

Chapter 360: Power Surge (Seeking Subscriptions)

Whether it's the eleventh-level beings deep in the cosmic void or the ancient gods.

Even the ultimate existences are convinced that it's a tenth-level evolver who has comprehended the rules of time, breaking through to the eleventh level.

Because the torn cosmic gap and the infused chaotic void origin are much lower in scale than the peak eleventh-level breakthrough into the ultimate.

However, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, know that this is not the case.

The current commotion is caused solely by the Galaxy Lord breaking through to the tenth level.

From the ninth level to the tenth level.

This realization leaves the two powerhouses bewildered.

Even though they hold Lin Yuan in high regard, believing that the gap torn during the breakthrough would be around tens of millions of miles.

This is already overestimating Lin Yuan. Typically, when a ninth-level evolver breaks through to the tenth level, the torn cosmic gap is only about a million miles.

Special ninth-level evolvers might manage to tear open a gap of two or three million miles, but this is already the limit.

Moreover, during the aforementioned breakthroughs, the torn gap is only an internal cosmic gap, and the infusion is also of cosmic origin.

On the other hand, comprehending the rules of time means that the internal world is completely independent, and the torn cosmic gap will connect to the external chaotic void.

The quality of the chaotic void origin is far superior to that of the cosmic origin. If it weren't for the Galaxy Lord opening up over two hundred million layers of space, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, would even think that the torn cosmic gap during the breakthrough wouldn't even reach a million miles.

"A cosmic gap of over twelve light-years torn open, infused with chaotic void origin, such commotion shouldn't appear during a ninth-level breakthrough to the tenth level, right?"

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, look puzzled.

It's not that they doubt Lin Yuan, but they find the current scene somewhat unbelievable.

A time lifeform comprehending time rules, when breaking through to the eleventh level, might create a cosmic gap of perhaps ten light-years.

But that's at the tenth level, after experiencing the breakthrough from the ninth level. Even if it's only carrying the infusion of cosmic origin, it still leads to significant transformations in the body, soul, mind, will, and the internal world.

In addition to continuously comprehending various fusion rules at the tenth level and absorbing them into the internal world, the accumulation of the internal world continues to increase.

And these improvements cannot be easily achieved just by opening up another two hundred million layers of space.

Expanding the number of space layers as a ninth-level lifeform can indeed add some foundation for stepping into the tenth level, but it's only some. The fusion of various rules comprehended at the tenth level, especially the fusion between the pillar rules, will be of greater help to tenth-level lifeforms.

The Galaxy Lord has only comprehended the time rules, not even a single pillar-level fusion rule. How could they possibly withstand so much infusion of chaotic void origin?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, are full of doubts, but the commotion during the breakthrough is undeniably real, with endless infusion of chaotic void origin pouring down.

"This little guy."

"There must be more secrets." Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, exchanged glances. "I reckon his current display of strength in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is just a facade."

With the amount of chaotic void origin Lin Yuan is currently bearing, the accumulation and foundation of the Galaxy Lord at the ninth level are probably unbelievably strong.

If they had only opened up two hundred million layers of space, how could they bear so much infusion of chaotic void origin?


Xia Qin, the powerhouse's eyes gleam.

Originally, he thought Lin Yuan's comprehension of the time rules at the ninth level had already brought him a great surprise.

But he never expected an even bigger surprise to come.

Considering the commotion caused by Lin Yuan's breakthrough now, he estimates that upon entering the tenth level, Lin Yuan will already rival those peak tenth-level beings on the A-list.

Yu Die, the powerhouse, also smiles.

The two powerhouses don't blame the Galaxy Lord for hiding something from them.

To grow, concealing oneself is necessary.

Before the era of the Star Sea, during the long dormant years of human civilization, they were also vigorously hiding themselves.

Not hiding? Human civilization would have long been divided up by many alien races and powerhouses when it was weak.

As for the great secrets and opportunities on Lin Yuan's body?

Xia Qin, the powerhouse, and Yu Die, the powerhouse, never cared.

No matter how big the secret is, can it be as big as the secrets human civilization once obtained?

No matter how big the opportunity is, can it be as big as the opportunities human civilization once obtained?

In the depths of space.

Lin Yuan sits cross-legged, and above his head, the twelve-light-year gap connecting to the chaotic void rapidly heals.

The time for receiving the infusion of origin during the breakthrough from the ninth level to the tenth level is fixed, it's always three hundred and thirty-three seconds.

So, the stronger the foundation of a ninth-level breakthrough, the larger the torn gap will be. In the same amount of time, the size of the gap that can be torn open to accommodate the infusion of origin for different foundations of the ninth level to the level of origin can vary.

The larger the gap, the more origin can be infused within three hundred and thirty-three seconds.

When Lin Yuan broke through, the torn cosmic gap reached twelve light-years. Even though the duration was still only three hundred and thirty-three seconds, the amount of origin obtained was immeasurable.

At this moment, Lin Yuan feels as if he's been 'filled up'.

His true body, two main soul avatars, are all 'satisfied'.

"I've finally stepped into the tenth level," Lin Yuan opens his eyes, his spirit uplifted.

Even the most ordinary tenth level, after experiencing the infusion of cosmic origin, has a hundredfold or even a thousandfold increase in strength compared to the ninth level.

And with Lin Yuan experiencing the infusion of chaotic void origin, the increase he gains is naturally even greater, reaching entirely new heights in physical body, soul, mind, will.

"Just... the commotion I caused during my breakthrough shouldn't be small, right?" Lin Yuan glanced at the now fully healed gap in the sky.

Normally, when a ninth-level life form breaks through to the tenth level, it wouldn't cause such a stir. Just attracting cosmic origin infusion within a million miles, even the eleventh-level beings or the strongest would find it difficult to notice.

A tenth-level breakthrough to the eleventh? If it still triggers cosmic origin infusion, the commotion wouldn't be significant.

Choosing a remote star region for the breakthrough could completely pass unnoticed.

As for a tenth-level lifeform comprehending the rules of time and breaking through to the eleventh, since the beginning of this cosmic era, they have been extremely rare. These tenth-level beings typically seek refuge from the strongest before their breakthroughs.

Just like when Xia Qin, the strongest, and Yu Die, the strongest, arranged the temporal isolation during Lin Yuan's breakthrough.

Human civilization, the insect race, the heavenly feather tribe, and other peak tribes are unwilling to see ultimate existences born outside their own race, but the Twelve Tier Lifeforms of the Stellar Alliance are not like that.

The Stellar Alliance is a force formed by many special beings in the universe to resist the oppression of peak tribes. Their strongest are very willing to protect powerful beings with great potential and no significant background.

As for the commotion caused by the breakthrough to the ultimate of Tier Eleven, it is much greater than when Lin Yuan broke through.

But the leap to the ultimate by Tier Eleven life forms cannot be influenced by external forces. At that time, Tier Eleven life forms will attempt to completely break free from the shackles of the river of time.

