

Chapter 345: The Surprise of the Strongest (5000 words, please subscribe)

The perfect, deep purple liquid left Lin Yuan somewhat entranced.

He attempted to observe carefully, using his unparalleled comprehension to grasp its essence.

But after staring for a long time, there was no effect.

When unparalleled comprehension yields no results, there are two possibilities.

First, the purple liquid may not contain anything worth comprehending.

Second, the essence contained within the purple liquid is too profound, beyond what Lin Yuan's current ninth-rank comprehension can fathom.

The first possibility clearly makes no sense. If it could break the shackles and limits of Lin Yuan's inner world, how could there be nothing worth comprehending?

"Now that I'm already at the ninth rank, and still unable to comprehend even a bit, the origin of this mysterious gourd must be much greater than I imagined," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

It's not that he couldn't comprehend it, but that he couldn't comprehend it at all.

If he couldn't comprehend it, at least he could comprehend the act of comprehending, but just couldn't penetrate it.

But being unable to comprehend even a bit is like being unable to enter the door.

"Never mind."

"After all, the gourd is in my hands, so it's mine."

"I'll figure it out eventually."

Unable to comprehend at the ninth rank, Lin Yuan didn't believe he would still be unable to comprehend at the tenth or eleventh ranks.

Even if he really couldn't comprehend it by then, Lin Yuan should be happy, as it would mean the origin of the mysterious gourd is even more unimaginable.

"Let's continue."

"If I wait any longer, I feel like this drop of liquid will disperse."

Lin Yuan gazed at the purple liquid.

Ever since this drop of liquid condensed from the mouth of the gourd, Lin Yuan felt a pressure from the universe, as if it wanted to erase the existence of the purple liquid.

"Is it because my inner world is about to break through two hundred million square points due to this purple liquid?" Lin Yuan speculated.

One hundred million square points for the inner world is the limit for all life in the universe, including those special lives. For Lin Yuan to easily surpass that limit is already breaking some rules.

And two hundred million? That's the limit of the limit.

The seven types of liquid inside the mysterious gourd are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

Each liquid looks similar, but the later ones are definitely more precious and rare than the previous ones.

The blue liquid could increase Lin Yuan's inner world from 1.665 billion square points to 1.998 billion square points.

The purple liquid, on the other hand, can elevate his inner world from 1.998 billion square points to 2.331 billion square points.

Both seem to increase by the same factor, three point three three times.

But in reality, the increase from the purple liquid is based on the limit reached by the blue liquid, making it an exponential leap.

Crossing the last hurdle is not comparable to crossing the previous ones.

It's like the difference between a civilization that has never set foot in space, with athletes running 100 meters in nine seconds versus eight seconds versus seven seconds. The difficulty doesn't increase in the same proportion, but rather exponentially.

The growth of the inner world is similar.


Lin Yuan swallowed the purple liquid in one gulp.


Terrifying purple flames instantly ignited within Lin Yuan's body.

These flames were not attacks governed by rules, so his elemental body was useless. His flesh and blood regeneration technique disintegrated upon contact. Lin Yuan's body quickly turned to ashes.


After a moment.

Lin Yuan's fleshly body reformed, a hint of astonishment appearing on his face.

"The absorption of this purple liquid is much more difficult than the previous six drops," Lin Yuan steadied his mind, thinking.

Normally, the absorption of the latest liquid would be smoother, but the purple liquid made Lin Yuan feel like it was extremely difficult from the start.

"Here we go again."

Lin Yuan took out the mysterious guard once more. By now, its surface color had turned into a gray-purple, both mottled and dazzling.

Alien Battlefield.

Beneath the massive permanent spatial rifts.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged with his Taiyin Yuan Shen. Occasionally, other strong beings passed by, but they couldn't detect him at all.

Absorbing the boundary-breaking source power that overflowed from the permanent spatial rift didn't necessarily have to be done in the main space; it could also be done while standing within multiple layers of space.

This permanent spatial rift originated from attacks at the level of the strongest, tearing apart a large number of spatial layers. No matter which spatial layer Lin Yuan was in, he could absorb the boundary-breaking source power.

"I've now accumulated 148 threads of boundary-breaking source power," a smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

Before the ninth traversal, Lin Yuan's boundary-breaking source power reached 120 threads. After consuming ten threads for the ninth traversal, he had 110 threads left.

From the end of the ninth traversal to today, more than ten years had passed, accumulating 38 threads of boundary-breaking source power.

