
Chapter 80 Falling asleep

Recently, when learning the piano, I have mostly learned the right hand fingering technique. After learning each finger technique, there is a corresponding piano piece taught to them for practice. Xie Wei has strict requirements and no one dares to be careless.

Even Shen Zhiyi behaved properly in the classroom.

Only when Jiang Xuening was in class today, her eyes were wide open, and she was not allowed to touch the piano. She simply sat in the back corner of the third row, staring coldly at Xie Wei, as if she wanted to stare through this person with her gaze.

Xie Wei didn't understand what she was trying to do for a moment.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuening didn't rest well for two nights in a row, and her eyes were a bit sore. She stared at him for a moment, then felt drowsy and rolled over. After a while, she didn't hold on and yawned. Being able to hold on without closing her eyes and lie down on the desk to sleep was already very resilient, and she couldn't muster any energy to stare at him.

A class passed in a daze once again.

At the end of school, everyone already knew that Jiang Xuening had always been led away by Mr. Xie when he learned to play the piano, and no one wanted to stay here with him for too long, which would quickly dissipate.

Jiang Xuening couldn't leave.

Xie Wei walked down from the hall holding the qin, but asked, "What are you staring at me for?"

Jiang Xuening finally managed to endure until the end of class. Just as she was about to yawn, she had to forcefully hold it back and defend herself by saying, "How could that happen? You must have misread. How could a student dare to do such a thing?"

Xie Wei said calmly, "Not only do you dare to do it, but you also dare to lie."

Jiang Xuening pretended to smile and said, "Then the students should have listened carefully to your lecture, lost in thought for a moment, and harbored all kinds of admiration for you. They were stunned."

Xie Wei remained unmoved and said, "Is that so?"

Jiang Xuening became angry at his insincere expression and immediately remembered the expression on this person's face when they frowned and said she was "not good-looking." He then secretly felt a bit of revenge and smiled sweetly, saying, "It could also be that Mr. Xie's speech today was dull and unpleasant, so the students were confused and couldn't help but look at you."

Xie Wei: "..."

Dull and uninteresting, I'm completely confused!

If he had been calm and composed before, now hearing these two words from Jiang Xuening, his face immediately pulled down, and even the temperature in his eyes became slightly lower.

No one has ever evaluated him like this before——

Since returning to the capital four years ago and hosting a lecture at the Wenyuan Pavilion, both teachers and students, as well as colleagues and emperors, have praised him greatly. This is the first time that Jiang Xuening has encountered such a sharp and deceitful person.

Feeling a little uneasy, Xie Wei's thin lips tightly pursed into a straight line, ready for a moment to erupt.

But his gaze fell back on Jiang Xuening, and he endured it again.

He said calmly, "I almost didn't fall asleep after taking a nap myself. I can't understand, but it's my fault that the teacher doesn't know how to teach. It's also my skill."

Jiang Xuening's smile remained unchanged and she said, "You're right."

It's a bit shameless and skinny, she's just what Xie Wei said.

Xie Wei was too lazy to argue with her, so he walked outside the hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Jiang Xuening gently gritted her teeth behind him and muttered softly, "I can't even please a wife. I can't appreciate her, and I have the courage to say I'm not good-looking! Can you handle it?"

"What are you saying?"

Xie Wei paused in his footsteps and turned his head directly to look at her.

Jiang Xuening caught a chill behind her neck and quickly picked up the qin, as if the person she had been whispering to earlier was not her at all. She walked up to Xie Wei with an unusually mischievous demeanor and said, "Students say they are just rough and don't know how to appreciate anything. Fortunately, Mr. Xie has a kind heart and is willing to give me more guidance. Let's learn the qin now."


Do you really treat him as deaf?

Xie Wei stared at her for a while, feeling that this student had a bit of a "three day absence" mentality. He also remembered the various arrogant rumors about her in the neighborhood over the years, and felt that he needed to restrain her to prevent her from feeling easy to get along with and making more progress.

But when it was about to erupt, I saw her staring at me with bright eyes.

This looks really obedient.

Xie Wei's reprimand reached the tip of his mouth, but he couldn't say it. He swallowed it back and shook his loose sleeve robe, saying, "Just know who the teacher and who the student are. Let's go."

He turned around.

Jiang Xuening stuck out her tongue towards his back before catching up.

Arriving at the side hall of Fengchen Hall again.

Xie Wei placed Emei on another qin table and said, "I've been teaching you the fingering technique of the right hand these days. After today's lecture, you should have some understanding of the fingering technique of the right hand and be able to play the corresponding qin music. When I play the qin in the hall, you sit very far away, and I'm afraid you may not be able to see clearly how the fingering works. So now I'm playing it again, you need to carefully read the details of the fingering technique. After I finish playing it, you will practice it and play it for me to listen to."

Jiang Xuening suddenly grew two heads in size.

Xie Wei only asked her, "Do you understand?"

Jiang Xuening sat at his own piano table and nodded sincerely, saying, "I understand."

As for Xie Wei, one of the keys to the qin is already readily available.