If the strongest intervene during this period, it is tantamount to resisting the entire river of time.

Such backlash would be unbearable even for the strongest.

And once the assault on the ultimate begins.

There are only two outcomes.



"Xia Qin, the strongest."

Lin Yuan stepped out of the spatial layer on his own initiative.

More than ten years ago, when Xia Qin, the strongest, arrived in the Milky Way region, he had notified Lin Yuan.

Let him undergo his transformation with peace of mind.

Before the breakthrough, Lin Yuan was indifferent to external matters.

But now that he has completely stepped into Tier Ten, he naturally needs to meet Xia Qin, the strongest.

After all, this strongest has been guarding the Milky Way region for nearly twenty years, which shows how much he values Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan took a step forward, and his figure appeared outside the Milky Way region.

At this moment, there were two figures standing quietly there.

"Xia Qin, the strongest. And Yu Die, the strongest." Lin Yuan was slightly surprised.

Of the nine strongest of human civilization, he might not have personally seen them all, but he was naturally familiar with the appearance of each one.

"Lord Xia Qin, Lord Yu Die," Lin Yuan bowed slightly.

The nine strongest of human civilization each preside over one of the nine Evolutionary Towers, also known as 'Tower Lords'.

The two strongest smiled and looked at Lin Yuan, scrutinizing him for a moment.

"Lin Yuan, you really surprised me," Xia Qin, the strongest, said with some emotion.

Yu Die, the strongest beside him, also nodded slightly.

As Tier Twelve beings who have transcended the river of time, what scenes, what things haven't they seen?

But in the case of Lin Yuan, these big shots were repeatedly 'shocked'.

"As a Tier Twelve being," Lin Yuan hesitated, intending to reveal a little about the space layer he had opened up.

As for the mysterious gourd? Lin Yuan vaguely felt that its significance was too great. Regardless of the situation, he absolutely could not admit to obtaining such a treasure.

"No need to explain," Xia Qin, the strongest, waved his hand. "It's normal for you to have secrets. I have secrets, and Yu Die has secrets too."

Xia Qin, the strongest, smiled at Lin Yuan.

At his level, he couldn't be bothered to dig deeper. As long as Lin Yuan was a human evolutionary, it was enough.

"Yes," Lin Yuan immediately replied.

"I'm not quite sure about your current strength," Xia Qin, the strongest, appraised Lin Yuan, pondered for a moment, and said, "But you should be able to match a Tier Ten, Grade A, right?"

The standard for Grade A Tier Ten is to comprehend the fusion of two supporting rules into new rules.

Although Lin Yuan had not yet comprehended such fusion rules, his accumulation was too profound, akin to the meaning of 'one force breaking ten thousand laws'.

"Close enough," Lin Yuan nodded.

Actually, Lin Yuan felt that his current strength surpassed the ordinary Grade A Tier Ten.

After all, after comprehending the rules of time, his inner world became completely independent, which then led to the infusion of the origin of chaotic void, bringing him improvements far beyond expectations.

"Very good," Xia Qin, the strongest, smiled.

Considering the scale of human civilization, having an additional Grade A Tier was not a big deal.

At most, it would only affect the local battle situation on a large battlefield, nothing more.

But Lin Yuan's strength matching that of Grade A Tier was different from normal Grade A Tiers.

Whether it was human civilization or other alien races, all Grade A Tiers had reached the limit of their strength and potential.

Apart from breaking through to Tier Eleven, there was no room for further improvement.

But Lin Yuan?

He matched Grade A Tier right after entering Tier Ten.

When he masters many fusion rules, even the fusion rules at the pillar level, what then?

If Tier Eleven strong ones don't appear, who could be Lin Yuan's opponent?

"But don't get too proud," Xia Qin, the strongest, changed his tone, his voice becoming somewhat solemn. "Our expectations for you are not at Tier Ten, nor at Tier Eleven."

"It's at the ultimate, at Tier Twelve."

Xia Qin, the strongest, looked at Lin Yuan, and Yu Die, the strongest beside him, also restrained their smiles.

In the cosmic sky, the measure of the strength of peak tribes always comes down to the strength of the strongest.

Those who fail to become the strongest are just lives within the river of time, destined to grow old and die one day.

Even if Lin Yuan's talent and aptitude were unprecedented, only by reaching Tier Twelve could he maintain eternity.

"Understood," Lin Yuan nodded.

He also yearned to become the ultimate.

Firstly, only by reaching that level could he have the power to protect himself. As for now? He could still rely on the power of human civilization to protect himself.

But between relying on external forces and relying on oneself, Lin Yuan preferred the latter.

"After entering Tier Ten, your inner world will naturally undergo slow transformation as it establishes a connection with the cosmic origin," Xia Qin, the strongest, spoke up.

"So what you need to do now is to comprehend as many fusion rules as possible and then integrate them into your inner world to enhance its foundation."

"Comprehend more fusion rules," Lin Yuan realized.

The more fusion rules a Tier Ten being comprehends, the stronger they become.

In theory, even among Grade A Tier Tens, there is a significant difference in strength.

It's clear at a glance whether it's a Grade A Tier Ten who has comprehended one pillar-level fusion rule or one who has comprehended two. 

And the benefits of comprehending three fusion rules compared to two are easily distinguishable.

Even the fusion of time rules with basic rules could significantly enhance the means of a certain Grade A Tier Ten.


"Actually, even at Tier Eleven, the main focus is on comprehending more rules."

"But Tier Eleven life forms fuse time rules with spatial rules. If possible, the more pillar rules you fuse, the greater the benefits."

Xia Qin, the strongest, nodded.

"Chaos rules?" Lin Yuan couldn't help asking.

"You actually know about chaos rules?" Xia Qin, the strongest, was surprised. Without the great opportunity of the universe's descent from outside, human civilization would not be aware of the chaos rules.

"I once obtained some information about chaos rules in a place of great opportunity in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm," Lin Yuan said, half-truthfully.

The matter of chaos rules is indeed something he learned from within the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

It wasn't a place of opportunity, but rather the spiritual shadow of the realm who told him.

It came from the vanished emperor of endless ages, His Majesty Xuanhuang.

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm is indeed left behind by a remarkable powerhouse. It's normal for him to know some information about chaos rules," Xia Qin, the strongest, didn't think much of it.

From now to the past, Xia Qin, the strongest, understood that Lin Yuan's strength in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was still greatly restrained.

In such circumstances, entering some extraordinary places of opportunity and gaining high-level information is not unusual.

"If Tier Eleven beings could comprehend chaos rules, it would indeed greatly benefit their assault on the ultimate," Xia Qin, the strongest, said with a slight sigh, "But don't pursue this too much. Comprehending chaos rules is almost impossible for Tier Eleven beings."

"So that's how it is," Lin Yuan secretly marveled.

The commotion he caused during his breakthrough was already proof of his innate potential.