"Boundary-breaking source power originates from torn spaces. In other words, the power of the gate of the myriad worlds must continuously tear space from its source? How does that sound like a good thing?" Lin Yuan stroked his chin.

Continuously tearing space from its source to a certain extent, the main universe is likely to face destruction.

Of course, there is a will hidden within the main universe that won't allow the strongest to do so. Causing permanent spatial rifts within a certain range won't provoke a reaction from the will of the main universe.

But if the strongest dare to do it on a large scale, they will definitely be interfered with by the will of the main universe.

"However, when I reach the tenth rank, I can choose to go to large-scale alien battlefields to absorb the permanent spatial rifts there."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

If the medium-sized and small-sized alien battlefields were created by an evolutionist wielding a powerful weapon from the distant past.

Then the spatial rifts on the large-scale alien battlefields are created by the strongest themselves.

On large-scale alien battlefields, it's mainly a game of wits between peak groups, with confrontations between the strongest of the strongest occurring occasionally.

That's where the most powerful beings from countless galaxies converge. Even rare ninth and tenth-rankers gather there.

Occasionally, even eleventh-rankers appear.

However, unless absolutely necessary, eleventh-rankers won't attack each other. Collisions between the strongest are even rarer, sometimes not happening for tens of thousands of years.

The closest encounter among the strongest so far was several decades ago, with the corpse of a being from beyond the universe.

"After reaching the tenth rank, even on large battlefields, I'll have the power to defend myself," Lin Yuan thought.

At the ninth rank, it's still a bit risky. Some special eleventh-rankers can easily use deadly curses against him.

At the tenth rank, it's much safer. According to the principle that at least a being at the same level or higher is required to curse a life at the tenth rank, Lin Yuan will be safe.

When alien powerhouses act, human civilization's powerhouses will surely intervene.

In this balance, Lin Yuan will lose at most one incarnation, which won't affect his main self.

"I wonder how efficient it would be to accumulate boundary-breaking source power from the permanent spatial rifts on large alien battlefields?" Lin Yuan wondered.

Virtual world.

Lin Yuan meets with special ninth-rankers like Duo Ke.

"Galactic Lord, some ninth-rank aliens driven to the inner regions are willing to give up all their gains from this secret realm expedition in exchange for letting their incarnations leave the secret realm," Duo Ke said.

The ninth-rank aliens besieged by human civilization are mainly from peak groups like the Insect Clan and the Heavenly Feather Clan, but also include some powerful tribes and individuals from special races.

These ninth-rank aliens ended up on the hit list of human civilization solely due to the dragging down by peak groups.

Now that the situation in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm has been completely clarified, under the suppression of the Galactic Lord, those ninth-rank aliens have no chance at all.

In this situation, a small number of ninth-rank aliens naturally want to compromise with human civilization, at least to let their incarnations leave alive.

For many groups, ninth-rankers are like pillars of the sky. Losing one incarnation of a ninth-ranker would have a significant impact on the group.

"Since you've chosen to join forces with the Insect Clan and the Heavenly Feather Clan, you should know the consequences," Lin Yuan said calmly.

Giving up all their gains from this secret realm expedition?

Even if they don't, when the secret realm closes, everything will belong to Lin Yuan. He might even obtain their flesh and blood, which is already comparable to many cosmic treasures.


Duo Ke looked excited.

This is the Galactic Lord, the strongest genius in human civilization's history.

Facing aliens without compromise, willing to sacrifice any gains to make those aliens suffer.

Galactic Capital.

Lin Yuan stopped absorbing the purple liquid from the mysterious gourd.

Firstly, constantly turning into ashes is also a form of consumption for himself.

Secondly, the liquid in the mysterious gourd is not unlimited; it can only condense every so often.

"Comprehend, comprehend the Xuanhuang evolutionary path."

Lin Yuan turned to comprehend the Xuanhuang evolutionary path.

In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, his Taiyang Yuanshen practiced *Xuanhuang Strike* and *Xuanhuang Body*.

On the alien battlefield, his Taiyin Yuanshen focused on comprehending the rules of time and practicing *Spatial-Temporal Steps*.

And on the Galactic Capital, his true self focused on comprehending various evolutionary paths, comparing the Chaotic Crystal and the Miniature Universe, mutually illuminating each other.

Each of his three main incarnations had its own focus.

"The Xuanhuang evolutionary path is truly wonderful. The tenth and eleventh ranks are completely different from the nine major evolutionary paths of my current human civilization," Lin Yuan marveled.

