting is that Jiang Xuehui's background is not as good as Xiao Shu's. Although she is very popular among the gentlemen in the Fengchen Palace, she has no arrogance in her daily life, and her behavior is approachable. She is completely different from Xiao Shu, who always carries a good character, and is very likable.

Even Chen Shuyi is willing to talk to her.

There has always been a rumor in Beijing that the relationship between the two sisters of the Jiang family has always been bad. Jiang Xuening is domineering in the mansion and always bullies the gentle sister. Therefore, those who had a bad relationship with Jiang Xuening, intentionally or unintentionally, approached Jiang Xuehui and wanted to make friends with her.

You Yue felt that she had received another great help. One day, while walking on the road, she leaned over to Jiang Xuehui and smiled at her, saying, "I used to know that Miss Jiang was capable at various banquets, but I didn't expect her to be so good. Compared to that uneducated Miss Jiang, she is really much better, one sky and one earth!"

Jiang Xuehui glanced at her but didn't speak.

Chen Shuyi also said faintly beside her, "Even though you are the eldest daughter of the family and have much higher knowledge, talent, and personality than your younger sister, it's really a strange story to be bullied by her in the mansion. If I were you, encountering such a corrupt family background and lack of skills, I would seize the opportunity to treat her well! Otherwise, the reputation of the mansion would be ruined by her!"

These days, everyone has said something about Jiang Xuening to Jiang Xuehui. Jiang Xuehui always listens to her and doesn't contradict her, so they acquiesce that the discord between the two sisters is true, and that the words behind them are becoming more and more presumptuous.

Everyone thinks that Jiang Xuehui should unite with them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Shuyi said this, Jiang Xuehui's delicate eyebrows furrowed. She stopped and looked at her, saying coldly, "Although my second sister is indeed ignorant and inexperienced, she has not reached the point of corrupting the family's reputation. Miss Shuyi's words are somewhat biased and unfair.". Although our Jiang Mansion is not as prestigious as some wealthy families, the discipline at home is also strict. If my younger sister makes any mistakes, her own father and mother will worry about it. Why should Miss Shuyi say so much

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Xuehui can actually speak for Jiang Xuening!

The relationship between these two sisters has always been bad?!

Chen Shuyi's face changed slightly, her pupils contracted slightly, and she looked at Jiang Xuehui.

Jiang Xuehui, on the other hand, looked back at her without any hesitation or arrogance.

You Yue can't help but take a cold breath. Then she recalls with all the people that no matter how bad the relationship between them is, they are all sisters from the mansion named Jiang! The so-called "younger sister" means that when I return home, I will curse myself for ten thousand words, and I cannot allow others to slander me at will! Moreover, despite the reputation of her family and considering the honor and disgrace of her family, she could only vaguely say a few words in the past. How could Jiang Xuehui not act recklessly when it comes to naming and accusing people of corrupting her family?

No one can answer now.

The atmosphere is somewhat awkward.

At this moment, Jiang Xuening held a book in her hand in front of her, opened her door, and walked out from inside. Looking up from a distance, she saw them outside the Yangzhi Zhai, making it even more difficult to speak.

Standing among the crowd, Zhou Baoying looked at Jiang Xuening with some curiosity and asked softly, "We were talking to Sister Jiang about you. Are you going to learn the piano again, Sister Jiang?"

As soon as Jiang Xuening saw these people gathering together, she knew they didn't have much to say.

When Zhou Baoying said that everyone was talking about her, someone's face changed.

She sighed inwardly and said, "I'll go see if Mr. Xie is here."

Xie Wei told her last time to go to the side hall the next day to practice fingering, but when she arrived the next day, Xie Wei did not.

The palace attendant said that the previous dynasty was busy with affairs and couldn't get away from it for the time being.

For several days, he did not reappear at the Fengchen Hall and did not attend a single class. In theory, Jiang Xuening would not go to the side hall to learn the piano, but she didn't know when Xie Wei would finish his work, and the palace people were even less sure. Therefore, she had to go to the side hall once a day and wait for a moment.

