
Chapter 545

Microsoft wants to sell computers, TVs, mobile phones, and produce game consoles. It is not a day or two. As long as it is a business related to hardware, Microsoft is rare.

  The more you lack something, the more you want to make up for it. This is especially true for Microsoft. They dream of entering the hardware industry, but they are helpless. As long as it is the hardware industry, Microsoft has never adapted.

  A few years ago, I wanted to sneak into the computer industry to produce computer hardware, but was rejected by computer manufacturers such as Dell, HP, and Compaq, which made Microsoft feel bad.

  Not to mention the game console business. Bill Gates has been shouting openly and secretly for so many years.

   This time, Song Yang threw out an olive branch to Microsoft. After the merger of Sammy and Sega, the host of Sega will be jointly cooperated by Xueleshan and Microsoft. He is not afraid that Microsoft will not take the bait.

  Xue Leshan has developed technology, and Microsoft has produced a good knife. It is not impossible to even give up part of the equity of Sega mainframe to Microsoft.

When Xueleshan got the Sega console, it still regards it as a game channel, no longer needs to be controlled by others, and the released games can appear on the console platform, which is enough. As for the console sales surpassing Sony, Nintendo and the like, it is not. So important, let Microsoft compete with these two.

It's no secret that Sammy fired the first shot in the billiard room industry in Japan. Japan is so big, most of the industry is concentrated in Tokyo, and they all live in the same circle. The news is out.

  The news that Sammy started to contact Sega is not a small news for the Japanese billiard room and game console industry. No matter how bad Sega is, it is also one of the giants in the Japanese game industry, and its ancestors were once rich.

   "Satomi Haru met Hisao Oguchi?"

  Nintendo headquarters, Hirao Yokoi, who is in charge of Nintendo's game console business, reported to Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi, and saw the latter coughing a few times with his brows tightly frowned.

   Hiroshi Yamauchi is getting old, quietly raised his head to see the silver-haired president, Yokoi Heirun suddenly had this thought in his mind, feeling that any day, it seems that a new president is about to change.

   Hiroshi Yamauchi, who has been in charge of Nintendo for decades, no matter how powerful and domineering he is, he will inevitably grow old one day.

  Hearing the name of Samy Company, Hiroshi Yamauchi instinctively hated it. The last time, Xueleshan acquired Sammy and entered the Japanese billiard room industry. Hiroshi Yamauchi thought that he could keep Xueleshan out of the Japanese game market.

But who would have thought that Xueleshan would be a cross-river dragon, not only acquiring the Sammy company, but also swaggeringly entering the Japanese billiard room industry. The Japanese Billiard Association and members of parliament did not dare to stop it. Hiroshi Yamauchi knew that, This is because of the American Foreign Affairs Committee, but I still instinctively feel disgusted with Sammy and the Sierra Mountain behind it.

   Hiroshi Yamauchi has now banned the cooperation between Nintendo and Sammy, that is, Sammy's pinball machines and arcade machines are not allowed to install Nintendo games!

   "According to our guess, Sega may not be able to hold on anymore, and Sammy is likely to propose an acquisition to Sega. I think Nintendo needs to make preparations in advance."

Yokoi Hirao looked at Hiroshi Yamauchi and said, "It's not hard to guess. Sega's current situation can be seen clearly, but life can't go on anymore. Sammy just got a billion dollars from America. This can almost be called the intention of a concubine in love, and the dry fire can be ignited with only one firewood.

Sega's current threat to Nintendo is not that great, but the centipede is dead but not stiff. The ghost knows whether Sega will be resurrected with full blood in the hands of Sammy. Just in case, Yokoi Hirao proposes to let Nintendo Buying Sega, the mortal enemy, whether it is frozen or completely abolished, can avoid future troubles.

   Spending a lot of money to solve a threat, Yokoi Hirao thinks it is worth it. Besides, Sega still has something, console technology Nintendo doesn't like it, but the game IPs and licenses in Sega's hands are still worth some money.

   "Do you think Nintendo is afraid of Sega?"

   Hiroshi Yamauchi raised his eyelids, and asked Herajun Yokoi with some disdain. If it was Sony, Hiroshi Yamauchi might think about it again. Hiroshi Yamauchi had no worries at all about Sega.

  Hiroi Yokoi's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly lowered his head, "President, that's not what I meant..."

   "Go quote a price to Hisao Koguchi, and tell him that Nintendo is willing to buy Sega!" Hiroshi Yamauchi waved his hand, letting Hirao Yokoi out of the office.

  Sega's president, Hisao Oguchi, can only be regarded as a junior in front of the old gun of Hiroshi Yamauchi. If it is replaced by Sega's first generation and second generation members, Yamauchi Hiroshi will look so high.

  Out of Yamauchi Hiroshi's office, Yokoi Herajun let out a sigh of relief. No matter how old Yamauchi Hiroshi is, Yokoi Herajun always feels frightened when facing him.