Even so, Xia Qin, the strongest, still didn't believe that Lin Yuan could comprehend chaos rules, indicating that the difficulty of this matter was exaggerated.

"By the way."

"Delay announcing your Tier Ten breakthrough for a few more years," Xia Qin, the strongest, said, "The commotion caused by your breakthrough is too significant. Those powerful beings from other races all believe that our human civilization has produced an Tier Eleven evolutionary who comprehended the rules of time."

"So, I plan to go along with it, first publicly announcing that a reclusive evolutionary of human civilization has comprehended the rules of time, and then breaking through to Tier Eleven in the Central Star Domain."

Xia Qin, the strongest, looked at Lin Yuan.

To comprehend time rules at Tier Ten, though unimaginable, still had precedents.

The reaction of those powerful beings from other races wouldn't be too significant.

But comprehending time rules at Tier Nine? And causing such a significant commotion during the breakthrough?

It's estimated that those powerful beings from other races would be restless and would try every means to deal with Lin Yuan.

Although human strong ones would pay more attention to Lin Yuan and wouldn't let those powerful beings from other races succeed.

But it's better to avoid such a situation if possible.

"Can it be concealed?" Lin Yuan was quite curious.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that a Tier Nine breakthrough to Tier Ten would cause such a significant phenomenon," Xia Qin, the strongest, glanced at Lin Yuan.

The gaze of Yu Die, the strongest beside him, also flashed a hint of surprise when looking at Lin Yuan.

Compared to the 'illusion' that human civilization is about to present to other races, the real truth is even more unbelievable.


"Now that you've stepped into Tier Ten, I should go back," Xia Qin, the strongest, said. "Get familiar with the power of Tier Ten."

After Xia Qin, the strongest, finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

Breaking through from Tier Nine to Tier Ten, even if it's just a normal breakthrough, would attract the infusion of the cosmic origin.

Everything about oneself would be significantly enhanced, so the first thing Tier Ten strong ones would do is to adapt to the skyrocketing power.

Lin Yuan glanced at Yu Die, the strongest, and then his figure disappeared as well.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan turned and returned to the central star of the Milky Way.

Because the strongest intervened to isolate space-time, all evolvers in the Milky Way region were unaware. Even the various eighth-tier managers on the central star didn't know—

Their star lord is now a Tier Ten evolutionary.


In the main hall of the star lord.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared.

Then he sat cross-legged.

After breaking through to Tier Ten, Lin Yuan immediately went to see Xia Qin, the strongest, and Yu Die, the strongest. He hadn't carefully compared the changes in his own strength, and now he had time to slowly feel it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 361: Red Kun Star Lord: Tier Nine, This is Tier Nine! (Please subscribe)

"My physical body and soul have increased a thousandfold."

Lin Yuan carefully sensed the sense of control brought by the powerful body and soul.

At this moment, he was like a behemoth celestial body. If he were to release his suppression,

everything within a few light-years would turn to dust and revolve around him.

"Now, even if I only use the power of my physical body, a single punch is enough to shatter multiple layers of space."

Lin Yuan thought to himself silently.

The thousandfold amplification of Lin Yuan's physical body and soul was not based on the ordinary peak of Tier Nine.

After being strengthened by the mysterious gourd, the basic amplification of his physical body reached terrifying levels, more than twenty times the base.

Moreover, the vast world derived from his internal world was constantly nurturing his physical body and soul.

In addition, the martial cultivation system was inherently good at refining the physical body.

In other words, even before breaking through to Tier Ten, Lin Yuan's physical strength was already hundreds or thousands of times that of other Tier Nine strong ones at the same level.

"No wonder. I've only heard of eighth-tier invincibility being able to save their lives under Tier Nine strong ones, but I've never heard of Tier Nine beings being able to survive under Tier Ten."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

The gap in advancement is too big.

Even if other Tier Ten strong ones only endure the infusion of cosmic origin.

It far surpasses Tier Nine beings. Even if it's a special Tier Nine, there's no resistance in front of a Tier Ten newcomer.

"The higher you go, the greater the difference between different realms. Tier Nine and Tier Ten are like this, Tier Ten and Tier Eleven are like this, and Tier Eleven and ultimate existence are also like this."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Especially from Tier Eleven to ultimate, it's the chasm of whether or not to break free from the constraints of the river of time.

Although in the universe, some extremely powerful and ancient Tier Eleven beings have the confidence to resist ultimate beings.

Like the 'Mother of the Tree Realm.'

But this reluctance to take action here doesn't mean that those ancient and powerful Tier Eleven beings can resist the means of the ultimate being, but rather that they are likely to annihilate themselves before the ultimate being can kill them completely.

Leaving the ultimate being empty-handed.

"Internal world."

Lin Yuan projected a strand of consciousness into his internal world.

After enduring the infinite chaos void origin, Lin Yuan's internal world did not change much in size.

But in all aspects, the world itself underwent significant transformations.

In simple terms.

It's like the difference between the Middle-earth and the Spirit World.

The space is more stable, the rules are more balanced.

The same strike of power, in the internal world at Tier Nine, would cause ravines for thousands of miles, but in the current internal world, perhaps it could only split a rock?

"I can feel that after accepting the infusion of chaos void origin, the internal world is connected with the chaos void, and is constantly improving every moment."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

For example, even if Lin Yuan doesn't act.

The level of the spatial layers in his internal world is slowly expanding.

Lin Yuan's internal world is completely independent and can slowly absorb the power of the chaos void.

Other Tier Ten evolvers would be slightly inferior, only able to absorb the power of the main universe, but probably similar to Lin Yuan now.

The spatial layers are slowly expanding on their own, just much slower in speed.

This is also why Tier Ten strong ones don't care how many spatial layers their internal world has.

Because at the Tier Ten level, the internal world synchronizes with the main universe (chaos void) and will autonomously open up spatial layers.

For some ancient Tier Ten beings, the number of spatial layers in their internal world can completely reach tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

In this case, the reason why some special Tier Nine beings actively open up more spatial layers is to accept more infusion of cosmic origin.

Normal Tier Nine strong ones who break through to Tier Ten with millions of layers will tear open a gap of a million miles for the infusion of cosmic origin.

And special Tier Nine beings who open up tens of millions of spatial layers and break through to Tier Ten will tear open a gap of two to three million miles.

Under the premise that the time for breakthrough is maintained at three hundred and thirty-three seconds, the difference in infusion of cosmic origin received by the two is naturally worlds apart.

This is the greatest benefit brought by opening up more spatial layers at Tier Nine.

Lin Yuan opened up more than twenty-three billion layers of spatial layers.

The apparent size of his internal world also exceeded two hundred million miles.

With many combinations, the resulting cosmic gap reached twelve light-years.

As a result, the infusion of the chaos void origin he received was immeasurable, causing Lin Yuan's strength to increase far beyond expectations.

"My current true strength is roughly equivalent to three to five Black Star Lords." Lin Yuan scrutinized himself and came to an objective assessment.

