

Chapter 356: Understanding Time (5000 words, please subscribe)

Vice Tower Master Nalan's Eleventh-Level celebration lasted for a good half month.

The birth of a new Eleventh-Level Evolver was a major event for the entire human civilization, naturally celebrated with great pomp.

And since the event took place in a virtual world, there was no extravagant wastage, just a bit longer duration.

But for the current Evolvers of human civilization, the opportunity to meet many high-level Evolvers of human civilization at this celebration was definitely a huge gain.

Lin Yuan only made an appearance on the first day of the celebration, and then disappeared for the rest of the half month.

With the comprehension of the rules of time imminent, Lin Yuan naturally had to seize every moment to contemplate.

"Galactic Lord." After the celebration, Vice Tower Master Nalan immediately sought out Lin Yuan.

"I was too busy before." Vice Tower Master Nalan's face was full of apology.

After breaking through to the Eleventh Level, most of his energy was spent familiarizing himself with the skyrocketing power.

The remaining mental energy was also dealing with the many identity changes after stepping into the Eleventh Level.

If it weren't for these constraints, Vice Tower Master Nalan would probably have found Lin Yuan first and thanked him sincerely.

"Still, congratulations on Vice Tower Master Nalan stepping into the Eleventh Level." Lin Yuan smiled.

"Eleventh Level? For the Galactic Lord, it's just a matter of time." Vice Tower Master Nalan said indifferently.

There were some things he couldn't say in front of outsiders, as Strongman Xia Qin had specifically instructed him to keep it confidential.

But in this personal space, Vice Tower Master Nalan could naturally say whatever he wanted.

As a newly promoted Eleventh-Level powerhouse, Vice Tower Master Nalan was somewhat proud in front of other Evolvers.

Even in the face of the Tenth-Level Evolvers who used to be on equal footing, he communicated with an attitude of superiority.

But in front of the Galactic Lord, Vice Tower Master Nalan couldn't be proud.

Proud of what?

Proud that the Galactic Lord almost comprehended the rules of time when he was at the Ninth Level?

Proud that the Galactic Lord surpassed many Eleventh-Level Evolvers in the comprehension of the rules of time?

In fact, in front of the Galactic Lord.

Vice Tower Master Nalan felt pressure.

A kind of pressure that he could be surpassed at any moment.

"At least for the next ten thousand years, the Galactic Lord shouldn't reach the Eleventh Level, right?" Vice Tower Master Nalan thought to himself.

"I hope so." Lin Yuan smiled.

The Eleventh Level is indeed not difficult for him.

It's just a matter of following the steps.

What's really difficult is becoming a Strongman, reaching the Twelfth Level, reaching the ultimate realm.

"Seeing the Galactic Lord, I seem to see the prosperous human civilization." Vice Tower Master Nalan's tone was somewhat emotional, "It's not easy for our human civilization to come this far."

"Indeed, it's not easy." Lin Yuan nodded.

As he rose to become an Evolver, as he ascended to become an Eighth-Level citizen, many secrets of human civilization unfolded before him.

Before Lin Yuan became an Evolver, he knew that human civilization had only taken two million years to rise from its ancestral star, to sweep across the eight directions of the universe, and become one of the strongest peak tribes in the cosmic starry sky.

At first.

Lin Yuan didn't find anything strange.

After all, for him at that time, over two million years was already an extremely long period of time.

But as his strength continued to increase, he began to understand the significance behind it.

Over two million years may seem very long for ordinary humans or Second and Third-Level Evolvers.

But for high-level Evolvers, it's not an unimaginable period of time.

Eighth-Level Evolvers can live for two to three million years, enough to cover the current history of human stars.

As for Ninth-Level Evolvers, they'll live even longer.

Tenth-Level Evolvers? Eleventh-Level Evolvers?

Especially the latter, after comprehending the rules of time, they can easily live through billions, trillions, or even quadrillions of years.

Many of the "Ancient Gods" in the depths of the stars have been born since the beginning of the universe, and have experienced incredibly long periods of time, but are still trapped at the Eleventh Level.

Of course, for a small number of powerful "Ancient Gods," being trapped at the Eleventh Level doesn't mean they can't attempt to reach the ultimate.

It's just that they dare not attempt to reach the ultimate.

Once the attempt to reach the ultimate fails, it means complete destruction.

Even Strongmen cannot reverse time to resurrect the dead.

To attempt to reach the ultimate, one of the steps is to leap out of the river of time entirely.

The leap here means a complete leap, including erasing the life imprints engraved in the origin of the universe, all of which must be leapt out together.

Once the attempt fails, everything will be destroyed, including those life imprints.

And for Strongmen to resurrect the dead, they need to rely on life imprints to act as "guides."

This is also the reason why life forms below the Sixth Level cannot be resurrected. Their life imprints are too weak to form "guides."

For Eleventh-Level life forms to attempt to reach the ultimate, the first thing they need to do is to erase their own guiding imprints, only then can they make the ultimate leap and try to enter the realm of Strongmen.

With his strength growing stronger, Lin Yuan came into contact with and experienced more and more.

And he increasingly felt how incredible it was for human civilization to become one of the peak tribes in the cosmic starry sky in just over two million years.

Like other peak tribes in the universe, the Insect Tribe, the Celestial Feather Tribe, which one of them did not take countless tens of thousands of years to rise?

But human civilization, with just over two million years of history?

Chapter 356: The Time of Dormancy (5000 words, please subscribe)

According to the internal interpretation of human civilization, it happened a very, very long time ago.

On the ancestral star of human civilization, an unprecedented encounter occurred.

This encounter caused a tremendous transformation in the life on the ancestral star, which was the embryo of future human civilization.

It wasn't until the first Strongman was born in the year 1 of the Stellar Era that human civilization began to expand outward.

That's right.

Before the birth of a Strongman, human civilization simply didn't dare to make contact with the outside world.

Because that encounter was too significant. If even a bit of it leaked out, it would be hunted down by all life in the universe.

In the year 1 of the Stellar Era, the first Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 1300th year of the Stellar Era, the second Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 5700th year of the Stellar Era, the third Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 11,000th year of the Stellar Era, the fourth Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 18,000th year of the Stellar Era, the fifth Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 20,000th year of the Stellar Era, the sixth Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 25,000th year of the Stellar Era, the seventh Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 38,000th year of the Stellar Era, the eighth Strongman was born in human civilization.

In the 120,000th year of the Stellar Era, the ninth Strongman was born in human civilization.

Because of that unprecedented encounter, human civilization explosively gained nine Strongmen in a short period.

Of course.

That was a time of extreme glory for human civilization.

But before the year 1 of the Stellar Era, there was a period of dormancy far exceeding two million years.