The deeper he comprehended the Xuanhuang evolutionary path, the more it could promote the cultivation of *Xuanhuang Strike* and *Xuanhuang Body*.

And the comprehension of *Spatial-Temporal Steps* could promote his understanding of the rules of time and space.

With various insights converging and intertwining under the push of his unparalleled comprehension, Lin Yuan was advancing at an unimaginable speed.

"From the ninth to the tenth rank, it's a slow metamorphosis process, not something that can be achieved overnight," Lin Yuan said while comprehending, also observing his own transformation.

Ninth-rankers have opened up at least tens of millions of spatial layers. Is it possible for such a large number of spatial layers to transform in a short time?

"With my current situation, once the transformation begins, it will probably take a hundred years to complete," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Other ninth-rankers who want to break through to the tenth rank, during their transformation, are all very cautious, paying attention to changes in their inner world and the layers of space.

Adjustments are needed from time to time.

But Lin Yuan doesn't need to care about any of this. With his vast inner world and profound spatial depth, once the so-called transformation begins, it will happen naturally.

"A hundred years," Lin Yuan sighed slightly.

He has spent only a little over a hundred years in the main universe, and now one transformation breakthrough will take a hundred years.

"I won't shuttle during these hundred years," Lin Yuan decided.

At his current level, blind shuffling isn't very useful. He'll first reach the tenth rank and then consider how to shuffle specifically.

It's just right to accumulate a large amount of boundary-breaking source power during this hundred years. Lin Yuan is quite curious about the various shuffling methods of the Gate of the Myriad Worlds, especially the "custom" shuffling.

With sufficient boundary-breaking source power, Lin Yuan doesn't mind conducting a "custom" shuffle.

Of course, the premise is that it would provide significant help to himself, at least help that cannot be obtained in the main world.

After all, custom shuffling starts with a hundred threads of boundary-breaking source power. With such a high cost, Lin Yuan wouldn't even consider it without seeing huge gains.

"The tenth rank of the Xuanhuang evolutionary path mainly discusses the essence of 'time rules.' Similarly, the tenth rank of the Xia You evolutionary path also discusses the essence of 'time rules.' They both talk about the essence of time rules, but they are completely different," Lin Yuan marveled.

The Xia You evolutionary path is one of the nine major evolutionary paths of human civilization, and its ultimate existence is the Xia Qin powerhouse.

With the wealth Lin Yuan currently possesses, even excluding the gains from the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it's enough to buy all nine major evolutionary paths of human civilization.

For Lin Yuan, the main utility of the supreme evolutionary path is for reference and comprehension.

By understanding the essence of the rules inside, he can then integrate them into the path of martial evolution.


Lin Yuan's gaze was calm as he took out the 'Miniature Universe' and experienced the complete operation of the time rules within.

"I've comprehended 1,823 time rule models so far, but the more I understand time, the more confused I become," Lin Yuan sighed.

If he hadn't grasped the basics of time rules, he would have thought that time rules were just like that.

However, with deeper insights into time rules, he becomes more aware of his own insignificance.

In the vast and eternal river of time, what is he? Even as an eleventh-rank being, he's just a slightly bigger fish.

Only the supreme beings can completely transcend the river of time and exist eternally.

"I've comprehended 1,823 time models, but I'm still far from understanding the complete time rules," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Currently, scholars of human civilization have summarized a total of 2,173 time models.

But comprehending these 2,173 time models doesn't equate to understanding the complete time rules.

Unlike spatial rules, countless scholars of evolution in human civilization have a relatively mature understanding of spatial rules.

Comprehend all the core spatial models, and you can understand the complete spatial rules.

But time rules? Even if you comprehend all the known time rule models, you still can't grasp the complete time rules.

To understand the complete time rules, you have to rely on yourself.

No matter how many time rule models there are, they are only auxiliary. The final step can only be crossed by oneself.

"I've hit a bottleneck in comprehending time rules," Lin Yuan stopped his contemplation.

Even with his extraordinary comprehension, and with the complete time rules operating within the miniature universe, Lin Yuan's understanding of the next time rule model has stagnated.

Actually, this is quite normal. Hitting a bottleneck in comprehending time rules? Isn't this to be expected?

As for the miniature universe? The time rules inside only make it a little easier for the owner to comprehend time rules, rather than directly mastering the rules of the world.

