
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Field dungeon!

(A/N: The last chapter was way too rushed , so I will probably make an extra chapter which will focus on the talk which happened after Izumi's confession. If you like the idea then just breathe once and I will make the chapter.;)


We laughed , we flirted , we even cried well they cried after supressing for too long . The reason , obviously because I died in last life and the fact I miss my family so much.

"Izumi, isn't there any way?" Nino asked with her eyes red.

I gave them some of my memories, how I usually spent time with my loved ones and all , which made them feel sorrow to no end.

" I guess it was bad idea after all" uncounciously I let my thoughts flow through my mouth.

"Noo... What are you saying. I am happy that you shared your deepest part of feelings with me and I am sure it's same for Nino. Please don't say it again". Miyuki said while sniffing .

I consoled them before checking the places we could, in the limited time. During the second day , we spent each and every minute together except for some times , which I couldn't forced myself due to less preparation and stuff.

'Man , how long I have to suffer with my hand'. I sighed.

After wandering the whole day , I made my mind and told them both about my next dungeon.

They were sad but they knew it was more important than spending vacation.

" We have a whole life to spend together so this partial seperation won't hurt me". Nino said with her arm crossed.

I hugged at her cute gesture as well as Miyuki.

" You really talk like a mature person , sometime Nino". After getting a lot of pouts and giving a lots and lots of pamper and kisses, I started preparing for my venture .

" Here, it has pre-made lunch for a week which won't get rotten , there is a hot pad if the weather becomes harsh and there are moist tissues too in case of humidity". Miyuki was instructing me , after giving me my backpack back, but my clothes were replaced by essentials.

" And , there is sunscreen and moisturizer . I have checked med kit too , so please use it in case.... no no that won't happen". Nino started patting her chest in concern.

" Relax babe, I won't get hurt . Believe your boyfriend , I am far too strong then you guys know so don't worry ". I pulled her in my lap.

" Izumi, we aren't doubting your strenght as we have saw the thing you have already fought (kraken) , but this heart won't get settle this easily when we know that you are in a place where sense of a normal human doesn't work. So please return back to us safely". Miyuki hugged me with concern filled in her words.

" Mm. I will ". I stuffed my bag in the inventory , and took the key of dungeon.

I placed the key on the bedroom knob and the same creepy things happened, just the gasping sound from my behind ,was something new.

The gate opened with a green forest on the other side.

"Izumi please be safe and return to us as soon as possible". I kissed them both before , turning toward the gate.

'Here I come'.

I stepped across the gate and entered the all time awaited dungeon , for which I had prepared myself.

The door obviously disappeared even before I could have gave a goodbye wave .

'Ha~ time for work'.


[You have entered a dungeon]

[Objective: Save the light elven race]

[Time remaining: 28 days]

[Penalty: Inventory will be sealed for 90 days]

[Reward: *Hidden*]

"Elves huh...well this jungle is surely good for the nature friendly creatures".I said in a little bit of excitement as meeting elves was one of my fantasy and here I got a job to save a whole race of it.

"Darbi my stats please". I immediately sat down under the tree shade to see my stats after a long time.

{ Status}

[Name: Izumi Miyamura]

[Level: 20]

[Age: 17 years old]

[HP : 500+ 100 ]

[MP : ∞ ]

[Strength : 475 ]

[Stamina: 250]

[Speed : 450]

[ Intelligence : 220 ]

[Remaining Attributes: 380]

[Equipped: Karn Armour]



1.Shadow stealth - lvl 2

2.Piercing throw - lvl 1

3.Silent Mind - lvl 2

4.Killing Intent - lvl 1 ]


1. Last resort- lvl 1

2. Basic cooking - lvl 2

3. Heat resistance - lvl 1

4. Hackers Hub. - lvl 2]

[Magic element : 1.Silver Lightning - Evo.1 ]

2.Saint's blessing- Evo. 1]

"My stats have improved even I didn't used my attributes and what's this Evo 1? Is it some kind of level?"

[Yes host. Evolution 1 is the stage which you get from the start. It will evolve with the growth of your overall intelligence and often use of the respect spell]

"I got a rough idea . Thanks". I stood up and started observing the surrounding.

I jumped on a branch of the tree and saw only tress to every end of my sight.

After focusing on every certain directions , I saw a faint image of a some movement, about a km ahead in South from the place I was watching.

I jumped from branch to branch , as it was easier to move that way and made my way to the place , where some activities were taking place.

I spotted some weird animals which had characteristics like monkeys and koalas at the same time they were not that much same.

I didn't minded that, and lunged forward in full throttle.

A girl which had skin fairer than any skin I had ever seen, and eyes which could mesmerize even saints too , and face comparable to models, well not as beautiful as my girlfriends, came into my view.