Over two million years of the Stellar Era does not represent the entire history of human civilization.

In fact, the history of the ancestral star spans over tens of billions of years.

"During the period of dormancy, the elites of my human civilization could only leave the ancestral star in secret, pretending to be lone travelers in the universe, or working for other alien races in exchange for cultivation resources. Even in death, they couldn't reveal their origins." Lin Yuan said softly.

"Yes." Vice Tower Master Nalan nodded.

In that era, the geniuses of human civilization had to keep an extremely low profile, desperately concealing their talents, or else they might be captured and enslaved by other powerful tribes.

Today, countless geniuses of human civilization are emerging, and although there are occasional assassinations by aliens, successful assassinations are ultimately rare.

And once they reach the Sixth Level, they can imprint their own life marks, giving them hope of resurrection.

"I wonder what it was like when countless treasures fell into the universe during that event?" Vice Tower Master Nalan sighed.

"Countless treasures falling into the universe?"

"Was it the event that caused the extinction of ninety percent of the tribes in the universe?"

Lin Yuan's heart stirred, recalling the results obtained by the Wisdom Goddess after investigating the Black Planet.

"Does the Galactic Lord also know about this?" Vice Tower Master Nalan was slightly surprised.

It was only after reaching the Eleventh Level and reaching the threshold of identity and strength that he learned about these secrets.

He hadn't expected the Galactic Lord to also know a thing or two?

But thinking of how Strongman Xia Qin valued the Galactic Lord, Vice Tower Master Nalan also understood.

"That's right."

"The unprecedented encounter my human civilization obtained before the period of dormancy should have come from that event."

Vice Tower Master Nalan said.

In fact, he was just speculating based on the information he currently knew.

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yuan suddenly realized. No wonder the Wisdom Goddess was able to quickly find out about the origins of the Black Planet and directly offer a purchase price of five hundred million merit points. It turned out she knew about the Black Planet.

"My gourd." Lin Yuan suddenly remembered the gourd he obtained from scouring the Galaxy Domain.

Although human civilization couldn't find any information about the mysterious gourd, Lin Yuan instinctively felt that perhaps this gourd was also one of the countless treasures that fell into the universe.

Because up to now, Lin Yuan had not found any information about the mysterious gourd, as if it were not a product of this universe.

After Vice Tower Master Nalan left.

Lin Yuan's heart was slightly stirred.

Today, most human citizens only pay attention to the glorious achievements of human civilization sweeping across eight alien races over the past two million years of the Stellar Era.

But in reality, the period of dormancy before the Stellar Era was equally magnificent and lengthy.

Even if they were lucky enough to obtain an unprecedented opportunity, what could they do? Without a difficult period of dormancy, even the most precious encounter would be plundered by the strong.

"I must cherish the current cultivation environment."

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and once again immersed himself in cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

Lin Yuan has comprehended two thousand and forty new models of time rules.

He is only ten models away from his expected complete understanding of the time rules.

"The two thousand and forty-first model of time rules... A well? Well of Time?" Lin Yuan frowned slightly, attempting to construct this particular model of time rules.

But all attempts failed.

"Well of Time." Lin Yuan pondered deeply.

"I'll visit the fifth floor of the Black Tower again." Lin Yuan followed the imprint of the magic jade directly to the magic jade space.

The fifth floor of the Black Tower requires a complete understanding of the time rules to pass through.

In other words, the many temporal challenges on the fifth floor are specifically designed for various stages of understanding the time rules.

Lin Yuan often makes significant gains by combining his fruit-to-cause method with the overall view of the microcosm and the River of Time.

Soon, Lin Yuan arrived before the ninth floor of the Black Tower.

At this moment, the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji was chatting with a burly man.

The burly man's name is Yuan Jin, the second challenger to enter the magic jade space in this universe. He joined the Black Tower as an ordinary member by completing a certain path of demon evolution.

Compared to Lin Yuan, who has comprehended three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths of demon evolution, Yuan Jin's achievements are far inferior.

But even in the chaotic void, completing a path of demon evolution is the main way for the Black Tower to recruit members.

As for comprehending three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths of demon evolution? Among the hundred thousand members of the Black Tower, it's not certain there would be even one.

"You're here?" The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji saw Lin Yuan and immediately ignored the burly man Yuan Jin beside him, smiling.

Yuan Jin didn't dare to say anything. In his eyes, Lin Yuan was an unfathomable Eleventh-Level being, the only one he could encounter here.

If it were outside, let alone him, even the Yuan family behind him would find it extremely difficult to meet an Eleventh-Level evolver.

So far, the number of Eleventh-Level evolvers known in human civilization doesn't exceed a thousand.

A thousand may sound like a lot, but considering the vast expanse of human civilization, it's hard to say how many star alliances it would take to produce one.

And most of the Eleventh-Level evolvers of human civilization are concentrated on large-scale alien battlefields, while the rest are mostly in the central star domain.

The Eleventh-Level evolvers in the surrounding four major star regions are mainly concentrated in the nine major evolutionary towers.

"I'm going to challenge the fifth floor again." Lin Yuan said directly.

Now that he's familiar with Shen Ji, he can speak directly.


"You can go in."

The humanoid stone statue Shen Ji nodded.

The entrance to the ninth floor of the Black Tower opened.

Under the careful observation of Yuan Jin, Lin Yuan entered the ninth floor of the Black Tower.

At this moment, the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji was watching the scene on the fifth floor of the Black Tower.

Yuan Jin stood aside. He didn't have permission to see what was happening on the fifth floor, so he could only stand obediently and look up at the faint glow emanating from the position of the fifth floor of the Black Tower.

Soon, the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji shook his head with some regret. "Just missed it."

"Just missed it?" Yuan Jin's heart trembled.

Just a little more and he would have passed the fifth floor?

According to the information from the ninth floor of the Black Tower, to pass the fifth floor, one must have a complete understanding of the time rules.

And to comprehend the time rules, even among the Eleventh-Level evolvers, is considered a feat of strength.

The adult just now was just one step away from comprehending the time rules completely.

"I only broke through to the Ninth Level and barely passed the first floor." Yuan Jin swallowed hard.

Being able to complete a path of demon evolution and perfect it, his talent was naturally not bad. But it was only after reaching the Ninth Level that he barely passed the first floor of the Black Tower.


At this moment.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared outside the Black Tower.

"In a little while, it should be about right," the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji said.

If facing other Eleventh-Level beings, he wouldn't say that, as often the final bottleneck of the time rules perplexes many strong individuals.

But Lin Yuan... Shen Ji had no doubts.


Lin Yuan nodded.