If the miniature universe had such ability, how could it only appear in the reward vaults on the third and fourth floors of the Black Tower?

"Perhaps I can ask a supreme being for advice?" Lin Yuan suddenly thought.

This feeling of hitting a bottleneck is only temporary, and shouldn't hold Lin Yuan back for long.

But if there's a shortcut, why endure the hardship?

Since the last meeting with Xia Qin powerhouse, he has made it clear that if Lin Yuan has any questions about cultivation, he can ask him anytime.

"Let's see."

Lin Yuan immediately contacted the Xia Qin powerhouse.

Coincidentally, he also had some doubts about comprehending the Xia You evolutionary path this time, so he asked about them as well.

On the towering Evolution Tower.

The Xia Qin powerhouse suddenly opened his eyes.


"That little guy actually reached out to me?"

The Xia Qin powerhouse received Lin Yuan's message, a smile appearing on his face.

He almost thought Lin Yuan had forgotten about him, this supreme being.

"Do you have questions about cultivation?" The Xia Qin powerhouse was in a good mood.

Geniuses like Lin Yuan are extremely rare in human history.

Although it's uncertain whether he will become a powerhouse, guiding such an unprecedented genius like Lin Yuan gives the Xia Qin powerhouse a sense of accomplishment.

"Come over."

The Xia Qin powerhouse agreed to meet Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan's figure appeared below.

"Greetings, Xia Qin powerhouse," Lin Yuan said respectfully.

This is still the virtual world, but it's the personal world of a supreme being, and without the permission of the supreme being, outsiders cannot enter.

"Please rise."

"Tell me about your questions."

The Xia Qin powerhouse looked at Lin Yuan with interest.

He was curious about Lin Yuan's cultivation questions.

With Lin Yuan's spatial layer count displayed in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, what could be his doubts?

Confusion in ninth-rank cultivation?

Or questions during the breakthrough from ninth to tenth rank?

Or is it a lack of understanding of certain spatial essences?

The Xia Qin powerhouse pondered, wondering what kind of questions Lin Yuan would ask.

He speculated that Lin Yuan's doubts should be related to space. After all, even if he has opened up many spatial layers, he's still at the ninth rank, and his understanding is limited to that level.

"Xia Qin powerhouse," Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, then asked solemnly, "I have some doubts about the Three Yin Time Index in the Xia You evolutionary path. Is the Three Yin Time Index three different time states, or is it a time vortex entangled by the Three Yin forms?"

Concerning the Three Yin Time Index in the Xia You evolutionary path, which involves different states of time, Lin Yuan compared it with the models of time rules, and some details left him slightly puzzled.

"The Xia You evolutionary path?" The Xia Qin powerhouse raised his eyebrows. This is the evolutionary path he stands upon.

But then, the Xia Qin powerhouse was stunned.

The Three Yin Time Index, isn't that part of the eleventh-rank section of the Xia You evolutionary path?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 346 Twenty Years (5000 words, please subscribe)

"The Three Yin Time Index?"

The Xia Qin powerhouse was somewhat startled. As the ultimate of the Xia You evolutionary path, he knew too well what the Three Yin Time Index meant.

At least to comprehend it at an extremely high level in the rules of time, one could hope to come into contact with the Three Yin Time Index.

In this regard, just by knowing that this type of time index is located in the eleventh-rank section of the Xia You evolutionary path, one could understand.

Most evolutionists who have just entered the eleventh rank have not comprehended this kind of time index. How could Lin Yuan, a ninth-rank being, comprehend it?

"Are you sure it's the Three Yin Time Index?" the Xia Qin powerhouse looked at Lin Yuan and asked.

In fact, the Xia Qin powerhouse already had an answer in his heart. How could a powerhouse like him forget what was just said?

"It is the Three Yin Time Index," Lin Yuan nodded.

The nine supreme beings of human civilization are absolutely trustworthy. Apart from a few secrets like the Door of Ten Thousand Realms, the Mysterious Gourd, and the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, there's no need to conceal anything else.

Especially regarding comprehension of time rules, it's not about plundering. The more Lin Yuan reveals, the more attention he receives.

Most importantly, if he doesn't directly point out his confusion, how can he receive guidance from the supreme beings?

"The Three Yin Time Index is a kind of measurement of the speed of time flow," the Xia Qin powerhouse gazed at Lin Yuan, pondered for a moment, then explained.

Upon hearing this, countless insights flooded Lin Yuan's mind, unraveling numerous doubts about the rules of time.

