

Chapter 353: The Mysterious Black Planet (5000 words, seeking subscription)

Beneath the desolate cosmic starry sky,

Lin Yuan solemnly assessed the distant black planet.

Even though he had just slapped it, he held back his strength, only using a negligible amount of force.

But it was enough to obliterate an advanced life-bearing planet, even a star would be sent flying.

But the black planet didn't even budge?

Not only did it not move, it seemed to have been completely unaffected.

This was somewhat unbelievable.


Lin Yuan began to gradually increase his own strength.

Continuously probing the black life-bearing planet.

But it remained completely unaffected.

Even when Lin Yuan increased his strength to the level of a billion spatial layers.

It still had no effect.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan directly stopped probing.

The energy fluctuations of billions of spatial layers, Lin Yuan was confident in perfectly concealing them.

If he continued to increase them, Lin Yuan would not be confident in concealing them, and might attract other passing ninth-level evolvers nearby.

Or even be detected by the surveillance bureau of human civilization.

"This planet has a great origin." Lin Yuan's heart raced.

The energy of billions of spatial layers was already the upper limit of power for ninth-level powerhouses in the main universe, let alone Lin Yuan's inner world, which far exceeded that of the same-level ninth-level beings.

But faced with this black planet, it was useless.

This made Lin Yuan realize that the preciousness of the black planet was beyond his expectations.

"Should I descend and take a look?" Lin Yuan looked at the black life-bearing planet.

Theoretically speaking, with Lin Yuan's strength, he would hardly encounter any danger in the territory of human civilization.

Even a black hole would be his plaything, posing no threat at all.

But this black planet made Lin Yuan a little unsure.

Being able to easily withstand Lin Yuan's attack with the energy of billions of spatial layers was already comparable to some small-scale realms.

"Anyway, it's just a primordial spirit." After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan placed many treasures he carried on him in a certain spatial layer.

Then he hid a drop of his own blood in another place.

This way, even in extreme circumstances, if his Solar Primordial Spirit fell on the black planet.

Under the rebirth of blood, he would quickly return to the outside world, and the numerous treasures and Yellow Crystals brought out from the Yellow Realm would not be lost.

With everything prepared.

Lin Yuan began to slowly approach the black planet.


Accompanying Lin Yuan's continuous approach, he faintly felt the changes in time and space.

The black planet, which was less than a million miles in size in front of him, suddenly became towering.

"It actually contains such profound utilization of space rules?" Lin Yuan was surprised. Such spatial rule techniques were at least beyond his reach.

"Is time also changing?" Lin Yuan also sensed the difference in the flow rate of time.

However, compared to the flow rate of time in the outside world, the difference was not significant, perhaps because Lin Yuan had not yet entered the critical area inside the planet.


After a moment.

Lin Yuan finally descended onto the black planet.

The surroundings were all black rocks, occasionally there would be some ancient buildings, but they were all abandoned. After carefully exploring for a while, Lin Yuan didn't find any valuable information.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan arrived at the center of the planet.

Here lay a black valley.

A mysterious ancient aura began to permeate.

Lin Yuan walked into the valley and found that within it, there were twelve black doors standing tall.

The doors were tightly closed, with complex patterns engraved on the surface.

Lin Yuan looked at the pattern on the first black door on his left.

Before long,

A vague message entered Lin Yuan's mind.

"Understanding the rules of life and death allows entry."

"Hmm?" Lin Yuan's expression became solemn.

The rules of life and death reincarnation? This is one of the fusion rules, born from the fusion of the rules of life and the rules of death.

The rule of life is one of the fundamental rules of the universe, and the rule of death is also one of the fundamental rules of the universe.

The fusion of these two fundamental rules, once successful, upon understanding the rules of life and death reincarnation, immediately grants the peak combat power of the tenth level.

In other words, it's a top-tier Grade A tenth level.

"To reach the peak of the tenth level, one must enter this black door?" Lin Yuan frowned.

Then he looked at the second black door on his left.

After a moment, another vague message entered his mind.

"Understanding the rule of great destruction allows entry."

"The rule of great destruction?" Lin Yuan sighed inwardly.

This is also a fusion rule, and it's a fusion rule specializing in killing, born from the fusion of two rules inclined towards killing.

Understanding this fusion rule also makes one a Grade A tenth level, a powerful one among Grade A tenth levels.

Lin Yuan continued to look at the remaining ten black doors.

Without exception, the condition for entering these ten doors is to understand some fusion rule.

"Even Grade A tenth level is just the threshold for entering these black doors. Whether one can enter or not depends on the fusion rule one comprehends."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Undoubtedly, the fusion rules corresponding to the twelve black doors are extremely advanced fusion rules. Understanding any of them will certainly lead to becoming a Grade A tenth level.

But Grade A tenth level powerhouses may not necessarily comprehend one of these twelve fusion rules.

"Forcing entry won't work."

Lin Yuan observed again. Since the information on the black doors indicated that one could only enter by comprehending the corresponding fusion rule.

From this, it can be inferred that without comprehension, entry is impossible. This requirement is aimed at Grade A tenth levels, and with Lin Yuan's current strength, he's not on par with them.

Lin Yuan can surpass Grade A tenth levels like Vice Tower Master Nalan because their comparison is based only on the comprehension of time rules.

If Lin Yuan were to unleash all his abilities, he would definitely not be Vice Tower Master Nalan's match.

Of course, while Lin Yuan can't defeat Vice Tower Master Nalan, it's not easy for the latter to kill him.