The Black Star Lord is an old-fashioned Tier Ten, having comprehended two pillar-level fusion rules.

Although Lin Yuan has not yet comprehended a pillar-level rule, the power he wields is too vast. If a Black Star Lord were to truly confront Lin Yuan.

The result can only be—

The Black Star Lord's full-force attack would not break through Lin Yuan's defense.

And Lin Yuan's casual strike, as long as it grazes, would cause the Black Star Lord to vomit blood and be heavily injured.

"Elemental Body."

Lin Yuan thought of the corporeal divine technique from the Divine World.

The battles between Tier Ten strong ones mainly depended on the strength of their fusion rules.

And fusion rules were, in a sense, dominated by the Elemental Body.

After becoming somewhat familiar with the changes in himself.

Lin Yuan's mind stirred slightly, and his two major divine souls appeared in front of him.

During the infusion of chaos void origin, the two major divine souls also benefited, and their strength increased by no less than that of the main body.

"You go to the large-scale alien battlefield."

Lin Yuan looked at the Sun Divine Soul.

Since he had stepped into Tier Ten, Lin Yuan naturally intended to visit a large-scale alien battlefield.

Among other reasons, at least the rate of accumulating boundary-breaking source power there would far exceed that of medium-sized alien battlefields.

After breaking through to Tier Ten, the last bit of threat from the large-scale alien battlefield to Lin Yuan gradually disappeared, as long as the alien strong ones did not take action against him, he was fearless.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, five years had passed.

And under the operation of ultimate existences like Xia Qin, the news of Lin Yuan's breakthrough to Tier Ten officially began to spread.

In fact, if it weren't announced, the outside world would speculate whether the Galaxy Lord had entered Tier Ten. With Lin Yuan's demonstrated strength in the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, breaking through to Tier Ten would not be difficult.

"Tier Ten, Lord Lin Yuan has stepped into Tier Ten?"

"Two hundred years, a Tier Ten evolver in less than two hundred years."

"Our Canglan Star unexpectedly gave birth to such an existence as Lord Lin Yuan."

After years of development, Canglan Star was no longer much inferior to the main stars of some star systems. But upon learning that Lin Yuan had become a Tier Ten evolver, they still celebrated.

Many young citizens of Canglan Star didn't even know what a Tier Ten evolver meant, but having such a prominent figure from their own planet was extremely uplifting.

Virtual World.

Lin Yuan chatted with several Tier Ten alpha-levels like the Black Star Lord and the Glass Star Lord.

"Galaxy Lord, what does it feel like to experience the infusion of cosmic origin when you breakthrough to Tier Ten?" the Black Star Lord couldn't help but ask.

This was also the biggest difference from the breakthrough before.

Tier Ten evolvers were already half a step above the pinnacle below the ultimate existences.

Being able to accept the bestowal of the main universe's origin.

This was an unprecedented great opportunity. Even the most astonishing evolvers would experience it at most two or three times in their lifetime.

"Not bad," Lin Yuan smiled.

Although it had been five years since he stepped into Tier Ten, the feeling of infusion of the chaos void origin still fascinated Lin Yuan.

The feeling of everything about oneself skyrocketing under the origin infusion was extremely addictive.


A smile appeared on the Black Star Lord's face.

The Glass Star Lord beside him also smiled.

If the Galaxy Lord had not yet entered Tier Ten, they were only willing to associate with him because of his potential.

But now, the Galaxy Lord had broken through to Tier Ten, standing at the same height as them.

With the talent and qualifications of the Galaxy Lord, it was only a matter of time before he reached the alpha level.

The estimations of those major forces outside were that in a few thousand years at most, human civilization would produce another alpha-level Tier Ten evolver.

What the Black Star Lord and the Glass Star Lord didn't know was that Lin Yuan's current strength had already surpassed Tier Ten alpha-level. A few thousand years? Lin Yuan probably crossed into Tier Eleven a long time ago.

Ziyun Star Domain.

The Peak Master of the Red Kun lineage sat in the main hall, watching the numerous pieces of information flashing on the light screen in front of him, almost all of which were about the Galaxy Lord's breakthrough to Tier Ten.

"The junior apprentice brother has reached Tier Ten." The Peak Master rubbed his nose and shook his head. "I remember back then, I entered Tier Eight just one step ahead of the junior apprentice brother."

"And now I'm still in the early stages of Tier Eight, while the junior apprentice brother is already Tier Ten?"

The eldest senior brother felt a sense of suffocation.

The little kid who needed his protection even to break through to Tier Six back then had now grown into a pillar of human civilization? And he would continue to grow in the future?

"Fortunately, I had a good relationship with the junior apprentice brother back then." The eldest senior brother smiled.

After reaching Tier Eight, he presided over a star domain, and the other star masters around him were befriending him, relying on the face of the Galaxy Lord.

Wanyang Star Domain.

The Young Master of Wanyang looked at the information in front of him, and his mentality had completely changed.

"The Thirteenth Peak Master has reached Tier Ten." The Young Master rubbed his forehead. The Thirteenth Peak Master, who was once his goal, had now grown to the point where even his teacher had to look up to him?

No way.

The Young Master of Wanyang is only invincible at Tier Eight. Faced with a Tier Ten evolver, he can't even look up to them.

"But... even if the Thirteenth Peak Master is extraordinary, so what? Back then in the arena, I defeated him once." The Young Master of Wanyang thought gleefully.

Just based on this, he, the Young Master of Wanyang, had bragging rights for the rest of his life, even the Master of Wanyang could only watch.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, two more years had passed.

In the Red Kun Star Domain, on the Red Kun Main Star.

A vast spatial fluctuation began to spread. Outside the main star, a huge sea of stars slowly roamed between layers of space.

The next moment.

This sea of stars began to shrink rapidly, turning into an old man in a crimson robe.

"Tier Nine, this is Tier Nine!!" The Red Kun Star Lord cried tears of joy, extremely excited, silently feeling the power from many layers of space.

After more than a hundred years of seclusion, he finally took that step and reached Tier Nine.

"Three hundred thousand years, I, Red Kun, have also entered Tier Nine."

The Red Kun Star Lord shed tears of emotion. With the harmony between the sea of stars and space, he had just stepped into Tier Nine, and he had opened up nearly a thousand layers of space.

"Now, in front of my disciple, I can finally hold my head up."

The Red Kun Star Lord restrained his aura. After Lin Yuan stepped into Tier Nine, his mentor remained at Tier Eight.

This put pressure on the Red Kun Star Lord. Although human civilization is not lacking in cases where disciples surpass their masters, the Red Kun Star Lord also had his pride.

Now that the Red Kun Star Lord has stepped into Tier Nine, he finally has some confidence.

Thinking of this, the Red Kun Star Lord's consciousness began to connect to the virtual world, intending to inform others of his breakthrough success.

And also to find out what had happened in human civilization during his hundred years of seclusion.

