
Reality Subduers

Cover is "Lunette". Next in line is SILVER, "THE WOMAN", KORVAC, (OXXANA) NARAE, or WILDKYR'ZON, she has appeared before in the cover, BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR are not easy to create i keep trying though. Check the work of - EasyFun - in PixAI, he made one of the future Covers and a few Creatures. Search for - Saito Tesshu - in the same plataform too, he create a picture that was literally the live image of Thyfall. (Now in the Characters section!) IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. Arriving to The New Existence, is not even the start in the unparallel journey to "Absolution". Follow the DISTINCT CHARACTERS across their adventures and troubles on a REALITY they "ARE" and "NOT" familiar with: First four Archs are Introductory to concepts employing different points of view, The story sets up its tempo until Arch five onwards. (I RECOMMEND TO READ UNTIL THE SIX TO EIGHT ARCH, OTHERWISE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS A LOT OF INFORMATION) Pick your favorite Character and support them on the Fandom Feature!: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. VIUKANE Newller "The Charmer" - The second best integrant of his Species the Gärmshïer, for him is abhorrent to take the credit for what others do, and is extremely ruthless when others steal what belongs to him, above everything, his achievements. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity (Terranean) that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely Pragmatic and Paranoid, which makes him doubt his own beliefs and question everything, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 20:00 Local Hour every day. Additional Chapters on Sundays, I am going to pile them up in the week. Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis, Starting from chapter 69 Onwards!. (Full intercourse Shlõvthy / Maiden Rodgers) (Future Full intercourse Viukane/Oxxana - Dallas/? - Häränn/? - Silver/? - Swallöwęįne/?) ("S"caling "M"utual "U"nderstanding and "T"rust bonding to build a solid relationship henceforth Thyfall/Korvac - Slayçęr/? - Briannell/? - Bverxkka/?) 50 Power Stones = Additional Chapter. Golden Ticket = Additional Chapter. I am really busy, i publish the next chapters as soon as i finish to cook them. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel - SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY ACTION - GORE (Depending on situation) HAREM (Some) NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one, then, is BVERXKKA if it weren't for him no one else could have a chance in the unforgiven REALITY everyone is surviving) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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100 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 30 : Entertaining Spectacle Part 1. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 30 : Entertaining Spectacle Part 1.

The journey to The Monoliths Canyon is quick and uneventful, it is not that i want to have inconveniences along the way, but i had to observe some corpses and multiple wounded people in other groups.

I almost forgot the warnings that are clear in the rules for leaving Town

That certainly causes me some doubts and curiosity, because we are not attacked by Sandworms in our walk, which is strange, others were attacked up to three times.

In any case, we are here, in the canyon cliff, from where you can see at least 3 quite large structures made of hazel smooth stone, similar to 3 stories buildings or higher but with only one entrance of honey malleable quartz.

{Are all Structures like this?, Or they are different?}

My question is answered immediately, since when descending for the path on the sides of the Canyon, it is possible to see the other faces of the Monoliths, and one of them has a vertical silver line that was not visible from our previous position.

This line separate the structure vertically in halfs, and i suppose this is the reason why is the Structure with more people near its entrance.

{Why all of them remain outside the Monoliths?, Can't they enter?}

As we get near the crowded area, someone scream my name.


And the one that is calling me is no other than Urlgrend, the beefy male that fight with me against the Level 2 Sandworm.

»—Good to see you again, all of you…

{I could be wrong, but he observe Thyfall quite a lot, Now that i recall it, he did the same before, i didn't pay too much attention because i was tense in the steppe… , Is he interested in Thyfall?}

—So, Why are you approaching us.

Nonchalantly but defensively said Shlõvthy, if i notice Urlgrend ogling, then the Madman obviously do the same.

—To enter in the Monoliths… , Since its sizes usually are not that large, they have to limit the number of individuals who enter, in this case, Batches of 15, 20 or 40 people, the Guards give priority to enter to those who fulfill the amount or are near reaching it, adding others to complete the requirement imposed by the Monoliths.

—That means i can't enter in the Monoliths and be sucked inside the floor.

—Is as you say Shlõvthy, the spots available must be filled or no one is "Sucked" inside the floor… , With my hastiness to inform about the *Level 2 Sandworm*, i forgot to ask if you wanted to come, but you are here now.

A quick glance between the Integrants of the Team is enough to understand we accept the proposal, i am still skeptical, or most likely is the fact that i don't like how Urlgrend keep his stare on Thyfall.

—Lead the way, and remember, we are six…

Häränn words confuse Urlgrend but he nods and walks towards one of the Monoliths.

There, i recognize Dallas the Arrogant Blonde Fit Guy, Jagarlout the Leader of the other Team and his lackey Airwind.

But they are not alone, two women and a teenager are present too, it doesn't seem like they have any kind of relationship between them, since they maintain a clear distance between them.