With the Space-time Step, even an eleventh-level powerhouse, Lin Yuan is confident of escaping, and at most, Vice Tower Master Nalan would only be able to defeat him.

After wandering around the black planet for a few laps and finding nothing else, Lin Yuan left the planet and returned to the starry sky.

"Let's see if I can incorporate it into my inner world."

Lin Yuan looked at the distant black planet. Naturally, he was aware that with his current discovery, the black planet's value was definitely not inferior to a top-grade universe treasure like the World Tree.

The twelve black doors, which only Grade A tenth levels can enter, must contain some kind of opportunity.


Space fluctuations slowly rippled.

Even when Lin Yuan fully activated his inner world, he couldn't incorporate the black planet at all.

The black planet seemed to be an 'anchor' tightly connected to countless layers of space.

Lin Yuan's attempt to incorporate the black planet into his inner world was equivalent to incorporating this entire star domain and countless layers of space into his inner world.

This task was too difficult.

Even if Lin Yuan could do it, he wouldn't.

Because the resulting disturbance couldn't be concealed. Taking away a large portion of the star domain and spatial layers at once would surely prompt questions from the three goddesses about what Lin Yuan was doing.

"I can't incorporate it into my inner world?"

Lin Yuan felt a bit tricky. This meant that he could only leave the black planet as it is.

Although the black planet hasn't been discovered by other powerhouses over the years, it doesn't mean it won't be discovered in the future.

"I can 'lease' this nearby star domain."

"This way, I'll have the right to use all the planets in this star domain."

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan came up with a compromise.

Within the territory of human civilization, one must abide by the constitution and laws, even eleventh-level powerhouses cannot violate them.

Once Lin Yuan becomes the temporary owner of this star domain, theoretically, the black planet will also belong to him.

No one can encroach upon it, otherwise, they would be at odds with human civilization.

"Let's see if this star domain has a 'tenant'." Lin Yuan immediately began to connect to the virtual world to check the information of this star domain.

This star domain was extremely desolate and barren, so normally, no one would have any interest in it.

After all, leasing a star domain requires a considerable cost.

If this star domain has already been leased, then Lin Yuan has reason to suspect that someone has already discovered the uniqueness of the black planet.

If that's the case, it would be much more troublesome for Lin Yuan to obtain ownership of the black planet.


Lin Yuan entered the coordinates of this star domain and waited for the virtual world network to query.

"Respected Galaxy Master, this star domain does not have a 'tenant' yet. Would you like to 'lease' it?" came an electronic mechanical voice.

"Lease it." Lin Yuan felt relieved and immediately responded.

"The diameter of this star domain is 12.35 light-years. Please select the lease term?"

"Let's go with ten thousand years." Lin Yuan thought for a moment.

In the main universe, ten thousand years would be enough for him to thoroughly understand the secrets of the black planet.

Even if he hasn't figured it out by then, Lin Yuan can choose to extend the lease.

"The leasing fee is eight thousand cubic universe crystals. Would you like to pay now?" the electronic mechanical voice sounded again.

"Pay now." Lin Yuan responded quickly.


Eight thousand cubic universe crystals were transferred.

And ownership of this desolate star domain fell under Lin Yuan's name.

Changes in star domain ownership are commonplace in human civilization, with countless such transfers happening every minute.

Moreover, Lin Yuan chose to conceal his information, so his name would not appear on the public list.

So outsiders wouldn't know that Lin Yuan now owns this star domain.

"Done." Lin Yuan smiled.

From now on, for the next ten thousand years, he will be the master of this star domain.

That means he's the owner of this black planet.

"Eight thousand cubic universe crystals in exchange for this black planet, it's worth it, it's really worth it." Lin Yuan felt extremely pleased.

Eight thousand cubic universe crystals are just the total wealth of a normal eighth-level evolver, while this black planet, with its Grade A tenth-level threshold for exploration, is incomparable.

Standing under the starry sky, Lin Yuan looked at the distant black planet.

"In fact, discovering this black planet is a very rare thing. At least, a tenth-level evolver needs to pass through this star domain, happen to be near the black planet, and cast a glance at it to notice anything unusual."

Lin Yuan thought to himself silently.

Lin Yuan is not a normal ninth level; his perception is no different from that of a tenth-level evolver.

But tenth-level evolvers? How many are there in the entire human civilization? And the territory of human civilization.

Just falling nearby is already too difficult.

Lin Yuan's discovery of the anomaly of this black planet owes much to luck.

Is this also what Lin Yuan considers his 'fortuitous encounter'? As everyone knows, 'fortuitous encounters' require a great deal of luck.

Without luck, one cannot even find a 'fortuitous encounter' right before their eyes.

After confirming the ownership of this star domain once again, Lin Yuan casually left a surveillance method near the black planet.

As long as there is life nearby, Lin Yuan will quickly sense it.

Given the uniqueness of the black planet, even Lin Yuan cannot forcibly move it by the slightest. For other ninth or tenth-level powerhouses, attempting to secretly move the black planet is nothing short of wishful thinking.

The surveillance method left by Lin Yuan primarily serves as an early warning system.

Aside from preventing other life forms from approaching, the most important thing is to lock in the location of the black planet.

The universe as a whole is constantly in motion, and countless planets are no exception. Lin Yuan is worried that if he's not careful, the black planet might move on its own.

Of course, this possibility is small. The planet is always in motion, but Lin Yuan has leased the neighboring star domains, covering a range of over ten light-years.

With the slow movement speed of the black planet, it won't shift even a light-year in millions or billions of years.

Soon after, Lin Yuan's Solar Divine Spirit returned to the Galaxy Master Star.

