

### Chapter 341: "Supporting the Enemy?" (5200 characters, Please Subscribe)

As soon as these words were spoken,

The many ninth-rank experts present felt a slight sense of relief.

Even though there were only a few hundred ninth-rank experts gathered here at this moment,

In reality,

The ninth-rank experts being hunted by human civilization in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm totaled at least several thousand.

Possibly even close to ten thousand.

Most of the ninth-rank experts in the Secret Realm were from the alliances of several major peak races,

The rest were independent individuals with enmity towards human civilization.

Several thousand, nearly ten thousand ninth-rank experts, even if faced with a tenth-rank expert's pursuit, could escape and survive by dispersing. Let alone the Milky Way Star Lord?

Moreover, in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm, the environment is unique, suppressing many spatial techniques, making teleportation impossible.

Previously, that human civilization's Xilan, who had only developed tens of thousands of spatial layers, managed to hold out for three years under the pursuit of the special ninth-rank Huny.

This alone speaks volumes.

Admittedly, Xilan's evolutionary path was unique, especially adept at escaping.

But were the many ninth-rank experts here any worse? Supreme evolutionary paths? Which of the peak races does not have supreme evolutionary paths?

"Everyone, while the Milky Way Star Lord is indeed formidable, it does not mean we must submit to their human slaughter."

A ninth-rank Zerg stood up and said, "Our race has paid the price to invite the Child of the Tree Realm into the Xuanyuan Secret Realm to counter the Milky Way Star Lord."

"Our race has also paid the price to invite the Dragon Scale King into the Xuanyuan Secret Realm to counter the Milky Way Star Lord."

"Our race has also paid…"

Several ninth-rank experts from the peak races spoke one after another.

The announcements made many ninth-rank experts present feel invigorated.

The Child of the Tree Realm, from the mysterious cosmic secret realm 'Tree Realm'.

In this cosmic secret realm, there is a ruler, the Mother of the Tree Realm.

The Mother of the Tree Realm is an extremely rare special life form, an eleventh-rank peak existence. The entire Tree Realm is essentially the body of the Mother of the Tree Realm.

The Mother of the Tree Realm has a single offspring, known as the Child of the Tree Realm. In the vast cosmos, only these two exist as such special life forms.

Therefore, both the Mother of the Tree Realm and the Child of the Tree Realm are extremely powerful, with terrifyingly innate talents.

The Mother of the Tree Realm resides in the Tree Realm, and even supreme beings are unwilling to attack it directly, primarily because there is no benefit.

With the Mother of the Tree Realm's power, even though it is not a match for a supreme being, it can still resist to some extent. At the very least, it has the means to cause the Tree Realm to collapse in the face of a supreme being.

Thus, a supreme being attacking the Mother of the Tree Realm would gain nothing.

Additionally, the Mother of the Tree Realm willingly submitted to the Zerg, offering a pound of Tree Realm liquid every ten thousand years, which is why it still exists today.

As for the Child of the Tree Realm, it is currently at the ninth-rank. Such special life forms as the Mother of the Tree Realm have a terrifyingly long lifespan, and the Child of the Tree Realm has remained at the ninth-rank for at least tens of millions of years.

Therefore, generally speaking, the major cosmic races do not categorize such special life forms as the Child of the Tree Realm within the ninth-rank, as they are not ordinary ninth-ranks.

The Dragon Scale King is similar to the Child of the Tree Realm.

"The Mother of the Tree Realm?"

"And the Dragon Scale King?"

"These are legendary ninth-rank beings, not within the normal ninth-rank category."

One after another, the ninth-rank experts whispered among themselves, their confidence growing.

Whether it was the Mother of the Tree Realm, the Dragon Scale King, or others, their lifespans were terrifyingly long. The entire life of a normal ninth-rank being might not even match a few times they entered seclusion.

So, if they were to be considered within the normal ninth-rank category, it would be unfair to other ninth-rank beings.

"With these reinforcements, what threat does the Milky Way Star Lord pose?" The ninth-rank Zerg looked at the many experts, sending out a deep mental wave.

He exchanged glances with the other peak race experts.

The reason these races paid such a price was, first, to ensure they did not come out of the Xuanyuan Secret Realm empty-handed, and second, to protect their avatars.

Although avatar techniques are semi-public secrets among the major races, the cost of creating a new avatar if one is destroyed is considerable.

If so many ninth-rank experts were to fall in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm all at once, even if they were just avatars, it would have a significant impact on the major races.


The peak races wanted to test the true strength of the Milky Way Star Lord.

Previously, the Milky Way Star Lord killed Huny in an instant. Apart from knowing that the Milky Way Star Lord was very powerful, having developed at least a billion spatial layers,

Nothing else was known.

This time, inviting these legendary ninth-rank beings was to determine the upper limits of the Milky Way Star Lord's power.

Supreme beings might not care much about the Milky Way Star Lord, but tenth and eleventh-rank experts were very interested.

Because in the distant future, they might face the Milky Way Star Lord on large alien battlefields.

Since they would eventually have to face the Milky Way Star Lord, they naturally wanted to gather more information about him.

Xuanyuan Secret Realm.

Outer area.

Within a wide canyon.

Several thousand ninth-rank aliens had been driven into this place.

Outside, hundreds of human civilization evolvers were blocking them.

Using hundreds of ninth-rank experts to block thousands or even tens of thousands of ninth-rank experts?

It sounds impossible. Individually, there was no significant difference in strength between the two sides, and in numbers, the blocking side was ten times fewer than the blocked side.

But this was the reality.

Due to the deterrence of the Milky Way Star Lord.

No ninth-rank alien dared to resist.

If they resisted and caused the Milky Way Star Lord to come, wouldn't that be seeking death?

Indeed, in the minds of all ninth-rank aliens, the Milky Way Star Lord, no matter how strong, could not kill all of them, numbering in the thousands or even tens of thousands.

But if the Milky Way Star Lord was determined to kill, it would be possible to kill hundreds out of thousands or tens of thousands.

No ninth-rank alien wanted to be among those hundreds.

So, in the face of the human evolvers' siege, even if the opponent was weaker, the ninth-rank aliens would flee if they could, rather than try to fight back.

Outside the canyon.

Several special ninth-rank experts from human civilization, including Duoke, were also observing the distant canyon.

"We can only suppress them to this point. Any further suppression will force these aliens to resist." A special ninth-rank expert from human civilization said.

These ninth-rank aliens had been hunted to the point where they dared not fight back.

Besides fearing the Milky Way Star Lord, the main reason was that they still had a way out.

But now?

All the aliens were trapped within the canyon, with numerous spatial layers also sealed off.

These ninth-rank aliens had no way out. Further suppression at this point would only provoke them to resist.

"Milky Way Star Lord."

"Where is the Milky Way Star Lord?"

Several special ninth-rank humans spoke with some concern.

They had already forced all the ninth-rank aliens here. If the Milky Way Star Lord didn't show up, the human civilization's evolvers would be the ones running for their lives next.

"The Milky Way Star Lord said he would come, so he will definitely come," Duoke said calmly.

The other special ninth-rank experts felt slightly reassured.

At that moment,

Above the canyon,

A figure suddenly appeared.

It was a young man in a long robe, standing there as if connected to countless layers of space.

"The Milky Way Star Lord."

"The Milky Way Star Lord has arrived."

On the human civilization's side, everyone was immediately invigorated upon seeing Lin Yuan appear.

In contrast, within the canyon, the faces of the numerous ninth-rank aliens grew heavy, some even showing fear.

"The Milky Way Star Lord?"

"It's said that the Milky Way Star Lord has developed at least a billion spatial layers?"

"A billion spatial layers? I wonder if the Child of the Tree Realm or the Dragon Scale King can compare to the Milky Way Star Lord."