If Xie Wei doesn't come, she will leave.

The same goes for today.

At this moment, there is no Shen Zhiyi present.

Although You Yue had completely feared Jiang Xuening and dared not speak in front of her, there was still Chen Shuyi beside her.

When she heard Jiang Xuening talk about learning the piano, she chuckled lightly and glanced at Jiang Xuehui, who had not given her much face just now. She said meaningfully, "I have heard that Mr. Xie has an old friendship with Mr. Jiang, and Miss Jiang is so worried about learning the piano. She is willing to put in effort to teach. Now that Miss Jiang has also come to the palace, she is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.". Unfortunately, Mr. has been busy lately and has never come to teach. Otherwise, he would have been very happy to see such a beautiful jade like Miss Jiang. After all, I have been facing decaying wood for too long, and I really feel sorry for Mr. Xie... "

There is a hint of provocation in the words.

But Jiang Xuehui didn't answer.

Even Jiang Xuening didn't mean to be angry. She was still smiling and said to Chen Shuyi, "What Shuyi said today, Xuening has written down. When she meets her Highness Princess Royal Highness Princess tomorrow, she will tell her."


Chen Shuyi had no idea that she would say such a thing, using a small report as a threat in person!

I choked up in one breath, and my face immediately looked extremely ugly.

Remembering the scene of being scolded by Princess Leyang that day, my body trembled slightly - so angry!

Jiang Xuening, however, was too lazy to take another look at her. She sneered coldly, then took the book in her hand and walked straight past her. She didn't even pay attention to the group of Wu Yangyang, her back was straight, and she strode towards the Fengchen Hall.

There is only a young eunuch guarding the entrance of the palace.

Jiang Xuening walked up the stairs and asked, "Is Mr. Xie here today?"

The eunuch shook his head, pushed open the door for her, and replied, "No news. However, I heard that Mr. Xie was busy in the previous court and didn't sleep for two nights. He returned to the mansion last night, and it is uncertain that he will come today."

Jiang Xuening nodded and entered the hall.

Emei stands tall on the wall, while Jiao'an stands flat on the qin table.

She entered the hall and sat down at the piano table.

Put down the scroll in your hand, it is a medical book.

That day, she ran into Zhang Zhe on the street and saw him carrying medicine. It was then that she suddenly remembered that Zhang Zhe's mother was not in good health and had a headache. Coincidentally, Xie Wei has been busy these past few days. In addition to practicing the piano, she also has leisure time, so she entrusted Shen Zhiyi to borrow a medical book from Tai Hospital to read. In her early years, she grew up in the countryside and also played with wandering doctors. However, she had a rough understanding of medical theory, and medical books were not difficult to write. Slowly, she could understand them.

Just today, when the medical book was put down, Jiang Xuening only stared blankly.

It was clear that Jiang Xuehui had already planned to enter the palace on the day she was framed by Xiao Shu. Her sister has always been excellent, not to mention the embroidered handkerchief, even if she doesn't, it can let Xiao Shu know that there are people outside of us, and there are heavens outside of us. She is not the only one who stands out in the world.

But watching Jiang Xuehui enter the palace, she didn't feel as calm as she thought.

Is it because she knew early on that the embroidered handkerchief was picked up by Shen Jie?

Or is it because Jiang Xuehui is indeed as good as others say?

She grew up in the countryside, while Jiang Xuehui grew up in the capital city;

She plays water and fish, while Jiang Xuehui learns to play qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting;

She is stubborn and unable to move forward or backward, while Jiang Xuehui is virtuous and wise, with a sense of propriety in her progress and retreat;

In her previous life, she was filled with injustice, jealousy, and even hatred towards it.

And in this life, it is not easy to accept that one is not as excellent as others.

One is Miss Jiang, and the other is Miss Jiang Er.

