
Reality Subduers

Cover is VIUKANE - Next in line is SHLÕVTHY or HÄRÄNN, BVERXKKA and KORVAC are not easy to create, as BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. With the arrival to a New Existence, the journey to "Absolution" has just started, follow the distinct characters across their adventures and troubles on a reality they are not familiar with: Pick your favorite Character and support them: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely pragmatic, which makes him doubt his own beliefs, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 15:00 every day. Additional Chapters with 2 and a Half Hours of difference. (Published the next day after the goals are achieved, two to three depending on if i have time). Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis!. Additional Chapter every 10 Collections. Additional Chapter every 2.5K Views. Additional Chapter every 20 Power Stones. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 - BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY - GORE (Depending on situation) - ACTION - HAREM - NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) - ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) - ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one then is BVERXKKA) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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50 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 29 : Fake Or Legit Part 8. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 3 : Fruitful But Questionable Practices.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 29 : Fake Or Legit Part 8.

Shlõvthy's sudden change of attitude is completely unexpected, but at the same time, it makes sense, as it is quite clear how important is for him the strange "Non Friendship" he has with Bverxkka.

Who had a small tantrum a few moments ago, something that frankly i consider understandable.

The Simulation is frustrating since the wounds received inside of it are not exactly dangerous.

I even dare to say that if i discount the first blow i received on the head with the hammer charged with Keizer and Kinetic Energy.

I am pretty sure that i would have come out almost unscathed from everything else, including the last weird Kinetic shock wave.

It could be my inexperience speaking aloud, but i have the feeling that i am right on this qualification of Myself.

—Do you need a massage too Bverxkka?…

Thyfall assessment and interpretation surprise everyone of the Team, even Slayçęr that doesn't know us find it strange.

Our sight on the Lady is intense but she elaborates the "Why" of her posture.

»—If Korvac was tired of carrying Bverxkka, Bverxkka must be tired of being carried too.

—Of course!, You are right Thyfall…

Say Shlõvthy with realization, fake realization i must add.

»—How could i be so insensible to My Not Friend!…

The madman glance at me with a cocky smile winking an eye while sarcasticly say.

»—Tiredness is well compensated by an "INTIMATE MASSAGE", relieving all soreness and leaving such softness after a tense and hard exercise, excreting liquid moisture…

{He truly saw us!}

Thyfall eyes widen in astonishment as Häränn and Myself gulp down our own saliva.

»—Why are you three so stiff?…

Teasingly commented Shlõvthy, continuing with such gloating voice.

»—You need another massage?, Or you misinterpreted something i said?, because i was talking about sweat after running around carrying Bverxkka, Korvac…

{There is no way he meant exactly what he said!, And the worst is that he knows!}

»—I hope you know how to massage using Zionez Thyfall, Bverxkka and you are Blessed by the same Empiric Astral Entity, "AZA'TEROV", and he needs a proper rest, that can truly help him…

Again there is no playfulness or joke in his words, at least for a few seconds more.

»—So give him a hand, Would you?.

The last sentence of Shlõvthy was more directed to Häränn, hinting evidently that he is aware of what we speak and did not long ago.

—Of course, we are Teammates, we should help each other.

The innocence in Thyfall voice produce a genuine smile on Shlõvthy, is not lewd, sadistic or mocking, not even a grinn or smirk, just a simple smile plagued with nostalgic happiness.

—Oh!, Cute Thyfall, I would jump on you without thinking about it but i don't want to stain you…

The Lady doesn't understand and Shlõvthy quickly explain.

»—As you can see in my "Pink" glowing eyes or in your metallic hair, we share the Blessing of an Empiric Astral Entity, "LUSTFURIA", as the name suggest, she likes to see others or interact with them if is possible, as you and i, or everyone that is her "Child" tend to do too.

{"Child"?, So i didn't go insane?!, I literally hear the voice of someone else in my head, Like "Telepathy"?, So "She" sees me too?, Creepy Pervert!, at least point out if i am doing something wrong, You know, to improve…}

{Shit!, I am sure that was driven by my Pragmatic Disposition}

Thyfall embarrassed stance and deep blush one her cheeks, catch me of guard.

{Is she a voyeur… , wait, if she is then she saw me with Häränn!, and still approach us, i was right then, Thyfall is not so "Innocent"}


—I am going to lift you Bverxkka, is that acceptable?.