The ninth-rank aliens were feeling immense pressure.

Even though they had trump cards and backup plans, facing the Milky Way Star Lord directly still shook their resolve.

The Child of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King were powerful, but they had never killed a special ninth-rank before. The Milky Way Star Lord had, and he had killed Huny, who had developed over thirty million spatial layers.

Who wouldn't be afraid?

"Are they all here?"

Lin Yuan looked down, "Are there other presences hiding nearby?"

Lin Yuan glanced at a few inconspicuous spots where he sensed some hidden, immensely powerful presences, far stronger than Huny.

This wasn't due to Lin Yuan's perception alone but his 'special privileges' as a partial master of the Xuanyuan Secret Realm.

Although Lin Yuan had not fully refined the core of the secret realm, he had refined ninety-five percent of it, giving him considerable control over it.

"Knowing I can kill Huny, they still invited so many reinforcements. Are they trying to test my true strength?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and roughly guessed the intentions of the peak alien races.

Those hidden presences, far stronger than Huny, must have cost a great deal to invite.

"Testing my true strength..." Lin Yuan remained calm.

When Lin Yuan killed Huny, he had only used the power of two hundred million spatial layers.

Two hundred million spatial layers were unprecedented, but compared to the more than two billion layers Lin Yuan had developed, it was nothing.

"I still can't reveal my full strength," Lin Yuan decided internally.

Before Lin Yuan, the most spatial layers ever developed by a ninth-rank in the history of the cosmic void did not exceed one hundred million.

Lin Yuan's two hundred million spatial layers were already astounding, but if he showed his more than twenty billion layers...

Lin Yuan felt that even supreme beings would be shocked, and they might even attack him despite their pride.

Two hundred million spatial layers might not bother supreme beings, but over twenty billion layers were different.

The gap seemed tenfold, but the real difficulty was a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times greater.

Below the canyon,

The numerous ninth-rank aliens were observing Lin Yuan.

At that moment,

Under the shocked gazes of all the ninth-rank aliens, the Milky Way Star Lord in the void raised his right hand and pressed down towards them.


The power of two hundred million spatial layers pressed down, threatening to destroy everything in front of it.

"Not good."

The ninth-rank Zerg's expression changed dramatically, and he roared loudly, "Everyone, aren't you going to act?"


Four presences suddenly converged, coming from all directions. One of them was a tree-like life form, its branches swaying and causing vast spatial power to ripple.

Another presence belonged to a humanoid being with golden dragon scales, whose every movement exuded terrifying energy.

The four powerful beings joined forces against the Milky Way Star Lord, each far surpassing Huny in strength, having developed eighty to ninety million spatial layers, nearing the hundred million mark.

In a distant location from the canyon, many ninth-rank experts were watching the spectacle.

These ninth-rank experts had no grudges with human civilization and were not on the encirclement list, so they could leisurely observe from afar.

"Look, the Milky Way Star Lord finally appeared."

"So that's the Milky Way Star Lord? The universe's will truly favors humans. Our special life forms with natural talents pale in comparison..."

"Seeing the Milky Way Star Lord in action makes this trip to the secret realm worthwhile."

The many ninth-rank experts chatted and laughed, feeling completely at ease.

Relaxed? Naturally, they were relaxed, as they were not the ones under attack.


"The Milky Way Star Lord has made his move."

"Who are those four powerful figures that suddenly appeared?"

"The Child of the Tree Realm? And the Dragon Scale King? Those peak alien races have really gone all out, even inviting these four."

The ninth-rank experts watching the battle widened their eyes in surprise.

They had initially thought it would be a one-sided fight, with the ninth-rank aliens being utterly defeated by the Milky Way Star Lord. After all, those ninth-rank aliens came from different races and couldn't truly work together. In the face of the formidable Milky Way Star Lord, they would likely think of escaping rather than fighting to the death.

But the appearance of the Child of the Tree Realm, the Dragon Scale King, and two other special ninth-ranks presented a different scenario. 

As long as these four could hold off the Milky Way Star Lord, the remaining human evolvers would have a hard time against the thousands of ninth-rank aliens.

"Milky Way Star Lord, I never expected to see a genius like you in this era," said the Child of the Tree Realm, maintaining his ancient tree form, his gaze filled with battle intent.

The other three shared the same sentiment.

They had agreed to support the ninth-rank aliens in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm not only because of the high price paid by the peak alien races but also out of a desire to face such an opponent.

"Have you come to court death?" Lin Yuan continued to wield the power of countless spatial layers. Knowing the aliens' goal, he naturally wouldn't reveal more of his strength. He kept the number of spatial layers at around two hundred million.

Restricting the number of spatial layers didn't mean Lin Yuan couldn't use other techniques. 

For example, the "Xuanyuan Strike."

The first stage of "Xuanyuan Strike" allowed Lin Yuan to double the power of each strike. This power didn't come from the spatial layers but from a special amplification, which was not overly exaggerated.

The true value of "Xuanyuan Strike" wasn't in its amplification, even at its peak it only provided a fivefold increase. Its real power was in its constancy.

Every strike could maintain the corresponding amplification, making "Xuanyuan Strike" incredibly precious.

However, to discern this, one would need to battle Lin Yuan for years or even decades, otherwise, it would seem like a simple burst of power.


With the enhancement of "Xuanyuan Strike," Lin Yuan's attacks underwent a qualitative change. The Child of the Tree Realm and the other three special ninth-ranks were immediately pushed back, struggling to hold their ground.

"Could it be that when the Milky Way Star Lord killed Huny, he wasn't even using his full power?"

"This is terrifying. The four special ninth-ranks are being forced to retreat?"

"It's over. We probably won't make it out alive."

The ninth-rank aliens in the canyon began to understand their predicament.

"Two hundred million spatial layers, coupled with a technique that doubles his power?" observed the lead ninth-rank Zerg, analyzing the situation.

"This should be the true strength of the Milky Way Star Lord. Confirming his strength is worth any price," the Zerg thought silently.

Knowing the opponent's exact strength would allow them to plan accordingly in the future. Without this knowledge, they risked repeating the mistakes on the alien battlefield, where the Tianyu Clan kept sending their invincible eighth-ranks, only for them to deliver ninth-rank treasures to the Milky Way Star Lord.

In a distant part of the canyon,

The watching ninth-rank experts were stunned.

"The Milky Way Star Lord is unbelievably strong."

"He's suppressing the Child of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King so severely?"

"It's incredible."

The ninth-rank experts' hearts trembled. Even from a great distance, they could feel the terrifying shockwaves of the battle.

One could only imagine the pressure on those near the battlefield, especially those facing the Milky Way Star Lord directly.


With the power of countless spatial layers and the enhancement of "Xuanyuan Strike," Lin Yuan's attacks became increasingly devastating. The four special ninth-ranks were in dire straits.


At that moment, one of the powerful figures exploded and perished on the spot.

Of course, it was only the avatar that entered the Xuanyuan Secret Realm. Whether it was the Child of the Tree Realm or the Dragon Scale King, they had only sent avatars.

"We can't escape," the Child of the Tree Realm sighed internally. Even with their combined strength, they were barely holding on against the Milky Way Star Lord. Now that one had fallen, they had no hope left.

In the canyon below,

Seeing no chance of reversing the situation, the ninth-rank Zerg turned to the other ninth-rank aliens and said, "Everyone, the Milky Way Star Lord is merciless. If we stay, we will all die at his hands."

After observing their reactions, the Zerg continued, "In that case, we should head to the inner and core regions. Those areas are much larger than the outer region. The human evolvers can't possibly block the inner and core regions completely."

Upon hearing this,

The ninth-rank aliens understood the implication.

