
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


"Say that again". I felt his aura rising but that wasn't even able to make me flinch and like that , I stood still.

"Hoh.. you are not affected with my killing intent huh." He said in a flat tone but I clearly sensed the fret behind his words.

"Sir chief I am not here to disrespect you or something. I just want to offer a helping hand in the upcoming war, as I have a vague idea that your entire race is in danger from this war am I right?" I made an advance to let him follow the trail.

"Shella call your brother ". Shella nodded and left after glancing at me once.

After some minutes of silence, a young man who had facial features similar to Shella , walked inside while glaring since the start.

"Master ,you called". He said after bowing his head respectfully.

" Yes Sharin , sit ". He gestured toward the old couch adjacent to us.

He nodded and sat down gracefully.

' I feel a bit manerless compared to them'.

[Don't worry host, you look good as you are]

'Am I just imagining or you are really fawning over me for no reason? '

" Now tell us what is your plan and why you want to help us? " The chief asked and from the expression of Sharin, it was clear that he already grasped the situation.

" My plan is still not decided, I need information for that . And for the thing I need then ... " I roamed my eyes aimlessly , catching a glance of the shy Shella who got her ears red for some reason.

(A/N: Dense sigh)

" I will tell only after completing my mission and saving this village. And don't worry I won't ask anything which will cost any lives of your people or ownership over anything ". I heard a faint sigh from the chief however Sharin had his glare still sticked on me.

"Why would we trust you. And how are you sure you are capable to help us".

Now it was my turn to sigh before activating..

'Killing intent'. However limited it somehow.

"Haaah". Shella dropped her knees on the ground while panting and it was not so much different for the two men who started sweating like hell , with their breathe becoming ragged.

I pulled out my killing intent and after some minutes , the atmosphere became light again .

"I still can't figure out, why you want to help a tribe like us when you could have joined forces with dark elves". Chief said with his gaze dropping .

"Don't sweat it old man. I have my own intrest . Now can you tell me what and why this war is happening? "

" This is.. " he started his long story which made me bored in the first half .

In short, three races that is dark elves , light elves and orcs were living in this huge forest since hundreds of years . They made a truce a long time ago to not interfere with each other business and won't ask anything from each other as their ansectors often waged war with each other so cooperation was kind of shaming them . But some years ago demon race started appearing and started stealing stuffs from all three races until the hero of far away country annihalted all the demon cult from this world .

But the post war situation grieved all the three races deeply. Resources were halved as well as flora and fauna. Since the forest belonged to all three, they came to a final decision to make the weakest tribe blend in the other two. And those who will blend obviously will be treated differently , and there is doubt to think that what that differently meant .

Light elves didn't agreed as they knew there lives would become hell if they were to join other factions , yet the other two, dark elves and orcs remained still with their decision as all of them knew which faction was the weakest.

Yes, the light elves, which were the most affected by the holy war of the hero.

"So now , all three tribes will go all out war to decide who will become slave of other right?" I concluded a whole 3 hour story in one line.

" Yes but not all out ". Chief said with a sorrow tone.


"A warrior related to the chief of the tribe had to fight with other two tribes to decide. The one who beats the other two will win ".

'Then why call it a war?'

[Host do you think that the loosing tribe would just accept defeat easily without fighting with all, before surrendering, when there families on stake?]

'Make sense'.

"So what if it draws I mean everyone wins one and looses one". I asked the fact that could concern me later.

"If that happens then a substitute would have to fight from all the three sides". I thought for a second before questioning again.

"So is it necessary that the relative should be the same race as the trial chief?" I asked while calculating the possibilities.

"No . The orcs are also using their fallen demon son in law". I rampaged my brain to thought about nailing my participation in the competition.

"And the proof of being relative?"

"Blood line and if the participant is from outside then they have to show proof of being connected with the tribe , mostly like marriage seal".

This type of competition had already took place on the past but for only claiming any new resource like mines and all , that's why chief was so natural about the rules .

'Darbi will they get angry at me ?'

[They sure will . But if you tell them your purpose then I am sure those kids definitely will understand]

'I hope you are right otherwise.. '


3rd person POV:

The village chief Ranna and the two siblings were all staring at the masked Izumi who was thinking about certain things with his fingers entangled under his jaw.

Suddenly , he inhaled a lot of air and stood up, making all of the others alert .

