
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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Discovering a Star

### Discovering a Star

After a few weeks, Justin had managed to save enough money for his mother's birthday present. During this time, his musical talents had caught the attention of local news reporters, and he was invited to perform on a local news segment. Justin played several popular songs, impressing everyone with his talent.

### POV: Scooter Braun

Scooter Braun had just graduated from college and was starting his first job at Maratone Studios, owned by the famous Swedish record producer and songwriter, Max Martin. Fresh out of school, Scooter was eager to prove himself in the music industry. His role at Maratone Studios was to scout young, potential singers for the studio. He had always dreamed of discovering the next big star and making a significant impact in the music world.

One evening, while relaxing in his modest apartment, Scooter was flipping through the TV channels. His apartment was small but cozy, filled with music posters and records that inspired him. He paused when he heard the opening chords of "Tears in Heaven," his favorite song. Intrigued by the voice singing, he turned up the volume and watched as a young boy performed the song flawlessly on a local news program.

### An Unexpected Discovery

Scooter's instincts kicked in. This kid had something special. The young boy's voice was not only technically skilled but also carried an emotional depth that was uncommon for someone his age. He listened intently as the news anchor introduced the young performer as Justin, who was playing outside the city at Rose Music Shop. Scooter's excitement grew; he had to meet this kid.

Without wasting a moment, Scooter packed his bag and headed out. He threw on his favorite jacket, grabbed his keys, and quickly made his way to his car. As he drove, he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. He called his boss, Max Martin, to share the news.

### The Call to Max Martin

Max was in the studio, working on a new song idea when his Motorola StarTAC phone rang. Seeing Scooter's name on the caller ID, Max decided to answer, curious about why Scooter wasn't at the studio.

"Hello, Scooter," Max greeted, his voice a mix of curiosity and mild irritation.

"Hello, boss," Scooter replied, barely containing his excitement.

"Where are you? You're not even in the studio," Max questioned, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, yes, boss, long story short, I just found a kid with huge potential, and I'm on my way to see him," Scooter explained quickly, his voice filled with excitement and urgency.

Max raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "Where did you find this kid? In the street, or was he recommended by someone?"

"I saw him on a local news channel. Boss, you have to see this kid. Turn on the TV and switch to channel 4. He's performing right now," Scooter urged, almost breathless.

"Fine, but it might be a waste of time. Keep me updated," Max said before hanging up, his tone a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

### Max's Revelation

Max switched to the channel Scooter mentioned. As he watched Justin perform, he found himself captivated. Despite Justin being only seven years old, his guitar skills were impressive, and his voice carried a raw emotional quality that was rare for someone his age. The way Justin played the guitar, his fingers moving deftly over the strings, and the way he sang with such heartfelt emotion, made Max realize this kid was something special.

Max could see the potential Scooter had spotted. The boy's performance was not only technically proficient but also deeply moving. Justin's voice had a natural vibrato and a soulful quality that drew listeners in. Max, who had seen many young talents over the years, recognized that Justin had that rare "it" factor.

Realizing the magnitude of this discovery, Max immediately called Scooter back. When Scooter answered, Max didn't waste any time. "I want you to sign this kid immediately, no matter the cost."

Max was a person who cared deeply about music. His passion wasn't driven by money; he simply wanted to create great songs. He saw in Justin a diamond in the rough, ready to shine even brighter with the right guidance. The thought of nurturing such raw talent and helping it blossom into something extraordinary excited him. Max was already imagining the kind of music they could create together, the impact Justin could have on the music world.

Scooter, hearing the urgency and determination in Max's voice, felt a surge of pride and responsibility. He knew this was a pivotal moment, not just for Justin, but for his own career as well. He was determined to bring Justin into the fold and help him achieve his dreams.

As Scooter sped towards Rose Music Shop, he couldn't help but think about the future. He envisioned Justin standing on a grand stage, captivating audiences worldwide. And he knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey.

Author note

Due there not being any YouTube I decided to develop the story this way. After this part we are going to movie home alone part. That scooter guy is the one discovered justin the in YouTube.