Her pointy ears were the last thing I spotted as my foucs was attracted by the huge boar headed bear which was moving slowly toward her with its heavy steps. It was a metre in height with its sharp claws directed toward the girl and sharp teeth showed it's hungriness.

*Thud* *Thud*

I saw the girl had her leg trapped in a rope or something as she was struggling roughly to get free from it with tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

The boar was about a metre far from her , slowly approaching her with bloodshot eyes.

'This clichè". I took out one of my newly upgraded saber from my inventory. (I will explain how it got upgraded)

The golden shine of it was truly beautiful. After staring at my blades for some seconds , I pushed my feet from the branch after putting the wooden mask on my face.

The boar picked my presence, but my speed wasn't something the massive beast could ever had imagined of.

*Slash* I slashed his thick neck in one swing as my blade was far more proficient with my hands and the attack blended as I planned.

"Aaaaahh" . The gushing blood made the elf scream but I couldn't had done anything else... well I just wanted to swing my blade.

"It's okay you are safe". After storing my Saber back in my inventory , I spoke in a low voice.

Obviously , the mask must had frightened her but I wanted to hid my face until I didn't knew whome I had to protect and whether can I trust them.


"I am just a tourist came here to meet the light elven chief. Do you know where I can find him?" I tried to play my pieces as I wanted to finish this quest as soon as possible.

"Why do you want to meet grandpa?" I sighed at the perfect coincidence I could have ever asked for.

"Believe me miss.."

" I won't tell you my name". She said with her eyes squinted , while she was trying to free her toe.

I took out my knife and approached her.

" Hey don't come near me...I will shout..." She kept on blabbering while I cut the rope off her foot which was connected with a huge boulder.

" Huh? "

" Now miss beautiful ...can you take me to him. I promise that I don't have any dangerous intent toward you or your family. And believe me, it will be very beneficial for you too. ". I leaned toward her and pleaded.

I am sure I saw her face getting red as her skin was so white, that even a slight change was so obvious.

But I played dense and ignored the fact.

"Wha..what beautiful. I am Shella don't flirt from the point you meet someone. And even if you have any poisonous motive, my brother will surely strandle you to death." She puffed her small chest and said confidentially.

"Yeah sure . Now please if you". I gestured to lead the way.

She suffered from some difficulties while standing up but I didn't tried to help or it might could seen as a perverted move.

I started following her and noticed how long a woman's hair could grow. Her long hairs were thickly braided but even so it was reaching to the ground.

Her white dress was a little dirtied as she was struggling on the ground some seconds ago.

"I can literally feel your perverted stare on me". She said after turning back at me and glaring dangerously.

"I am sorry. " I bowed and continued following her.

"So why do you want to meet the chief. You know there is going to be a war any time soon right?".

" Eh yeah. I came for that matter only. Can you tell me about this war or who is going to participate in it?" I tried to acquire information as much I can.

" You really don't live around here huh. Well even if you are a spy from far away land , it won't matter. For your question I can only tell you that , three tribes are going to obliterate any one of among themselves , leaving the other two as the supreme might of this forest". Her tone was a little down as I felt sorrow from it.

'So her tribe is on the loosing end'. I deducted as it was simple from why the system gave me quest to save this particular race.

We walked around a km before a wooden barrier came to our view.

Some male elves in tattered leather armours were standing on the gate with rusty spears in their hand.

It was clear that they didn't had much resources and they were in a pretty bad situation.

Shella approached the guards and after saying something to them, nodded toward my direction.

I started walking toward the group and without getting interrupted ,crossed the partially broken gate .

Inside the gate, a village came into my view with people roaming around leisurely. Kids , adults , elderly , elves belonging to every age groups, were present inside the village with their bodies covered in similar type of white robe, which Shella was wearing.

"Come with me". Shella waited for some seconds before calling out.

I followed her toward a massive house made entirely of wood at the other end of the village.

I stood outside the villa as the guards were prohibiting anyone from entering inside , except for Shella.

Shella told me to wait outside as she entered the chief house , probably.

'Darbi, can Nino and Miyuki enter dojo while I am here.?'i asked as dojo could work as an escape pod too if by chance anything happens to them.

[No they can't]

'Is there any way?'

"Come , you can meet him". Shella called me from the topmost stair .

I let the matter for later and climbed the stairs.


Inside the room an old elf was sitting in a very noble posture. The reception was very big with many antiques decorated all over the place. The room was lighted with few candles, which reminded me the room I was in some hours ago.

"Greeting elven chief". I bowed slightly and greeted the man whose eyes were observing me from head to toe.

"State your business". He jumped to the point.

"I came here to save you and your Village from getting annihalted".