
Chapter 544

The idea that popped up suddenly made Chris Jain feel a little absurd, but it made him couldn't help but his heart beat violently.

  The thief who steals the hook, the thief who steals the country, according to the normal situation, Jain basically has nothing to do with the position of president of the Comelica Bank in his life.

  Kerimiya may still be able to take the position of president of the Bank of Comerica, but Jain has no chance at all.

  Jain felt a little vain when he stepped on the corridor. The thoughts in his mind made him feel worried and excited. What if he could "sell" Comelica Bank to PayPal Bank or Song Yang?

This idea is really scary. It is no better than Prosperiti Bank, which sold itself to PayPal Bank. Comelica Bank is one of the top 100 banks in America. It can easily lend Song Yang more than two billion dollars, which is enough to show that The strength of the Bank of America has grown, and PayPal Bank is a younger brother in front of the Bank of America.

  Normally speaking, what Jain thought would not happen at all. Even if the directors of the Comerica Bank collectively lost their minds, they probably wouldn't be able to do such a crazy thing.

   But what if, Jain couldn't help thinking that the emergence of the Internet would have a huge impact on traditional banks. Who would have imagined that an Internet company would be able to acquire Bank Prosperiti.

  Prosperiti Bank can sell itself, why can't Comelica Bank?

Of course, Jain only dares to think about this idea now, and he never dares to mention it to anyone, even if it is Kerimia. Kerimiya is willing to cooperate with Song Yang, but it does not mean that he is willing to take the science Bank of America has been sold, who can he rely on? Kerimiya knows very well that without Bank of America, he is nothing.

Kerimiya is unwilling, but Jain is willing. If...if that happens, he can facilitate the acquisition of Comerica by PayPal Bank, then he may be like the president of Prosperity Bank. Like Conor, she got rid of those mother-in-laws and became the one who said everything to Prosperity Bank.

  Similarly, if Jain can successfully sell the Comelica Bank, then he is very likely to become the helm of the Comelica Bank and turn the impossible into reality!

  Taking a deep breath, Jia En knew that this matter needed a long-term plan, that he needed to meet and talk with Song Yang, and that he needed Song Yang's full support to make it so possible, otherwise it would always be nothing but speculation.

  North America Global Investment Fund closed all operations in Southeast Asia, and began to settle down, but Soros and his gang of gluttons still have no plans to stop, and they are still raging and cutting leeks.

  Song Yang didn't go short any more, but he was still fishing in troubled waters. When Song Yang received a phone call from Japan's Benz Sammy Company, there was news from Bangzi again.

On the NBC international news program, the news of Bangzi is being reported, "NBC Seoul News, America Telecom Asia, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Bangzi KT Telecom. Group investment, invested more than 390 million US dollars in SK, acquired 61% of SK Telecom from SK Group, and will invest in SK Group..."

After dawdling for a few days, SK Group finally failed to hold on and sold its telecommunications business to American Telecom in exchange for the North American Global Investment Foundation's support for SK Group, and will continue to invest in SK Group in the future to ensure that SK Group The group will not fall.

  SK Group has completely turned to the North American Global Investment Foundation. Even if it has not acquired SK yet, Song Yang will definitely get a large part of the equity of SK Group in the future.

  Acquisition of Bangzi's Appeal Telecom and KT Telecom, and then SK Telecom, American Telecom has completely become the largest telecom in Bangzi, and even the largest telecom in Southeast Asia.

   Not only SK Telecom, but Western Films also reported that they have officially acquired a 38% stake in SM Entertainment. Like SK Group, CJ has also invested in the North American Global Investment Fund.

This wave of Song Yang's side can be said to be profitable. As long as Red Bull, SK Group, CJ Corporation, etc. survive the past two years, they will become the cash cows of the North American Global Investment Foundation in the future, and they will have to pay one dollar a year. Massive gains.

   "Song, Sammy is ready to start negotiations with Sega!"

  Through the phone, Song Yang could hear Satomiji's uncontrollable excited voice.

   "Now Japan's billiard room and game industry are in a bad situation, and even suffer serious losses. Now is the best opportunity for Xueleshan and Sammy Company!"

  Satomi Satoshi said excitedly on the phone that Soros is still making waves in Southeast Asia. The exchange rate of Japan and benzene has not collapsed, but it has also fallen terribly, and the stock market, property market, and foreign trade have also suffered heavy losses.

   At this time, no matter how much the Japanese benzene people gamble and like to play pinball machines, they can't bear it anymore, just like those homeless people in America, how can they go to Las Vegas to play.

Niben's billiard room, in the past two months, the revenue has almost fallen off a cliff. Not only the billiard room, but also other industries such as game machines and comics are not much better. The rich don't go there. Play, those who want to play have no money...

Sega, which is one of Japan's and even one of the world's three major game console industries, is living a very difficult life. The performance report for the new quarter is released, and it is a mess. The arcade halls that used to be famous have even closed a large number of doors. .

   For companies like Sega, life is difficult, but for Sammy, this is a golden opportunity.

  Listening to Satomiji's words, Song Yang didn't object, but just said to him, "Are you sure that Sammy will buy Sega?!"

  Merging Sega is only the first step. Sammy acquired Sega and has mastered the upstream industrial chain of pachinko parlors from pachinko machine production to game development. The next step is to acquire pachinko parlors!

   "I met Sega President Hisao Oguchi, and he didn't agree with Sammy's attitude, but he didn't object either!"

  Satoshi Satomi said to Song Yang that life on Sega's side was really difficult. Sega was reserved about Sammy who was backed by a big benefactor, but he didn't reject it outright.

  Acquisition, as long as there is no rejection at the beginning, it means that there is some negotiation, but the conditions are different and the acquisition amount is different.

In the past few years, Sega has suffered a crushing defeat in the console business in the face of Nintendo and Sony's pressure. There have been many rumors that it will give up the console business. If it can find a big financial backer, then Sega's console business may not be able to recover. able to resist.

   After a while, Satomi finally heard the long-awaited words on the phone, "Go talk to Sega!"

After hanging up the phone, Song Yang thought about it for a while, and called Irene again. Irene was very busy during this time, and ICQ has already started preparing for listing. , the most anticipated thing.

ICQ is now the world's largest instant messaging company, and it also owns Sierra Corporation, ICNC TV Station, etc. Whether ICQ should be split and listed, or listed as a whole, is also a headache for Eileen, but Nasdaq On the other hand, it is also waiting for ICQ to submit a listing application, and then start raising listing funds. I don't know how many institutions are waiting for this carnival.

However, now Song Yang still calls Irene and asks her to contact Microsoft. The so-called pitfall of getting into the game console cannot be just for Song Yang. If you want to jump, you have to pull Bill Gates to jump with Microsoft. .

  Song Yang knows that Microsoft has always been determined to implement a "living room strategy", trying every means to occupy the TV content in the American living room.

  If Japan Benz Sammy can successfully win Sega, then if Sega's mainframe business does not want to be thrown away, it will definitely have to invest a lot of money to make it work.

   The amount of money to be thrown in is not a small amount. It is true that Song Yang got a windfall, but he has no intention of throwing it all in the host industry. This is not how meat buns beat dogs.

  After much deliberation, I still feel that I have to find someone to take advantage of for the Sega mainframe. No, it is a suitable investment talent. After counting, I can only see the figure of Microsoft, the big money maker...

  (end of this chapter)