Instead of dying at the hands of the Milky Way Star Lord or the human evolvers, it was better to hide in the inner or core regions, where the human civilization couldn't seal them off again.

Even if the secret realm eventually closed and they perished inside, it was better than having their treasures fall into the hands of human evolvers.

If they were doomed to die, why help the enemy?

"Let's go, let's go."

"We should head to the inner region now."

"Right, even if we die, we shouldn't let human civilization gain anything."

The ninth-rank aliens in the canyon immediately flew towards the inner and core regions.


Lin Yuan smashed the last of the Child of the Tree Realm, then saw the ninth-rank aliens fleeing towards the inner and core regions.

"Once the Xuanyuan Secret Realm closes, all outsiders in the inner and core regions will be killed. They'd rather leave their treasures in the secret realm than let human evolvers have them?"

Lin Yuan quickly understood the aliens' plan.

A strange smile appeared on his face. Leaving their treasures in the secret realm, was no different from giving them to him.


### Chapter 342: Lin Yuan's Threat Level (5000 words, please subscribe)

A large number of ninth-rank aliens fled toward the inner regions of the Xuanyuan Secret Realm.

The main continent of the Xuanyuan Secret Realm is divided into three regions: the outer region, the inner region, and the core region.

The outer region is the smallest, allowing the ninth-rank evolvers of human civilization to form a blockade, forcing all ninth-rank aliens into that distant canyon.

Compared to the outer region, the inner region is much larger.

With the current number of human evolvers, they couldn't possibly cover the inner region.

Those ninth-rank aliens who fled to the inner region could quickly escape human civilization's tracking.

However, the safety of the inner region is only temporary.

Once the secret realm closes after a hundred years, any strong beings not in the outer region will be eradicated by the secret realm.

Lin Yuan stood in the void, watching the many aliens fleeing, but did not pursue them.

With thousands of ninth-rank aliens scattering in all directions, it would be hard to kill them all while maintaining the power of two hundred million spatial layers.

Moreover, the aliens fleeing to the inner region was precisely what Lin Yuan wanted, sparing him the effort of chasing them down.

"Milky Way Star Lord, those ninth-rank aliens have fled to the inner region. I'm afraid we can't do much about it," Doke said as he approached, speaking with a tone of shame.

The vastness of the inner region was one issue.

Another was the powerful indigenous life forms scattered throughout the region.

If human civilization tried to create a blockade there like in the outer region, they would likely be overwhelmed by these indigenous beings before finding the ninth-rank aliens.

"No matter," Lin Yuan shook his head.

Hearing this, Doke felt a slight sense of relief.

He had been worried that the Milky Way Star Lord would hold a grudge.

After all, their previous plan was for the Milky Way Star Lord to take nine-tenths of the loot for every ninth-rank alien killed.

Now, with all the aliens fleeing to the inner region, the number of dead ninth-rank aliens was low, meaning the Milky Way Star Lord's final share would be less.

"However, with the Milky Way Star Lord's strength, he could still pursue them and eliminate at least a few hundred ninth-rank aliens," Doke thought, but he didn't dare ask. He suspected the Milky Way Star Lord had used a powerful secret technique to kill the Child of the Tree Realm and the Dragon Scale King.

Such a technique usually required a period of recovery afterward, possibly causing weakness for some time.

Maybe this was why the Milky Way Star Lord didn't pursue them. Even after killing those legendary ninth-ranks, he might have paid some price.

Thinking this way, Doke felt it was more reasonable.

"Since these aliens have fled to the inner region, we should ensure they don't come out," Lin Yuan said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Of course!" Doke nodded.

He looked at the fleeing ninth-rank aliens with a murderous gaze.

He understood their actions completely.

Even if they were to die, they wouldn't make it easy for human civilization.

If Doke were in their shoes, he would have made the same choice.

But understanding and acting are two different things.

Since those aliens wanted to die in the secret realm, so be it.

While hiding in the inner region would reduce the profits for human evolvers, it would be a heavy loss for the aliens.

Not only would they gain nothing from entering the secret realm, but they would also lose an avatar.

In the distant canyon,

Many ninth-rank experts watching the battle felt a mix of emotions.

When the Child of the Tree Realm, the Dragon Scale King, and the other legendary ninth-ranks appeared, they thought the situation might change.

At the very least, the invincible Milky Way Star Lord would be held back.

But now it seemed those legendary ninth-ranks couldn't even last long against the Milky Way Star Lord.

"How did the Milky Way Star Lord train?"

"It's terrifying. Luckily, our race hasn't had any major conflicts with human civilization."

"Those peak alien races must be feeling the pain now."

The ninth-rank experts were filled with various emotions, ranging from awe and shock to disbelief and schadenfreude.

In the vast depths of the universe, within a certain layer of space,

This was another cosmic secret realm, vast beyond measure. At its center, a towering ancient green tree stood rooted.

The tree reached into the sky, its roots covering the entire secret realm.

Beside this towering ancient tree swayed a much smaller tree.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice the time flow on the surface of the towering tree differed greatly from the main universe.

While thousands or even millions of years might pass in the main universe, only a day or a month might pass for this towering tree.


The smaller tree's aura subtly changed.

"Child, what's wrong?" The towering tree, known as the Mother of the Tree Realm, immediately noticed, its time flow normalizing, and sent out gentle spiritual waves inquiring about the smaller tree.

It was the Mother of the Tree Realm, an eleventh-rank being capable of negotiating with the most powerful entities.

While there are some eleventh-rank beings in the vast universe, few can deter the most powerful entities from forcing them. The most powerful entities are typically domineering.

Whether human civilization, the Zerg, or the Tianyu Clan, they all exhibit a "submit or die" attitude towards other races.

The Mother of the Tree Realm looked at the smaller tree warmly. As a unique life form in the universe, it had no concept of kinship after reaching the eleventh rank.

Until the birth of this smaller tree.

The smaller tree wasn't birthed by the Mother of the Tree Realm but was born from the Tree Realm itself, similar to how the Mother of the Tree Realm came into existence.

"Mother," the smaller tree also sent out spiritual waves, tinged with confusion, "Do you really think our Tree Realm's talent and potential surpass all other beings in the universe?"

"Of course," the immense Mother of the Tree Realm said with a smile. "The universe is vast and teeming with life, but our Tree Realm race is unique. Our talent and potential naturally surpass all others."

"And what about the Supreme Beings?" the small tree immediately asked.

Supreme Beings did not force the Mother of the Tree Realm because she possessed abilities that prevented them from taking advantage, but in terms of strength and other aspects, she was still far inferior to Supreme Beings.

"Supreme Beings..." The Mother of the Tree Realm was momentarily at a loss for words.

There were many Supreme Beings in the universe who had not lived as long as she had.

"Supreme Beings are an exception," the Mother of the Tree Realm finally said. "Becoming a Supreme Being has little to do with talent and potential."

"However, below the level of Supreme Being, our Tree Realm race definitely stands above all. Perhaps some other unique life forms in the universe might have talent and potential not much weaker than ours, maybe slightly stronger, but overall, we are on the same level."

The Mother of the Tree Realm spoke with confidence.

"But Mother, not long ago, a Zerg envoy asked me to send an avatar to the Xuanyuan Secret Realm to deal with the Milky Way Star Lord."

The small tree quickly began to speak.

"Mm," the Mother of the Tree Realm nodded. She was unaware of the Milky Way Star Lord, as he had risen to prominence in less than a century.

The Mother of the Tree Realm often maintained a vastly different time flow from the outside world to extend her own lifespan.

The Tree Realm race indeed had frighteningly long lifespans, but without becoming a Supreme Being, they were still merely lives within the river of time, unable to achieve eternity.

The last time she woke up was a million years ago.

