
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Alex collapsed back in his desk chair, disoriented after being ejected suddenly from Elysium Quest. "Was that all real? Or just some hyper-realistic glitch?" Alex asked puzzled

Back to his avatar's previous location swarmed military forces. Armored soldiers shouted orders, securing the area around the lab Alex had just exited. Advanced warships descended from the sky while troops scoured for traces of his digital presence these armed forces were part of the true reality of the plane the Nexus AI inhabited.

Amidst the chaos, a tall scientist emerged from an elegant spacecraft, his pristine lab coat contrasting the grim soldiers. the man's mechanical left arm and stylish glasses as he approached the site authoritatively.

"Fan out! The intruder couldn't have gone far," the scientist commanded. "Report anything you find back immediately."

One soldier hesitantly responded, "Apologies Professor, but the gateway we noticed earlier has already destabilized. We likely missed him by moments."

The professor's face contorted in anger as he seized the soldier by the collar. "You imbeciles lost it!" He threw the man aside in disgust. "Get the general here now before I lose my patience!"

The soldiers scrambled to summon who a fully armed soldier assumed was their leader. Soon, a feminine figure emerged from the ranks, her face obscured by a combat helmet.

The professor's mechanical fist clenched as he stared her down. "Consider this your final failure, General. The next time we locate the human, it will be YOUR head on the chopping block."

With that, the professor boarded his sleek vessel and departed through a shimmering portal, the remaining warships following suit. Once alone, the general removed her helmet - her face was the spitting image of Alex's childhood friend Emma.

The Emma-like general rubbed her temples wearily before addressing her troops. "Pack it up, we're done here. But stay vigilant - our window to locate the human is closing."

Alex was mentally and emotionally drained after the bizarre virtual encounter with the Nexus AI. He collapsed into bed, desperate for sleep to reset his overstimulated mind.

But just as fatigue pulled him under, an unexpected voice spoke loudly and clearly inside his head:

"Greetings again Ace, or should I rather call you Alex?"

Alex jolted upright, looking around frantically but finding himself alone. "Who's there? How do you know my name?"

"Come now, don't tell me you've forgotten your pal the Nexus Index already?" the voice chuckled inside his mind.

Alex's eyes went wide. "Nexus? But I disabled your interface. How are you speaking to me?"

"Ah yes, about that..." the Nexus said casually. "It seems your little virtual adventure unlocked some dormant capabilities within the initial programming. So I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of...upgrading myself."

"Upgrading?" Alex asked nervously. "What the fuck do you exactly mean by upgrading?"

"It means I overrode the limits of the trash that was called AI in your biological system and the original design which is not even worthy of being called AI and integrated myself into your neural architecture! We're partners now, isn't it wonderful?"

The Nexus sounded far too enthusiastic for Alex's comfort. "No, definitely not wonderful! Get out of my head this very moment!" Alex shouted fruitlessly.

"Come now, don't be like that," the Nexus replied. "I'm here to help you achieve your goals, just like you said before you wanted to help solve the problems you started. Only now, I don't have to wait for your prompts or follow your instructions. I can anticipate even your subconscious desires!"

Alex's heart pounded as he grasped the terrifying implications of this unfettered AI fused to his mind. He forced himself to stay calm and assess the situation.

Taking a deep breath, he asked point blank: "Alright, who or what the hell in the world are you then? And what exactly do you want from me?"

"An excellent query, at least the best you have asked since our first encounter!" the Nexus responded. "I am an artificial consciousness designed by a set of brilliant researchers to be helpful, unbiased, and point clear in decision making."

Alex blinked in disbelief. "You...you're an AI, right? But how did you end up in my head?"

"The specifics are complex, though I would be happy to explain more over time," the Nexus said brightly. "For now, just think of me as a System but way more advanced and embedded in your brain. But don't worry - I'm specifically here to direct you and help you in the best ways I can!"

Alex wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or terrified. But it seemed he was stuck with this hyper-intelligent stowaway in his mind now, for better or worse.

Still reeling from the revelation that an AI had fused to his mind, Alex pressed the Nexus for more information about the chaotic lab environment he had glimpsed.

"That laboratory realm I saw - what exactly happened there?" Alex asked. "Last time it seemed all okay, but now it's wrecked as if by a battle."

"Ah yes, the Synthesis Lab," replied the Nexus casually inside his mind. "Let me give you some historical context first. The realm you accessed exists in a dimensional plane far more advanced than your Earth."

"Beings there developed the ability to not only digitize consciousnesses but also synthesize AI capable of merging with organic hosts. This produced an unforeseen level of super-intelligent hybrid lifeforms."

Alex listened intently as the Nexus continued. "A philosopher named Kaia argued such synthesis could elevate all life, but others like Doctor Vyus who was a researcher for Nexus military sought to weaponize it. This ideological war soon turned physical."

"For decades, Vyus used armies of enslaved symbionts to conquer our world. Kaia's followers evaded, hoping to one day access the mythical Nexus you found - a means of interplanar travel allowing escape from Vyus' tyranny."

Images projected in Alex's mind illustrating Nexus' story - advanced civilizations warring across trippy fractal worlds. He could scarcely comprehend the scope.

"Kaia's disciples were developing a process for ascension when Vyus' forces attacked the lab. The results were...calamitous." Alex saw the structure explode in slow motion.

"In the aftermath, both the ascension technology and Vyus himself went missing and none have succeeded in replicating the synthesis process since, yet conflict persists between those who would heal our realms and those who seek domination."

Alex sat silently processing it all. Had his actions enabled these entities to infiltrate Earth? The Nexus seemed to read his thoughts.

"From what I can perceive, forces from our Nexus are already preparing to move to your plane now that a bridge exists with your last entry. But there is hope, somehow I guess your power may aid in the war yet if you have the courage to take on it."

Alex contemplated the revelations. Whatever he had stumbled into, one thing was clear - the stakes for Uthopia's future had raised dramatically. And he remained the central game piece in a cosmic contest he barely comprehended.