"So this is the only option . Please take care of me ,my grand father-in-law. " Izumi took off his mask making stunned all the people in the room but the most baffled was the young lady who got indirectly proposed right now.

" Will you tell me what do you mean by that ?" Ranna glared at him but in a way he also thought about the same idea as Izumi, so he didn't released any killing intent.

Ranna was no ordinary elf as he already knew Izumi was holding back too much when he released his killing intent , so Ranna had only Izumi as the last hope.

Sharin had a shocked faced but he didn't said anything and let Izumi speak first.

"Well we don't have any other option to make me a participant other than this and I don't think adopting me would work right?"

Ranna nodded as adoption needed the child and guardian to be in relation for more than 2 years to form a seal between them , so marriages was the only option.

" Wait master. I am the one who is selected as the participants , so first beat me to proof your worthiness". Sharin stood up with his fist clenched in determination as he was ready to give his position but only if Izumi was really that powerful.

" No problem, so a one on one then?" Izumi asked after putting his mask again on his face , pulling the dazed Shella back to reality who had a slight blush on her face .

"Yes I want to test you and let you know your place human.". Sharin said it like that but he was just testing the temperament of Izumi .

He thought Izumi will boil up because of the arrogant tone of his but...

"Cool ,let's go". Izumi started walking toward the gate making the two men startled.

"Shella come ". Ranna said as he saw Shella staring at the place from where Izumi left.

She regained her composure and left the manor , following her brother.


At an open field where only tree were surrounding the area, several person could be seen.

Except for Ranna , Shella , Sharin and Izumi, there were several guards and warriors came to see the match between the all time champion and the weird visitor.

'Add 50 to intelligence , 40 to speed , 30 to strength and 50 to stamina. ' Izumi was distributing his attributes while the crowd was forming.

"Okay then outsider show what you got". Sharin took out his staff and pointed it toward Izumi on which he smirked.

"You know I have something similar like that but I think that will be overkill so I will use my bare hands". Izumi wasn't overconfident as he already sensed how much strength Shalin upholded and wanted to test his own hand combats which he daily practiced in the dojo.

"Don't blame me then ." Shalin curled his staff around and started approaching Izumi in fast pace which human eyes wouldnt be able to capture .

'He is slow'. Izumi shrinked his eyes a little and observed many flaws in his posture .

Izumi just smashed his leg on the ground with his whole strength to make a crater beneath, making Shalin strandle on his steps.

'Gotcha'. Izumi with far greater speed poked his fingers on three vitals points on Sharin neck and abdomen.

Sharin didn't even saw Izumi approaching and before he could even had responded.

"Sharin lost this easily huh". The master of the lost disciple sighed on the one sided battle which lasted for only 10 seconds at most.

"Woah did you see that?"

"No dumbass, my eyes weren't that fast".

"Sharin san was not much of different. He also lost sight of him".

" He didn't raised his hand or did he?"

Many other elves started chatting loudly with Izumi's pure strength as the topic.

Shella was totally shocked to see his almighty brother who she never saw loosing up until now, fainted with his body stiffened in a weird posture .

She was about to approach him when Izumi waved at her and approached him first .

Izumi used some techniques to loosen up the points he triggered some seconds ago.

*Cough* Sharin coughed before standing up with some difficulties.

Everyone waited for Sharin to regain his composure . After a while Sharin spoke without any hesitation in his voice.

"You have now the responsibility of our clan outsider so don't make us disappointed".


After coming back to the residence of village chief , I sat at the same place as before but without my mask.

Shella wasn't around , only chief and Sharin was there with a glad look in their eyes.

'Oi oi ... We have just met some hours ago . How can you get so relax? ' I thought as they were very much believing a stranger just because I was strong .

" You will think as us greedy beings who is taking help of you without offering much , but in our situation there is no light for tomorrow . Sharin is my best disciple and the champion of this village who had won this type of competition before but this time it is different an he didnt reached much height because of my incompetence and lack of skill. " He bowed his head lightly.

" And in the darkness a faint light is very much precious for us , so we don't have any other choice better than , relying on you Izumi kun". Now I was getting embarrased but recived their thanks calmly.

" Ah how many days left for the competition? " I asked.

" 10 days from now , why? "

I stood up and stretched my body a little before saying.

"I have to talk with Shella before the marriage".