"As a result, my avatar was killed by the Milky Way Star Lord without him using any external power," the small tree said with a hint of confusion.

Even after watching videos of the Milky Way Star Lord in action, facing him in person left it doubting.

"Is it that I am the special life form, or is the Milky Way Star Lord the special one?"

"Killed by the Milky Way Star Lord?"

The Mother of the Tree Realm fell silent. "He didn't use any external power?"

Here, external power referred to higher-level artifacts or life-saving items.

Such as the 'Time Black Hole' used by Ma Duo the Wanderer.

"Milky Way Star Lord." The Mother of the Tree Realm immediately extended her consciousness beyond the Tree Realm, beginning to receive all information about the events that had occurred during her slumber, including much intelligence about the Milky Way Star Lord.

Breaking the myth of the eighth rank.

The youngest ninth-rank in human civilization's history.


After a long while, the Mother of the Tree Realm finally sent out spiritual waves again. "Do not concern yourself with the Milky Way Star Lord."

"What good is the Milky Way Star Lord's talent and potential? If he doesn't become a Supreme Being, he certainly won't outlive you."

The Mother of the Tree Realm thought for a while and finally came up with a comforting reason.

The Tree Realm race had incredibly long lifespans, and the small tree at the ninth rank had lived through far more time than even typical eleventh-rank beings.

"The Milky Way Star Lord won't outlive me," the small tree thought, feeling somewhat unsatisfied.


### Tianyu Clan

Many tenth and eleventh-rank Sky Lords watched the 'video footage' before them.

It showed Lin Yuan in the Xuanyuan Secret Realm, killing the 'Child of the Tree Realm', 'Dragon Scale King', and other legendary ninth-ranks.

"In this battle, the number of spatial layers the Milky Way Star Lord opened was indeed around two hundred million, consistent with the power he displayed when he killed Hun Yi."

"Additionally, the Milky Way Star Lord possesses a burst-type secret technique, allowing him to double his strength temporarily."

"This burst technique likely has significant drawbacks. Otherwise, with the Milky Way Star Lord's strength, he should have continued the pursuit. But he didn't, and watched as our strong members fled into the inner region."

The tenth and eleventh-rank Sky Lords of the Tianyu Clan tried to deduce detailed information about the Milky Way Star Lord from the 'video footage'.

They had paid a high price to invite a legendary ninth-rank into the Xuanyuan Secret Realm to test the true limits of the Milky Way Star Lord.

This was to better target the Milky Way Star Lord in future large-scale battles.

In the eyes of the Tianyu Clan's high-ranking Sky Lords, the Milky Way Star Lord would undoubtedly shine in future large-scale battles.

If they didn't understand the Milky Way Star Lord's true limits now, the future losses would be even greater.

"Given the current strength of the Milky Way Star Lord, if he advances to the tenth rank and achieves transformation, his threat level within a thousand years will reach 'Beta' grade, and within five thousand years, it is highly likely to reach 'Alpha' grade," one eleventh-rank Sky Lord said.

Whether evolvers from human civilization or strong beings from other races, once they reached the tenth rank, there was no specific standard to measure their strength.

At the ninth rank, strength was measured by the number of spatial layers one could open.

At the tenth rank, with the transformation of their life essence, the number of spatial layers still influenced the battle power of tenth-rank beings but was not the decisive factor.

The main methods for tenth-rank beings involved the application of various fundamental rules, such as rule fusion.

Integrating space rules with a basic rule was the prerequisite for breaking through from the eighth to the ninth rank. At the tenth rank, they needed to fuse more rules, with pillar rules other than the time rule also being viable for integration.

For instance, fusing the life and death rules, both pillar rules, into the rule of life and death reincarnation, would have devastating power that no amount of spatial layers could withstand.

However, fusing pillar rules, whether life or death, was no simple matter.

Therefore, the strength of tenth-rank beings had no specific standard and was evaluated based on threat level.

The major races of the universe classified the threat levels of tenth-rank beings into six categories according to a unified standard.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta.

Typically, a newly ascended tenth-rank life form is classified as 'Zeta' level. These beings have opened tens of millions of spatial layers and are only at the initial stages of rule fusion.

Not to mention the fusion of pillar rules, even the fusion between a pillar rule and a regular rule is usually limited to what they achieved at the ninth rank.

Among tenth-rank life forms, 'Zeta' is the weakest, while 'Alpha' is the strongest.

Generally, an 'Alpha' level tenth-rank has fused at least two pillar rules. Some exceptionally powerful 'Alpha' level tenth-ranks might even fuse the time rule with a regular rule.

Fusion of a pillar rule with a regular rule doesn't require complete mastery of the pillar rule.

For example, integrating the space rule with a regular rule only requires a substantial understanding of the space rule to proceed with the fusion.

"A newly ascended tenth-rank reaching 'Beta' level within a thousand years, and potentially 'Alpha' level within five thousand years?"

The Sky Lords present were taken aback. The eleventh-rank Sky Lord who had spoken seemed to hold the Milky Way Star Lord in very high regard.

"I simply deduced this based on the Milky Way Star Lord's current strength and past growth rate," the eleventh-rank Sky Lord said calmly, though he too was stirred internally. How long had it taken him to reach 'Alpha' level after initially ascending to the tenth rank?

"This is actually beneficial."

"Knowing the Milky Way Star Lord's future potential early on."

Another eleventh-rank strongman spoke. Whether 'Beta' level or 'Alpha' level, knowing this made it easier to counter him. Without this test, they wouldn't know the Milky Way Star Lord's precise strength after he reached the tenth rank. Would they send 'Delta' or 'Gamma' level tenth-ranks against him in a major battle? That would be a waste.

Even at the tenth-rank level, the weakest 'Zeta' level beings were the backbone of their race and couldn't be sacrificed lightly.

For top-tier races, tenth-rank life forms were the pillars of their existence.


### Xuanyuan Secret Realm

Lin Yuan's figure vanished as he reached the deepest part of the secret realm.

At the same time, he sensed every detail within the realm, especially the many alien strongmen who had fled to the inner region.

To avoid revealing too much of his strength and to keep his status as the master of the Xuanyuan Secret Realm a secret, Lin Yuan couldn't directly kill these ninth-rank aliens.

He had to wait for the realm to close, for them to be wiped out by the realm, and then collect their remains.

"Eight thousand seven hundred ninety-two ninth-rank aliens," Lin Yuan determined the number of aliens in the inner region through his control of the secret realm.

"How much will these ninth-rank aliens yield?" Lin Yuan smiled.

Since the Xuanyuan Secret Realm had opened, there had been over two hundred ninth-rank treasures collected from those who had tried to stay and were subsequently killed.

It didn't seem like much, but those who attempted to remain were prepared for death and had sent their treasures out by various means.

Thus, there were fewer than three hundred ninth-rank treasures.

But now, the eight thousand plus ninth-rank aliens hiding in the inner region were different.

They had no preparations, and their treasures and weapons were still with them. While not all were particularly valuable, their sheer number was significant.


"My cultivation of the Xuanyuan Body lacks various resources, but treasures and weapons can all be used as materials for the Xuanyuan Body."

Lin Yuan mused.

The three great guardian techniques of the Xuanyuan lineage, known for their indestructibility, required not just a massive amount of Xuanyuan crystals but also various other resources.

Treasures, weapons, and more could be consumed and converted into the foundation of the Xuanyuan Body.

While Lin Yuan could master techniques like the Xuanyuan Strike and Temporal Step quickly due to his exceptional comprehension, the Xuanyuan Body fundamentally required an accumulation of resources. Comprehension alone wasn't enough; significant resource investment was necessary.

Not only did his true form need to cultivate the Xuanyuan Body, but his two avatars also required it, indicating a substantial need for resources.