Lin Yuan glanced at the burly Yuan Jin standing beside him, respectfully.

Even though Yuan Jin had been in the Magic Jade Space for so long, Lin Yuan hadn't said much to him.

Lin Yuan thought for a moment. After all, Yuan Jin and he were both human evolvers. As the only two challengers in the Magic Jade Space, it was polite to acknowledge each other.

Of course, Lin Yuan was aware that Yuan Jin was human and from human civilization.

But Yuan Jin knew nothing about Lin Yuan, not even if Lin Yuan was from the same universe as him.

After all, in this Magic Jade Space, as long as you condensed the magic jade imprint, you could manifest, regardless of which universe you were in, as long as you were in the same dimension.


Yuan Jin was sincerely nervous. How could someone like him, who was so insignificant, have a high-ranking Eleventh-Level being speak to him directly?

"In fact, you don't have to be so formal," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. "We are both at the Ninth Level. We can communicate normally in the future."

"Thank you, sir." Yuan Jin was about to reply humbly, but his brain suddenly froze.

What did the sir just say?

"We are both at the Ninth Level?"

"We are both at the Ninth Level?"

"Are we both at the Ninth Level?"

Yuan Jin was a bit confused.

Ninth Level?

Almost passed the fifth floor of the Black Tower?

About to comprehend the time rules?

Yuan Jin couldn't react for a while.

Is this still the Ninth Level?

Yuan Jin gathered his courage, wanting to express his doubts.

But he found that Lin Yuan had already left, leaving only the smiling humanoid stone statue Shen Ji beside him.

"Did I just fall into an illusion?" Yuan Jin couldn't help but ask the humanoid stone statue.

As a Ninth-Level evolver, even though he had just entered the Ninth Level, he had a strong grasp of his own soul, mind, and will.

But what he had just heard was too unbelievable.

So much so that he even doubted whether he had fallen into an illusion without realizing it?

"No need to doubt," the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji smiled slightly. "That person just now is indeed a Ninth-Level being, but he is the strongest Ninth-Level being I have ever seen among all Ninth-Level beings."

"The strongest Ninth-Level being?" Yuan Jin murmured to himself.

So everything he heard just now was true?

Yuan Jin was shaken to the core.

A Ninth-Level about to comprehend the time rules?

What kind of abnormality is this?

Even if they were from human civilization, the Galaxy Lord, who is hailed as the strongest genius in history, couldn't achieve that, right?

Even though Yuan Jin was just a newly promoted Ninth-Level, he knew that comprehending the time rules at the Ninth Level and at the Eleventh Level were completely different concepts.

The former was much more difficult than the latter.

Galactic Capital.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

After re-challenging the fifth floor of the Black Tower.

Lin Yuan's comprehension of the time rules suddenly began to soar again.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, comprehending the two thousand and forty-first new model of time rules]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, comprehending the two thousand and forty-third new model of time rules]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, comprehending the two thousand and forty-fifth new model of time rules]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, comprehending the two thousand and forty-eighth new model of time rules]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, comprehending the two thousand and fiftieth new model of time rules.]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, you have comprehended the time rules.]

In a trance.

The world before Lin Yuan's eyes changed.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 357: Evolution of the Inner World (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Finally, I've grasped the rules of time."

Lin Yuan's spirits were high. With his ninth-level life, he had comprehended the rules of time.

In the vast main universe, such a precedent had never appeared before.

Because it was too difficult to achieve.

Even in the records of the Mo Yu Tower and the Xuanhuang lineage, only legendary innate time lives or a few rare extraordinary lives could accomplish this.

Time life refers to mysterious beings that can traverse many timelines.

At the end of the cultivation of a twelfth-level powerhouse, they transform into time lives.

"The rules of time," Lin Yuan closed his eyes.

After comprehending the rules of time, there was no change in Lin Yuan's body and soul.

But he could clearly sense the existence of the vast river of time.

Before comprehending the rules of time, even an eleventh-level powerhouse couldn't perceive the river of time.

Born in this mountain, Lin was unaware of its depth.

"I can now significantly slow down my own time flow," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Before comprehending the rules of time, Lin Yuan could also slow down his own time flow, but it was far from significant.

Now, Lin Yuan could slow down his own experienced time flow by thousands or even tens of thousands of times.

While the outside world passed hundreds of thousands of years, Lin Yuan experienced only a year.

This was also the main way for those powerful ancient gods in the depths of the universe to prolong their lives.

A small number of ancient gods had the conditions to impact the ultimate, but they dared not, fearing failure.

So they had been waiting for an opportunity, passing one billion years after another by slowing down their own time flow.

Of course, in the eyes of these ancient gods, the time they passed might be just ten or twenty years, but in the main universe, it had been billions of years.

"Slowing down the time flow is useless to me," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

He still had a lot of lifespan left, so there was no need to eke out an existence in this way.

"The river of time?" Lin Yuan looked towards the sky, and in the hazy scene, he seemed to see a majestic river flowing.

The most important point after comprehending the rules of time was to perceive himself struggling in the river of time.

Compared to the perspective Xia Qin, the powerhouse, had given him to break free from the constraints of the river of time and go to the 'shore,' Lin Yuan's perspective now was inside the river of time.

The two perspectives were completely different.

The depth and breadth seen by the latter were far smaller than the former.

"My size in the river of time is too small," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

The stronger one's strength, the larger one's size reflected in the river of time. Although Lin Yuan had comprehended the rules of time, he was still only a ninth-level life.

Even though his life essence was comparable to a tenth-level A-grade, he was still inconspicuous in the river of time.

In the river of time, an ordinary eleventh-level life could only be considered a 'small fish,' while an eleventh-level life who comprehended the rules of time could be considered a 'big fish.'

As for Lin Yuan? Although he comprehended the rules of time, his life essence was still too weak. He could probably only be considered a tiny insect now.

"Before, when I observed the river from the 'shore,' I saw a 'big fish' covering half of the riverbed. I wonder what level of eleventh-level life that was?" Lin Yuan suddenly thought.

Since he was in the river of time, he was still an eleventh level. It's just that his size could cover half of the riverbed? It showed how terrifying a strong life essence could be.

"The shore?" Lin Yuan tried to look towards the shore, but it was blurry. The scenes of life inside the river couldn't be seen from the shore.

"I am fully capable of jumping up and briefly leaving the river, but I'd better not." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

Lin Yuan's body tensed as he strained his all, able to briefly leap out of the river of time. However, doing so would catch the attention of the powerhouses standing at the shore.

Lin Yuan wasn't concerned about the nine human civilization powerhouses, but there were many other powerhouses in this universe who held deep animosity towards human civilization.