It seems that one is born to compete.

Not only do others compare them, but even she can't help but instinctively compare herself

The medical book was placed in front of her, and Jiang Xuening just stared at the words on the cover, lost in thought for a moment.

She didn't even notice anyone coming in from outside.

Xie Wei changed into his dusty green Taoist robe again today, with a simple green jade hairpin tied around his hair. He had only come to the side hall of the Fengchen Palace for a visit, but when he arrived at the door, he was surprised to hear the young eunuch say that Miss Jiang Er was there.

He pushed the door in.

Jiang Xuening was still sitting at the piano table, not understanding a single movement.

Xie Wei held a red petition in his hand, and as he stepped on the velvet carpet with no sound, he stood behind her. His gaze crossed her shoulders and he saw the medical book placed in front of her at a glance.


A moment of silence.

The pungent and sweet taste of blood in the old year's mouth, mixed with the bitterness of herbs, surged up. Xie Wei couldn't help but think: What harmful prescription is this little quack doctor who almost killed him back then, an inexperienced foot doctor, thinking about?

This looks like a trance.

He walked over, raised the memorial, and lightly tapped her head, saying, "Wake up!"

Jiang Xuening was knocked down and was startled, almost jumping out of her seat.

She looked up and saw Xie Wei with a smile on his lips as he walked past her. There was an imperceptible weariness in his expression, and his face seemed pale compared to the last time he saw him.

Xie Wei threw the memorial onto the desk, walked to the wall, raised his hand, and picked up Emei. He placed it on his own qin table, took off his qin bag, and gently flicked his five fingers to test the sound without lifting his head. He said, "I heard that Miss Ning has been here these days, so I must have listened to Xie's words and mastered all the fingering techniques, right?"

Ning Er

When Jiang Xuening heard these two words, she was stunned to the point where she didn't even listen to what he said afterwards.

Why did she never feel that such a strange title, such two inappropriate words, sounded so pleasant and ironed in her past?

Jiang Xuening, Jiang Xuehui.

Jiang is the surname of a clan;

Xue, but the word generation of sorting;

There is only one character, Ning, that belongs to her and distinguishes her from others.

In the previous life, when I met Xie Wei on the way back to Beijing, Xie Wei and others generally called her "Miss Jiang Er"; A few days later, when Xie Wei was in danger, she seemed to change her name and call her "Ning Er" instead of "Jiang Er".

This life has not changed either.

But she never understood why, nor did she know what was wrong with Xie Wei's mind. But in the previous life, she didn't want to have any contact with Xie Wei. At the beginning of this life, she was too afraid, but later she became accustomed to it. She never asked and rarely thought about why he called her that way.

At the bottom of my heart, there were some ripples, but what opened up was a sour feeling.

Everyone called her "Miss Jiang Er", but in the past, I didn't think that with Jiang Xuehui, she would listen and be so harsh.

Jiang Xuening's eyes are a bit hot.

She has always known that Xie Wei has insight into people's hearts, and no one can surpass him. She has also experienced it in the past. But he didn't know that this person had seen through her so early, so early, not calling her "Jiang Er", but instead calling her "Ning Er". No wonder everyone in the court and the public praised her. She was just so foolish in her previous life that she didn't understand

Although this person had spoken harshly towards her in the previous life, causing her embarrassment and embarrassment, she also harbored fear towards him in this life. However, because learning to play the piano did not leave a good impression on him, she deeply felt that his face was detestable.

But for these two words, she felt that Xie Wei didn't seem to go too far either.

Jiang Xuening sat at the piano table, looking at him and forgetting to answer.

Xie Wei spoke out, but didn't hear him for a while. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked up, only to see the girl's black and white eyes staring straight at him, her circles slightly red, her eyelashes trembling, and tears rolling down her eyes.

Why are you crying again!

He paused and raised his hand to pinch the center of his eyebrows, feeling a deep headache. He sighed helplessly, "Who called you again?"