With the contribution of nearly ten thousand aliens, Lin Yuan was confident his cultivation progress in the Xuanyuan Body would advance rapidly.

Moreover, the treasures and weapons Lin Yuan obtained couldn't be easily taken out, as they could be recognized.

So, he decided to convert them all into materials for the Xuanyuan Body, avoiding the need to purchase additional resources for this technique.

"Now, the urgent task is to refine the core of the secret realm."

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, the ochre crystal floating before him.

Even when he had confronted legendary ninth-ranks like the Child of the Tree Realm, Lin Yuan had continued refining the secret realm core.

The observing strongmen thought Lin Yuan had exerted all his strength to subdue the legendary ninth-ranks, even using explosive techniques.

Little did they know, Lin Yuan was merely toying with them, using only two of the twenty million spatial layers he controlled.

As for explosive techniques? Once mastered, Xuanyuan Strike could be sustained, delivering blows that surpassed his limits with every strike, only at the cost of higher energy consumption.

The reason for not pursuing the fleeing enemies was simply to let them fall into the realm's traps.

In due time, those ninth-rank aliens in the inner region would be wiped out by the realm, their treasures, weapons, and even corpses falling into Lin Yuan's hands.


Time passed.

A year quickly went by.

Lin Yuan's refinement of the secret realm core reached its final stages.

### Chapter 343: The Supremacy of Xuan Huang (End of This Volume, Please Subscribe)

#### Deep Within the Xuan Huang Secret Realm

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, a yellow crystal slowly floating before him.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was just a sliver away from completely refining the core of the secret realm.

In as little as half an hour or as long as a few days, he would fully refine it.

Once done, Lin Yuan would control the Xuan Huang Secret Realm, achieving something even the mightiest beings longed for but could not attain.

Top-tier beings from the main universe's elite races, including solitary supreme beings, all twelfth-rank lives, coveted the Xuan Huang Secret Realm.

Every time the secret realm opened, several supreme beings attempted to lock onto its coordinates.

Even those who did not act openly would observe in the shadows.

Any change, and they would arrive instantly.

The importance supreme beings placed on the Xuan Huang Secret Realm was evident.

This included the nine supreme beings of human civilization.

This was why Lin Yuan did not want to reveal himself as the new master of the Xuan Huang Secret Realm.

Even to human civilization, he preferred to remain silent.

Not out of distrust for human civilization, but because some things are better left unsaid to avoid more significant issues.

Once Lin Yuan reached the twelfth rank, he could declare this without any hidden dangers.

"This Xuan Huang Secret Realm is not an entirely independent world." As he neared the complete refinement of the realm's core, Lin Yuan could sense the essence of the Xuan Huang Secret Realm.

The Xuan Huang Secret Realm exists dependent on the main universe, sharing its time rules.

"The methods of His Majesty Xuan Huang are truly astonishing."

Lin Yuan marveled after feeling it for a while.

The Xuan Huang Secret Realm is hidden deep within the countless spatial layers of the main universe, making it impossible for even supreme beings to locate.


By almost merging with the main universe.

Using the vastness of the main universe, those supreme beings returned empty-handed.

With His Majesty Xuan Huang's methods, creating a fully independent world was surely possible.

But doing so would prevent it from merging with the main universe, making it only a matter of time before supreme beings locked onto its coordinates.

It's like a black dot suddenly appearing on a white sheet of paper; it would be quickly noticed, even if it's small, due to the stark contrast.

But a white dot on a white sheet is hard to notice, blending in seamlessly.

To twelfth-rank lives, once the coordinates are locked, whether the Xuan Huang Secret Realm is independent or not makes no difference.


"I can sense that in a very distant location, there is another Xuan Huang Secret Realm?" Through the core, Lin Yuan realized.

Xuan Huang Secret Realms have a certain connection with each other.

But it's just a connection; each realm exists in different universes, too far apart.

Except for supreme beings, not even eleventh-rank lives could traverse this distance.

And for supreme beings, once they control one Xuan Huang Secret Realm, the others hold little value.

The most attractive aspect of the Xuan Huang Secret Realm to supreme beings is the legacy left by His Majesty Xuan Huang, including the three great guardian methods.

Other than that, a few Xuan Huang Crystals or ninth-rank and tenth-rank treasures are not worth the effort of crossing universes.

"The Xuan Huang evolution path has not produced an ultimate being since the disappearance of His Majesty Xuan Huang." Lin Yuan mused, his thoughts fluctuating.

The Xuan Huang evolution path has too high a threshold, preventing widespread dissemination. Achieving the ultimate leap relies solely on oneself.

In His Majesty Xuan Huang's era, there was no concept of spreading one's evolutionary path.

Harnessing the power of the masses to achieve the ultimate leap emerged only after His Majesty Xuan Huang's disappearance.

The existence or non-existence of an ultimate being in the Xuan Huang evolution path does not affect Lin Yuan.

He never intended to become a supreme being through the Xuan Huang evolution path.

For Lin Yuan, the Xuan Huang evolution path is merely for reference and extraction of its essence.

In his view, the Xuan Huang evolution path has many uncertainties.

For instance, what if, after becoming a supreme being via this path, His Majesty Xuan Huang suddenly 'returns'?

Two ultimate beings on the same path?

What would happen then?

A battle between ultimate beings?

One ultimate becoming the nourishment for the other?

Of course, this possibility is very small, almost negligible.

The hope of His Majesty Xuan Huang 'returning' is practically non-existent.

But a risk is still a risk.

Lin Yuan, having his self-created martial evolution path from scratch, naturally would not choose the former.

The martial evolution path is only at the ninth rank now, but with his extraordinary comprehension, Lin Yuan is confident in extending it to the twelfth rank.

Or even higher.

"Continue cultivating the Xuan Huang Body." Lin Yuan flipped his right hand, and a fist-sized Xuan Huang Crystal appeared, then turned into powder, merging into his body.

Cultivating the Xuan Huang Body method doesn't consume much mental energy.

Lin Yuan only needs to keep operating the Xuan Huang Body method, absorbing Xuan Huang Crystals and various treasures and weapons.

After a moment, the fist-sized Xuan Huang Crystal was entirely absorbed.

Lin Yuan took out another piece.

"The consumption of this Xuan Huang Body is truly astounding." Lin Yuan sighed inwardly.

Over the past five years, the amount of Xuan Huang Crystals consumed by this method exceeded ten million cosmic crystals.

Ten million cosmic crystals equate to the entire wealth of a ninth-rank expert.

Yet it lasted only five years for Lin Yuan.

Of course.

### Enhancement of Physical Strength

The increase in physical strength is just one aspect.

After cultivating the "Xuan Huang Body," Lin Yuan's body instinctively generated a protective aura called "Xuan Huang Guardian Light."

This aura, although not as potent as the "Elemental Body" which can directly immunize against 90% of attacks of the same level, provided exceptional defense. As long as the Xuan Huang Guardian Light remained unbroken, Lin Yuan would not suffer any damage from physical, rule-based, or even more mysterious attacks.

The Xuan Huang Guardian Light, coupled with the abilities of blood rebirth, Elemental Body, and the Primordial Bell, formed Lin Yuan's four main defensive measures.

Although the Primordial Bell was with his true form, the other three measures alone made Lin Yuan's defense nearly invincible at the ninth rank. Even typical tenth-rank experts would struggle to break through his defenses.

### Virtual World

Lin Yuan was chatting with his parents.

"By the way, Yuan, Yi is getting married," his mother, Lu Qiong, eagerly informed him.

"Lin Yi is getting married?" Lin Yuan was slightly surprised. "So soon?"

He had heard that his sister had a boyfriend, and they got along well, but he hadn't expected things to progress to marriage so quickly.