In the main hall of the Star Lord, Lin Yuan's true body sat face to face with his Solar Divine Spirit.


Numerous Yellow Crystal and weapon treasures were all handed over to Lin Yuan's true body by the Solar Divine Spirit.

At the same time, the mysterious gourd fell into the hands of the Solar Divine Spirit.

After the ninth passage, Lin Yuan made significant progress in absorbing the liquid inside the mysterious gourd within the passage worlds.

Meanwhile, the Solar Divine Spirit and the other two divine spirits have yet to absorb the liquid inside the gourd, but they have expanded their inner world to the limit.

Over twenty years.

The size of Lin Yuan's inner world has increased to 212 million square miles, and the absorption of the seventh drop of purple liquid has reached nearly half.

A month later, the Solar Divine Spirit's inner world reached its limit.

Thus, it went to the battlefield of the alien races to switch with the Lunar Divine Spirit to continue the enhancement.

In the virtual world, aside from cultivating enlightenment, Lin Yuan occasionally connects to relax.

On this day, while enjoying food in his personal space, Lin Yuan was suddenly invited by the Lord of the Black Star to another personal space.

Lin Yuan agreed.

He soon arrived at a quaint manor.

The Lord of the Black Star, the Lord of the Lustrous Star, and a few other Grade A tenth-level figures were chatting there.

The Lord of the Black Star and the others belong to a small circle that only Grade A tenth-level individuals can join. Although Lin Yuan is only at the ninth level, there shouldn't be a problem for him to reach Grade A tenth level in the future.

The Lord of the Black Star and the others were happy to invite Lin Yuan.

"Hahaha, the Galaxy Master has arrived." The Lord of the Black Star smiled upon seeing Lin Yuan.

The Lord of the Black Star belongs to the Black Source Evolution Tower, and the Lord of the Lustrous Star comes from another Evolution Tower. Strictly speaking, Lin Yuan should belong to the Summer Shadow Evolution Tower.

But since everyone is a human evolver, there is no barrier between them.

"Galaxy Master, I heard Vice Tower Master Nalan has resigned." The Lord of the Lustrous Star looked at Lin Yuan with gentle eyes.

Vice Tower Master Nalan is the Vice Tower Master of the Summer Shadow Evolution Tower and has considerable influence in the circle of Grade A in human civilization.

Mainly because Vice Tower Master Nalan is very strong, ranking among the top hundred in the Grade A list recorded by the aliens.

"Vice Tower Master Nalan has resigned?" Lin Yuan was somewhat surprised.

Not long ago, he had just met Vice Tower Master Nalan, and the two had a discussion on the comprehension of time rules.

"Galaxy Master, you should know that once someone assumes the position of Vice Tower Master, they rarely get replaced midway," the Lord of the Black Star smiled.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yuan pondered.

"Vice Tower Master Nalan is probably about to advance to the eleventh level," the old skeleton beside them sighed, envy flashing in his eyes.

The position of Vice Tower Master in the nine major Evolution Towers is held by tenth-level evolvers. Once a Vice Tower Master advances to the eleventh level, they automatically resign because eleventh-level evolvers have more important things to do, such as preparing to break through to the ultimate level or presiding over large-scale battles with other species.

Vice Tower Master Nalan still has a long time before reaching the end of his lifespan and hasn't made any major mistakes. So why did he suddenly resign as Vice Tower Master without any apparent reason, and why did the stronger ones agree to it? Essentially, the only possibility is advancing to the eleventh level.

"Eleventh level," the Lord of the Black Star also sighed.

Grade A tenth-level individuals like them have hopes of advancing to the eleventh level, but having the hope and actually advancing are two different matters.

Now that they've seen Vice Tower Master Nalan take the first step, the thoughts of those present are naturally complicated.

"Vice Tower Master Nalan has been stuck at a critical bottleneck in comprehending fusion rules for many years. How did he suddenly break through?" the Lord of the Lustrous Star couldn't help asking.

"Who knows?" the old skeleton shook his head. "Perhaps he was stimulated by something."

"When you have the time, Galaxy Master, you should ask Vice Tower Master Nalan why he was able to break through that bottleneck in comprehension," the Lord of the Lustrous Star looked at Lin Yuan and said softly.

Lin Yuan belongs to the Summer Shadow Evolution Tower, and Vice Tower Master Nalan is the Vice Tower Master of the Summer Shadow Evolution Tower. Their relationship is much closer than others.

"All right."

"When I meet Vice Tower Master Nalan, I will definitely ask," Lin Yuan nodded. He also wanted to know how Vice Tower Master Nalan broke through.

Although it's not necessary now, it doesn't hurt to hear more.

"Come to think of it, Galaxy Master is also about to step into the tenth level, right?" the Lord of the Black Star suddenly asked.

With Lin Yuan's ability to open up two hundred million layers of space in the Arcane Yellow Secret Realm, stepping into the tenth level is probably as simple as eating and drinking for him.

"Yeah, with the aptitude of the Galaxy Master, he might step into the eleventh level even earlier than us in the future," the old skeleton joked.

It was just a casual remark, but since everyone present is a Grade A tenth-level individual, it's possible that one day, just like Vice Tower Master Nalan, one of them might break through to the eleventh level after a period of seclusion.

After chatting with his good friends like the Lord of the Black Star for a while, Lin Yuan disconnected from the virtual world and continued to cultivate enlightenment.

Vice Tower Master Nalan's breakthrough gave Lin Yuan great motivation.

"The two thousandth new model of time rules, is it a loop? A serpent loop?"