Thinking of what Hiroshi Yamauchi explained, Hirao Yokoi had a headache for a while, and he also looked down on Sega's current management, the president, the president and the like, who changed after another, to no avail. The current president, Hisao Oguchi, also just Not long after taking office.

But the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how low Koguchi Hisao is in Jianghu, he is also the president of Sega. Logically speaking, Hiroshi Yamauchi should have called him personally, but Hiroshi Yamauchi didn't mean to call at all. Heijun Yokoi I feel that with such an attitude, it may not be so easy for Nintendo to take down its sworn enemy Sega.

  Nintendo can receive the news, the largest pachinko machine manufacturer in Japan, the president of Niben Universal Entertainment Sato Heiichi, the largest pachinko room chain company Maruhan president Han Changyou, and others, naturally also heard the wind.

   This time, the two were not in the mood. They met in a hurry after listening to the geisha playing in the tea room.

  Han Changyou feels the threat now. If Sammy acquires Sega, Han Changyou knows that the next step for Sammy is to start acquiring the pinball operator under the behest of the financial backer Xue Leshan. This is a sure thing!

   "President Sato, you should have heard the news too?" Han Changyou asked Sato Heiichi pretending to be calm while suppressing the restlessness in his heart.

   Sato Heiichi smiled wryly, "Do you still need to inquire about this kind of news? Sega has already released the news."

  Sega also intends to shop around, even if they sell themselves, they still have to sell for a good price. The news was released that they wanted to find more financial backers, compete with Sammy, and sell them at a high price.

At this time, Sato Heiichi felt relieved. Before, he was always afraid that Sammy would take away the position of Nippon Global Entertainment, the largest Nippon pachinko manufacturer. Now, he didn't need to worry, because Sammy It's obviously not aimed at him, or in other words, it doesn't intend to kill him first...

  Anyway, it's not his family's unlucky luck, Sato Heiichi is gloating now. Before, he ran around and asked the pinball hall association to ban Sammy. As a result, Han Changyou and the other pinball room chains raised prices on the ground and took the opportunity to lower the price of pachinko machines.

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain was finally injured by the tiger. When Japan Benz Global Entertainment was fighting with Sammy, those pachinko game suppliers and pinball room chain stores were all watching the show, thinking about fishing in troubled waters. This is good, Sammy It is obvious that he is going to overthrow the entire billiard room industry, and Sato Heiichi is happy to watch the show at this time.

How could Han Changyou not get out? Sato Heiichi was gloating, but at this moment, he didn't care about anything else. Seeing Sammy approaching every step of the way, he didn't know when it would start, and he was going to attack the billiard parlor chain, even if Maruhan was a Japanese Han Changyou, the largest pachinko room chain store, also felt threatened at this time.

   "We have to take action. We can't let Sammy buy Sega and tell Sammy and Satomi that he has crossed the line. Otherwise, we will be fighting the fire with salary, and we will never be able to satisfy the ambitions of Satomi and Satomi!"

  Han Changyou's eyes were a little fierce, and he was obviously anxious, ready to block the merger between Sammy and Sega.

   Sato Heiichi looked at Han Changyou, "President Han, are you planning to rob Sega with Sammy?"

  As the largest pachinko room operator in Japan, Maruhan acquired Sega. It is also said that the game content of the pachinko machine can be obtained in the past. This transaction is not a loss.

   "If necessary, Maruhan will strike, and President Sato will also join in the camp against Sammy. We can't let Sammy break the rules of the billiard room association again!"

Listening to Han Changyou's words, Sato Heiichi said tentatively at this time, "President Han, should we use some special means? I heard that President Han has some friendship with some energetic club presidents. Maybe we can let them come forward and let them come forward." Li Jianzhi knows the difficulty and retreats."

Those who run a billiard room, if they don't have a group of rogue thugs, I am afraid that the store will be ruined by someone. As a person from a stick background, he can manage the Maruhan brand into Japan's largest billiard room chain company, Han Changyou's Ability need not be mentioned, but the means are not bad, and there are a group of dynamic societies under his hands...

   Hearing Sato Heiichi's suggestion, he wanted to scare Satomiji and make him retreat. Han Changyou hesitated for a while, a little moved and hesitant.

  If the opponent is an ordinary person, Han Changyou has already done this. Anyway, so many people disappear every year in Japan, where do you really think those people have gone?

   It can be put on Satomiji, Han Changyou is a little hesitant, firstly, Satomiji has some status, and at this moment, if he is suddenly attacked or disappears, the first person to suspect him is Han Changyou.

  Secondly, even if he did it, it might not be that easy to clean up Satomiji.

Xueleshan Japan Benzene Company does not have the influence of Han Changyou in Japan, but it has Heishui Company. Heishui Company has also established a branch in Japan Benzene now, recruiting a large number of big men with round waists and thick arms for training. This group of people was obviously prepared for the billiard room, to prevent anyone who dared to make trouble from appearing.

  (end of this chapter)