"Soon? She's over ninety."

"And you, Yuan, are over a hundred."

Lu Qiong rolled her eyes as she pointed out Lin Yuan's age.

"A hundred," Lin Yuan mused.

For evolvers with long lifespans, even first or second-rank evolvers could easily live for hundreds or thousands of years with biological technology. However, his parents had previously been ordinary people, and in human civilization, ordinary citizens typically lived over two hundred years. Thus, getting married in their nineties was considered "late."

"Lin Yi's boyfriend is that guy from the Xia family?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Yes, Xia Ke is honest and reliable. Yi will have a good life with him," Lu Qiong said with satisfaction.

"Honest and reliable?"

Lin Yuan remained silent.

The Xia family was a prominent family in human civilization, historically producing citizens above the eighth rank, and currently had an eleventh-rank expert.

Being born into such a family, Xia Ke would likely be anything but simple and honest. It was possible that their marriage was a "political marriage" aimed at connecting with Lin Yi's brother, Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan didn't mind. At his level, seeking a simple, genuine relationship was unrealistic. Plus, the Xia family had a good reputation. Even if something happened to him, his parents would have a strong backing.

"Let Lin Yi's boyfriend come see me," Lin Yuan said after some thought.

Usually, he would avoid meeting people from other powers due to the complications. But concerning his sister's marriage, he wanted to ensure everything was fine.

Soon enough, in less than ten minutes, a handsome young man appeared with Lin Yi.

"Brother," Lin Yi called out happily.

"Xia Ke, nice to meet you, Galaxy Lord," the young man greeted respectfully, with a hint of nervousness.

As a direct descendant of the Xia family, Xia Ke felt confident even in front of seventh or eighth-rank evolvers. But the Galaxy Lord?

Before he pursued Lin Yi, the Xia family's eleventh-rank ancestor had personally summoned him and repeatedly warned him that if he was merely playing, he must not choose the Galaxy Lord's sister.

The Xia family, with its vast resources, could choose from countless women, even among various alien species. But anything involving the Galaxy Lord's sister had to be handled with utmost care to avoid any negative impact.

Knowing his ancestor's caution, Xia Ke understood the true weight of the Galaxy Lord.

"Xia Ke?" Lin Yuan smiled slightly. "Your Xia family has greatly contributed to human civilization."

"That's all in the past," Xia Ke responded quickly, with no intention of boasting.

Despite being from the Xia family, Xia Ke had received excellent education since childhood and did not exhibit arrogance.

"Lin Yi is not as privileged as you from an elite family. After your marriage, I hope she won't suffer any grievances," Lin Yuan said, smiling at Xia Ke.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze, Xia Ke felt an invisible pressure, his heart trembling despite the virtual world's separation.

"I will treat Yi well," Xia Ke promised immediately.

Internally, he couldn't help but think, "The Galaxy Lord feels as intimidating as the ancestor. No wonder the ancestor warned me to be careful with Yi."

While he had considered the benefits of connecting with the Galaxy Lord, Xia Ke genuinely liked Lin Yi. If it weren't for genuine affection, the Xia family's eleventh-rank ancestor would never have allowed their relationship.

The Galaxy Lord might not have "mind-reading" abilities, but he could easily see through someone's intentions. A loveless marriage would immediately displease him.

So, even if the Xia family desired a connection with the Galaxy Lord, they would choose their candidate wisely to avoid any mistakes.

"Brother, Ke really likes me," Lin Yi said promptly.

"I know," Lin Yuan nodded.

From their interaction, he could see Xia Ke had genuine feelings for Lin Yi. But emotions were fleeting, and as Lin Yi's brother, Lin Yuan needed to give a reminder and warning.

The Xia family would likely understand this as well.

### The Wedding

Lin Yi and Xia Ke's wedding took place the next day in the virtual world, attended by numerous guests from various human civilization factions.

Not only was the bride the Galaxy Lord's sister, but the Xia family also had deep, widespread influence. The union of the two powerful sides naturally drew significant attention.

"A direct descendant of the Xia family marrying the Galaxy Lord's sister—one side with unlimited potential, the other with a profound legacy. This alliance... amazing."

"The Xia family really hit the jackpot, establishing a connection with the Galaxy Lord."

### Wedding Guests' Discussions

The wedding guests were abuzz with conversation.

As news of the Galaxy Lord's achievements in the Xuan Huang secret realm spread, even the most foolish could see that the Galaxy Lord's future potential was at least at the eleventh rank.

The strongest genius in the history of human civilization, he had slaughtered eighth-rank invincibles with ease while at the same rank and defeated special ninth-ranks as if they were nothing.

Such a peerless figure was bound to receive the full support of human civilization, with a high likelihood of becoming a supreme power in the future.

If he successfully ascended to the rank of supreme, the Xia family, as his in-laws, would be catapulted to new heights.

Of course, becoming a supreme power was no easy feat, but even if he did not reach the twelfth rank, he would still be a peak eleventh rank in the future.

For the Xia family, there was no downside.

This was why many guests believed the Xia family had struck gold.

On the surface, the Galaxy Lord was currently at the ninth rank, while the Xia family had an eleventh-rank evolver. However, countless families with the "human" prefix had tried to connect with the Galaxy Lord, only for the Xia family to succeed.

### Lin Yuan's Conversations

Lin Yuan chatted casually with his senior brothers from the Akun lineage.

"Master is in seclusion, trying to break through to the ninth rank?" Lin Yuan nodded.

His master, the Akun Star Lord, had not attended the wedding because he was in seclusion, a critical time where no distractions were allowed.

In fact, the Akun Star Lord had entered seclusion over twenty years ago. It was common for eighth-rank evolvers to be in seclusion for decades or even a century, especially when it involved breaking through to a major new rank.

"I wonder if Master will successfully reach the ninth rank," one of the peak lords from the Akun lineage expressed concern.

The leap from the eighth to the ninth rank was from single-space life to multi-space life. Although Lin Yuan had made it look easy, completing this transition was no simple task.

If one could fully integrate the pillar rule with ordinary rules, the breakthrough to the ninth rank would naturally follow. The Akun Star Lord's seclusion aimed to complete this final integration.

The actual step from the eighth to the ninth rank, once all prerequisites were met, posed little risk or uncertainty.

"I'm sure there won't be any problems," Lin Yuan said confidently.

The Akun Star Lord's true form was a Starsea Kun, a favorite of the primary universe space origin. His deep understanding of space rules meant that merging space and fire rules should not present a major obstacle.

### Attention on Lin Yuan

"That's the Galaxy Lord."

"The Galaxy Lord rarely appears in public, staying mostly at the Galactic Main Star."

"It's my first time seeing the Galaxy Lord in person."

The guests' attention was focused on Lin Yuan. The Xia family, despite its significant influence, did not attract as much interest. Their prominent figures frequently appeared in public.

In contrast, the Galaxy Lord's rise was recent and legendary, making him a sought-after sight for many evolvers.

"My ancestor said that based on the Galaxy Lord's performance in the Xuan Huang secret realm, once he reaches the tenth rank, he could become a 'B' grade tenth-rank within a few hundred or a thousand years, and an 'A' grade within five thousand years."

"My goodness, that's terrifying!"

Some guests were wide-eyed with amazement. They understood the power of a 'B' grade tenth-rank, let alone an 'A' grade. Many tenth-rank evolvers spent hundreds of thousands or even millions of years at 'D' or 'C' grades.

Yet, the Galaxy Lord could easily reach 'A' grade tenth-rank?

An 'A' grade tenth-rank was a formidable force on any large alien battlefield, capable of influencing the outcome of a local skirmish without intervention from eleventh-rank beings.

"I don't even know when I'll reach the seventh rank, and here you are discussing the Galaxy Lord reaching 'A' grade tenth-rank."