Lin Yuan's mind kept presenting the panorama of the river of time. Overall, the river of time flows endlessly from the ancient past to the distant future. But in localized streams, time forms a serpent-like loop, with the end connecting back to the beginning.

"So, time is a closed loop. No matter where you start, you will eventually return to the original point?" Lin Yuan pondered, with numerous insights flashing in his mind.

With continuous contemplation, Lin Yuan's comprehension of time rules is rapidly improving.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 354: The Battle of Eons Ago (5000 words, please subscribe)


In front of Lin Yuan, a hazy gray sphere hovered.

It was the "Micro Universe" obtained from the ninth-level Black Tower.

While reviewing the mysteries of the river of time, Lin Yuan often contemplated this "Micro Universe" as well.

Although the complete time rules within the "Micro Universe" were far from the vastness of the true river of time, Lin Yuan could observe them at any time.

As for the river of time? Even if Lin Yuan reviewed it again and again, he could only glimpse a small fragment.

As for the countless details of changes originating from the river of time, they were unclear.

"If I could still visit the 'shore,' I estimate I could advance my understanding of time rules by several years."

Lin Yuan thought to himself, but he also understood that Senior Xia Qin had probably paid a considerable price to free him from the constraints of the river of time.

Lin Yuan didn't feel comfortable bringing it up again at this point.

Whether the seniors could maintain their peak strength was crucial for human civilization.

The Summer Shadow Evolution Tower is close to the territories of two major peak tribes, and Senior Xia Qin's own state is related to the stability of the fringe territories of human civilization.


Lin Yuan's consciousness infiltrated the Micro Universe, observing the specific operation of the time rules.

Within the grayish sphere, there were hundreds of light-years of space, with an environment somewhat similar to the main universe, including stars, normal planets, and more desolate starry skies.

"The time rules still have this aspect?" The more Lin Yuan observed, the more insights he gained.

After seeing the panorama of the river of time, Lin Yuan's understanding of the essence of time rules greatly increased.

It was as if he now had a direction, knowing which direction was the most correct target for understanding the time rules.

Questions that Lin Yuan had previously been unable to comprehend or found confusing when observing the Micro Universe were now quickly resolved.

"And there's also the combination of time and space, along with the combination of many basic rules, maintaining a certain balance, preventing this Micro Universe from collapsing?"

Lin Yuan felt inexplicably shocked.

Although eighth-level evolvers open up worlds within their bodies, these worlds still rely entirely on the main universe. Even the openers themselves are unaware of many things.

It's like a high-tech product that you only know how to use, but you don't understand the principles behind it or the various fields of research involved.

However, this Micro Universe was perfected and opened up by the owner of the Magic Jade Tower over millions of years.

Although it was far from the size or power of a senior's inner universe, its essence was similar.

So, that's why the Stone Statue Senji decided to bring out this treasure.

In Senji's view, strictly speaking, the Micro Universe could no longer be considered a "Star Treasure of the Eleventh Rank."

It operated completely independently, with many rules operating autonomously and unaffected by external factors.

In contrast, the inner worlds of eighth, ninth, and tenth-level evolvers, unless they comprehend the rules of time, are subsidiary to the main universe.

If the main universe were to be destroyed, all subsidiary worlds would also be destroyed.

"The Arcane Yellow Secret Realm?"

Lin Yuan suddenly thought of the inheritance secret realm left behind by His Majesty Xuanhuang.

Although the Arcane Yellow Secret Realm is completely dependent on the main universe, it seems to be able to evade the influence of the main universe?

At least Lin Yuan learned from the Six-Armed Figure that the Arcane Yellow Secret Realm has existed for dozens of cosmic eras.

What is a cosmic era? Each time the universe is born and destroyed, it is considered a cosmic era.

But the main universe has been destroyed dozens of times, yet the Arcane Yellow Secret Realm still exists.

"Perhaps this is also a means of His Majesty Xuanhuang?"

Lin Yuan's thoughts paused for a moment and then he stopped thinking further, immersing himself once again in the observation and comprehension of the Micro Universe.

The issue of the destruction and rebirth of the universe is too distant for Lin Yuan at present; it's a problem that only seniors are qualified to face.

"The 2001st new model of time rules."

"The 2002nd new model of time rules."

Lin Yuan's comprehension of time rules soared rapidly.

Continuously grasping five completely new models of time rules brought him much closer to understanding the time rules.

"Time. Space."

Lin Yuan continued to observe the Micro Universe, simultaneously comprehending the rules of time and space.

With deeper insights, Lin Yuan vaguely discovered that the foundation of the Micro Universe also involved a significant portion of space rules.

"Space. Space."

Lin Yuan's eyes brightened. Over the years, Lin Yuan had never given up on his understanding of space rules, often revisiting the "Interpretation of the Void" left by the owner of the Magic Jade Tower.

"Space rules. Rules of Gold."

Countless insights about these two rules continuously emerged in Lin Yuan's mind.

Space rules are the pillar rules, and the Rules of Gold are the basic rules.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, gradually understanding the essence of the two major rules, and beginning to integrate the two major rules.]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, gradually understanding the essence of the two major rules, and beginning to integrate the two major rules.]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, gradually understanding the essence of the two major rules, and successfully integrating the two major rules.]

In an instant, a completely new rule power was born within Lin Yuan's body. This new rule power was extremely sharp, as if it could tear through endless space.


"I was comprehending the rules of time, and I unexpectedly comprehended a fusion rule, and it's a fusion rule centered on the pillar rule?"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, feeling delighted.