However, not knowing was better. Once he found out, the Red Kun Star Lord suddenly felt a bit bewildered.


(End of this chapter)

Chapter 362: The Cycle of Life and Death Continues (Please Subscribe)

Swish, swish, swish.

The commotion caused by the successful breakthrough of the Red Kun Star Lord immediately caught the attention of many powerhouses on the main star.

The peak masters sensed it first and hurried towards the Red Kun Star Lord's location.

The Red Kun lineage had thirteen peak masters, with the Grand Peak Master and the Thirteenth Peak Master overseeing other star domains.

Only eleven peak masters remained on the main star.

As the powerful aura of the Red Kun Star Lord spread, the other ten peak masters quickly approached.


"Teacher, did you break through?"

"Congratulations, teacher, on reaching Tier Nine!"

The peak masters, seeing the Red Kun Star Lord standing with hands behind his back and eyes closed, congratulated him one after another.

As disciples of the Red Kun Star Lord, the stronger he became, the more benefits they naturally received.

In human civilization, the closeness of the master-disciple relationship often surpassed that of blood relatives. After all, becoming master and disciple meant their life levels were not too far apart.

They could go through the long years hand in hand.

But as for blood relatives? How many relatives of those Tier Ten and Tier Eleven evolvers were still alive?

Even the relatives of Tier Twelve evolvers, basically all of them were dead. Although Tier Twelve evolvers could defy the natural order and resurrect past beings, if they died due to the end of their lifespan, even if they were forcibly resurrected, they would perish again.

To achieve eternity, one must become a Tier Twelve being and break free from the river of time.

"You've arrived." The Red Kun Star Lord glanced at the numerous peak masters and nodded slightly.

At this moment, he was experiencing a stormy sea of emotions. Just now, his consciousness had connected to the virtual world, receiving numerous pieces of information that had occurred over the past hundred years.

Among them, the most dazzling was naturally the Galaxy Master.

He unleashed a massacre in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, forcing nearly ten thousand Tier Nine enemies from several hostile peak clans of human civilization to die in the secret realm with his own strength.

Later, he stepped into Tier Ten a few years ago, standing at the peak below the pinnacle of Tier Twelve beings.

"My disciple..." The Red Kun Star Lord fell silent.

Originally, he only suggested that Lin Yuan explore the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to see if he could understand the connection between the Xuanhuang evolution path and the secret realm itself.

Who could have predicted that Lin Yuan would stir up such a big commotion?

When the Red Kun Star Lord entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, he was extremely cautious, after all, he was invincible at Tier Eight, belonging to the bottom layer of the secret realm.

But Lin Yuan's performance in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was so domineering and powerful. Those lofty Tier Nine evolvers had no choice but to flee, or they would die if they were too slow.

As for Lin Yuan stepping into Tier Ten? Although the Red Kun Star Lord's feelings were complex, there was a faint sense of relief.

When Lin Yuan stepped into Tier Nine, the Red Kun Star Lord was invincible at Tier Eight, with hopes of breaking through to Tier Nine and becoming an evolver at the same level as his younger disciple.

This was also the reason why the Red Kun Star Lord secluded himself for over a hundred years.

If it weren't for Lin Yuan's stimulation, the Red Kun Star Lord might have been brewing for thousands of years.

When he naturally reached the peak, he would consider stepping into Tier Nine.

After all, his lifespan was still very long. As a sea of stars harmonized with space at Tier Nine, the Red Kun Star Lord's lifespan would far exceed that of evolvers at the same level.

But now?

Lin Yuan stepped into Tier Ten.

The Red Kun Star Lord unexpectedly felt a sense of relief, because reaching Tier Ten was not something he could achieve by just secluding himself.

Even though the cultivation of the sea of stars in Tier Nine had greatly benefited him, opening up numerous layers of space would be much easier for such favored children of the spatial origin.

But to complete Tier Nine and open up tens of millions of layers of space?

Without hundreds of thousands of years, it was impossible. And that was under the best circumstances.

If things didn't go smoothly and he encountered several bottlenecks, the time would be greatly delayed.

The Red Kun Star Lord's thoughts surged, and he unexpectedly felt a wave of emotion.

When the gap was small, there was still the thought of catching up.

But when the gap was like a chasm, the Red Kun Star Lord completely lost such thoughts.

"Teacher, Junior Disciple, he... he stepped into Tier Ten." The Tenth Peak Master immediately spoke, sharing this good news with the Red Kun Star Lord.


"I know."

The Red Kun Star Lord glanced at the Tenth Peak Master, "In the future, you should learn more from the Thirteenth."

After saying this, the ten peak masters looked at each other.

Learn from the Junior Disciple?

What could they learn from the Junior Disciple?

Deep within the cosmos.

Inside a certain secret realm.

Tuoba Ancient God sat cross-legged there, his terrifying aura affecting the surrounding time and space.

"The Galaxy Master's little friend has stepped into Tier Ten?" Tuoba Ancient God had just ended a brief retreat and received this news from human civilization.

"Tuoba." A powerful consciousness descended, condensing into a huge phantom, who was none other than Sizhong Ancient God.

"Back then, I asked you to return the friend of the Galaxy Master. Now, not only did you not gain any advantage, you also offended the Galaxy Master."

Sizhong Ancient God looked at Tuoba Ancient God and shook his head slightly.

"If I offended him, then so be it." Tuoba Ancient God didn't care.

With the talent and potential displayed by the Galaxy Master, stepping into Tier Ten was nothing out of the ordinary.

Tuoba Ancient God wasn't worried at all. Even if the Galaxy Master stepped into Tier Eleven in the future, what then?

For a God like him, who stood at the peak of Tier Eleven, unless the Galaxy Master became a Tier Twelve being, he couldn't pose any threat.

But was it so easy to become a Tier Twelve being?

"You may not care, Galaxy Master, but do you think the Tier Eleven evolver in human civilization, who has comprehended the rules of time, doesn't care?"

"This human evolver has a great chance of becoming a Tier Twelve being. By then, human civilization will produce its tenth Tier Twelve being, which will have a profound impact on the situation among the major cosmic forces."

"So, you still don't care?" Sizhong Ancient God said.

Years ago, after the anomaly caused by the infusion of the chaos and void origin, as revealed by the Tier Twelve evolvers of the alien races, the Ancient Gods also learned about it from human civilization.

Later, human civilization also publicly announced that a Tier Eleven evolver who had comprehended the rules of time had stepped into Tier Twelve.

This was consistent with the speculations of the Tier Twelve evolvers of the alien races.

"The comprehension of the rules of time at Tier Eleven." Tuoba Ancient God fell into silence.

But understanding the rules of time at Tier Ten? That's incredibly beneficial for reaching the ultimate level. It provides an opportunity to withstand the infusion of chaotic void origin more than a normal Tier Eleven peak powerhouse.

The internal world would gain significant benefits, making it much easier for future ultimate transformations towards the cosmic metamorphosis within.