"Why is it that, as humans, the Galaxy Lord's talent is so much greater than ours? I heard his bloodline is quite ordinary."

Many evolvers felt a pang of bitterness. When they were the Galaxy Lord's age, they were likely still struggling at the first or second rank, while the Galaxy Lord had already achieved greatness.

### Wedding Ceremony

Lin Yuan was chatting casually at the wedding when he suddenly sensed something.

He looked in a certain direction.

At that moment, his solar primordial spirit in the Xuan Huang secret realm had completely refined the secret realm's core.

In the Xuan Huang secret realm.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged as the earth-yellow secret realm core rotated and merged into his forehead.

Instantly, Lin Yuan's consciousness soared, viewing the entire Xuan Huang secret realm from a higher perspective.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was like the creator of the Xuan Huang secret realm, with everything within it under his watchful eye.

The ninth-rank aliens and human ninth-rank evolvers within the secret realm were unaware, but the native lifeforms sensed something.



On the three continents, countless powerful native beings knelt, showing utmost respect and submission.

All hail the Xuan Emperor!

(End of chapter)

### Chapter 344: A World Apart

"This is what it feels like to completely control the Xuan Huang secret realm?"

Lin Yuan's mind hovered high, overlooking the entire realm. Whether it was the native creatures or the ninth-rank aliens, a single thought from him could harness the power of the realm to eliminate them. Even tenth and eleventh-rank beings couldn't withstand his killing intent within the secret realm. However, the Xuan Huang secret realm only allowed entry to invincible eighth-rank and ninth-rank beings, so there was no threat from higher ranks.

"Now, if I wish, I can leave the secret realm at any time," Lin Yuan thought to himself. The Xuan Huang secret realm had only an entrance and no exit. To leave, one had to wait for the hundred-year cycle when the realm began to close and be near the outer regions at that time. During that specific period, one could be expelled from the realm. But as the master of the secret realm, Lin Yuan was no longer bound by these rules. He could leave or enter at will.

"I'll leave with the main group when the time comes," Lin Yuan decided not to rush. He wasn't sure if any supreme beings were monitoring the realm's entrance. Even if he left quietly, caution was still wise when dealing with supreme beings.

### Encounter with the Six-Armed Figure

As Lin Yuan observed every detail of the Xuan Huang secret realm, a six-armed figure appeared beside him, bowing slightly. "Master."

This figure was the 'consciousness' of the secret realm. Since Lin Yuan had refined the core of the realm, he had become its master. With his current authority, Lin Yuan could easily erase the six-armed figure and create a new consciousness for the realm, but there was no need.

"Master, to cultivate the 'Xuan Huang Body,' you need a large amount of Xuan Huang Crystals," the six-armed figure said immediately. Before Lin Yuan had completely refined the realm's core, the figure still had control and knew how many Xuan Huang Crystals Lin Yuan had used.

"There are many Xuan Huang Beasts within the realm. These beasts are condensed from the power of the entire realm. If you need Xuan Huang Crystals, harvest those beasts, but don't harvest too many at once," the six-armed figure advised cautiously. If not for maintaining the realm's source power, the accumulated Xuan Huang Crystals over countless millennia would be far more than a small mountain. Most of the Xuan Huang Crystals had dispersed back into the realm's source power.

### Lin Yuan's Strategy

Lin Yuan understood the concerns. With his control over the realm, killing those Xuan Huang Beasts to extract the crystals was easier than eating or drinking. Even if he slaughtered all the native creatures in the realm, it wouldn't take long. However, this would weaken the realm and potentially lead to its collapse within a million years. For the six-armed figure, the realm's collapse meant complete death.

Lin Yuan wouldn't do that. Sustainable development of the Xuan Huang secret realm was far more valuable than exhausting its resources. The realm was his second most important life-saving measure, next to the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds. Even in extreme situations where supreme beings chased him, he could always hide in the secret realm. Over countless years, supreme beings had watched the realm open and close without being able to interfere, proving its safety.

Compared to the Gate of Ten Thousand Worlds, which involved risky dimensional travel, entering the Xuan Huang secret realm required no such energy expenditure and was as simple as a thought. The realm could also isolate internal and external causal connections, preventing any external force from sensing or affecting Lin Yuan while inside. 

Therefore, the value of the Xuan Huang secret realm far exceeded the value of the Xuan Huang Crystals. For an organization, it was an absolutely safe haven.

### Establishing a Powerful Force

"If I want to establish a force," Lin Yuan mused. With the numerous bloodline evolution potions he possessed and the large harvest from this realm cycle, plus the authority to establish a family with the "human" prefix after becoming an eighth-rank citizen, and the Xuan Huang secret realm as a backyard, he had all the conditions to create a deeply rooted and formidable force.

The only drawback was a lack of trusted subordinates, due to his short time in the main world and lack of interest in offspring, leaving the Lin family with only a few members. "Take it slow. I have plenty of time."

Lin Yuan gathered his thoughts. While he had little interest in establishing a force, it was inevitable as he grew stronger. As the Galaxy Lord, he already had several followers, forming a nascent force.

"Master, are you going to attempt to break through to the tenth rank next?" the six-armed figure asked tentatively.

Lin Yuan had already reached the peak of the ninth rank in all aspects, far surpassing the standard pinnacle defined by the myriad races of the main universe. Now, to significantly enhance his power, he had to ascend to the tenth rank.

"Yes," Lin Yuan nodded. With the current phase of the Xuan Huang secret realm concluded, advancing to the tenth rank was indeed his primary goal.

"His Majesty once said that to become an Ultimate, one needs to integrate as many rules as possible at the tenth and eleventh ranks. If you can comprehend the Chaos Rule before attempting to reach the Ultimate, it will greatly benefit your endeavor," the six-armed figure suggested after some thought.

"Chaos Rule?" Lin Yuan's expression became serious. The Chaos Rule involved merging all rules back into their original state, returning to chaos. During the era of His Majesty Xuan Huang, there was no dissemination of one's evolutionary path, so achieving the status of a supreme being required relying on oneself and every possible means.

Normally, integrating time and space rules was the threshold for becoming an Ultimate, a feat that had already trapped countless eleventh-rank beings. As for merging all rules into chaos, even in Xuan Huang's era, it was legendary, with no known beings accomplishing it—it was purely theoretical.

Nevertheless, whether comprehending the Chaos Rule or spreading one's evolutionary path, both could aid in reaching the Ultimate. Xuan Huang himself had managed to become an Ultimate and a supreme being through a combination of relentless effort and a bit of luck.

"Thank you," Lin Yuan nodded slightly. Just because others couldn't achieve it didn't mean he couldn't. With his exceptional comprehension, even understanding the Chaos Rule wasn't entirely out of reach. It was the only method he knew of that significantly increased the chances of becoming an Ultimate.

Even though spreading one's evolutionary path was beneficial for the Ultimate leap, it was just beneficial, not significantly so. Of course, it was also less challenging than comprehending the Chaos Rule.

"Moreover, spreading one's evolutionary path helps not only with the Ultimate leap but also with cultivation after reaching the twelfth rank, stabilizing one's existence mark," Lin Yuan thought silently. He would not forsake spreading his path; he planned to disseminate his evolutionary route in the main universe and other dimensional worlds. Spreading his 'Dao' across all realms felt intuitively beneficial for his future.

### Virtual World

Lin Yi and Xia Keran's wedding had concluded. The wedding, influenced by the human Xia family and the Galaxy Lord, had made a significant impact on human civilization. Many virtual world influencers and streamers had gone to great lengths to attend the event.

After the wedding, Lin Yuan held a private gathering with some of the tenth-rank evolutionists who had attended the wedding.