"Going against the current?"

Lin Yuan turned his head, gazing into the distant past.

Life forms that had already died in the past appeared before Lin Yuan's eyes one by one. The further he looked into the distant past, the more life forms' apparitions appeared.

These lives all started at the sixth level. Below the sixth level, Lin Yuan couldn't see their apparitions at all.

"In theory, I also have the ability to 'fish people' now," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Of course, theory was theory. With Lin Yuan's current strength and life essence, even if he 'fished up' a sixth-level life, it would be instantly crushed by the backlash from the main universe and the river of time.

Even an eleventh-level powerhouse couldn't bear the backlash of resurrecting a sixth-level life. So far, only powerhouses could easily resurrect the deceased lives and bring them into the latest time period.

Powerhouses were too powerful. Only by resurrecting eleventh-level lives could they be a bit cautious, and even then, they were incredibly formidable eleventh-level lives.

The river of time.

The shore.

The nine human civilization powerhouses stood there.

Further away.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, was also there, quietly overlooking the surface of the river.


Xia Qin's expression changed slightly.

A slight ripple from deep within the river of time made him realize that a life form was peering towards the shore.

Generally, such ripples meant that a life form had comprehended the rules of time, could perceive that they were just 'fish' in the river of time, and then attempted to look towards the shore.

"A life form has comprehended the rules of time?" Xia Qin's thoughts spread.

If it were before, he naturally wouldn't think much about it. The river of time was vast and endless, encompassing not only many present lives but also an infinite number of lives as vast as the sea in the past.

Occasionally, a life form comprehending the rules of time would appear, which was nothing out of the ordinary.

From the other powerhouses, one could see that they didn't pay any attention to it. However, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, had a vague speculation in his heart.

Could the life form comprehending the rules of time this time be that little guy?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, began to feel a hidden anticipation in his heart.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, and a thread of his will descended into his inner world.


With the rules of time fully comprehended, the inner world gained the rules of time as a support, together with the spatial rules and many other rules, beginning to support the inner world.


A certain special change occurred in the inner world.

Lin Yuan's intuitive feeling was that the inner world did not grow larger at all, nor did the layers of space increase.

But with the integration of the rules of time, Lin Yuan vaguely felt that the inner world became 'complete.'

It was as if the previous inner world was 'incomplete,' and now it was finally 'completed' and became 'whole.'

"So this is the 'independent' inner world?" Lin Yuan pondered.

With the rules of time and spatial rules, the spatiotemporal aspect of the inner world no longer relied on the main universe. Strictly speaking, the inner world and the main universe were at the same level.

Both were worlds with space and time.

As for the difference, it was nothing more than the main universe being countless times larger than the inner world, but no matter how great the difference, they still belonged to the same world.

Both were direct descendants of the chaotic void.

"Too wonderful, this is the independent inner world?" Lin Yuan muttered softly to himself. At this moment, his inner world could already shield the main universe's sensing.

It should be noted that the main universe could sense everything in the inner world.

Previously, when Lin Yuan traversed to the spirit world and comprehended dozens of cosmic powers, the main universe sensed that the source power from the universe was hovering outside the inner world.

Waiting for Lin Yuan to open the inner world and allow dozens of cosmic powers to adapt to the main universe.

But now, Lin Yuan had a feeling that even if the inner world had something coveted by the main universe, it would not be sensed.

Because the inner world and the main universe were completely isolated from each other, both 'independently' complete.

"Although there hasn't been any change in combat power, there's more 'freedom,'" a smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

Actually, saying there's been no change in combat power isn't accurate. After comprehending the rules of time, Lin Yuan's mastery of time has improved significantly.

Even if his direct combat power is inferior to a tenth-level A-grade, he can still manipulate those tenth-level A-grades based on his understanding of the rules of time.

For example, right now, Lin Yuan can use the rules of time to cast a time cage. Even if those tenth-level A-grades struggle with all their might, it would still take at least half an hour for them to break free.

Half an hour? By then, the cold dishes would have cooled.


"After comprehending the rules of time, does the inner world, with its combination of time and space, begin to transform rapidly?" Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly.

Breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level is a slow transformation process. According to Lin Yuan's own estimate, it would take about a hundred years to complete the transformation.

But now, Lin Yuan estimated that he only needed sixty or seventy years.

"The benefits of comprehending the rules of time are unexpectedly good?" Lin Yuan's mood was quite good.

Although there wouldn't be any variables in breaking through to the tenth level with his foundation, the sooner he reached the tenth level, the better.

"Xia Qin, the powerhouse, mentioned that an independent inner world, when undergoing a major boundary transition, will receive an infusion of the origin from the chaotic void, which will be a great opportunity."

Lin Yuan's expression was slightly hopeful.

An infusion of origin from the chaotic void? Theoretically, this is a treatment only available to eleventh-level lives impacting the ultimate.

Yet Lin Yuan, at the ninth level, enjoys it. If this got out, who knows how many eleventh-level lives would be envious and go mad?


"I should go see Xia Qin, the powerhouse."

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged, and he immediately began to connect to the virtual world.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, had instructed Lin Yuan that if he could comprehend the rules of time at the ninth level, he must come to him again.

Lin Yuan comprehending the rules of time was also greatly assisted by Xia Qin, the powerhouse. Without Xia Qin helping Lin Yuan break free from the river of time, even if Lin Yuan could comprehend the rules of time, the progress would be significantly delayed, maybe even until the tenth level.

Virtual world.

Personal world of the powerhouse.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, sat high on his throne.


"That little guy is coming to see me?"

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, felt a stir in his heart, suddenly thinking of the faint ripple he felt at the 'shore' of the river of time just now.

"Could it be that the ripple really came from Lin Yuan?"

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, felt slightly excited in his heart; he had only speculated before.

Soon after, Lin Yuan's figure appeared below.


Lin Yuan bowed slightly.

"Have you comprehended the rules of time?" Xia Qin, the powerhouse, asked directly.

A rare hint of nervousness appeared in his expression.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, wondered how Lin Yuan knew he had some doubts in his heart, but he still answered, "Yes."

"Comprehended the rules of time."

Xia Qin, the powerhouse's tone was unusually excited. "Excellent!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 358: Breakthrough Preparation (Please Subscribe)

"Excellent!" Xia Qin, the powerhouse, sounded excited, the more he looked at Lin Yuan, the more satisfied he felt.

Over the long years, he had also nurtured several descendants, pouring his heart and soul into them.

Those descendants possessed the bloodline of twelfth-level lives, coupled with the cultivation of the powerhouse himself.

Indeed, they achieved quite remarkable accomplishments.