[Your comprehension is extraordinary. Listening to the essence of the rules of time deepens your understanding of the first 1,823 time models.]

After just half an hour of listening, Lin Yuan comprehended all the time models that had troubled him, gaining a fresh understanding of the rules of time.

"Time, this is time."

Lin Yuan's spirit was invigorated. The Xia Qin powerhouse's explanation of the Three Yin Time Index showed him another aspect of time, not just limited to this particular time index.

This is the principle of extrapolation and generalization!

On his throne, the Xia Qin powerhouse saw that Lin Yuan didn't speak and waited for a while before asking, "How is it? Do you understand? Let me explain it again."

Generally speaking, even eleventh-rank evolutionists are extremely confused when they first encounter the concept of the Three Yin Time Index. Even with special explanations, they still remain puzzled for a while.

This requires constant verification with the rules of the main universe to gradually understand.

"Thank you, Supreme Being. I understand now," Lin Yuan immediately said.

At this moment, he fully understood the Three Yin Time Index, and all 1,823 time models had been comprehended.

For a short time, Lin Yuan wouldn't encounter any confusion bottlenecks in the rules of time.


"You've understood it?"

The Xia Qin powerhouse fell silent again.

I just explained it once, and you understand it already?

The Xia Qin powerhouse observed Lin Yuan carefully, feeling somewhat surprised and uncertain.

"Yes," Lin Yuan raised his right hand and instantly constructed the first 1,823 time models, with threads of time's power swirling and intertwining at his fingertips.

Whether it's spatial models or time models, they are all pioneered by scholars of human civilization, who reveal the essence of space and time in a form understandable to the masses based on their understanding.

"Hmm," the Xia Qin powerhouse glanced at the time models constructed by Lin Yuan and understood that he truly comprehended them.

If one doesn't understand, they can't construct these kinds of time models.

Even copying blindly wouldn't work.

In terms of comprehension, either you understand it or you don't.

"Lin Yuan," the Xia Qin powerhouse looked at Lin Yuan, feeling somewhat complex, "You really surprised me."

He had known everything that happened in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm long ago. Originally, he thought Lin Yuan had a high understanding of spatial essence, but he didn't expect his comprehension of time rules to be so high as well?

To comprehend all 1,823 time models? When did he comprehend this kind of time model? After stepping into the tenth rank.

And Lin Yuan comprehended it at the ninth rank?

In terms of aptitude in the field of time rules, wouldn't it surpass that of contemporaneous powerhouses?

If Lin Yuan was a special life form, it would be understandable. Some special life forms with time attributes find it easy to comprehend time rules.

Just like how the Starry Sea Traveling Carp comprehends spatial rules.

But Lin Yuan isn't even a special life form, let alone possessing a special life form bloodline.

"It's just luck. Recently, I've been comprehending smoothly," Lin Yuan said modestly.

"Comprehending smoothly?" The Xia Qin powerhouse felt that something was off about these words.

"Understanding the rules of time is very important," the Xia Qin powerhouse pondered for a moment, then said, "The earlier you comprehend the rules of time, the more advantageous it will be for the future."

"If you can comprehend all the models of time rules before stepping into the tenth rank, you can come find me again," the Xia Qin powerhouse said.

So far, human civilization has constructed 2,173 time models.

Comprehending all time rule models only indicates that one's comprehension of time rules has reached a certain level, but there is still some distance from fully understanding the rules of time.

To traverse this distance, it can only rely on the evolutionist's own comprehension.

Of course, external forces also have a pushing effect in this regard.

"Okay," Lin Yuan nodded, "Then I'll leave first."

Lin Yuan finished speaking, and suddenly a figure appeared beside him.

This person also came to meet Xia Qin, the powerhouse.

"Nalan, Deputy Tower Master?" Lin Yuan's expression turned solemn as he recognized the figure.

Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, was the deputy of the Xia You Evolutionary Tower presided over by Xia Qin, the powerhouse.

Previously, when human civilization sought retribution against the Black Abyss clan for their actions on the alien battlefield, it was Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, who took action against the Black Abyss clan.

Nalan, with his own strength, suppressed several tenth-rank patriarchs of the Black Abyss clan, forcing them to hide in the Black Abyss Secret Realm and eventually dispersing the entire peripheral area of ​​the Black Abyss clan before leaving.

Furthermore, when Xia Qin, the powerhouse, bestowed the Town God Bead, it was Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, who personally delivered it to Lin Yuan after crossing a long distance.

