
Rebirth (Her Ultimate Revenge)

Rosalyn was shocked when she heard that her best friend was pregnant for her mate, and she felt betrayed. As if that wasn't enough she was framed for poisoning her, and she was humiliated in front of the whole pack. Her father begged for them to spare her life but it fell on their deaf ears. Her mate killed her father for standing up for a traitor who wanted to kill the unborn child of their Alpha. Her best friend was the one who conspired against her and she was given a poisonous substance that would make her infertile. Her best friend succeeded in doing that by threatening the doctor to keep his mouth shut. It happened that the doctor knew she had consumed a lot of poison and that was why he was threatened. His best friend then approach her mate and he had sex with her. They have been having sex since when they got married and it has been a year since and now she was pregnant. She made it look like she doesn't want the child. She had always told her to not cum in her while telling him that she was on pills. Rosalyn was killed and then she was reborn and she still remembers what happened. She was born back at the age of 15 where she was given the chance to live again. What will she do to her mate and friend? Will she be able to save her parents? Will she succeed in letting out the plans of her best friend?

DaoistIdoiw2 · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 8


I woke up due to the rays of the sun which pierced into my eyes through the open curtains. I sighed heavily as I used my hands to rub my eyes gently with a deep frown. I use my hands to search frantically for Ethan but I couldn't feel him beside me. Ethan had came back to my room after scolding Rosalyn and slapping her because Rosalyn forcefully removed her hands from mine. I told the Beta of the pack not to tell Ethan even though I badly wanted him to tell Ethan but I didn't make it show in my behavior or expression.

Ethan was angry when he heard about the whole thing and he asked if I was alright and I told him that I just felt a little pain in my lower abdomen. I knew he will be very angry after hearing that and it was just exactly as I planned. He was angry and he wanted to go to Rosalyn but I told him not to do anything about it that she was just jealous of me being pregnant for him and that she was still angry with what I had done. I told him that she felt betrayed but he told me that she was at fault for being infertile, and he told me that he would do whatever he wanted to do to her and that nobody would stop him.

I don't even plan to stop him before because it was my plan and I would want her to pay for humiliating me in front of the beta. She made me look like a fool who doesn't know anything. It's just a matter of time before I put my plan into work.

He walked out slamming the door very hard and and a happy smile formed on my face as I stated at the door. Let's see how she will pay for insulting and humiliating me. I would make sure she pay with her life for this. It's not like I'm planning on letting her live before. She needs to die for my plan to work. I sat at the edge of the bed waiting for him to return.

"I pray he hurt her badly" I thought bitting my lower lips very and that I could feel the pain. I felt blood seeping out of my wound but I cared less knowing that it would be healed within a minute.

When he returned back home I asked him what he did to her? He told me he just slapped her.

And that's is not what I want I want he should hurt her badly. Did it hurt her? I asked and he sighed heavily, he told me that if he hurt her or not that it doesn't concern him, that he just don't want her to hurt me and my unborn baby. He said rubbing my stomach and a smile escaped my mounth.

And he told me he threatened her not to that if anything happen to me he would kill her.

It's better if he killed her that that is all what I want.

I stood up and located my flip-flops and headed towards the bathroom I put my head on the door, I heard water splashing.

"This is the best time for me to go to the store before." I thought and I walked out of the room and and I climb down the fleet of stairs and I headed towards the abandoned store, where schedule meeting my spy.

I look around to see if I'm been followed, I didn't see anybody so I walked into the store and met my spy there already.

"Good morning, Luna" the lady said sarcastically and I smile.

"How is our plan going?" I questioned staring at the lady with a questioning look plastered on my face.

"Everything is going as planned, you don't have to worry about that, things would work just as you want" the mady said with a smile and I grinned happily knowing that my plans would soon be executed and with no doubt the whole family would he wiped out of existence.

"If the plan goes as we planned, you are going to make me your personal maid," the lady said with a smile plastered on her face and I nodded. "Why do you think I won't do as I have told you? I don't go back on my words," I stated firmly while staring at her with a confused look on my face. I wanted to know why she had said that but I shrugged it off whje she didn't reply.

"I will take my leave" the lady and I nodded my head before leaving.

"Be careful and make sure you aren't spotted" I said with a heavy sighed and I leave the place.

I pushed the door opened and headed towads my room and I entered the room with a deep breath hoping that he is still under the shower. Ethan was still bathing I breath a sighed of relief, because the abandoned store is not far from the house.

I walked towards the bed and I sat down at the edge. Ethan came with a towel tied on his waist I stared at him as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I will go to the sitting room" I said and I headed towards the sitting room.

After a while, he come towards in the sitting, he sat beside me on the couch.

"I will go take my bath" I said with a smile and he nodded.

I headed towards my room and I have my bath, I headed with a towel tied on my waist, I dry my body with the towel I applied lotion on my body, I wore my cloth before I walk out of my room and climb down the fleet of stairs, I headed towards the sitting room.

I told him that I want to go and prepare our breakfast, and I headed towards the kitchen with a smile plastered.

Now my dream to became a Luna as come true, I'm so excited that my dream of becoming Luna had come true. After I finished cooking I dished it out into a plate and I serve it on the dinning room.

I went into the sitting and called him that the breakfast is ready and we both headed towards the dinning table and we sat down.

He took his spoon and put it into the food he carried it towards his and he bit I'm just staring at him as he bit the food into his, he looked at me and he nodded.

"It is delicious, are you sure you are the own cooked this food" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm the one who cooked it" I replied with smile plastered on my face and he nodded.

"You would be the own to cook for me every day" he said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Why not" I replied with a smile plastered on my face.

