
Chapter5 what do I call you? Husband?

In the moving car, Oscar Potter sat in the back seat with his eyes closed and asked in a faint voice, "How are things going?"

Eric reported while driving, "According to your arrangement, the Smith family found Yang Lia a month ago. As you expected, Yang Lia began to have a secret relationship with Master Lincoln, and had planned to break off her engagement with Miss Robin."

"In addition, this afternoon, Master Lincoln and Yang Lia were arrested in the police station by Miss Robin for reporting illegal transactions. They were just bailed out by the Smith family an hour ago..."

Speaking of this, his expression was somewhat strange.

He was placed in the country by Oscar Potter and spent the last two years under orders to watch the Smith family, in addition to watching the Estate.

Eric has a vague guess about his boss's mind, so he pays special attention to Robin Smith.

I just didn't expect the magnanimous Ms. in the rumor. Smith's temper is so explosive. If it weren't for the quick reaction of the Smith family, the news would have been on the hot search.

Oscar Potter opened his eyes with a sneer on his lips. "Like father, like son."

Eric did not dare to answer, continued: "Also, the Smith family seems to intend to let Yang Lia inherit T & G group, initially will arrange Yang Lia to replace Miss Robin in T & G planning manager."

Oscar Potter's eyes were deep and unfathomable, and he raised the corners of his mouth for a long time. His tone was cool and thin. "It turns out that the world's own people will be favored."

Eric was too quiet to speak.

Oscar Potter closed his eyes again. "How's the Estate?"

"Mr. Murillo assigned matters on the European side to Mr. Murillo, there was a lot of trouble in private with Mr. Big and Mr. Three.

In addition, the first wife, the second wife, and the third wife all seem to be interested in getting involved in your marriage, and have arranged for many famous ladies to look at the old lady. The old lady knew that you had returned home and called before hoping that you would come back to the Estate when you were free.

There was no emotion on Oscar Potter's face, and it took him a long time to hum.

Early the next morning, Robin Smith, who had a splitting headache, was woken up by the phone. She rubbed her forehead and picked up the phone. Immediately, Julie Lawson shouted excitedly, "Robin, did you get up?"? Would you like me to take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

Robin Smith was agitated, and the chaotic brain finally woke up. She took a deep breath and said, "No, I'll drive there by myself."

"All right, let me know when it's done, and I'll celebrate for you."

Robin Smith rolled her eyes. Doesn't she know how she got married?

Without saying much to Julie Lawson, she hung up the phone, quickly packed up and went out.

When she drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau, she saw Oscar Potter leaning against the car door with his arms folded.

A light gray sweater with dark plaid casual pants, simple and casual exudes an elegant and charming atmosphere, against his dazzling handsome face, people simply can not move their eyes.

Seeing that he did not break the appointment, Robin Smith's nervousness and anxiety were reduced, and he quickly parked the car and ran over, "Sorry, I'm late."

Oscar Potter glanced at his wristwatch and said lightly, "No, I arrived early.". Let's go

Robin Smith grabbed him. "Mr.". Potter, before we get married, I hope we can sign the agreement, which will also protect your rights.

When Oscar Potter heard this, he turned his head and looked at her in an ambiguous way. He took the agreement from her and turned it over. He did not seem to smile or speak. Instead, he walked up to the hall.

Robin Smith did not understand what he meant and had to follow.

As soon as they entered, a staff member greeted them and said respectfully to Oscar Potter, "Mr.". Potter, it's been arranged. You two, please come with me.

Oscar Potter nodded and led Robin Smith into an office with two men in suits and ties.

"Mr. Frank, give it to her. Oscar Potter lifted his chin at one of the younger men.

All right, Mr. Potter. Ms. Smith, this is you and Mr. Potter's prenup and divorce agreement. Please have a look. Dilan Frank smiles and hands both agreements to Robin Smith.

Robin Smith twitched at the corners of his mouth. He had been prepared, even better than she, and even brought a lawyer.

But what about the divorce settlement?

Oscar Potter naturally saw her doubts and explained in a faint voice: "We will divorce in two years, so we should sign in advance to prevent future troubles."

Robin Smith stagnated, feeling a little depressed for no reason.

Sign the divorce papers in advance. Does this man think she's going to hold on to him?

She wouldn't have come to him if she didn't want to let the family arrange the marriage, and Lincoln Murillo and Yang Lia!

However, she was secretly relieved that two years was her psychological deadline, by which time she should have been able to get rid of the shackles of her family, and the marriage would be dissolved.

Oscar Potter is now able to arrange ahead of time, which makes her less subconsciously resistant and defensive to him.

Suppressing her strange mood, she looked down at the agreement.

The prenuptial agreement is very simple, similar to what she drew up, such as non-interference during marriage, no marital obligations, no joint ownership of personal property and so on.

The divorce settlement was simpler, and at the end it was marked that she would be compensated with a very expensive alimony.

"I don't want you to publicize the marriage."

Oscar Potter's words immediately made Robin Smith frown. After all, she would come to him in order to use his identity to get rid of the family's control and to deal with her ex-fiance. What's the point of keeping her secret?

"In two years, I'll get you T & G." Oscar Potter continued unhurriedly.

Without saying a word, Robin Smith signed two agreements and said with a slight smile, "I will also fulfill the agreement and give you 10% of T & G's shares when it is done."

Forget it, of course, T & G is more important than the bad guy.

Oscar Potter was noncommittal and then signed his name to the agreement.

Half an hour later, a hot marriage license landed in Robin Smith's hands.

Holding the marriage certificate, she was in a trance and a little strange. She looked up at Oscar Potter, who was looking at the marriage certificate at random, and felt a little more intimate.

What shall I call you? Husband? Oscar?" She asked his advice with a straight face.

Oscar Potter said, "Just call me Oscar."

Robin Smith breathed a sigh of relief. "I have an apartment near the company. Do you want to move here?"? You can rest assured that I have two rooms there, and I won't take advantage of you.

Although they don't interfere in each other's lives, they have to do the whole thing, so as not to be seen that there is something wrong with the marriage and cause a lot of trouble.

Her words made Dilan Frank, who had been following them, almost laugh. Oscar Potter looked at her deeply. "You moved to my place. I need someone to take care of my daughter Cora."

"Your daughter?" Robin Smith opened his eyes wide in surprise and blurted out, "Aren't you impotent enough to have a baby?"