Now Lin Yuan also had some understanding of Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master's strength, which was tenth rank, grade A, and a formidable presence among grade A.

Currently, the deputy tower masters of the nine evolutionary towers of human civilization are all tenth rank. Why not eleventh rank?

Eleventh-rank existences are all preparing to break through to the ultimate. Even if there's little hope, they won't give up directly.

As for the position of deputy tower master in the evolutionary tower, it's basically for handling miscellaneous matters outside the evolutionary path. These matters are too trivial for the powerhouses to bother with, and eleventh-rank evolutionists don't have the time.

So, those who serve as deputy tower masters are mostly tenth-rank evolutionists.

Of course, to highlight the status of the deputy tower master, those who can become deputy tower masters must be at least tenth rank, grade A. Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, is even more outstanding among grade A.

"Galactic Master." Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, nodded slightly, naturally recognizing Lin Yuan as well.

Nowadays, the name of the Galactic Master is shining brightly in human civilization. With various honors bestowed upon him, it's hard not to notice him.

However, Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, had no other emotions because the Galactic Master indeed deserved such recognition. At least when Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, was at the ninth rank, he couldn't reach the height of the Galactic Master.


Lin Yuan exited from the powerhouse's personal world.

"Powerhouse." Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, looked up and gazed at Xia Qin, the powerhouse, who sat on the high throne.

"The powerhouse seems to be in a good mood?" Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, was somewhat curious. He rarely found Xia Qin, the powerhouse, showing any emotional fluctuations.

Reaching the level of a powerhouse, eternal existence, there are very few things that can interest them.

"I see the future of human civilization," Xia Qin, the powerhouse, smiled. Lin Yuan's understanding of the rules of time at the ninth rank impressed him. Coupled with the establishment of the martial evolution system, Xia Qin, the powerhouse, believed that Lin Yuan's hope of reaching the ultimate in the future would be much stronger than that of the other eleventh-rank evolutionists in human civilization.

"The future of human civilization?" Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, was somewhat puzzled. Only the high and mighty powerhouses could bear these words.

The Galactic Master.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

"The guidance of the powerhouse indeed saved me from a lot of detours," Lin Yuan smiled.

Without the explanation from Xia Qin, the powerhouse, even if he could comprehend the Three Yin Time Index, it would have taken him several months or even a year or two.

"However, the effectiveness of this guidance is entirely based on my solid foundation." Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Before consulting the powerhouse, Lin Yuan had been trapped by this constraint for a while and had tried various methods. It was precisely because of this that when Xia Qin, the powerhouse, explained it briefly, Lin Yuan immediately understood.

If he hadn't tried various methods before, just seeking guidance from the powerhouse as soon as he encountered a bottleneck would probably not have achieved the same effect as now.

"Xia Qin, the powerhouse said for me to comprehend all the time models before coming to him again," Lin Yuan recalled the advice Xia Qin, the powerhouse, gave him before leaving.

Galactic Master.

Chunbo, Jiali, Hongpi, and Biyan, several managers, came to see Lin Yuan.

Usually, matters concerning the Galactic Master Star, or even the entire Galactic Star Region, are discussed by them, and the results are then reported to Lin Yuan.

Unless it's something they can't decide on or something that affects the entire star region, they would come to see Lin Yuan.

"Galactic Master." Chunbo, Jiali, and the others were very respectful, looking at the young man sitting cross-legged on the ground. Just looking at him made them feel trembling in their hearts, unable to even entertain the thought of resistance.

It's as if ordinary citizens or first-rank evolutionists facing the vast Starry Sea Traveling Carp, the oppression of life's essence, left them with no idea of resistance at all.

"The Galactic Master has already suppressed his aura as much as possible, but we still feel great pressure. How strong is the Galactic Master's strength?" Several main star managers couldn't help but speculate in their hearts.

"Nowadays, in our human civilization, the reputation of the Galactic Master surpasses that of many tenth-rank evolutionists. I wonder how many alien races resent and fear the Galactic Master after the recent events in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm."

As eighth-rank evolutionists, the information of several people on the field is naturally very well-informed. They have already been able to contact the upper echelons of human civilization and have heard about the recent events in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"The Galactic Master's strength now is estimated to far surpass the former master," Hongpi and Biyan, two eighth-rank aliens, sighed secretly. "Back then, the former master was worried that the Galactic Master would be bullied when he first reached the eighth rank and took over the star region. Now, it's only been a short time. Who dares to bully the Galactic Master?"

