
Rebirth in a rom com world!

After death of Tenjo Yuuta , the god granted him only one wish . Despite of Op powers he asked for his favourite waifu in the new world nothing else. Since his good deeds were overwhelming, god granted him more than anything he could ever had asked for, of course granted the waifu(s) too. A/N: I am just migrating this novel from novel section to fanfic section .

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Lives at stake!

"Isn't it a bit...I mean why you both went too far just for 2 days?" I was asking this the third time after I saw the huge resort they booked just for three of us.

It's about the size of the villa in which Miyuki lives but only the surrounding of this resort makes it different and beautiful .

The whole resort was surrounded by mountains with faint sunlight peeking through the east mountain making the scenary more romantic. This area is majorly popular for private resorts enveloped by nature , that's what our guide told us.

The driver which brought us here was a local resident and currently working as our guide.

"It's okay, we won't be coming here any time soon, so why not enjoy ourselves". Miyuki said with a cute smile which I can't retort.

"Anyway let's go and check inside". Nino pulled my arm and dragged me inside.

"This is insane". Nino exclaimed the same thought my mind was going through.

The inside of the resort had a mini garden with a bird and plant sanctuary at a corner. We entered the main residence after visiting there.

"It's beautiful." The interior was especially designed to give the tourist a calm and soothing feel with no flushing lights or flashy decorations. Everything was so simple yet so gentle that it felt like a person could spend his whole life here , without getting bored.

The whole main hall was surrounded by different kinds of candle with slow music playing in the background.

There were two suites on the left and a mini study on the right .

We left our bags in the study and moved toward the suite .

"This is heaven". I plopped dow on the cloud fluffy bed .

Nino also dropped her body on my right side with her head placed on my arm same was for Miyuki on the left side.

"This might be the best thing a man could desire in his whole life." I sounded like a middle age man but I was too happy to mind it.

"See , I told you he would love this place". Nino lifted her head before speaking to Miyuki.

"Hmm..." Miyuki fumbled only as I saw she already closed her eyes.

I hugged both of them while thinking what should we do next as it was only 4 in the evening and this place gets more livelier in the night.


[Time remaining : 36 hours 01 min 09 sec]


'Will you stop it already. I am feeling like a live bomb '. I felt irritated with the continuos reminder about my dungeon.

[Okay I can minimize the timer but remember there are some lives you can save if you hurry up]

'What will happen if I don't go?' I said while closing my eyes and feeling the warmth I was recieving from my both sides.

Since it was really cold here , I covered ourselves with the white fluffy blanket .

[Nothing just 3113 children and 40218 quantity of fauna will get annihilated .]

'You really know to hit my sore spots'. I grumbled as her words started making me feel upset for enjoying myself when the lives of so many innocents were going to get erased .

[I just stated the fact. Anyway it won't change anything even if you go now or an hour before the timer runs out. So until then enjoy yourself. And if you want to ask why I was pestering you with the timer until now, then it was just to punish you, for your reckless action you took in the last dungeon.]

'Yeah yeah I know . Now remind me 2 hours before the timer runs out'. I carefully stood up after replacing my arms by pillows and leaving both of them sleeping comfortably.

I went outside and started walking aimlessly.

'Responsibilty huh' . I never took responsibility of someone seriously. I just cared for those who were close to me and now , I got the responsibility of this many lives .

"One cigrette please". I bought a cigrette from the convience store which was available at every corner of the whole compund.

I stood at place after lighting my cigrette of an unknown brand.

'What would have Nii san said if he would have know , what kind of thing I was doing in this world'. I started remembering about my past life and the way my big brother always made fun of me whenever I tried to speak something serious but in the end he always gave me advice regarding to that matter.

My eyes started moisting a bit and suddenly I felt hands wrapping my chest.

I knew who she was , and I immediately grabbed the cigrette in my clutch to hide it.

"Don't hide it . I know you smoke cigarettes but why now. I mean it's clear that this isnt your habit". Miyuki said something which made me realise how much she actually notices me.

"Ah something came to my mind and suddenly ...anyway don't worry I will try not to smoke again". I threw the crushed cigrette and turned back toward her .

"Izumi why are you crying?" She tilted her head .

"Nothing. Now let's go, we should visit the nearby church for today". I dodged the question once again but I have decided to reveal every fact about me to them.

Miyuki didn't asked me and after hugging my arm, we started heading back to the resort.

We changed our clothes and wore something more warmer as the temperature dropped upto 7°C .

At the church , there weren't many people and those who were there were all tourists like us.

We offered our prayers and after taking some pictures , we started roaming around .

Both Miyuki and Nino , were hugging my hands as we walked on the stone path . Flower fields were spreaded on each side with insects sounds buzzing around. This time, this place and the people I was with, all of this were precious to me and I couldn't have kept on lying to them so I finally made my mind.

"Let's sit there . I want to talk about something". I pointed with my eyes toward a bench on the side of the pavement.

They just followed my lead .

"As you guys already know , I am not normal. Like I have done something which normal people can't imagine ". I said while gazing forward. Their eyes were fixated at me but they didn't spoke and just nodded.

"So let me ask you something. If you were to know that I was not Izumi Miyamura from the start , then what will you guys do?" I dropped the bomb all at once.

"See what I am going to show you then decide. This is the biggest secret of my life which my parents don't even know".

"Activate Wisdom". Izumi said faintly , making the two girl confused.

A white light started covering his both index finger.

Izumi connected his index fingers toward the forehead of the both girl, which made their eyes went wide in shock ,due to the sudden collection of memories they were recieving.

Izumi planted some bit of his past life , how he died and he got his new life. He ommited the system and God part from his story.

After about 10 minutes the light disappeared , and both of them fell toward Izumi with their eyes closing slowly.

'Acitvate Saint blessing'. Izumi healed their mental fatigue and waited for them to regain their composure.

"So now you know me. I was Tenjo Yuuta before the day I met Miyuki in that shrine. So tell me honestly, do you guys feel any different about me. I will not feel bad with any answer so please speak what you truly feel".I was gazing at the sky continuously with my heart leaping out of my chest .

Their was silence for some minutes , and it felt like days I suffered in anticipation for those minutes.

"Izumi, whoever you were , I don't care. I just care who you are. There is nothing going to change between us ,and you should have knew this until now how much I love you. So belive in my love to you , and always remain my old sweet and caring Izumi like i knew since the day I met you ." Miyuki said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Wow..this was nothing I could have ever imagined. But anyway I can't care less about it as my love for you is impossibly higher than you can imagine. So Miyamura Izumi, remember this that Nino Nakano loved you, loves you and will always love you." She kissed my cheek after speaking.

"Hey not fair, I was about to do that". And like that Miyuki also kissed my cheek shyly.

A smile formed on face, erasing all my past worries away. I was not sure why people say this place heavens on earth but now I know ...

"I also love you both and will do until the end of my life. "


(A/N: I know I wrote slice of life more than necessary but don't worry next chapter will all about dungeons.;)