
Chapter6 The Cute Little Lion.


Dilan Frank nearly choked himself to death with a mouthful of saliva and coughed up an earth-shaking cough.

Noticing the two men's eyes, he managed to suppress his cough and said with a dry smile, "I'm still a little ahead of time. You two can talk slowly."

With that, without waiting for the two of them to speak, he hurried away.

Robin Smith was embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that in front of people."

With his status, the hidden disease must not be known to outsiders, but the result was that she was bald out, I hope this matter will not be spread.

"Don't listen to Julie Lawson in the future."

Oscar Potter deadpanned and handed her a door key. "I'm leaving Dallas today for a few days. I hope you can take care of Cora."

Robin Smith quietly looked at his face, cold and indifferent, did not dare to ask him where his daughter came from, obediently took the door key, "I know, I will take good care of your daughter."

However, as soon as she said this, she suddenly realized that she did not want to agree to move to him, let alone help him take care of his daughter.

However, the words have been exported, she can not say the words of regret, and finally can only be depressed in the heart.

Out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Oscar Potter walked to the car and looked at her faintly. "Shall I see you off?"

"No, no, I drove." Robin Smith quickly shook his head.

Look at his face. He's probably still angry. She'd better stay away.

Oscar Potter said no more, looked at her deeply, and then got in the car and left.

And where she didn't see it, he raised the corners of his mouth with pleasure.

Robin Smith was relieved to see his car leave. She looked down at the bright weather and sighed, "Stepmother!"

Forget it, no matter where his daughter comes from, she only needs to be a stepmother for two years. As long as the other party does not deliberately make things difficult, she should be able to live in harmony with the other party.

After that, she drove to the mall to buy a lot of toys, went back to the apartment to pack up some luggage, and then rushed to Oscar Potter's villa in Xiyuan.

Twisting a pile of things, she took a few deep breaths and reached out to open the door of the villa.

There was a noise in the room, and she subconsciously raised a kind smile: "Hello, Flor …" Pull?


In the low-key and luxurious living room, a snow-white lioness came to her gracefully and lightly, staring at her with a pair of large and round pale blue eyes, as if observing its prey.

Even Robin Smith, who has never felt timid, has some weakness in his legs.

In her frightened eyes, the lioness came up to her, sniffed the wet tip of her nose, and then sniffed the toys and luggage she was twisting in her hands.

Then he arched her legs with his big head, then turned his head and walked towards the living room. After a few steps, he looked back at her, as if urging her to go in with him.

Robin Smith swallowed her saliva and stretched out her feet tentatively. Sure enough, the lioness stopped "urging" and went back to the nest full of toys in front of the French window in the living room, but her eyes were still staring at her for a moment, obviously very interested in her.

By this time, Robin Smith also realized that the lioness had no malice towards her, well, or "appetite".

"Cora?" Robin Smith gave a tentative cry.

"Roar!" The lioness tilted her big head and responded in a low voice.

"……" Robin Smith takes a few deep breaths.

Oscar Potter, what kind of magical carbon-based creature is he that keeps lions at home!

Even if you raise a lion, you should take such a lovely name as Cora!

Even more abominable is that he did not even reveal the slightest word in advance, if this change a timid person to come over, afraid is to be scared to death on the spot!

Only by grinding her teeth did she suppress her anger.

Forget it, it's better to raise a lion than to be a stepmother, and this lion looks like a relative, so it shouldn't hurt people casually.

Looking at its body shape, it should not be an adult, with small curly hair on the top of its head, swinging with its shaking head, with a much more mellow posture than ordinary lions, looking very naive.

All right, Cora will do.

Putting down her luggage and toys, Robin Smith sat down on the sofa and rubbed her limp legs. She pulled out her cell phone and called Julie Lawson. "Did you know you had a lion at Oscar's house?"

"Oscar brought Cora back to the country?" Julie Lawson asked in surprise, "Ah, are you at Oscar's house?"? Did you really talk about the evidence?

Robin Smith twitched the corners of his mouth. "Otherwise, didn't you say he was the best at keeping his word?"

"Hey, I'm just surprised. When are you going to tell your parents?"

"You, Oscar, asked me not to reveal my marriage to him for the time being."

What does he mean by that? A hidden marriage with you? He's not going to talk to his family? Julie Lawson asked suspiciously.

He didn't tell me what he intended to do. But more than that, I just want to know how to take care of a lion. He was on a business trip and asked me to take care of Cora for him.

She can handle the cat and the dog, but the lion is beyond her ability.

"Well, all I know is that Cora has always been taken care of by Oscar. Why don't you call him and ask him?"

Robin Smith pinched his eyebrows. "I said something wrong before and annoyed him. I don't think he'll want to talk to me."

"Why don't I ask someone for you?"

Robin Smith hesitated. "Well, I'll ask him."

After hanging up the phone, Robin Smith looked at the lion occupying most of the open space in front of the window and sighed with a big head.

What is this called?