Hongpi and Biyan were deeply moved. They could be considered Lin Yuan's direct followers, from the Red Carp Star Master to the present Galactic Master.

As aliens, Hongpi and Biyan were destined to not achieve much development in human civilization. The only thing they could rely on was the Galactic Master.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, most of his attention still on cultivation, as he looked at the people in front of him.

He had long left orders that unless there was an issue they couldn't decide on or something that affected the entire star region, they should try not to disturb him as much as possible.

This is also the usual practice for most star region masters who preside over one side of the star region, spending most of their time in seclusion.

"Galactic Master," Hongpi respectfully said, "Not long ago, the Shadow Clan contacted us, wanting to establish a trade route with the Galactic Star Region."

"The Shadow Clan?"

"A trade route?"

With a slight movement of his mind, Lin Yuan knew all the details

The territory of the Galactic Star Region originally belonged to the Shadow Clan.

However, they were defeated by the Human Civilization Alliance on the alien battlefield, so they were forced to retreat.

So, in reality, the Galactic Star Region borders the territory of the Shadow Clan.

"I see."

Lin Yuan looked thoughtful.

It's no wonder Chunbo, Jiali, Hongpi, Biyan, and several other managers came specifically to visit Lin Yuan.

They indeed couldn't make this decision.

Establishing a trade route with aliens is always a sensitive matter, especially when this alien race is hostile to human civilization.

"Some resources of the Shadow Clan are indeed quite useful to our human civilization," Lin Yuan thought silently.

For example, the Shadow Clan's specialty, 'Shadowstone,' is a necessary material for building high-level warships, which can enhance the stealth capabilities of warships.


After some consideration, Lin Yuan agreed.

Proper trade with aliens could accelerate the development of the star region.

If Lin Yuan were still eighth rank, he definitely wouldn't dare to get involved deeply with the Shadow Clan. But now he's ninth rank and on the verge of transforming into the tenth rank, he naturally doesn't see the Shadow Clan as much of a threat.

As long as the extent of trade is controlled and certain trade resources are controlled by human civilization, there shouldn't be any problems.

Of course.

Most importantly.

The control over establishing trade routes with the Shadow Clan lies entirely with Lin Yuan. It can be terminated at any time.


Chunbo, Jiali, Hongpi, Biyan, and the other managers exchanged glances and immediately knew what to do.

In fact, trading with the Shadow Clan is definitely more beneficial than harmful, but this decision, apart from the Star Master, no one else dared to make.

"Is there anything significant happening in the star region recently?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Nothing significant," Biyan organized his thoughts and said, "With the spread of the Star Master's reputation, more and more commercial consortiums are willing to establish branches on the main star. The development of the main star is much faster than expected."

For a peripheral star region of human civilization to develop rapidly, the first thing to consider is stability and security.

Bordering alien territories often leads to collisions and contacts, so at this time, the strength of the Star Master is very important.

A strong Star Master can shelter the star region, providing a great sense of security to all citizens in the star region.

Under such circumstances, those large groups and companies are naturally willing to settle here.

After continuing to communicate with Chunbo, Jiali, Hongpi, Biyan, and other managers for a while and understanding the current situation of the Galactic Star Region, Lin Yuan waved his hand and let them all leave.

"Nowadays, the Galactic Star Region has started to profit."

"In the past two years, just the tax revenue alone has reached eight thousand cosmic crystals."

Lin Yuan thought to himself that eight thousand cosmic crystals are basically equivalent to the entire wealth of an eighth-rank evolutionist.

Of course, the reason why the Galactic Star Region has such tax revenue is not unrelated to Lin Yuan's influence. Even ordinary eighth-rank Star Masters, no matter how they manage their own star region, cannot achieve this level of income.

In the deepest part of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, his aura fluctuating, finally converging entirely, permeating every inch of his flesh and blood.

"The 'Mystical Yellow Body' has finally reached completion," Lin Yuan smiled.

At the same time, an invisible field spread out with his body as the center, reaching a radius of ten meters.

The Mystical Yellow Emperor's Light.

Only after the 'Mystical Yellow Body' has reached completion does this ability emerge, capable of blocking all attacks.

Whether it's physical attacks, soul attacks, or rule attacks, they are all within the defensive range of the Mystical Yellow Emperor's Light.

As long as the Mystical Yellow Emperor's Light remains intact, not even a catastrophe can harm Lin Yuan's body.