Fusion rules are a field explored by tenth-level beings.

Fusion rules are generally divided into three levels.

From weak to strong, they are:

The fusion of basic rules.

The fusion between pillar rules and basic rules.

The fusion between pillar rules.

Among them, the strongest fusion rule, the fusion between pillar rules, as long as one is comprehended, can be classified as "Grade A" in the tenth level.

And the fusion between pillar rules and basic rules is at least "Grade C" in the tenth level, and some can even reach "Grade B" in the tenth level.

Normally, ninth-level powerhouses have no possibility of comprehending fusion rules.

Due to their insufficient realm, the main cultivation direction for ninth-level beings is to continually open up spatial layers, making their inner worlds increasingly profound. This is the foundation for breaking through to the tenth level.

But Lin Yuan's foundation is incredibly profound. Although he is only at the ninth level, his comprehension of spatial rules and many basic rules is no weaker than those of tenth-level powerhouses.

"After the fusion of spatial rules and the Rules of Gold, is it the 'Space Fracture' rule?" Lin Yuan quickly found the corresponding fusion rule from the human civilization's database on fusion rules.

Even when two identical rules are fused, it's possible to produce different fusion rules in the end.

For example, after the fusion of spatial rules and the Rules of Gold, besides the 'Space Fracture' rule, there could also be the 'Space Shatter' rule, the 'Space Golden Blade' rule, and so on.

"The Space Fracture rule is a fusion rule in the domain of combat, with terrifying killing power, belonging to the top-tier rules within the second level of fusion rules."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Understanding the Space Fracture rule would greatly enhance Lin Yuan's combat power. With full force, he wouldn't be much weaker than a tenth-level Grade B.

It's worth noting that Lin Yuan is only at the ninth level, with a significant gap in realm compared to the tenth level. Even if he comprehends the Space Fracture rule, theoretically, he wouldn't come close to the combat power of a tenth-level Grade B.

The same blade, wielded by a child versus an adult, would naturally have vastly different effects.

However, Lin Yuan's accumulations in other aspects are also formidable.

Taking multiple factors into account, he's almost on the same level as a normal tenth-level Grade B.

"If I could reach the tenth level, undergo transformations in my physical body, soul, mind, and inner world, wouldn't I be comparable to a tenth-level Grade A?"

Lin Yuan thought, feeling slightly excited.

To break through to the tenth level and possess the combat power of a tenth-level Grade A immediately? Such a thing has never happened in the history of the cosmic skies.

Discovering the 'Space Fracture' rule was entirely unexpected for Lin Yuan.

He was focused on comprehending time rules, but unexpectedly touched upon a similar area and comprehended this fusion rule, which he had never anticipated.

But since it has been comprehended, it's undoubtedly a good thing.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to continue his comprehension, he suddenly thought:


"Have you found information about that black planet?"

Lin Yuan's mind stirred, immediately contacting the Goddess of Wisdom.

Regarding the black life planet he discovered, after confirming his "lease rights" to that star domain, Lin Yuan immediately contacted the Goddess of Wisdom.

He wanted to utilize the vast human civilization database to understand the origin of that black planet.

This is the first thing Lin Yuan does when faced with many mysterious and unknown treasures.

Initially, when Lin Yuan swept through the Milky Way, he obtained that mysterious gourd and immediately uploaded its image to the Goddess of Wisdom.

However, there was no record of the mysterious gourd in the human civilization's recorded database.

But for this black planet, it seems that the Goddess of Wisdom has found relevant information clues.

"Respected Level 8 citizen Lin Yuan, the scholar, the information you queried about the black planet, upon comparison, appears to originate from one of the treasures that fell from outside the universe before the birth of human civilization."

The voice of the Goddess of Wisdom was solemn and cold.

"A treasure that fell from outside the universe?"

"Before the birth of human civilization?"

Lin Yuan's expression became slightly solemn.

The permanent spatial cracks in the main universe occasionally lead to things drifting in from outside the universe.

Over a hundred years ago, the remains of that senior entered in this manner, eventually causing a fierce battle between the various peak tribal alliances of senior powerhouses.

Soon after, the Goddess of Wisdom transmitted all the information about the black planet to Lin Yuan.

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yuan's expression suddenly became clear.

Human civilization only has a history of over two million years. Before this, the cosmic skies were still fiercely competitive, with various powerful beings reigning over different domains.


Many treasures from outside the universe fell.

Countless treasures equivalent to eleven or even twelve stars continuously fell from the permanent spatial cracks into the universe, driving the then-senior powerhouses into madness.

Eleven-star treasures might not matter to powerhouses, but twelve-star treasures, especially the finest ones, would make even powerhouses envious.

This led to a great war among all the powerhouses in the universe.

The battle was extremely brutal; powerful tribes were annihilated, and even powerhouses were seriously injured. Many treasures that fell during the battle scattered across the universe.

Many historical scholars of human civilization have studied this war repeatedly and speculated some conclusions. One of them suggests that human civilization's smooth rise was due to that war.

Without such a massive battle where powerhouses fought with all their might, resulting in the extinction of many cosmic tribes and a redistribution of resources, human civilization would have taken much longer to rise.

In short, human civilization's prosperity owes partly to the "dividends" of that war.

The architectural style on the black planet is somewhat similar to the style of many treasures that fell from outside the universe during that period.

"The great war that even affected powerhouses..." Lin Yuan trembled inwardly.

Having briefly escaped the constraints of the river of time and witnessed the true bodies of those powerhouses near the "shores," Lin Yuan was too aware of the power of twelfth-level life.

