
Chapter 543

North America Global Investment Fund entered Southeast Asia not too early, and it wasn't the biggest player. It didn't choose Stud. Collison was a bit conservative because of Song Yang.

  Marcus, Collison and the others also reported to Song Yang how much they had earned this time, but it was mentioned in the satellite phone and email, and the specifics are definitely not as good as Marcus himself.

  Marcus knew that Song Yang would definitely ask, so he took out a document from the briefcase he carried and put it in front of Song Yang.

   "This time, the North American Global Investment Fund earned more revenue in Southeast Asia than..." Marcus made a gesture of the number six to Song Yang.

"However, the investments and acquisitions in Southeast Asia, as well as the fees paid to the federal tax, the repayment of interest to Comerica Bank and other banks, and the dividends distributed to the Collison team, etc., are now the North American Global Investment Fund in Southeast Asia. The profit is expected to be around US$3.9 billion!"

   Harvesting leeks in Southeast Asia, although it is said to be a cost-free business, actually still has costs. The US dollars borrowed from the Comerica Bank alone exceeded 2.7 billion US dollars.

The dollars earned were spent a lot, plus the messy expenses, nearly two billion dollars were spent in Southeast Asia to acquire and invest in those companies, and the rest would have nearly four billion dollars. It's already a profit!

You know, how long does it take? This is cash flow. In less than three months, even more than two months, you can earn back more than double. Even if you rob the Federal Bank, you will have to rob thousands of dollars. Come here to earn so much.

  Song Yang nodded and smiled at Marcus, "Marcus, you can take a vacation and relax. In a few months, you will still be busy!"

  Marcus's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know what Song Yang was referring to, but he vaguely felt that it had something to do with ICQ. He knew that Song Yang was going to make a big deal around ICQ.

"Song," when he was about to get up, Marcus still hesitated and looked at Song Yang, "I think that the North American Global Investment Foundation needs to prepare enough reserve funds for all the industries under the North American Global Investment Foundation. Under normal circumstances, maintain the funds for two to three months, otherwise it may be like a company in Southeast Asia..."

Marcus is also well-informed. He has also seen countless companies in America collapse, but in Bangzi, Siam and other places, the whole area will collapse, and countless people will be displaced and live on the streets. Marcus was shocked.

Marcus doesn't know if Song Yang will listen to him. Those upstarts like Song Yang, Silicon Valley and Wall Street have all been baptized by new concepts, and many of them look down on Marcus and their cash flow-based Old-school concept, because according to this concept, the Internet should never have appeared!

   Not to mention that Song Yang is at his happiest, making a fortune in Southeast Asia, it is a bit disappointing to mention this...

But Marcus still brought it up to Song Yang. He didn't want to watch helplessly that one day, American Telecom, Alcatel Mobile, ICQ, etc. under the North American Global Investment Foundation would suddenly look like Daewoo, Han Bao, and Jinro. Like a giant, it suddenly collapsed.

  Originally, Marcus was just talking, and didn't expect Song Yang to listen, but to Marcus' surprise, after listening to his words, Song Yang seemed to agree very much.

Song Yang looked at Marcus. Marcus was mature and prudent. He might not be so popular with emerging technology companies such as Yahoo and AOL. I want to save some money for emergencies. Now is the best time for the Internet. People from all walks of life are rushing to send money, so there is no need to think about the lack of money.

   "It is necessary to build a reserve fund. I asked PayPal to pay over there and have started to build a reserve fund!"

  Hearing this, Marcus was obviously surprised. He didn't expect that Song Yang had already started doing it.

"Marcus, after you come back from vacation, establish a cash reserve department in the North American Global Investment Fund. All companies under the North American Investment Fund need to take out 5% of their profits every quarter and deposit them in the reserve fund department. In the future, this department will supply all departments under special circumstances for at least one year!" Song Yang said directly to Marcus.

After experiencing the dot-com bubble and the subprime mortgage crisis, the Internet and technology companies have also started to have food in their hands and don't panic. Needless to say, the old man has always liked to save cash. His There are tens of billions of dollars in cash in Berkshire's account all the year round, and even more than 150 billion dollars in cash in special times.

Apple in later generations is also not to be outdone, with more than 100 billion dollars in its account, and Microsoft's small treasury is basically the same. Otherwise, how could it spend so much cash to buy Blizzard? Of course, the current Microsoft, after a few years If he wants to buy Blizzard from Xuele Mountain, Song Yang will feel sorry for Bill Gates if Microsoft doesn't empty out his cash flow.