"It doesn't affect me either," Tubo Ancient God glanced at Sizhong Ancient God, "Even if human civilization gains another supreme being, it would only affect the balance of power among major peak forces. I can always ally with the Insect Clan."

The emergence of another supreme being in human civilization only marginally increases its underlying strength, far from being reckless.

"You plan to strive for the ultimate within tens of millions of years and ally with the Insect Clan during that time, and you believe it won't have any impact?" Sizhong Ancient God chuckled.

Tubo Ancient God remained silent.

At this moment, he also vaguely felt some regret. Who would have expected the Galaxy Main Lord to be so unthreatening? And human civilization's potential was terrifying. How long had it been since the birth of nine supreme beings? And now there was hope for the tenth?

If he had known earlier, decisively handing over the Galaxy Main Lord's friend would indeed have been the best choice.

At least he wouldn't offend the Galaxy Main Lord, nor human civilization.

Galaxy Main Star.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

"The teacher stepped into Tier Nine?" Lin Yuan received this message, a smile appearing on his face.

Although stepping into Tier Nine was nothing worth mentioning for Lin Yuan now, for the Red Kun Star Lord, it was a long-cherished wish.

"Go congratulate the teacher."

Lin Yuan connected his consciousness to the virtual world.

In his personal space, Lin Yuan sat face to face with the Red Kun Star Lord.

"Congratulations, teacher, on reaching Tier Nine," Lin Yuan said with a smile.

"Are you teasing me?" The Red Kun Star Lord rolled his eyes. He hadn't even mentioned Lin Yuan's breakthrough to Tier Ten yet.

Compared to the birth of a Tier Ten evolver, breaking through from Tier Eight to Tier Nine was nothing.

Next, the master and disciple chatted for a while.

The Red Kun Star Lord could feel that even though his disciple was now completely above him, he didn't display the demeanor of a Tier Ten evolver at all, as if he were still the same junior disciple from before.

This made the Red Kun Star Lord feel warm inside.

"By the way, about the connection between the Xuanhuang Evolution Path and the Xuanhuang Secret Realm..." the Red Kun Star Lord tentatively asked.

He was quite curious about the relationship between the two.

"This time exploring the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, I didn't find any connection with the Xuanhuang Evolution Path," Lin Yuan didn't tell the whole truth.

Mainly because the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was too important. Perhaps when Lin Yuan became a Tier Twelve being, fearless of everything, he would reveal this matter.

But for now?

It was better to keep it secret.

"It doesn't matter, right?" The Red Kun Star Lord seemed a little disappointed. "Well, I can get the Evolution Path. What does it matter to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?"

The Red Kun Star Lord quickly understood.

Obtaining the Xuanhuang Evolution Path wasn't very difficult for him.

If the Xuanhuang Evolution Path were really crucially connected to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, would he have been brought out by a mere invincible Tier Eight?

What the Red Kun Star Lord didn't know was that the Spirit of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, in order to better spread the Evolution Path to the outside world, almost semi-gave away this Evolution Path.

However, most powerhouses, when they obtained this Evolution Path, repeatedly attempted to practice it, only to find that they couldn't cultivate it at all, and gradually gave up, no longer paying attention.

Occasionally, life forms that could satisfy the Xuanhuang Evolution Path often perished halfway through, unable to meet the prerequisite for the Xuanhuang Secret Realm's call.

"Teacher, regarding the Xuanhuang Evolution Path, I plan to make it public and find several evolvers in my human civilization who can cultivate this Evolution Path," Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and said.

This was also his promise to the Spirit of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

As for whether other evolvers cultivating the Xuanhuang Evolution Path would shake Lin Yuan's control over the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?

There was no longer this possibility. Now that Lin Yuan had refined the core of the secret realm, he became the undisputed master of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Even if someone cultivated the Xuanhuang Evolution Path to Tier Ten, Tier Eleven, or even Tier Twelve, it would have no effect on the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"No problem," the Red Kun Star Lord nodded.

"Thank you, teacher," Lin Yuan said immediately.

Galaxy Main Star.

Lin Yuan successfully uploaded the first to seventh parts of the Xuanhuang Evolution Path.

As for the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth parts? If one couldn't even grasp the first to seventh parts, there was no need to practice the later parts.

"The three goddesses don't have a high opinion of the Xuanhuang Evolution Path," Lin Yuan received the Wisdom Goddess's judgment on the Xuanhuang Evolution Path.

The most important criterion for human civilization's judgment on an Evolution Path was its popularity.

That is, the number of people who could cultivate this Evolution Path.

Even if it was a supreme Evolution Path, if the threshold was extremely high, causing no one to enter, then its value would not be high.

Although the Xuanhuang Secret Realm wasn't completely devoid of people entering, it wasn't easy to practice this Evolution Path.

Battlefield A098.

The battlefields starting with A were large-scale alien battlefields.

Human civilization had opened up two million alien battlefields, most of which were small-scale ones.

There were eighty-six thousand medium-sized alien battlefields.

As for large-scale alien battlefields? So far, there were only one hundred and thirty-five.

Each large-scale alien battlefield was a meat grinder between peak clans, where the most powerful beings in the universe gathered.

The gaze of the supremes was always watching.

Positioned near the central area of Battlefield A098.

Lin Yuan's Sun Elemental Spirit was flying cautiously.

Whether in small, medium, or large-scale alien battlefields.

Space is extremely unstable, and teleportation will result in significant 'errors.'

These errors are harmless in the cosmic void but on the battlefield?

Accidentally teleporting to the enemy's stronghold would be suicidal.

So under normal circumstances, no powerhouse dares to teleport on the battlefield.

Lin Yuan is no exception.

Even with the "Space-Time Nine Steps," Lin Yuan can minimize errors.

But the consumption caused by the "Space-Time Nine Steps" is too great, and it makes a lot of noise when used.

It triggers intense spatial ripples.

After all, this kind of secret technique is a last resort for 'escape.'

When one is in such a life-threatening situation, who cares about making noise?

"The large-scale alien battlefield is really huge," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

It took him over half a year to rush from the Galaxy Domain to this battlefield.

For the following years, he's been 'slowly' flying over the battlefield, heading towards the permanent spatial fissure.

According to Lin Yuan's understanding of Battlefield A098, this large-scale alien battlefield has a diameter exceeding five hundred light-years. Even in the vast cosmic void, it's considered massive.

It is said that the one hundred and thirty-five large battlefields opened by human civilization were created by supreme beings, personally refined to withstand the battles between Tier Eleven beings.

"However, even if I just entered the battlefield, I can smell the aura of Boundary Breaking Source Force," Lin Yuan smiled.

Previously, only when approaching the permanent spatial fissure in small or medium alien battlefields would the accumulation of Boundary Breaking Source Force accelerate.

But in a large-scale alien battlefield? Even at the edge of the battlefield, Lin Yuan sensed an increase in the speed of Boundary Breaking Source Force accumulation.