But compared to Lin Yuan?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, felt a bit embarrassed.

So far, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, had only taken Lin Yuan to the shore of the river of time once, which was the only cultivation he had provided for the Galactic Master.

As for more?

There was none.

That token, which resisted ultimate attacks of the same level, was actually given to exceptional geniuses of human civilization as long as they were summoned by a powerhouse.

The only difference Xia Qin, the powerhouse, had with how he treated Lin Yuan compared to other exceptional geniuses of human civilization was allowing the Galactic Master to glimpse at the panorama of the river of time when he was at the ninth level.

This kind of opportunity could be considered significant or insignificant.

For mediocre talents, whether they looked or not made no difference.

Even for exceptional evolutionary geniuses, at most, it just made their comprehension of the rules of time smoother.

But Lin Yuan?

Just by glimpsing for a while, he comprehended the rules of time in less than thirty years?

Such a harvest even left Xia Qin, the powerhouse, feeling bewildered.

He did have expectations for Lin Yuan to comprehend the rules of time at the ninth level.

But he didn't expect it to happen so quickly?

"Excellent?" Lin Yuan looked towards Xia Qin, the powerhouse, seated on the throne.

The first time he was summoned by Xia Qin, the powerhouse, even after learning that Lin Yuan was the founder of the path of martial evolution, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, only showed a few approving glances. But now, he was so excited that he repeated 'excellent' three times?

Before today, Lin Yuan hadn't expected the powerhouse to show such emotional fluctuations.

"It seems that the benefits brought by comprehending the rules of time at the ninth level and breakthrough to the tenth level exceed my imagination," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

"When will the transformation be complete?" Xia Qin, the powerhouse, observed Lin Yuan for a while before asking.

He naturally knew all the details about breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level.

One's physical body, soul, mind, and even the inner world would undergo slow transformations.

Once the transformation reached a critical point, the final breakthrough could be made, completely stepping into the tenth level.

During this period, it was best for the evolutionary to not exert full strength because it would affect the progress of their transformation.

After completing the ninth layer transit, Lin Yuan waited until the end of the Primordial Secret Realm before breaking through because he was worried about any accidents during the transformation.

When breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level, not only would Lin Yuan's main body undergo transformation, but his two major souls would also undergo transformation.

"It was supposed to take sixty years."

"Now, at most twenty years, the transformation will reach its peak, and then I can break through," Lin Yuan immediately said.

Why did ninth-level evolvers need to open up millions of layers of space before reaching the threshold of breaking through to the tenth level?

Because only with this number of layers of space could they barely undergo continuous transformation and ultimately step into the tenth level.

But this was just "barely". The more layers of space opened up, the easier the transformation process would be.

"With the integration of the rules of time, your inner world is now complete and independent, so the transformation speed will naturally skyrocket," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, nodded.

For example, the speed of a vehicle with two wheels would definitely be slower than one with four or eight wheels.

And with the integration of the rules of time into the inner world, compared to the inner world supported only by spatial rules, it was far more than just adding a few wheels.

It was a significant qualitative change and leap.

"For ninth-level breakthroughs to the tenth level, even ordinary evolvers need to withstand the infusion of the cosmic origin and cannot be disturbed during this period," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, looked at Lin Yuan.

Ordinary evolvers needed to withstand the infusion of the cosmic origin.

While Lin Yuan needed to withstand the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void.

And he couldn't be disturbed even more.

"Where do you plan for me to break through?" Lin Yuan asked proactively.

These things were undoubtedly best known to the powerhouse.

"In that case, you'll break through within the Milky Way domain."

"Also, try to recall your avatars outside when breaking through," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, pondered for a moment before speaking.

Breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level must be done in the safest possible place.

There were only a few safe areas in human civilization.

One was the Central Star Domain, which was the stronghold of human civilization, with many tribal weapons suppressing it.

Even if powerful beings from other races came, they wouldn't gain any benefits.

The second was the various evolutionary towers.

These towers were where the powerhouses were stationed.

Being inside the tower was equivalent to being under the protection of a powerhouse.

Equally safe.


Lin Yuan's inner world was transforming too fast.

Less than twenty years until the transformation was complete.

Whether it was the nearby evolutionary towers or the Central Star Domain.

They were separated from the Milky Way domain by countless light-years.

If Lin Yuan wanted to go, he would inevitably need to spend a lot of time on the road.

This made Xia Qin, the powerhouse, feel uneasy.

Lin Yuan was currently the only existence in human civilization to comprehend the rules of time at the ninth level.

He might even be the only one in this universe from birth to destruction, to complete a full cosmic era.

Naturally, there was no need to waste the precious time before the breakthrough on the road.

"I will send out avatars to the Milky Way domain, and you can focus on your breakthrough," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, said.

Although the Milky Way domain was covered by the virtual world network, the Feather Butterfly powerhouse could descend at any time with avatars.

But Lin Yuan was someone Xia Qin had his eye on.

It was okay to rely on the Feather Butterfly powerhouse for ordinary times.

But even during such a critical moment as breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level, relying on the Feather Butterfly powerhouse?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, felt it was not appropriate.

Anyway, Lin Yuan's breakthrough wouldn't take long, and sending out avatars wouldn't require much effort either.

"Thank you, powerhouse," Lin Yuan expressed his gratitude.

To have the powerhouse personally protect him during the breakthrough? In human civilization, this treatment was probably only available to those breaking through from the eleventh level to the twelfth.

Lin Yuan enjoyed it when breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level. It was evident how much Xia Qin, the powerhouse, valued him.

However, considering Lin Yuan's current demonstrated potential, in terms of importance, he was not inferior to the peak evolutionary beings of human civilization at the eleventh level.

In fact, in the eyes of the powerhouses, he was even stronger.

For powerhouses, there wasn't much difference between the ninth level and tenth level.

So far, Lin Yuan's performance in this aspect is superior to those peak evolutionary beings at the eleventh level.

Breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level, then from the tenth level to the eleventh level, enjoying the infusion of chaotic void origin twice in a row, a privilege usually reserved for those breaking through from the eleventh level to the twelfth level?

It means that when Lin Yuan reaches the eleventh level, his physical body, soul, mind, inner world, and so on, can surpass the majority of eleventh-level powerhouses.

Even if he may not match those peak eleventh-level beings in rule comprehension, with his own foundation, he can still survive or even contend.

And once Lin Yuan reaches the peak of the eleventh level, the probability of ultimately impacting the ultimate will be much higher than other peak eleventh-level beings.

This increased probability comes entirely from Lin Yuan himself, not external factors.

If we add the support of human civilization and utilize those critical treasures?