Song Yang's place here is definitely not comparable to the small coffers of the later generations that store hundreds of billions of dollars at every turn. However, the cash that can supply America Telecom, Alcatel mobile phones, ICQ, etc. for more than a year is still not enough. questionable.

Now Song Yang also needs to prepare for the Internet bubble in a year or two. At that time, the situation in Silicon Valley was not much different from that of Bangzi now. Those companies that were rushing to send money to Internet companies in the past drew their salaries one after another. It doesn't matter if you invest money, but you have to get back what you put in.

Borrowing an umbrella on a sunny day and closing an umbrella on a rainy day is the most common method on Wall Street. It is definitely not much better for Internet companies than for Internet companies. Maybe they will fish in troubled waters. What's the difference, as long as they can make money, they don't bother to care who dies!

  Marcus took a deep look. He wondered if Song Yang had heard some rumors, just like shorting Southeast Asia this time.

  However, even if Marcus thought that the Internet industry might face turmoil in the future, he would at most think that a few companies would be unlucky. He would never have thought that the entire Internet company in Silicon Valley would face extinction.

   "I will set up a cash reserve department for the North American Global Investment Foundation as soon as possible!" Marcus got up and said.

  Austin, the headquarters of Comelica Bank, early in the morning, Chris Jain came to the office of Kerimiya.

   "Bruno Song has repaid the loan of 2.7 billion dollars?"

  When he heard the news, Jain rushed over immediately. The news had spread throughout the management of the Bank of Comerica.

2.7 billion U.S. dollars, even the principal with interest, all of which are not less than a penny. I don't know how many years earlier than the agreed time. At this time, the North American Global Investment Foundation is not talking about it. Invest in PA semiconductors, develop new mobile phones, and lay new optical fibers.

   I almost shouted it out, it's a showdown, I'm not pretending, this **** money was used to cut leeks in Southeast Asia, and now it's over!

   Glancing at Jain, Kerimiya laughed, "It seems that our old friend really made a lot of money in Southeast Asia!"

Jain was still in shock. Ken Griffin made the Brooklyn Herald report the news of Song Yang cutting leeks in Southeast Asia. It caused a lot of shock at the time, but Song Yang kept silent about it. In addition, the misfortune was diverted to the east, and the fire was set on Ken Griffin, so no one paid attention to Song Yang any more.

   But now, Song Yang suddenly asked the North American Global Investment Foundation to repay all the debts of the Comerica Bank. It is obvious that he has made a lot of money, so he just doesn't pretend.

   "How much did he make?"

Chris Jain couldn't help asking, Kerimiya could hear the envy in Jain's eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm afraid only the Federal Taxation Bureau and Bruno Song himself know about this matter." gone."

Chris Jain was silent for a while. Ever since he knew Song Yang, almost every once in a while, Song Yang's worth has skyrocketed. Back then, Song Yang came to him to beg Jain in order to build an American Telecom line. Help, now, Song Yang's PayPal has started to acquire banks!

   "Jain, Comerica Bank needs to cooperate with Bruno Song. Song's business may be more important in the future!"

  Kerimiya, who was going to attend the board of directors and reported to the director of the Comelica Bank, explained to him when he passed by Jain.

The recovery of 2.7 billion US dollars with interest is another contribution to Kerimiya's risk control department, which proves his vision and ability. He got a point there, and when he has enough points, he might be able to sit on the throne of the president of the Comerica Bank.

  Before that, Karimiya needed Jain to maintain the relationship with Song Yang. Since cooperating with Song Yang, Karimiya has earned a lot of points.

Looking at the figure of Kerimiya, Chris Jain let out a sigh of relief. Kerimiya wanted to get enough points from Song Yang, so why not him, but compared to Kerimiya, Jia En's way out is more.

  Jain felt that, based on his friendship and relationship with Song Yang, if he left Comelica Bank one day, he might be able to switch to PayPal. At that time, he would not be a vice president but a board member?

   As long as he can be ashamed, Jia En feels that Song Yang can get these.

Now that Song Yang has PayPal Bank, the relationship with the Bank of Comelica is also a little bit subtle. It is not to say that they parted ways, but it is certainly impossible to hand over all the business related to Meidao to him like before. Come to the Bank of Comelica.

Jia En knew that with Song Yang's personality, he would definitely keep the fat and water out of the fields and give the meat to PayPal Bank first. Why don't others say that his status in the Comerica Bank will be affected to some extent? .

  While walking out of Kerimiya's office, Jain suddenly had a weird and absurd idea. When this idea appeared, he was shocked, but it grew like a weed.

  (end of this chapter)