Even though it's just a slight increase, it's still an increase, which is qualitative compared to small or medium alien battlefields.

"I wonder, when I really get close to that permanent spatial fissure, how much will the accumulation speed of Boundary Breaking Source Force increase?" Lin Yuan felt a bit excited.

Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Lin Yuan's Lunar Elemental Spirit stood suspended in mid-air.

Since breaking through to Tier Ten, Lin Yuan occasionally enters the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to familiarize himself with the surge in his power.

The Xuanhuang Secret Realm can even block the peeping of supremes, allowing Lin Yuan to fully unleash his power here without any reservations.


Terrifying energy fluctuations almost swept through one-tenth of the realm. Compared to when he was at Tier Nine, Lin Yuan's strength has increased significantly.

After crossing the gap in the chaotic void, undergoing a 333-second infusion of origin power, Lin Yuan underwent a complete transformation from head to toe.

Compared to when he was at Tier Nine, Lin Yuan is much stronger.

It's like changing from an ant to a divine dragon.


The layers of space were torn apart. The power emanating from Lin Yuan's every movement was enough to annihilate Tier Ten A-level and B-level beings.

Only Tier Ten S-level beings, who have mastered the Pillar-level fusion rules, can withstand the aftermath of Lin Yuan's unrestrained release of power.

But even then, they can only withstand it, like a small boat floating on a vast ocean, liable to sink at any moment.

"Master, your current strength, without any rule reinforcement, has already surpassed the pinnacle of Tier Ten," the Xuanhuang Secret Realm spirit, with six arms, appeared in the distance, looking at Lin Yuan in the center of the vast power, deeply shaken.

The main cultivation method of Tier Ten beings is to constantly fuse various rules.

And rule fusion is also the most important means of attack for Tier Ten beings.

But now?

Lin Yuan, without relying on any rules, has exerted power beyond the Tier Ten category, which is incredible.

"Merely surpassing the pinnacle of Tier Ten?" Lin Yuan suppressed his aura, somewhat disappointed.

Compared to when he first entered Tier Ten, Lin Yuan's strength has improved significantly again. He thought he could barely reach the threshold of Tier Eleven.

"Master," the six-armed figure fell silent.

Tier Ten and Tier Eleven belong to completely different realms.

Surpassing the pinnacle of Tier Ten does not necessarily mean reaching Tier Eleven.

If surpassing the pinnacle of Tier Ten is one hundred, then Tier Eleven is a thousand or even ten thousand.

Surpassing the pinnacle of Tier Ten to reach one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty is still a long way from Tier Eleven.

During the glorious period of the Xuanhuang lineage, there were indeed some abnormal Tier Ten beings who, with the help of secret weapons and other means, briefly confronted Tier Eleven beings.

But Lin Yuan now wants to reach the threshold of Tier Eleven purely by his own strength, which leaves the six-armed figure at a loss for words.

If one can rival Tier Eleven purely with one's own strength, wouldn't they still be considered a Tier Ten being?

After many attempts in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Lin Yuan has a rough understanding of his current strength.

He's basically invincible at Tier Ten, and normal S-level Tier Ten beings can't last long against him.

If Lin Yuan disregards everything and pays a huge price, he might be able to temporarily elevate his strength to the level of Tier Eleven.

For example, using the divine technique 'Enhancement.'

Strengthening everything—flesh, soul, mind, inner world, etc., tenfold. The increase in strength could be a hundred or even a thousandfold, enough to break into the realm of Tier Eleven.

"Fusion of rules."

After scrutinizing for a while, Lin Yuan continued to practice enlightenment.

"Life Rule. Death Rule," Lin Yuan raised his hands, the left filled with warm vitality, and the right pervaded with icy death.

"Life and death, an endless cycle?"

Various inspirations surged in Lin Yuan's mind, and the forces of life and death between his hands began to slowly merge.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 363: Exploring the Black Planet Again (Seeking Subscriptions)

Breaking through Tier Ten, for Lin Yuan, not only led to a straightforward surge in power.

There was also another benefit: understanding the rules became much easier.

The perspectives and scenery seen at Tier Nine and Tier Ten are naturally different due to the difference in altitude.

Lin Yuan's extraordinary comprehension was the same. At Tier Nine, understanding the fusion of pillar-level rules felt obscure and difficult.

But at Tier Ten?

It wouldn't be called easy, but it also couldn't be considered obscure.

For the past few years since reaching Tier Ten, Lin Yuan had deep insights into the fusion of the life and death rules, two fundamental rules.

At this moment, all insights turned into inspirations, propelling Lin Yuan to take that final step.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, understanding the fusion of life and death rules, initiating rule fusion.]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, understanding the fusion of life and death rules, initiating rule fusion.]

[Your comprehension is extraordinary, understanding the fusion of life and death rules, successfully completing fusion.]


Lin Yuan's mind roared as the life and death rules completely merged, forming a new rule power.

This rule power encompassed life and death, allowing both to cycle endlessly, as if there were no end.

"I finally comprehend a pillar-level fusion rule."

A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

Normally, when a Tier Ten evolves and comprehends a pillar-level fusion rule—meaning the fusion of at least two pillar-level rules—they could rank among Tier Ten S-level beings.

But this step takes a long, long time for Tier Ten evolvers.

However, Lin Yuan's wealth of knowledge and comprehension was too profound. Even before reaching Tier Ten, he had thoroughly understood various pillar-level rules.

Moreover, Lin Yuan's comprehension was extraordinary.

Other Tier Ten evolvers, upon entering this level, haven't comprehended more than a few pillar-level rules, let alone a fusion rule.

They're simply not on the same level.

"By merging the life and death rules, the fusion rule I've comprehended should be the Rule of Reincarnation," Lin Yuan speculated silently.

The Rule of Reincarnation is an extremely powerful fusion rule among many pillar-level rules. It encompasses two completely opposing rules: life and death.

The difficulty of merging the life and death rules exceeds that of other pillar rules. But once successfully fused, the power of the Rule of Reincarnation is terrifying.

"With my current strength, under normal circumstances, I should be able to reach the threshold of Tier Eleven, right?" Lin Yuan thought to himself.

For a regular Tier Ten powerhouse, comprehending a pillar-level fusion rule leads to a complete qualitative change in their strength.

Pillar-level fusion rules come in different types, with various emphases, but regardless of the type, they can propel Tier Ten powerhouses into the S-level threat list.


After Lin Yuan comprehended the Rule of Reincarnation, his own strength also saw a significant increase.

Simply put.

If a pillar-level fusion rule is likened to a sharp blade, it can wield tremendous killing power in the hands of an ordinary person, and the killing power in the hands of an evolver will be even stronger and higher.

The same level of the Rule of Reincarnation, when activated by Lin Yuan compared to a regular Tier Ten S-level powerhouse, would naturally exhibit vastly different levels of power.

"Let's try again."