At least Lin Yuan is the highest possibility of an evolver crossing the ultimate in human civilization for the past two million years.

With such a stunning genius, why wouldn't one take him seriously?

"When breaking through, try to enter deeper layers of space as much as possible," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, reminded him finally.


Lin Yuan nodded.

When breaking through from the eighth level to the ninth level.

He hadn't even opened up spatial layers yet.

So he chose a desolate star domain for his breakthrough.

This also minimized the impact of the breakthrough.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, asking him to break through in deeper spatial layers was also for similar reasons.

The impact caused by Lin Yuan breaking through from the eighth level to the ninth level was only dozens or hundreds of light-years.

But breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level, aside from other factors, just the inner world alone had increased by tens of millions of times in terms of foundation.

If he didn't break through in deeper spatial layers, the impact would be unimaginable.

And the main source of impact comes from the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void, which Xia Qin, the powerhouse, couldn't stop.

Stop it? Stop the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, naturally wouldn't do such a foolish thing.


Lin Yuan's figure disappeared.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, sat on the throne, his mind slightly moved.

An avatar appeared outside the evolutionary tower and stepped out, heading towards the Milky Way domain.

The Xiaoyou Evolutionary Tower and the Milky Way domain were separated by an extremely long distance in light-years.

But for powerhouses, these distances naturally meant nothing.

Central Star.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, his main consciousness focused on his slow transformation.

The transformation originated from his inner world and gradually affected his physical body, soul, mind, and will.

So comprehending the rules of time, making the inner world independent and complete, played a crucial role in the entire transformation process.

"Twenty years."

Even though there were only twenty years left until stepping into the tenth level, Lin Yuan didn't want to waste them.

Instead, he reviewed the path of martial evolution from the beginning, from the first level to the ninth level.

Every detail surged into his mind.

Although Xia Qin, the powerhouse, valued his comprehension of the rules of time more, Lin Yuan knew in his heart.

His foundation would always be the path of martial evolution.

This was the basis of everything for Lin Yuan.

Reviewing the path of martial evolution from the beginning was equivalent to reviewing the evolutionary path Lin Yuan had taken.

"First-level section should focus more on the basics. The physical body is the beginning of martial arts. Without a strong physique, it's difficult to reach the end of martial arts."

"Second-level section."

"Third-level section."

Lin Yuan began to 'adjust' the path of martial evolution bit by bit.

This kind of adjustment didn't involve major changes but only minor adjustments, making the path of martial evolution more perfect and flawless.

At least it would reduce the confusion for many martial cultivators when practicing the path of martial evolution.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year had passed.

Lin Yuan finally reorganized the path of martial evolution from beginning to end.

First-level section, second-level section, third-level section, all the way to the ninth-level section.

"The current path of martial evolution is easier for evolvers to understand, and the essence it explains is also clearer," Lin Yuan smiled.

The path of martial evolution is what he created from nothing, drawing from thousands of cultivation systems and evolutionary paths, and finally opened up.

As for the first martial path that traveled through worlds? Lin Yuan's path of martial evolution today is completely different from the first martial path that traveled through worlds.

That martial path of traveling through worlds only roughly used the physical body and qi and blood, with the upper limit barely reaching the first level.

But the path of martial evolution? It aims to become a path to becoming a powerhouse.

"Let's update it directly." Lin Yuan chose to upload the reorganized path of martial evolution, replacing the original path of martial evolution.

Virtual world in the Southern Star Region.

Central Square area.

Countless evolvers and high-level citizens chatted casually.

Just then—

"Look, the rankings on the Evolution List have been updated."

"The Martial Path Evolution has risen to forty-second place."

"So terrifying, a ninth-level evolution path ranks forty-second in the star region?!"

"The founder behind the Martial Path Evolution is definitely the top evolver in our human civilization, reaching an incredible level of exploration in the field of evolution."

"According to the current ranking of the Martial Path Evolution, when he uploads the tenth-level section and becomes a tenth-level evolution path, won't he directly enter the top ten of the Evolution List?"

Many evolvers and high-level citizens discussed one after another. The Martial Path Evolution has become the most legendary evolutionary path in the Southern Star Region, with an influence even greater than those top ten evolutionary paths in the star region.

The evolutionary paths at the peak of the eleventh level have basically been around for one or two million years, and their potential has reached its limit.

But the Martial Path Evolution is only at the ninth level. If it reaches the tenth or even the eleventh level, what rank will it achieve on the Evolution List?

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan glanced at the latest ranking of the Martial Path Evolution.

"Up eleven places."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

This time, he only made minor adjustments to the Martial Path Evolution, and the entire path had risen from fifty-third to forty-second place.

It completely met Lin Yuan's expectations.

And the rise in the ranking of the Martial Path Evolution also rewarded Lin Yuan with eight million merit points.

This was the result of the joint judgment of the three goddesses. Although the potential of the updated Martial Path Evolution did not significantly increase, its adaptability was broader, and each level was close to perfection.

"The Martial Path Evolution has developed quite well over the past few decades."

Lin Yuan pulled up the latest training data of the Martial Path Evolution, including the number of evolvers at each stage.

"First-level section: 80 trillion."

"Second-level section: 920 billion."

"Third-level section: 9 billion."

"Fourth-level section: 80 million."

"Fifth-level section: 12 million."

"Sixth-level section: 103,000."

"Seventh-level section: 5,600."

"Eighth-level section: Zero."

"The number of evolvers from the first level to the third level has skyrocketed tens of times, but from the fourth level onwards, the rate of growth has slowed down significantly."

Lin Yuan didn't feel surprised.

Regardless of the evolutionary path, in the early stages of cultivation, from the first level to the third level, one could 'quickly progress.'

Before comprehending the essence of the rules, evolution was just an accumulation of energy.

And as long as there were enough resources, energy accumulation was not a problem.

But from the fourth level of the Martial Path Evolution, one began to comprehend the rules.

This aspect couldn't be 'quickly progressed.' External forces could make comprehension easier, but it was impossible to directly improve without comprehension.

Compared to decades ago, the number of evolvers in the sixth and seventh levels of the Martial Path Evolution had hardly changed.

"Over the years, I've probably accumulated over 10 million cosmic crystals from the Martial Path Evolution." Lin Yuan glanced at the income distribution of the Martial Path Evolution.

Over 10 million cosmic crystals, even for a tenth-level evolver, was no small amount.

It was also the entire wealth of a normal ninth-level Evolver.

But this was just the accumulation of the Martial Path Evolution in the past thirty years.

Thirty years was exceptionally short, even for ninth or tenth-level evolvers.

Galactic Star Domain.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, stood quietly there, taking in everything in the Galactic Star Domain and its surrounding star domains and even the Star Alliance.