After we finished eating, he stood up and held my hands as we walked towards the hall,I saw alot of people in the hall an outside the hall. "I have an announcement to make," Ethan said while clearing his throat and the pack members all turned their attention toward our direction, and I need no one to tell me that this was related to me. I knew that he was about to introduce me to the pack members that I'm pregnant.

"I organized this occasion because I wanted to let you all know how happy I am with this occasion. I wanted to tell you all that I'm soon going to receive an heir," Ethan said and I blushed hard. There was a round of applause from the pack members and I could feel my cheek turning red from the claps. I knew that none of them knew I was pregnant for him.

"Elena is the person that gives me this and I couldn't help but feel that she was the perfect person for me and I'm excited to tell you all that I would marry her soon" I heard Ethan said and I couldn't help but feel happy that my plans were now working.

"I would use this occasion to ask you this Elena, will you marry me?" Ethan asked as he went on his knees with his eyes glimmering. I wasn't expecting this but I had knew this was bound to happen and I would be a lier if I say no to his proposal. I was happy that my plan was working perfectly.

"I would like to make you my wife, my companion, Luna of this pack and the mother of my unborn child. I would like if you would want you to make my life a complete one," he added with his eyes filled with tears.

"Yes I will marry you" I replied with with a smile, I'm the happiest woman in the whole world.

I couldn't believe this could happen, I couldn't believe he will proposed to me today, I was just smiling cheapishly, I put the ring in my finger, and he kissed the ring after putting in into my finger, he stood up will an happy smile plastered on his face, he was so happy that I accepted. All the pack members clap theirs their hands.

Zara walked up to me and she gave me a cup of tea. "I was told to give this to you by Rosalyn, she told me this is her own parting gift. She told me that she accepts you as the next Luna of this pack," Zara said and I stared at her with a smile. I was happy that things are now falling into place after many years of waiting my plans would be put into action today.

"Thanks," I exclaimed and collected the tea from her and I gulped down the entire content of the cup and I return the cup.

Ethan brought is face towards mei could feel his hot breath on my skin, and he kissed me, as we but fight for dominants, I let him in. I moaned gently into his mouth.

We broked the kiss we but are breathing heavily, my eyes but bluring I could barely see, and I'm felling dizzy, my leg started shaking, and I couldn't stand any more.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked and I only nooded, I couldn't feel my leg anymore, and I fall but before I could land my butt on the floor Ethan Caught me in the mid air.

"Are you okay" he asked again and he look down my leg, his face widen in shock and is mouth was agasped.

"What…. have… you done" he stammered I'm weak to look at my kages and I passed out on his harm.

I woke up with my head spinning, I looked all around the room, I spoted Ethan sitting on the couch in the room. When he sees me he rushed toward me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm okay" I replied with a nod.

"What am I doing here?" I asked and he sighed and he sighed heavily looking at the floor.

"The doctor said you are poisoned, they poisoned was put into the tea you drink" He said with tears in his eyes, and my eyes widen in shocked.

"Poisomed? Who poisoned me" I asked with tears dripping down my face.

"Roslayn she is the one who give you tea today, Zara must know about they will all pay" he said and he uses his hand to clean the tears on my face.

"Rosalyn, what did I do to deserve this? How is my unborn child?" I asked sobbing, and he shooked his head with tears dripping down his face.

What's wrong hope it was not what I'm thinking. No don't tell me that it's what I'm thinking. I knew that it must be the one, please Ethan please tell what's is wrong.

"Please please tell me? Is anything wrong? Please tell me" I pleaded and the tears dripping down is face increases.

Ethan nooooo… nothing must happen to my unborn child.

"We lost it" he said and my eyes widen in shocked did I heard him well, I lost my baby, and I cry out loud.

And Ethan sit on the and hugged he consoled, we leave.

We leave the hospital, and I sat on the couch crying, what I do to deserve this, Rosalyn you will pay for what you do to me.

Ethan walked towards the kitchen and brought me a cup of water.

He walked towards and he gave me to drink it, I collected and gulped down the entire cup, to calm myself down.

"Stop crying, everything is going to be okay" He said consoling, What! He said I should calm down, the only that will make me be the Luna of this pack, Is when I'm pregnant for the Alpha of this pack.

Will he still married me after knowing that my pregnant is aborted by his ex mate. I pray so, I was lost in thoughts when I heard a knock which golted out of my thought.

"Who is there?" Ethan shouted going towards the door and he opened. He stood there without moving,

"What is happening" I whispered and walked towards.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan yelled that the person.

"What's happening?" I said walking towards them my mouth agasped my widen in shocked.

What is she doing here, what is she doing here, what is she finding, these are the question running in to my mind.

"What are you doing here, are you not aware of what you to didbt me?" I yelled at her and she go down his her knees.

What is happening, I don't know what is happening what she trying to do. I knew that this might have been one of her plans to lure me but I won't fall for it."If you think I would fall for your scheme again but I won't fall for that" I stated whiles staring at her with hatred.

"Please forgive me I don't know anything about it, she said I should give the tea, please forgive me" she replied pleading on her knees, and I stared at her with anger visibly seen on my face.

"I did not know anything about it please forgive me, Future Luna" She said pleading, and I smirk because called me Luna of the pack. I was happy that she had called me that and I would be more happier if I was to be made Luna of this pack.

I won't want people like her to call me Luna, I would make the both of them pay for killing my child. They are nothing but devils. I would make sure they both regret ever messing with me and my child. Just because she wanted to be Luna she killed my unborn child. They are both evils.

"I will make up to you by being your personal maid" she said and I stared at her with mouth agaped. I couldn't believe what she had just said.