
Rebirth (Her Ultimate Revenge)

Rosalyn was shocked when she heard that her best friend was pregnant for her mate, and she felt betrayed. As if that wasn't enough she was framed for poisoning her, and she was humiliated in front of the whole pack. Her father begged for them to spare her life but it fell on their deaf ears. Her mate killed her father for standing up for a traitor who wanted to kill the unborn child of their Alpha. Her best friend was the one who conspired against her and she was given a poisonous substance that would make her infertile. Her best friend succeeded in doing that by threatening the doctor to keep his mouth shut. It happened that the doctor knew she had consumed a lot of poison and that was why he was threatened. His best friend then approach her mate and he had sex with her. They have been having sex since when they got married and it has been a year since and now she was pregnant. She made it look like she doesn't want the child. She had always told her to not cum in her while telling him that she was on pills. Rosalyn was killed and then she was reborn and she still remembers what happened. She was born back at the age of 15 where she was given the chance to live again. What will she do to her mate and friend? Will she be able to save her parents? Will she succeed in letting out the plans of her best friend?

DaoistIdoiw2 · History
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15 Chs



I sighed heavily as I looked at the letter which was sent to me that it was a must for me to attend their marriage ceremony which was shifted to the next day by Ethan. It was going to be done just as the way mine was done and I couldn't help but feel sad to think about letting the man I love marry my best friend. I don't feel good about going but I have no choice but to accept going and I planned on going away secretly with her and I planned it went successfully because I was having shills of fear which run through my spine anytime I stared at the letter. My stomach twitched and I sighed at how nervous I was. A jolted me out of my thoughts only to see Zara staring at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"If you don't feel like going you don't have to, we would sneak out now…" Zara was talking but I cut her shut.

" I will go. I need to show my generosity to her. '' I said and she nodded. I start feeling sleepy and a yawn escapes my mouth with my eyelids becoming heavy.

"Good night," I said and I slept off on her bed.

I woke up due to the chirping of the birds who sang joyously. I stretched my body as I stood up from the bed and I looked around but wasn't able to spot her. I sighed as I used my fingers to rub my eye gently. I walked toward the bathroom and I brushed my teeth and also had my bath. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied to my waist and water dripping down my hair. I combed my hair and also creamed my body. I wore my clothes and I sat on the bed waiting for the arrival of Zara. My eyes landed on the clock and I gasped immediately when I saw it was just one hour away from the time set for the wedding ceremony of Ethan and Elena.

Zara soon walked in already dressed; she woke up earlier before me and went to make breakfast.

"Good morning, Luna" she greeted and I scoffed with an eyes roll.

" Good morning, I'm not the Luna of this pack anymore, and whereas we are leaving the pack today so we need to be formal with ourselves, " I said and she shook her head sideways.

" You will still be the Luna to me," she said and I felt happy by her compliments.

We both ate breakfast and we walked out of the house toward the pack's hall where the wedding ceremony is going to take place.

We walked in and all attention turned on us. We ignored that and took our seats, the pack members mumbled to themselves but I cared less.

After the ceremony, I sent Zara to give Elena a cup of tea as a way of accepting her position and Elena collected it and drank it without a second thought I sighed heavily as I saw Ethan look at her with generosity and gentleness for accepting the cup of tea. Ethan kissed her in front of the whole pack and I felt jealousy erupt from the bottom of my heart. My heart started beating rapidly and I sighed before standing up from my seat. I looked around for Zara but she was nowhere to be found and traced her smell and met her in the restroom, she was just coming out of the restroom. She looked at me and then she hit her head lightly, she must have forgotten that we are leaving today.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten that we are leaving today" I asked and she laughed nodding her head.

" It is time," I said and we both walked out of the restroom toward her room. We entered her room and packed our stuff, we both walked toward the door and it opened before we could reach the door.

The pack's warriors came in and they scanned the room with their eyes.

"What is the meaning of all this?" I questioned them, staring at them angrily and barging into the room.

"What if we were naked?" I questioned and they laughed.

" That would have been better, slut" they said, giving me a disgusted look. I don't know why but I felt a knot in my stomach and I didn't feel well about this. I turned to look at Zara only to see her watching in silence.

" Why will you barge into the room?" I asked angrily, my eyes glowing angrily but they were not moved by that.

"You were trying to escape after what you did," one of them said and I stared at them in confusion.

"Trying to escape after doing what?" I questioned again and they all laughed, Zara hid behind me and I sighed feeling hopeless. I don't know what I'm accused of.

"We were ordered by the alpha to take you to one of the prisons," one of the warriors said and I gasped in shock.

" Why will I be taken as a prisoner?" I asked and they chuckled before moving toward me and bundling me up like a prisoner.

Zara was knocked out when she tried helping me and all I could do was watch as they bundled me toward the pack's cell.

As the warriors took me to the cell the pack members I saw on my way threw me disgusted looks and whispered to themselves.

"She is so desperate to be Luna. I heard she poisoned our new Luna because she was envious of her now she has made her lose her child" a pack member said and I felt a pang on my head. I couldn't believe that they all thought I poisoned her, there was nothing harmful in the tea I gave her. How come she was poisoned? All this is making me have a panging headache.

Don't tell me this is one of Elena's schemes, my father will be disappointed in me if he heard about this. It hurts to think of it because I know my only relative left will be angry with me. It also hurt to know those that I worked hard for never trusted me.