Even as just an avatar, he possessed the basic combat power of a twelfth-level powerhouse. Moreover, using the avatar as a 'marker,' Xia Qin, the powerhouse's true body, could instantly arrive.

"To comprehend the rules of time at the ninth level is remarkable." A phantom figure condensed next to him, and the powerhouse, Yudie, appeared.

Among the nine powerhouses of human civilization, Yudie's combat power was not strong, but equally indispensable. The virtual world network that covered the entire human civilization originated from Yudie, the powerhouse.

The so-called virtual world that nearly replicates everything in reality is the dream carefully created by Yudie, the powerhouse.

Combined with the human civilization's town-level weapon, the Virtual World Heaven and Earth, the virtual world has almost 90% of the essence of the main universe.

With the virtual world, Yudie, the powerhouse, could descend to any position in the human civilization's territory with just a thought.

"That's right." Xia Qin, the powerhouse, was quite satisfied.

It was rare for a mighty powerhouse to say 'remarkable.' Yudie, the powerhouse in the realm of virtual dreams, had a higher vision than ordinary powerhouses. Her 'remarkable' carried enough weight to make powerhouses of the same level astonished.

"When the Galactic Master breaks through, it will trigger the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void. At that time, we will need to cooperate to isolate spatial perception."

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, said.

The so-called isolation of spatial perception is to hide the specific location of the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void into the main universe.

Even if other powerful beings of other races perceive it, they will only know that there are evolvers in the human civilization bearing the infusion of the origin from the chaotic void.

As for where the location is, they won't be able to lock onto it.

Isolating spatial perception is also a method commonly used by powerhouses.

The purpose is to confuse the gaze of other powerful beings of other races.

"No problem." Yudie, the powerhouse, nodded.

In fact, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, could complete spatial isolation alone.

But for the sake of caution, he still called Yudie, the powerhouse, along.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 359 Entering the Tenth Level (End of this volume, please subscribe)

During the wait.

The two powerhouses started chatting.

"As the first life in our human civilization to accept the infusion of chaotic void origin at the ninth level, I wonder how big a gap the Galactic Master will tear when breaking through."

Yudie, the powerhouse, couldn't help but be curious.

Even if a twelfth-level powerhouse breaks through to the ultimate and accepts the infusion of chaotic void origin, she has seen it many times.

But at the ninth level?

Never happened before.

Even the ultimate beings are quite looking forward to it.

"Normally, when breaking through from the ninth level to the tenth level, it will tear a gap of millions of miles and undergo origin infusion."

"The Galactic Master has opened up a space layer of more than two billion times, so the required origin infusion is twenty times stronger than that of a normal ninth-level powerhouse. But the origin of the chaotic void is much stronger than the cosmic origin, so the gap torn open in the end is estimated to be around tens of millions of miles."

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, speculated.

Whether it's the infusion of cosmic origin or chaotic void origin.

Essentially, it's filling the body of the evolver with the power of origin.

The more origin power the evolver's physical body can bear, the larger the gap torn open by the overflowing origin.

"About right."

Yudie, the powerhouse, nodded.

Although they haven't seen a ninth-level life accepting the infusion of chaotic void origin.

But they can completely infer the scale of the infusion of chaotic void origin from normal ninth-level evolvers accepting the infusion of cosmic origin.

Normally, the quality of chaotic void origin exceeds that of cosmic origin by a hundred times.

When the Galactic Master breaks through and tears open a gap of tens of millions of miles, the chaotic void origin infused down will be ten times that of the cosmic origin.

If we also consider the quality, the benefits the Galactic Master will ultimately gain will be over a thousand times that of a normal ninth-level evolver breaking through to the tenth level.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, eighteen or nineteen years passed.

Galactic Main Star.

Lin Yuan quietly opened his eyes.

"The transformation has reached its peak."

Lin Yuan observed himself, whether it was the internal world, the physical body and soul, or even the will, they all seemed to have reached a certain limit.

To further advance, he must break through the constraints and enter the tenth level.



Two figures appeared beside him.

They were Lin Yuan's Sun and Moon Elemental Spirits.


With a slight movement of his mind, Lin Yuan used the secret technique "Illusory Reality" to convert the two Elemental Spirits from flesh into soul.

This secret technique created by the master of the Mysterious Gourd Tower can allow life to freely transform between illusion and reality, which is truly incredible.

Lin Yuan has always kept the two Elemental Spirits maintaining his physical body.

Because only through the physical body can he fully unleash the power of several major physical body divine abilities.

As for the soul? Although the soul is unpredictable in its gathering and dispersing, with the ability of Blood Rebirth, it is not much worse than the soul.

But now.

For a safe breakthrough.

Lin Yuan let the two Elemental Spirits return to their original state.

Although the two Elemental Spirits have transformed back into soul bodies.

But the internal world has not shrunk to tens of millions of miles in diameter.

The effect of the Mysterious Gourd is not lost with the transformation of the flesh into soul.

"Let's begin the breakthrough." With the two Elemental Spirits integrated into his physical body, Lin Yuan now suppresses the three internal worlds that exceed two billion miles each within his body.

"Let's go." Lin Yuan's figure disappeared, entering the deeper layers of space.


"That little guy is about to break through."

The two powerhouses, who were always focused on the Galactic Main Star, immediately noticed Lin Yuan's presence disappearing from the main star and reappearing in the deeper layers of space.

"Let's begin as well."

"Isolate the space-time."

Xia Qin and Yudie, the two powerhouses, exchanged glances and began to act.

In an instant.

Strange fluctuations began to spread throughout the entire Galactic Star Region and even dozens of surrounding star regions.

In this vast area, space-time was temporarily isolated. Even if there were major disturbances, the outside world wouldn't be able to pinpoint the exact location.

In the depths of space.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

When the transformation reached its peak, a certain impulse surged in Lin Yuan's heart.

That impulse was to break it.

Break through the constraints and bottlenecks.


Accompanied by Lin Yuan releasing his suppression.

He forcefully attacked the bottleneck.

The external universe seemed to sense something.

A terrifying crack tore through the layers of space, and a large amount of origin power from beyond the universe, the chaotic void, began to pour crazily towards Lin Yuan.


The endless chaotic void origin poured towards Lin Yuan as if it were free.

Normally, when a ninth-level evolver breaks through to the tenth level, only a small amount of origin power infusion is needed.

After all, for a ninth-level evolver to break through to the tenth level, the internal world is only tens of millions of miles in diameter, and the number of layers in the space opened up is only tens of millions.

How much origin power can such a small space and depth carry?