He played "Chasing the Moon with Colorful Clouds", which was demonstrated to everyone in the main hall of Fengchen Hall today.

The sound of the qin is gurgling, flowing like flowing water.

This kind of qin music suitable for practicing fingering has a simple and lively rhythm, like water droplets bouncing on the clear and refreshing spring water, or like bamboo leaves falling with the stream water. It is not complicated, and from Xie Wei's playing, there is already a hint of returning to simplicity.

He has always been completely focused when playing the piano.

After waiting for the piano to finish, I slowly lowered my palms and suppressed the lingering melody before lifting my head and saying, "You can see clearly -"

===Kunning Section 101===

The word "Chu" stuck in my throat and abruptly stopped abruptly.

Xie Wei's face suddenly turned extremely pale——

On the piano table next to her, Jiang Xuening, who was originally sitting upright when she first came in, opened her eyes wide and answered "I understand" a moment ago. She had already fallen on her stomach at some point.

The piano table is just that big.

After lying down on her face, the Jiao'an Guqin placed on top was pushed aside. She lifted her arms and rested them under her head, her eyes already closed, and even her breathing became even.

Surprisingly, I fell asleep directly!

Xie Wei's fingers, which were still pressing on the strings, suddenly became a bit heavy. He was afraid that he might accidentally cut the strings, so he slowly lifted his fingers up.

His expression gradually faded from his face.

There was no ruler in the side hall, but there was the sheet music for today on the desk. He stood up and picked up the sheet music, followed the book in his palm, and walked towards Jiang Xuening, wanting to wake her up.

But when he walked over and stood beside her, holding up the rolled up sheet music, wanting to "invite" her to wake up, he stopped for some reason.

The palace attire is complex, although it may look gorgeous, it appears heavy when worn.

The girl's figure is very slender.

When standing or sitting, the spine is straight, and the eyebrows and eyes are full of hope, not feeling anything yet; But at this moment, while lying on the narrow piano table and sleeping, I naturally curled myself up into a small one.

This magnificent palace attire suddenly resembled a pair of hard armor.

But what's hidden inside

Just a fragile little thing.

The girl should be extremely tired, even if there is a layer of powder under her eyelids, she can still see a slight tired light blue.

Eyes closed, fine eyebrows hanging down.

Some of the gorgeous lipstick rubbed against the sleeve hem of the palace dress due to the crouching motion, resembling a few falling flowers or a falling paintbrush casually pulling a few times on the canvas.

A thin string of purple glass earrings draped over my ear and cheek.

The sky outside was not very bright, and when it passed through the transparent purple glass, it refracted a few gentle and brilliant lights, reflecting on her snow-white skin.

In recent days, he has been giving lectures in the palace, and Jiang Xuening has always listened with his ears perked up.

Even when she was called to calm down in this side hall, she never complained obediently.

Today, as soon as he didn't pay attention, she fell asleep on her stomach.

Xie Wei's gaze fell on her curly and dense eyelashes, as well as on her slightly furrowed brow, only suspecting whether she was having some nightmare. After a long time, he finally retrieved the sheet music that was about to hit her head. Standing beside the girl who had fallen into a deep sleep, I felt a bit unsure of what to do for a moment.

Such a tricky student

It's really a head of Islam.

If I had known this, why bother adding this trouble to myself? Has Jiang Xuening failed to learn, and what does it have to do with herself

He felt a surge in his heart.

Although he couldn't help but wonder if this little girl had been playing too late last night and didn't know how to rest. She was only so tired today, but since experiencing the incident of the last "Women's Commandments" and misunderstood her once, he no longer makes arbitrary and easy judgments.

After standing beside her for half a day, Xie Wei couldn't help but shake his head and silently smile.

Surprisingly, she didn't intend to be called and went to sleep instead.

Just to his surprise, he had just turned around and was preparing to take advantage of this time to continue processing some official documents when someone outside knocked on the door and said to the inside, "Mr. Xie, the Holy One is in the Qianqing Palace and is currently holding a meeting. Please come over."

It's a somewhat heavy eunuch's voice.

I probably didn't expect anyone inside to be sleeping, so the sound was a bit loud and didn't lower at all.

Upon hearing this, Xie Wei frowned and instinctively turned his head to look at Jiang Xuening.

Jiang Xuening was taking off her socks and stepping into the water to catch shrimp in her dream. She was delighted when she heard a "Qianqing Palace" sound and was stunned. The big shrimp slipped out of her hand in one fell swoop. She became anxious and threw herself forward with all her might, her head following forward a bit, and suddenly woke up.

But the whole person hasn't reacted yet.

She suddenly sat up and shouted, "My fish, my shrimp!"

Then he raised his eyes and met Xie Wei's suddenly complex and indescribable eyes.

Jiang Xuening: "..."

Qin is placed in front of Xie Wei.

She suddenly felt a heart that was completely cold, and her whole body was also completely cold.

Xie Wei remembered that he had suspected she had had a nightmare before, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have been too kind lately. He just looked at her quietly and smiled slightly, "I have fish and shrimp. How about I go to the imperial kitchen again and hire a chef for Miss Ning Er to have a delicious meal?"