Lin Yuan's mind stirred slightly.

The Lunar Elemental Spirit immediately descended into the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

After becoming the master of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, Lin Yuan, with the Xuanhuang Mark, could enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm from any location in the universe.

As for coming out?

Apart from the fixed 333 exits of the secret realm,

You can also establish "markers" between the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, acting as a connection and traction.

Lin Yuan had already set this up long ago, using his true body as a "marker" when coming out.

Previously, when the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was closed, the reason Lin Yuan came out with other Tier Nine evolvers was to create a scene where he also left the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Lin Yuan's Lunar Elemental Spirit descended once again.


The six-armed figure appeared, looking at Lin Yuan with a slight hint of confusion.

"I'll try my strength again," Lin Yuan said directly.

"Okay," the six-armed figure nodded.

Although unclear why Lin Yuan was doing it again, the six-armed figure would follow any command from the master.

"What's the limit of this secret realm?" Lin Yuan asked before taking action.

"The limit?" The six-armed figure pondered for a moment. "Attacks below the ultimate level should be fine."

The reason the Xuanhuang Secret Realm can evade the detection of supreme beings is due to its integration into countless layers of the main universe's space crevices.

As for the Xuanhuang Secret Realm itself, it doesn't have the ability to block supreme beings.

However, supreme beings can't withstand attacks from Tier Eleven life forms, as they are more than capable of handling them.

"That's good," Lin Yuan nodded.

"I just comprehended a fusion rule and want to try it out."

"You help me see if the power has reached the Tier Eleven threshold."

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he raised his right hand and gently pressed forward.


The terrifying power after the fusion of the life and death rules began to erupt, and the aura of the two extreme rules continuously permeated the layers of space, subtly affecting the stability of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"This?" The six-armed figure's face changed slightly.

"Master, don't attack anymore," the six-armed figure hurriedly said.


Lin Yuan also noticed the change in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

When he unleashed an attack with the Rule of Reincarnation, although it didn't shake the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it continuously affected the core essence of the secret realm.

"Impressive, the Rule of Reincarnation." Lin Yuan sighed inwardly.

With his profound strength, the destructive power erupted under the activation of the Rule of Reincarnation definitely reached the Tier Eleven threshold.

"Master, that strike just now reached the Tier Eleven threshold," the six-armed figure immediately said.

At the same time, a hint of astonishment appeared on its face. To achieve such a terrifying strike just after entering Tier Ten, is this still a Tier Ten life form?

"I know," Lin Yuan felt good, "but although that strike reached the Tier Eleven threshold, it's still somewhat weaker compared to a true Tier Eleven powerhouse."

The so-called Tier Eleven threshold is a casual strike by a newcomer to Tier Eleven.

But Lin Yuan wasn't discouraged either. How long has it been since he stepped into Tier Ten? To achieve this level is entirely possible to challenge Tier Eleven powerhouses in a few decades or even centuries.

Virtual world.

After Lin Yuan comprehended the Rule of Reincarnation, he chatted with the Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Luminous Star.

"Hahaha, Lord of the Galaxy, your Tier Ten celebration is almost catching up to Vice Tower Master Nalan's Tier Eleven celebration," the Lord of the Black Star laughed.

"I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic," Lin Yuan smiled.

After entering Tier Ten, Lin Yuan also held a Tier Ten celebration, which received various congratulations and blessings. Many Tier Ten and Tier Eleven evolvers from human civilization, as well as many forces, sent congratulatory messages.

Of course, in addition to congratulatory messages, the gifts were also grand.

Even the Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Luminous Star sent generous gifts.

After the celebration, Lin Yuan received millions to tens of millions of cosmic crystals just from the gifts.

"This is because the celebration is hosted by the Lord of the Galaxy."

"When I broke through Tier Ten, my celebration wasn't as grand."

The Lord of the Black Star shook his head. The potential of the Lord of the Galaxy is limitless. With the talent and qualifications he has shown so far, entering Tier Eleven is already stable.

Therefore, many Tier Ten and Tier Eleven evolvers and forces naturally sent gifts.

As for him, the Lord of the Black Star, when he first entered Tier Ten, it was only a little more lively than a normal Tier Ten celebration. At that time, the potential shown by the Lord of the Black Star was far from Lin Yuan's current level.

"When you hold your Tier Eleven celebration, you'll definitely be stronger than me," Lin Yuan immediately said.

"I hope so," the Lord of the Black Star also smiled.

He also yearns to step into Tier Eleven, but simply accumulating won't do the trick.

If Vice Tower Master Nalan hadn't been spurred by Lin Yuan's stimulation, leading to a change in mindset and wanting to break through, it would probably have taken tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Even so, it's only a possibility of a breakthrough.

After chatting with the Lord of the Black Star and the Lord of the Luminous Star for a while, Lin Yuan disconnected from the virtual world.

"I've now comprehended the Rule of Reincarnation, so I can explore the Black Planet."

Lin Yuan's mind stirred.

The Black Planet was a mysterious planet that Lin Yuan's Lunar Elemental Spirit stumbled upon when returning from the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

At the center of the planet are twelve gates, and the prerequisite for entering each gate is to comprehend a pillar-level fusion rule.

Lin Yuan remembered that one of the gates required the Rule of Reincarnation.

"The Black Planet," Lin Yuan's expression became solemn.

According to the explanation of the Goddess of Wisdom, the Black Planet came from a distant era, from the event where countless treasures fell from outside the universe.

The rise of human civilization is closely related to this, as it is said to have obtained some crucial treasure inheritance.

So Lin Yuan attached great importance to that black planet.

"Let's take a look."

Lin Yuan's Lunar Elemental Spirit appeared, then disappeared and rushed towards the region where the Black Planet was located.

In the desolate starry region.

Outside a seemingly ordinary black planet.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared.

As usual, he left a drop of blood outside.

Lin Yuan then descended onto the black planet.

At the center of the planet.

Twelve black gates stood tall.

They emitted an ancient and mysterious aura.

After careful observation, Lin Yuan finally stood in front of one of the black gates.

This gate corresponded to the one requiring the comprehension of the "Rule of Reincarnation."

Only by comprehending this pillar-level fusion rule could one enter.

"What should I do now?"

Lin Yuan stood outside the black gate, his brows slightly furrowed.

Then he reached out his hand, trying to push open the black gate.

But the black gate remained unmoved.

"The Rule of Reincarnation." Lin Yuan looked at the pattern engraved on the surface of the black gate.

The pattern was complex, but Lin Yuan could understand its meaning at a glance.

"Comprehend the Rule of Reincarnation to enter!"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan tried to condense the power of the Rule of Reincarnation and slowly infused it into the black gate.

Before long.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze.

A deep voice sounded in his ears.

"Meets the entry conditions."

The next moment.

The black gate began to tremble and rumble, opening up.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuan stepped inside.

"Where is this?"

As he walked into the black gate, Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly as he looked around.

(End of this chapter)