Some special ninth-level evolvers, who have opened up tens of millions of layers of space, might need a bit more origin power.

But it's still very limited.

At most, tearing open a gap of two million or three million miles for origin infusion.

But Lin Yuan?

Just the intuitive size of his internal world exceeds two billion miles in diameter. Compared to ordinary evolvers with a mere tens of millions of miles in diameter, the amount of origin power he can carry is not just thousands or millions of times greater.

Furthermore, with a internal world of over two billion miles in diameter, the number of layers in space he has opened up exceeds twenty-three billion.

When combined, the amount of origin power Lin Yuan can ultimately carry is tens of millions to billions of times that of a normal ninth-level evolver.

It's like comparing a fish tank to a lake; both hold water, but the amount of water they hold is vastly different.

Ripping apart.

As it pierced through numerous layers of space, the gap caused by the influx of chaotic void origin began to expand rapidly.

One light-year.

Two light-years.

Five light-years.

When a normal ninth-level evolver breaks through to the tenth level and hides in the deeper layers of space, the disturbances caused are not too significant, merely tearing open gaps of millions or hundreds of millions of miles.

Compared to the vastness of the cosmic void, what does it matter?


Lin Yuan's need for origin power is too vast.

Even though the quality of the chaotic void's origin is a hundred times stronger than cosmic origin, the gaps torn open quickly reach ten light-years.

The energy fluctuations that erupt during this process far exceed the disturbances caused by a ninth-level breakthrough to the tenth level, and even fall short compared to a tenth-level breakthrough to the eleventh level.

"What's going on?"

"Is the universe being torn open?"

"Is it the infusion of chaotic origin?"

At the same time, deep within the cosmic void, numerous eleventh-level beings began to perceive something. When the universe is completely torn open, connecting with the outer chaotic void, if it's just a brief tearing or not too intense, it wouldn't cause such a massive reaction.

But a gap exceeding ten light-years and a large amount of chaotic void origin spreading out would be perceptible even to eleventh-level beings, no matter how far apart they are.

After all, the origin of the chaotic void is the power needed when an eleventh-level powerhouse breaks through to the ultimate realm, and many eleventh-level beings crave this kind of power.

"Is there someone attempting the ultimate breakthrough?"

"Which eleventh-level peak lifeform is choosing this moment to attempt the ultimate breakthrough?"

"No, I've sensed the scene of eleventh-level beings attempting the ultimate breakthrough before, and it was much more intense than now."

"Yes, when eleventh-level beings attempt the ultimate breakthrough, the infusion of chaotic void origin is just one of the phenomena. There are even more majestic manifestations."

Many powerful ancient gods were communicating continuously. Some of them were in a state of slumber, maintaining a huge disparity in time flow between themselves and the outside world.

But they were also awakened by the chaotic void origin, canceling the time flow and sensing the presence from beyond the universe.

"It should be an eleventh-level lifeform who has comprehended the rules of time, attempting to break through to the eleventh level again."

Some ancient gods speculated.

Since the beginning of the universe, there has never been a ninth-level lifeform comprehending the rules of time. But eleventh-level lifeforms comprehending the rules of time have appeared.

When an eleventh-level lifeform comprehends the rules of time, their internal world becomes completely independent. When they break through to the eleventh level, they will also receive the infusion of chaotic void origin.

"Comprehending the rules of time at the tenth level must be greatly beneficial for the future ultimate breakthrough, right?"

"I envy it. Why didn't I spend a few more years at the tenth level? If I had comprehended the rules of time back then, I would have had another chance to receive the infusion of chaotic void origin, benefiting immensely."

"But I didn't feel where the gap was torn open. There's a feeling of space-time isolation."

"Hehe, it must be the work of powerhouses. Isolating space-time. If they didn't, there might have been hostile powerhouses trying to kill us."

Deep within the cosmic void, eleventh-level beings and ancient gods were engaged in lively exchanges.

Generally speaking, apart from matters like attempting the ultimate breakthrough, it's rare to see such powerful beings communicating. Most of the time, they are in a state of slumber.

Skyfeather Clan.

"The gap torn open is within the territory of human civilization."

A progenitor of the Skyfeather Clan opened their eyes and looked towards the direction of human civilization.

Those eleventh-level beings and ancient gods were completely blinded by the isolation of space-time, unable to perceive the location of the continuously infused chaotic void origin.

But as ultimate beings, they could vaguely determine the approximate area.

This progenitor of the Skyfeather Clan concluded that it was within the territory of human civilization.

"Will there be another eleventh-level evolver who comprehended the rules of time at the tenth level in human civilization?"

Other progenitors began to look towards the direction of human civilization one after another. For twelfth-level lifeforms, they rarely pay attention to matters below the ultimate level.

Even some ultimate beings are too lazy to care about their own ethnic groups.

But now, lifeforms comprehending the rules of time at the tenth level have caused many ultimate beings to take notice.

At least the hope of this lifeform breaking through to the ultimate in the future is greater than that of other eleventh-level beings.

"The cosmic origin's will favors human civilization too much."

"The countless treasures that fell from the sky allowed human civilization to obtain the most crucial part of the treasures."

"Now, another evolver who comprehended the rules of time at the tenth level has emerged? And what about that Galaxy Lord?"

Many ultimate beings thought silently.

They wanted to take action to kill the lifeform that comprehended the rules of time, but for a short time, they couldn't lock down the specific location.

They only knew it was within the territory of human civilization.

And the territory of human civilization is vast and vast. Even for powerhouses, searching inch by inch would require a lot of time, not to mention that the ultimate beings of human civilization would not allow foreign powerhouses to search at will.

Lin Yuan's breakthrough has attracted the attention of many eleventh-level beings and ultimate existences.

However, including those ultimate beings, they only think it's a breakthrough from the tenth level to the eleventh level.

But this tenth-level lifeform comprehended the rules of time and just accepted the infusion of chaotic void origin in advance.

Although it was somewhat unexpected, similar incidents have occurred before, so it's not too shocking.

However, in the Milky Way region.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, looked at the depths of the spatial layer, where the gap had already reached twelve light-years, and the endless infusion of chaotic void origin.

The breath from beyond the universe spread, profound and mysterious.

The two powerhouses vaguely saw that outside the chaotic void, a large number of chaotic streams surged, and the turbulent chaotic void origin seemed to pour down like a waterfall, and then was absorbed by Lin Yuan.

The chaotic void origin, enough to burst ninth-level and even tenth-level evolvers, entered Lin Yuan's body like entering an abyss, without causing any reaction.

Lin Yuan seemed like a black hole, crazily absorbing the infusion of origin from the chaotic void.

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, looked astonished, standing still for a long time.

(End of this chapter)