How devastating would such a great war be to cause injuries to powerhouses? But it also emphasized the preciousness of those items that fell from outside the universe.

If it weren't for the actual benefits and advantages, how could powerhouses possibly fight with all their might?

"The black planet should be one of those many items that fell. Due to the battle between powerhouses, many items scattered."

"And these items naturally conceal their breath. Even powerhouses wouldn't detect them unless they were close enough."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

He couldn't help but feel fortunate. After so many long years, most of the scattered treasures had been discovered. Even if there were any missed, they would be extremely rare and hidden in very inconspicuous places.

Yet, he stumbled upon one.

"Respected Level 8 citizen Lin Yuan, the scholar, this black planet is related to secrets before the birth of human civilization. Do you want to hand it over to human civilization for exploration in exchange for a large number of merit points?"

The voice of the Goddess of Wisdom came again.

This was a standard procedure whenever any human civilization evolutionary explorer discovered special planets or relic sites in unknown star domains.

The discoverer could agree or refuse.

"How many merit points can I get?" Lin Yuan asked with interest.

If the merit points were enough, he didn't mind handing the black planet over to human civilization.

Ultimately, it was a matter of price.

"Roughly estimated, it's worth five billion merit points," the Goddess of Wisdom said.

"Five billion merit points?" Lin Yuan was slightly amazed.

Indeed, it was a huge number of merit points. How many merit points were Lin Yuan's "Way of Martial Arts at the Ninth Level" worth?

Only one billion merit points.

Plus, after bloodline cultivation, he eventually obtained two billion merit points.

And now, a mere black planet was worth five billion merit points.

It's worth noting that cosmic treasures like the World Tree, which are twelve-star top-grade cosmic treasures, are worth less than five billion merit points.

"Five billion merit points might be a lot, but it doesn't mean much to me," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

To upgrade from Level 8 citizen to Level 9 citizen, he needed ten billion merit points.

Even if Lin Yuan had an extra five billion merit points, he was still far from becoming a Level 9 citizen.

As for using merit points to exchange for cosmic treasures recorded by human civilization? Currently, Lin Yuan's cultivation was smooth, and he didn't lack anything, nor did he have a strong desire for treasures.

Moreover, with Lin Yuan's permissions and the resources of human civilization, most treasures could be purchased using cosmic crystals.

There was no need to waste merit points.

"I'll think about it first."

Lin Yuan casually responded to the Goddess of Wisdom.

He planned to wait until he reached the Tenth Level and comprehended the corresponding fusion rules. After personally exploring it, he would decide whether to sell it to human civilization or not.

Anyway, the black planet was still there.

According to the estimation of the Goddess of Wisdom, no matter when he sold it, there would be no price drop unless Lin Yuan took away important treasures from the black planet, causing its value to plummet.

One month later.

While Lin Yuan was practicing, he received news.

The former Vice Tower Master of the Original Xiaoyou Evolution Tower, Nalan, had reached the Eleventh Level.

Eleventh-level evolvers are the most powerful force under the powerhouses of human civilization.

Every birth of an eleventh-level evolver signifies a golden age for human civilization, meaning the possibility of the appearance of the tenth powerhouse is even higher.

Therefore, any eleventh-level evolver would hold a celebration.

At that time, many forces of human civilization would come to congratulate, and even alien races with no grudges against human civilization would send strong individuals to congratulate.

In the virtual world.

Lin Yuan was naturally invited to participate in Nalan's celebration.

"So many people?" Lin Yuan appeared in a specially opened virtual world. It was a galaxy, and countless guests who came to congratulate were arranged to sit on different planets. With Lin Yuan's status and strength, he could naturally sit on the most central planet.

"Galactic Lord."

"You're here too, Galactic Lord?"

The Lord of the Black Star, the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star, and other Tenth Level armorers waved to Lin Yuan as they saw him.

"You see, my speculation was correct. Vice Tower Master Nalan has indeed broken through to the Eleventh Level," the Lord of the Black Star immediately said.

Some time ago, he heard that Vice Tower Master Nalan resigned from his position as vice tower master. He then speculated with Lin Yuan and others that human civilization would have another eleventh-level evolver.

Lin Yuan smiled and chatted casually with the Lord of the Black Star and the others.

After a while.

The Lord of the Black Star glanced at the central position of the planet. "It's about time; let's go congratulate Vice Tower Master Nalan."

As the protagonists of this celebration, Vice Tower Master Nalan was chatting with important guests who came to celebrate in the central position of the planet.


Lin Yuan and the others immediately stood up and flew towards the central position.

"Congratulations, Nalan, on reaching the Eleventh Level," the Lord of the Black Star, the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star, and others immediately congratulated.

As a circle of Tenth Level armorers, the Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star were also among the small group of people closest to the Eleventh Level. Even before Vice Tower Master Nalan broke through to the Eleventh Level, they had equal communication.

However, now that Vice Tower Master Nalan had crossed the Eleventh Level, he had completely surpassed them.

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for you all to reach the Eleventh Level too," Vice Tower Master Nalan said with a smile on his face, clearly in a good mood.

"Galactic Lord." Vice Tower Master Nalan saw Lin Yuan and immediately greeted enthusiastically. "After breaking through, the person I most wanted to see should be the Galactic Lord, but things have been too busy."

Vice Tower Master Nalan looked at Lin Yuan with a smile on his face, his attitude towards Lin Yuan and other Tenth Level armorers was completely different.


The Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star glanced at each other. They vaguely felt that Vice Tower Master Nalan attached great importance to the Galactic Lord, and he even regarded the Galactic Lord as an equal-level evolver.