A Guard gets closer to us in that moment.

—It's your turn!, You already know the rules Urlgrend, i can't change them for you, Do you have fifteen participants or more than 12 to add stragglers?.

—I do we are 13.

The Guard counts us with a glance and with skepticism he asks pointing towards Bverxkka.

—The Egg can fight?.

Shlõvthy is the one who responds.

—He does, in fact, he could tear off a Pyramid on his own…

The Guard starts laughing a loud and Shlõvthy adds a comment.

—I am joking, his job is being a punching sack.

I don't know if it is because the Guard was already laughing, or due to the bad pun involving the sack in which i am carrying Bverxkka, but our interrogator is laughing harder, giving us the go ahead to move forward.

—That was a really bad joke.

I remark to Shlõvthy, he grinns at me and state flatly.

—I make him laugh, and if you hear a joke from Bverxkka, well, you probably start to laugh for everything.

{Bverxkka making a joke?!, That has to be "The Joke"?!, he berely speak before turning himself into an Egg!, I mean, a joke is a waste of time, at least for him, Right?, There is no way he does something so banal!}

Looking downside i observe Bverxkka Dark Burgundy Eggshell, noticing something strange, it is really dim, almost imperceptible, but a there is tiny and i truly mean it, tiny spots of an extremely Dark purple that looks like iron burr or maybe brilliantine is a ore accurate assessment.

»—I know he is handsome but don't look at him so intensely or his Bride could obliterate you…

—He is engage?!

Surprised by the revelation i cannot hold back my shout.

—HAHAHA, I know right, is difficult to belive, but apparently he has several marriage proposals, and for what i understood and could discern, there are four candidates and at least 69 in line ready to give birth to his children.

{He is not going to deceive me!}

—You just made up the last part!.

I say in an accusatorial voice to Shlõvthy, he smirks and accept it.

—Yeah, they were like 800 wanting to jump on him, but i wanted to say 69…

{Eh!, Is he serious?!}

—Come on Shlõvthy!, i know you are not sane but you can fail so bad in telling a gossip!.

—It is not a gossip Korvac!, the girls in Barloen College wouldn't shut up about the "Remanent" that was courting a "Mathirn"!.

—I heard about that too…

Mention Slayçęr quite interested on the subject.

»—But someone from other Year tell to a classmate that it was "Her" the one who was courting him, not the other way around as the rumors were saying…

{You like gossip around Slayçęr?!, That was unexpected!}

—Well, i have to say Slayçęr, that what you heard it is not a rumor, is the truth, and if i understood correctly, he is engage with the Mother of that Mathirn too…


Thyfall, Slayçęr and Häränn scream at unison, stunned partially by Shlõvthy sentence, reaction that i have too.

{You are insane too Bverxkka!, maybe is because of this they are "Not Friends"}

—Wow Bverxkka!, now i see you in a different light.

Teasingly comment Häränn, Thyfall nods embarrassed in acceptance and Slayçęr almost has her eyes popping out of her orbits.

{Who could be blamed for having such a reaction?, No one!, after all, Not everyone can throw an "Oyakodon" without consequences, at least that is what i know due to some misfortunes of my friends and or Lacrosse Teammates}

At least with the addition of two other people to our current Batch, we got the permission of the Guards to go inside of the Monolith, hearing an "They are only 14" from the crowd.

{Unfortunate Bverxkka, they didn't count you as a person, at least you can have an Oyakodon later on, so bare with this}

The interior of the monolith is not so different from that of the Pyramid, it is evident the room is smaller and the available places are visible delimited with the honey malleable material that constitutes everything here, including the floor

{This is better, having in advance the area highlighted and not until you inadvertently pass over one of them if you are not paying enough attention is a more viable solution, as i said, this is better, or that is what i think}

Urlgrend clarifies his throat and catches everyone attention.

—This is for those who have not been inside of a Monolith before, stay aligned vertically and horizontally with those you want as companions, the most usual is to be send in groups of Three or Five, unless is an "All versus Everyone", in which that case we have to fight against each other, there is nothing to worry about.

{What!, i don't want to fight against my Teammates, i berely know them but still i don't want they to hurt me, i am pretty sure that even when i am already Level 1, i am the weakest of us}

Just as Urlgrend has mentioned, the places in the floor are arranged in a 5 by 3 configuration.

That is why my Team takes three places on two rows of five, that way, we are going to be two or three of us together in base of what Urlgrend said.

We grouped ourselves in pairs, Slayçęr and Thyfall, Häränn with Bverxkka, and Shlõvthy with Me in case of being divided in groups of Three, but if we are arranged in teams of five, Slayçęr Häränn and Shlõvthy are in one Team, when Bverxkka, Thyfall and Myself are in the other, so let's hope for the best.

Additional Chapter fir the 20 total Power Stones, leave a comment and ask if you have doubts.

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