Since there is no answer from Bverxkka's, that means i can continue, so my next movement is to secure the sack, lifting the Big burgundy Egg, that is at least 60 percent heavier than before, but i can still maintain my normal performance without problems.

—Are we waiting someone else?.

My question is open, but obviously is almost made solely for Slayçęr, i recall she mentioned she has Family and Friends here.

—I am on my own…

{What?!, Oh!, i know, she has problems with them, i can't relate, my family were my parents, and both were murdered, leaving my fiancee as the only family i have, i had…}

—Do you want to be with us?.

Promptly ask Thyfall, her cuteness is undeniable, even for the unmatched beauty of Slayçęr, who struggles to give us an obvious negative answer.

»—You don't have to say yes right away, you can come with us and then decide, or leave if you don't like us.

Slayçęr is unable to respond, is obvious that Thyfall and Häränn are potential friends for her, and Shlõvthy is… , how do i say this without insults, he is… , "Him"?, and Bverxkka is… , himself too.

Since there is no refusal from Slayçęr, the newly expanded team of now 6 members leaves the Pyramid.

Walking towards the ramp to descend, allows in our view a beautiful landscape full of hazel sand in which several separate groups of people advance in the same direction, strangely it is not towards the Town.

—Where are they going?.

Laudly asked Häränn, an Anthropoid silhouette that is hanging around the entrance to the internal part of the Pyramid approaches us.

He is wearing a dark grey cloak with which he hides his face and most of his body, this garment is more of what meets the eye, as it seems to block the entirety of my sight to know who this individual is.

{I don't like this}

—I can tell you pretty lady, for a price…

The implie made by the Stranger is not of my liking in the slightest, and Shlõvthy thinks the same as me, as we step between Häränn and this Stranger.

—What price are you talking about?!, Can't you be more specific?!.

My voice is so firm, commanding and fierce that i almost thought for an instant that someone else is the one that was talking, the Stranger step back fastly performing a customary reverence to show his repentance.

—It was not my intention to be rude…

{Then don't be a weirdo and talk accordingly to the overall situation you creepy geezer}

»—I am just an old soul wanting to earn an honest living.

—Do tell us then, if the information you comment is of my liking, you can keep your life, fot the meantime…

Shlõvthy warning match my aggressive stance, and the Stranger comprehend this immediately, with which he doesn't waste more of our time.

—"The Monoliths Canyon", It is about a half an hour of walk away, it is a place where there are multiple Monoliths, these are usually destroyed fastly ans constantly, but there is different, new ones replace the previous ones almost as soon as they disappear…

»—A clandestine settlement is nearby, but the Wall Guards do not bother them, as long as they help against the Traffickers, destroy the Monoliths or protect the "Hexxal".

Shlõvthy face is stern, but he can't fool me twice, this Hexxals are important.

—Five Coins…

Is what Shlõvthy offered, the Stranger extend his arms, covered by long and rough green leather gloves.

‡»—Come to see me at midnight in the Town if you want to get cured, your disguise is good, but insufficient against my experience and trained nose, "Woman"…

The incomprehensible words pronounced by Shlõvthy, stunned the Stranger, making him shiver uncontrollably for a moment, he receives the five Coins and step back again, not wanting to stay close to us and leaving in the next second.

{Now that i take it into consideration, I wonder when my language was replaced, because it is until now that i've reasoned something so stupidly obvious}

—What did you say to that Stranger Shlõvthy?.

Häränn asks with curiosity and a tint of apprehension, he grinns at her and say teasingly.

—I offer something valuable, that is why the excitement was so visible…

Shlõvthy smirking is hard to understand, and this time is not the exception, i don't know if that is something good or not, as his personality is so polyvalent that i can and can't expect anything from him, just as that knowing grinn he has right now.

—The Monoliths Canyon, Can we go?, Please?.

—Why are you asking, you do what you want all the time.

Remark Häränn, she is not happy about Shlõvthy peeping on us, and that includes whatever event that happened inside the Simulation is still pretty deep inside of her head, altering slightly her attitude.

—I know that i do whatever i want Häränn, but i don't want to go alone, even being silent is entertaining when you have company.

And with that, a silent understanding between each integrant of the Team is issued, as we descend from the Pyramid's ramp, advancing towards our next destination without any further delays in our short journey.

Additional Chapter for reaching the 50 Collections, Additional Chapter for the first 20 cumulative Power Stones coming in short.

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