The day after tomorrow, he would cross the Tenth Level.

Thinking about the plot after reaching the Tenth Level.

Today, let's end with just one chapter.

Continuous updates of over ten thousand words for more than a week.

I'll adjust it tonight. 

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 355: The Eleventh-Level Evolvers (Seeking Subscriptions)

In the upper echelons of human civilization, the Galactic Lord has a great hope of reaching the Eleventh Level.

But great hope remains just that, hope. At least for now, the Galactic Lord is not even at the Tenth Level, let alone the Eleventh.

Given this situation, how could Vice Tower Master Nalan, a newly promoted Eleventh-Level Evolver, treat the Galactic Lord with such respect?

The Lord of the Black Star and others were secretly surprised.

The Galactic Lord is highly regarded by Xiaqin powerhouses; this is no secret. However, human civilization speaks entirely with strength. Even if one is a descendant of a powerhouse, without significant achievements, they won't be valued by other evolvers.

Vice Tower Master Nalan's advancement to the Eleventh Level has basically reached the pinnacle of human civilization. He doesn't need to pay much attention to the potential of the Galactic Lord.

As for the future, even if everything goes smoothly, the Galactic Lord will probably only be at the same level as him.

And as for powerhouses? The outside world only thinks that the Galactic Lord has the potential to reach the Eleventh Level. Whether he can become a powerhouse, no one can guarantee.

The Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star looked at Lin Yuan, who was chatting happily with Vice Tower Master Nalan, and a thought came to their minds.

The fact that the Galactic Lord can gain such high regard from an Eleventh-Level Evolver like Vice Tower Master Nalan probably indicates secrets unknown to them.

On the other side.

Vice Tower Master Nalan secretly transmitted, "Galactic Lord, if it weren't for you defeating me in the sparring of time rules back then, I wouldn't have broken through so quickly."

Vice Tower Master Nalan is very grateful to Lin Yuan.

After all, his breakthrough this time is indeed closely related to the Galactic Lord.

Secondly, through that spar, Vice Tower Master Nalan also realized Lin Yuan's true potential.

Just at the Ninth Level, he reached such a level of understanding in time rules. What about in the future?

The outside world only thinks that the Galactic Lord has a great hope of reaching the Eleventh Level, but Vice Tower Master Nalan is convinced that as long as nothing unexpected happens, the Galactic Lord will definitely be able to reach the Eleventh Level.

Moreover, even if he reaches the Eleventh Level, the Galactic Lord can quickly ascend to the peak of the Eleventh Level.

Even among the Eleventh Levels, there are significant differences. Some haven't even comprehended the time rules, while others have fused time and space rules. Some have mastered special techniques, allowing them to resist powerhouses.

"Even without me, with the Vice Tower Master's realm, you would probably have broken through quickly," Lin Yuan immediately said.

Vice Tower Master Nalan's breakthrough is partly due to Lin Yuan's stimulation, but mainly because of his own sufficient accumulation.

The latter occupies the dominant reason.

"It's different," Vice Tower Master Nalan shook his head.

With his pride, if he hadn't been defeated by a Ninth Level like Lin Yuan, he wouldn't have had such a change in mentality.

"Regardless, Galactic Lord, I owe you a favor. If you need any help in the future, just ask," Vice Tower Master Nalan said solemnly.

A favor from an Eleventh-Level life is invaluable.

Eleventh-Level life itself has a long lifespan. After comprehending the time rules, it can achieve a unique kind of eternity. With such a favor, who in the future of human civilization would dare to provoke Lin Yuan?

The two continued to chat for a few more sentences.

Then, more guests came to congratulate Vice Tower Master Nalan.

"You must be busy, then," Lin Yuan tactfully left and returned to his seat with the Lord of the Black Star and others.

"Galactic Lord, do you have a good relationship with Vice Tower Master Nalan?" The Lord of the Black Star couldn't help but ask.

Chapter 355: The Celebration of the Eleventh-Level Evolvers (Seeking Subscriptions)

Vice Tower Master Nalan's peculiar attitude toward Lin Yuan made the Lord of the Black Star extremely curious.

Beside him, the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star also gazed intently at Lin Yuan.

She also wanted to know why Vice Tower Master Nalan treated Lin Yuan in such a manner.

"It's alright, we've met a few times before," Lin Yuan thought for a moment. Indeed, he had only met Vice Tower Master Nalan a few times.

"Only met a few times, yet treated you like that?" the Lord of the Black Star shook his head.

Vice Tower Master Nalan only smiled and casually replied to him, a Tenth-Level Evolver. But towards Lin Yuan, that warmth was unmistakable.

The difference in treatment was too significant.

"I don't really know," Lin Yuan shook his head, choosing not to mention his spar with Vice Tower Master Nalan.

One reason was to preserve Vice Tower Master Nalan's dignity.

Another was not to reveal his insights into the rules of time.

Seeing Lin Yuan's response, the Lord of the Black Star refrained from asking further.

The conversation among the group soon shifted to another topic.

"The celebration of the Eleventh-Level Evolvers, it's been many years since human civilization held one."

"This time, many powerful individuals have truly come."

As the Lord of the Black Star chatted with Lin Yuan and others, he surveyed the guests coming and going around them.

Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

Not long ago, at his sister Lin Yi's wedding, many powerful individuals came to congratulate her.

But compared to the current celebration, it was far less grand.

At least during the wedding, apart from the Elder of the Xia family, other Eleventh-Level Evolvers hardly participated in person, merely sending representatives to offer congratulations politely.

