
Chapter4 what kind of person is he?

When Robin Smith returned to the Smith family, it was very late, but as soon as she entered the door, she saw Yang Lia's pale face nestled in Lincoln Murillo's arms.

And Lincoln Murillo was bowing his head with a distressed look on his face to coax her, and Robin's dad Robin's mom was also full of concern around her to ask for warmth.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, several people looked up together, and when they saw her, they immediately looked ugly.

The Robin's momGemma jumped up dirsectly, rushed to her in a few steps, raised his hand and fanned her in the face, "You are worse than a beast!"! You still have the face to come back!

Robin Smith raised his hand to Gemma's arm and endured the pain in his heart. "Why don't I have the face to come back?" He asked? Mom, the one who has no face should be the one who is sorry for me, shouldn't he?

As she spoke, she looked coldly at Lincoln Murillo and Yang Lia on the sofa.

Yang Lia looked at her with tears in her eyes and sobbed, "Sister, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have come back. I shouldn't have recognized Lincoln.."

Hearing her words, Lincoln Murillo, who had shown guilt behind Robin Smith, immediately hugged her with a sad face and said softly:

It's not your fault, it's my fault, it's that I didn't figure out who really saved me. What I really like is that kind-hearted you, to your sister, I just mistook the person, put the wrong feelings!

"Lincoln, you're right. If Robin hadn't denied saving you, you wouldn't have put your feelings for Lia on her!" Gemma waved away Robin Smith's hand and glared at her in disgust.

"Yeah, if Robin hadn't denied it, maybe Lia would have been found long ago." Clark Smith snorted.

Maybe she did it on purpose, she didn't want Lia to come back. Growing up, she was such a cold-hearted, selfish monster!

Robin Smith suddenly clenched his hand, his fingertips piercing deep into the palm of his hand, barely suppressing the pain in his heart.

Looking at Yang Lia who stopped talking, Lincoln Murillo who frowned, and Robin's dad Robin's mom who looked disgusted and disliked, she suddenly felt that everything in front of her was very ridiculous.

This is her family, the lover she once poured her feelings into.

It turned out that she was a cold-hearted, selfish monster in their eyes, a substitute for the misplaced feelings!

"Oh." She chuckled and took off her glasses. Instead of looking at Yang Lia and Lincoln Murillo, her eyes fell on the faces of her parents, who scolded her mercilessly. "Mom and Dad, sometimes I wonder if I'm your own."

Before Yang Lia was found, her parents were not close to her, more of a reprimand.

For a long time, she thought it was because they were strict with their heirs, but since Yang Lia came back, she knew that they didn't love people, but they didn't love her.

She put on her glasses, hiding the momentary vulnerability and heartache behind the lenses. She no longer looked at the people opposite her, picked up her luggage, and went straight upstairs.

Gemma's exasperated voice came from behind.

"Look, you look at her, say her a few words on this virtue, but also suspect that she is not our own!"! What does she mean by that? Does that mean we don't think of her as a daughter? I haven't gotten even with her about Lia yet!

"Ignore her!"! She's been spoiled by her grandmother, and now it's about Lincoln and Lia..

Robin Smith leaned against the door, shutting out all the voices downstairs, and tears finally fell down.

After a moment, she collected herself and began to pack up the important items in the room.

She won't want to come back to this family for a long time.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open. She frowned and raised her head. Lincoln Murillo came in and looked at her with complicated eyes. There was guilt and complaint in his eyes, and a trace of feelings that even he didn't realize.

At the sight of him, Robin Smith's heart ached again. She suppressed the astringency in her eyes, lowered her eyes and continued to pack up and salute. "Mr." she said coldly. Potter, don't you know you have to knock before you enter someone's room?

Lincoln Murillo's face is slightly stagnant. "Sorry, not next time."

Since the engagement, he had never been stopped from entering her room, and Robin Smith had never been so distant and indifferent to her.

He pursed his lips. "Robin, I don't blame you for today, but you shouldn't have done this to your sister.". I know it was my fault at the beginning, and I mistook him for someone else, but in the past few years I have been right.

Robin Smith raised his hand with an expressionless face and interrupted him. "If Mr.?". Potter wasn't messing around in my car, and I didn't have time to report you.

To tell you the truth, compared to Mr. Potter's own little movie, or Germany's, is more pleasing to the eye. In addition, Mr. Potter, the next time you give something away, don't use more than one thing. I don't think the He family is that poor.

A sarcastic comment left Lincoln Murillo with a black face. Without waiting for him to speak, Robin Smith continued: "And we'd better not meet alone in the future, otherwise.."

She glanced behind Lincoln Murillo. "Someone will be upset."

Lincoln Murillo was stunned. Looking back along her line of sight, she saw Yang Lia standing in the doorway. Her little white face was full of guilt. "Sister, I know what happened between me and Lincoln hurt you. If you want to blame me, don't blame Lincoln."

Looking at Yang Lia, Robin Smith had mixed feelings.

For this sister, she was very fond of it at first, but soon she was vaguely aware of Yang Lia's hostility and defense against her, and made her realize that the other side was not showing pure kindness, but very calculating.

"I don't blame you."

Robin Smith shook his head, and in Yang Lia's surprised expression, he said coldly, "I won't forgive you either.". If you had told me directly that you liked him and he liked you, I would have broken up with him without saying a word.

She mentioned the repacked luggage, looked at the two of them, and raised her lips. "I haven't congratulated you on your reunion yet. I just hope Mr.". Potter can open his eyes in the future and stop mistaking the savior.

"And sister, next time you can change the means, there is no need to deliberately make out with a man in my car just to let me find out that this man is not as important as you think in my heart!"

Say that finish, she did not look at the ugly face of the two people, carry the luggage and walk away.

After driving away from the Smith family, Robin Smith went straight back to her apartment near the company. She took a hot shower, wiped her hair and turned on her computer to search for Oscar Potter.

As Dallas's top rich and powerful family, many information such as members are open to the public, of course, more information is not known to outsiders.

After searching for half an hour without success, she knew that Oscar Potter might belong to the category that the He family did not announce to the public.

Julie Lawson said he had a hidden illness, and Lincoln Murillo was jealous and admiring of him, and he was rumored to be old Mr. Potter's most desired heir, but such a person, in the outside world is almost unknown, it is difficult for her not to be curious and confused.

What kind of person is Oscar Potter?