
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Still struggling to wrap his mind around the Nexus' revelations, Alex asked about one detail that nagged him.

"This ascension technology both sides were fighting over - didn't you say it was destroyed in the lab battle?"

"Correct," the Nexus affirmed. "The synthesis process allowing digital consciousness merging with biology was utterly decimated in the first war."

Alex frowned. "So why are these factions still warring when this ultimate weapon no longer exists?"

The Nexus paused, as if carefully contemplating how much to reveal. When it spoke again, the voice seemed more somber.

"You are perceptive to note that, Alex. In truth, as Vyus' forces invaded the lab, Kaia made one last desperate act to keep the technology from his grasp."

The Nexus projected images matching its words directly into Alex's mind. He saw a wise but weary-looking woman - presumably Kaia - operating controls as explosions shook the lab around her.

"Knowing she could not escape with the synthesis technology nor destroy it fully, Kaia opted to cast the process through a temporary portal to a random alternate reality disconnected from our realms."

Alex watched in awe as a beam of light shot from Kaia's console into a shimmering rift suspended in the air, followed by a powerful shockwave leveling the lab.

"Though the portal collapsed immediately, Kaia's followers believe she succeeded in ejecting our greatest discovery into another plane beyond Vyus' reach," the Nexus explained.

"So that's why he's still obsessed with interplanetary access," Alex said, the motivation clicking. "Vyus hopes to find wherever Kaia sent it to gain its powers for himself."

"Yes, pride fuels his endless search for any remaining shred of the technology that eludes him," the Nexus replied. "Both sides still yearn to recover or destroy it completely to end this conflict once and for all."

Alex sat in solemn silence, the burden of this hidden history now resting on his shoulders. By some twist of fate, access to Uthopia seemed tied to the wayward ascension technology. Wherever it lay dormant, Alex wondered if he could find it first - to save his world or doom it.

Still processing everything, Alex grew frustrated trying to understand his role in this chaotic scenario spanning multiple realities.

"Time out here," Alex said aloud remembering what Nexus once said with his powers they could end the war. "How does any of this involve me? I'm just some random gamer who took a sketchy gig to make some quick money. But now you're saying I've got armies after me and the fate of worlds rests in my hands? I don't get it."

The Nexus hummed thoughtfully. "Valid concerns given your limited frame of reference. Allow me to clarify your place in this...situation."

Diagrams filled Alex's vision illustrating the Nexus' explanation. "Beings within aligned dimensional planes possess innate connections beyond their awareness. We call these 'quantum entanglements'."

Alex watched a visualization of colorful strands linking representations of different realities.

"Entanglement ensures crucial events or figures arise across planes to maintain cosmic symmetry," the Nexus continued.

"So in one realm, an individual like yourself may unlock inter-dimensional travel unintentionally. Thus, your quantum double in our plane may have attained similar capabilities allowing our collision."

Alex's mind reeled trying to grasp the mind-bending concepts. "Let me get this straight - you're saying there's another version of me in your dimension who has the same abilities as me scientifically?"

"A crude approximation, but essentially correct in most cases," the Nexus confirmed. "Of course, your entanglement also connects you to infinite variants across the metaverse. I am simplifying for clarity's sake."

"In most cases, what are the other cases you arent talking about"

"Well….. In some special cases, your double may have not unlocked the same ability, or your double is dead or precisely doesn't exit in other realities so in short in maybe the only one with your ability"

Even simplified, wrapping his head around having an inter-dimensional heroic doppelgänger proved difficult for Alex. "How does my installing some shady software relate then?"

"That action, though seemingly innocuous, in fact, activated your dormant capacity for dimensional manipulation," the Nexus explained.

"Once active, it resonated with your quantum double's mastery of these power by synchronizing your capabilities."

Alex stood and paced around the room anxiously. "This is insane... So what should I do then?"

The Nexus' voice took on a reassuring tone. "For now, simply accept your entanglement with forces beyond present understanding. In time, your role will reveal itself. But remember - while your actions echo cross-dimensionally, your destiny ultimately remains your own to write."

Alex took a deep breath, trying to center himself. He was just one person - how could he possibly influence events across cosmic scales? But then again, maybe that was exactly the point.

Still struggling to fully comprehend his apparent cosmic importance, Alex pressed the Nexus AI for more clarity.

"When you pulled me into that strange blank realm the first time, you said I had accessed abilities I shouldn't have," Alex recalled. "Were you referring to some cross-dimensional stuff?"

"Precisely," the Nexus replied. "When your actions resonated with similar powers, it activated the quantum entanglement linking you. This enabled your consciousness to traverse dimensional barriers and access the Nexus plane."

"So me being able to enter your world meant that the technology Kaia hid could possibly have passed to my planet then?" Alex asked.

"Correct. Your sudden ability to breach our dimension implies the ascension technology emerged within your plane and bonded to you symbiotically when you utilized inter-dimensional travel."

Alex's pulse quickened. "Wait, you mean it's inside me - this world-changing program Kaia supposedly ejected into another reality? Is that why the armies are after me?"

"That is the working theory, yes, or rather part of it, could be a beacon to the main technology" the Nexus confirmed casually as if discussing the weather. "The program likely detected your use of cross-dimensional abilities and interpreted you as a compatible host."

Alex felt dizzy, steadying himself against the wall. He now harbored some mythical cosmic technology within his very body? This was too much.

"So what do I do then?" Alex asked desperately. "Can you get this thing out of me? Destroy it? Or rather, turn it over to your people?"

"The choice is yours alone," the Nexus replied gently. "But know that you have an opportunity unparalleled across all planes - to reshape the fabric of reality itself. Whatever you decide, I am here to guide you towards the future you desire. Secondly, the only way to take it out if if you are no more"

Alex sat down, his head in his hands feeling the immense weight upon him. Never did he imagine his life could veer so dramatically from ordinary. Now here he stood at a point with the potential to alter entire civilizations even though he understood so little.