Now, legendary Eleventh-Level Evolvers were arriving one after another.

"Galactic Lord." A white-haired old man walked over with a smile.

"Vice President Luo." The Lord of the Black Star and others immediately greeted him respectfully.

This white-haired old man, surnamed Luo, was the Vice President of the Azure Society, a Tenth-Level Evolver.

The Azure Society was an immensely influential force in human civilization, second only to the nine major Evolutionary Towers. The President of the Azure Society was an Eleventh-Level Evolver.

And among the Eleventh-Level Evolvers, he was an extremely powerful figure.

"Vice President Luo," Lin Yuan also greeted.

"I've long heard of the name Galactic Lord," Vice President Luo smiled warmly. "Now, with your appearance in our era of human civilization, it will become incredibly brilliant."

Regardless of what achievements Lin Yuan may reach in the future.

Just by shattering a series of myths when he was at the Eighth and Ninth Levels, he would already be recorded in the annals of human civilization and worshipped by countless future generations.

"I've just been lucky," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

Actually, what Vice President Luo said wasn't wrong. At least in this era, within the past hundred thousand years, Lin Yuan's reputation was undoubtedly one of the greatest.

In other areas of the planet, guests sat according to their identities, each in their respective places, indicating their backgrounds and statuses.

"That person, who is he, and why is he sitting with a group of Tenth-Level Evolvers? Even the Vice President of the Azure Society went over to chat with him voluntarily?"

"You don't know who that is? He's the Galactic Lord, the greatest genius in the history of our human civilization. Now, it's Vice Tower Master Nalan holding the celebration for the Eleventh-Level Evolvers. But in the future, it might be the Galactic Lord hosting such a celebration."

"The Galactic Lord is only at the Ninth Level now. It's still too far from the Eleventh Level."

"I believe, with the talent of the Galactic Lord, reaching the Eleventh Level is only a matter of time."

"Indeed, the Galactic Lord is too young. Achieving such high accomplishments at such a young age, he's destined to stand at the pinnacle of our human civilization."

Many guests were very optimistic about the Galactic Lord, believing that he had a great chance of reaching the Eleventh Level. After all, how long had it been since the rise of the Galactic Lord to the present?

"Galactic Lord, if you have time in the future, you can visit our Azure Society. Our President has mentioned the Galactic Lord several times," Vice President Luo, the white-haired old man, said, intending to leave.

"Definitely, if there's a chance," Lin Yuan nodded.

The most famous aspect of the Azure Society is the control of a medium-sized secret realm called the 'Azure Secret Realm.' Within this realm, there are some special indigenous life forms, as well as many specialties that are greatly beneficial to Evolvers.

No one knows how many Evolvers of human civilization are eager to enter the Azure Secret Realm for observation, but they lack the qualifications.

Now, the Vice President of the Azure Society had actively invited Lin Yuan, indicating that the President of the Azure Society valued the Galactic Lord.

On the core planet, Ninth-Level Evolvers were just ordinary, while Tenth-Level Evolvers slightly attracted people's attention.

Just then, there was a sudden commotion in the distance.

"Chieftain Xuan Yuan is here."

The Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star looked up.

They saw a black-haired man, dressed in white robes, calmly descending onto the planet.

"Chieftain Xuan Yuan?"

"The chieftain of the Xuan Yuan family?"

"One of the strongest evolutionary families in our human civilization?"

"Also the direct descendant of a certain supreme being in our human civilization?"

Countless guests whispered to each other. Among the supreme beings of human civilization, who preside over the nine major Evolutionary Towers, each also has their own family.

The Xuan Yuan family is one of the most deeply rooted families in human civilization, with its founder being one of the supreme beings of human civilization.

"Chieftain Xuan Yuan," Vice Tower Master Nalan personally went up to greet him.

Chieftain Xuan Yuan himself is an Eleventh-Level Evolver, having long since mastered the rules of time. Coupled with the power he wields, even Vice Tower Master Nalan dared not show any hint of contempt.

Lin Yuan carefully observed Chief Xuan Yuan, and so did the Lord of the Black Star beside him.

It's not often that you get to closely observe an Eleventh-Level life form who has mastered the rules of time.

You see, a large portion of Eleventh-Level life forms haven't even mastered the rules of time.

"When will I be able to comprehend the rules of time?" The Lord of the Black Star couldn't help but sigh softly.

For someone like him, a Tenth-Level Evolver, stepping into the Eleventh Level might be somewhat confident, but comprehending the rules of time? That's very uncertain.

Not every Eleventh-Level powerhouse can comprehend the rules of time.

And comprehending the rules of time holds great significance for any life form, slowing down one's own flow of time, allowing for a longer lifespan.

You see, for Eleventh-Level powerhouses, reaching the ultimate is very much about seizing opportunities.

Perhaps in this era, there's no possibility of reaching the ultimate, but if you endure until the next era, it might be possible to reach the ultimate.

So, living long enough means infinite possibilities.

"Yeah," Lin Yuan also sighed.

"Comprehending the rules of time is still quite difficult for us at the moment," the Lord of the Lapis Lazuli Star said, thinking practically.

"Indeed," the Lord of the Black Star nodded after a moment of contemplation.

They're not even at the Eleventh Level yet, so what's the point of talking about comprehending the rules of time? Trying to run before they can even walk seemed a bit too ambitious.

"Galactic Lord, maybe we shouldn't think too much about it," the Lord of the Black Star said, looking at Lin Yuan.

Little did he know, sitting beside him, Lin Yuan was just one step away from comprehending the rules of time.