"Hahaha, I've heard of the Galaxy Lord's fame for a long time, and now I finally get to meet you," laughed a one-armed man. His left sleeve fluttered, leaving only his right hand. With the technology of human civilization, restoring a severed left arm would be simple, even for a tenth-rank evolutionist. However, the man's left arm had been cut off by a formidable Zerg enemy, and since then, he had not allowed it to regenerate as a reminder to himself.

At the tenth rank, the competition was about the clash of integrated rules, making the presence or absence of an arm irrelevant. Otherwise, multi-armed races in the universe would have an unfair advantage.

"I've heard of the Black Star Lord's reputation as well," Lin Yuan responded immediately. The one-armed man was known as the Black Star Lord, similar to Lin Yuan's title of Galaxy Lord. The Black Star Lord was an exceptionally powerful tenth-rank being, early on listed on the 'A' grade threat list, and came from the Black Source Tower, one of the nine evolution towers.

"Galaxy Lord, it's a pleasure to meet you," smiled a blue-haired woman.

"Liuli Star Lord, when you dominated an era of our human civilization, I hadn't even been born," Lin Yuan remarked. "I used to look up to you as my goal."

The Liuli Star Lord was also a peerless genius from a past era, possessing a rare special constitution and unmatched bloodline potential. These factors made her shine from the first to the ninth rank. When she reached the ninth rank, she created nearly sixty million layers of space, making her the strongest ninth rank of that era among all the universe's races. After ascending to the tenth rank, she reached the 'A' grade level in less than a million years.

"Using me as a goal?" the Liuli Star Lord sighed. "Galaxy Lord, you do know how to joke."

"Hahaha, the space layers created by the Galaxy Lord are several times more than Liuli's. Such remarks could make her feel inferior," chuckled a skeletal old man, also an 'A' grade tenth rank who once illuminated an era of human civilization.

Lin Yuan observed the dozens of tenth-rank attendees. The weakest among them were 'B' grade tenth ranks, all prominent figures within human civilization with potential to ascend to the eleventh rank. Despite being the only ninth-rank among them, none dared to underestimate Lin Yuan. With the power he displayed in the Xuan Huang secret realm, his ascension to the tenth rank was only a matter of time, and he would swiftly enter the 'A' grade domain, becoming the strongest existence below the eleventh rank. Therefore, all the tenth-rank evolutionists treated Lin Yuan with great respect.

"The Galaxy Lord's talent and aptitude are truly enviable," remarked the skeletal old man with a hint of nostalgia.

Geniuses like the Liuli Star Lord had special constitutions and powerful bloodlines, even being descendants of some supreme beings. Despite that, he didn't envy them much. However, the Galaxy Lord? So far, Lin Yuan hadn't shown any exceptional bloodline constitution.

Even his teacher was invincible like the Crimson Kun Star Lord.

The Galaxy Lord had reached this point solely through his own efforts.

"Talent and aptitude are only temporary. To strive for the Ultimate, talent and aptitude, no matter how strong, are of no use," Lin Yuan shook his head.

Among the many tenth-rank beings present, all had the potential to ascend to the eleventh rank.

Since they were all at the eleventh rank, naturally, they all aspired to become Ultimates.

Of course, it was just an aspiration.

The vast majority of eleventh-rank beings couldn't even attempt to reach the Ultimate, let alone become one.

Crossing into that realm was incredibly difficult. Even with profound accumulation, without crucial luck, attempts would fail.

Once an eleventh-rank being failed to reach the Ultimate, it meant total and irreversible death—even the strongest couldn't be resurrected.

After chatting for a while, the Black Star Lord looked at Lin Yuan and smiled, "Once the Galaxy Lord reaches the tenth rank, are you considering entering the 'Outer World'?"

"The Outer World," Lin Yuan's expression became slightly solemn.

The Outer World didn't exist in the main universe; it was one of the most important foundations of human civilization.

With only a history of over two million years, why did human civilization produce so many powerful beings? Even eighth-rank beings could easily live for two to three million years, and the confirmed maximum lifespan of eighth-rank beings, such as those from the Mo Yu Tower, reached five million years.

Even so, eighth-rank evolutionists could live for two to three million years, let alone ninth and tenth ranks. After comprehending the complete time rules, eleventh-rank beings could achieve a 'different' form of eternal life.

With a history of just over two million years, why could human civilization produce so many strong beings? One reason was the 'Outer World.'

The time flow rate in the Outer World was much slower than in the main universe.

One year in the main universe might be equivalent to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years in the Outer World.

Although the vast disparity in time flow rate would blur the perception of the rules of the Great Dao, the nine strongest beings of human civilization, using another ultimate foundation—the Virtual World—reconstructed the rules of the Outer World.

Although still far from perfect like the infinite rules of the main universe, it somewhat mitigated the blurring of the rules.

The blurring of the rules occurred because of the immense difference in time flow rates, making it difficult to clearly perceive the rules of the Great Dao in the main universe. But reconstructing the rules of the Outer World could to some extent solve this problem.

However, it was only to some extent. The rules of the Outer World could never compare to those of the main universe.

The rules comprehended in the Outer World would shrink by about two-thirds when returning to the main universe.

Even so, human civilization's many tenth and eleventh-rank evolutionists had a strong connection with the Outer World.

"I'll think about it later," Lin Yuan said with some interest.

The comprehension of the rules of the Great Dao in the Outer World was inferior to that in the main universe, but its exaggerated time flow rate was suitable for integrating different rules.

For example, after comprehending the rules of life and death, one could integrate them without needing to comprehend the rules of the Great Dao.

This was why human civilization stipulated that only tenth-rank evolutionists could enter the Outer World.

The reliance of tenth-rank evolutionists on the perfect rules of the Great Dao was much weaker compared to eighth and ninth ranks.

And most importantly, the flaws of the Outer World could actually be solved by Lin Yuan.

That was through the 'Chaos Crystal' from the Mo Yu Space and the 'Microcosm.'

Inside the Chaos Crystal were thousands of integrated and differentiated rules, while the Microcosm had comprehensive rule balance.

Lin Yuan only needed to bring the two into the Outer World, comprehend the essence of the rules of the Great Dao inside, and although there would still be a gap compared to the outside world, it wouldn't be too significant.

With many tenth-rank evolutionists at the gathering, Lin Yuan learned many hidden secrets.

These secrets came from the personal experiences of the tenth-rank evolutionists, not recorded in human civilization's records.

Soon after, the gathering ended.

Lin Yuan exited the virtual world and sat on the main star of the galaxy.

"These tenth-rank evolutionists are all very friendly," Lin Yuan silently thought.

He also knew that the friendliness of those 'B' grade and 'A' grade tenth-rank evolutionists was aimed at the Galaxy Lord, who had unlimited potential.

If he were just an ordinary person, it would be impossible to get these tenth-rank evolutionists to be so close.

Almost all ordinary citizens of human civilization would never have the chance to see a tenth-rank evolutionist in their lifetime.

With a rumble, his inner world expanded slowly.

Finally, it stopped at a size of 1.998 billion square points.

"The blue liquid has finally been completely absorbed," Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. The sixth color liquid of the mysterious gourd had been particularly difficult to absorb.

But it was normal. With his inner world exceeding one hundred million square points, Lin Yuan faintly felt the oppression from the universe.

An inner world of one hundred million square points already exceeded the universe's allowed limit. Even those unique special beings wouldn't have an inner world exceeding one hundred million square points.


Lin Yuan flipped his right hand, and a gray-blue gourd appeared.

He inverted the gourd, with its mouth facing down.

After a long time, a drop of deep purple liquid condensed. Just by looking at it, Lin Yuan could sense the awe-inspiring perfection contained within the purple liquid.

(End of this chapter)