This is one of the three great defensive secret techniques of the Mystical Yellow Lineage, symbolizing the terrifying aspect of defensive techniques.

"The completion of the 'Mystical Yellow Body'," Lin Yuan thought of the amount of Mystical Yellow Crystals he consumed, and felt a bit of a pain.

At least the value of a billion cosmic crystals worth of Mystical Yellow Crystals was consumed just to push this secret technique to completion, not to mention the other weapon treasures he devoured.

"With my current defensive capability, those special ninth-rank entities won't be able to break through just by relying on the Mystical Yellow Emperor's Light," Lin Yuan's expression improved slightly. Although he had paid a lot, the returns were equally satisfying.

"There's also the 'Mystical Yellow Strike'." Lin Yuan raised his right hand, gathering strands of aura.

In addition to advancing the 'Mystical Yellow Body', Lin Yuan also cultivated the 'Mystical Yellow Strike' to the second stage.

With a wave of his hand, he can maintain a 'constant' state that surpasses his own strength threefold.

This burst secret technique, aside from consuming more, has no hidden dangers and can maintain a 'constant' state.

In simple terms, there is no cooldown time after activation.

"Let's continue cultivating." After scrutinizing himself a bit, Lin Yuan once again immersed himself in cultivation.

With his current strength, although he can be considered good among ninth and tenth rank entities, he is far from touching the peak of the universe.

Even with the protection of the powerhouses of human civilization, Lin Yuan still feels that having power in his own hands is the safest.

Protected by powerhouses? Better to become a powerhouse yourself.

Time slowly passes.

The myriad races in the cosmic starry sky are constantly surging.

And Lin Yuan is constantly improving his strength through continuous cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 347: Does the Tower Master Want Me to Hone My Skills as the Galactic Star Master? (5000 words, please subscribe)

The main star of the Galaxy.

"Twenty years." Lin Yuan opened his eyes and looked out into the vast cosmic sky.

In the primary cosmic sky, the stronger one is, the less sensitive they are to the passage of time. Closing their eyes for hundreds or thousands of years is normal.

Twenty years is just a nap.

However, the changes these twenty years have brought to Lin Yuan are exceptionally significant.

Firstly, both the cultivation of "Mystical Yellow Strike" and "Mystical Yellow Body" have reached the third stage.

When activating "Mystical Yellow Strike," Lin Yuan can maintain a strength four times beyond his limits at all times. The power he can unleash with a simple movement is estimated to make even the most cautious tenth-rank entities wary.

Of course, Lin Yuan has yet to encounter any tenth-rank opponents. He has only roughly determined his position based on the recorded combat videos of tenth-rank battles from human civilization.

However, challenging a tenth-rank powerhouse with only a ninth-rank cultivation, and not even at the initial stage of the tenth rank, is quite unimaginable.

The transition from the ninth to the tenth rank is a major breakthrough, not something that can be compensated for by opening up a few billion layers of space.

Of course, Lin Yuan has not opened up just a few billion layers of space, but more than twenty billion layers.

"Inner World."

Lin Yuan's consciousness descended into his inner world.

After twenty years of continuous absorption of the purple liquid in the mysterious gourd, Lin Yuan's inner world has officially expanded to over two hundred million square kilometers.

"It seems that I need to reach the tenth rank to completely absorb the purple liquid." Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The difficulty of absorbing the purple liquid is even higher than he expected. Currently, Lin Yuan is about fifty years away from completing his transformation and entering the tenth rank.

With fifty years, at the current rate of absorbing the purple liquid, it's basically impossible to achieve complete absorption.

"I wonder what changes will occur to the mysterious gourd after completely absorbing the purple liquid?" Lin Yuan's thoughts flickered, and a gray-purple gourd appeared before him.

Through the gourd's "verification," Lin Yuan obtained some information, including the fact that the gourd contains seven types of liquid.

However, it's unclear what changes the gourd will undergo after absorbing all seven liquids.

"Take it slow."

Lin Yuan no longer focused on his inner world.

"Time-Space Steps." Lin Yuan thought of the escape technique among the three great protective secret techniques of the Mystical Yellow Lineage.

Compared to the rapid progress in the previous two techniques, Lin Yuan's progress in this technique is much slower.

But no matter how slow, Lin Yuan has still cultivated it to the extent of traveling millions of light-years in one step.

Of course, this traveling millions of light-years in one step has significant limitations—it can only be done nine times in total.

After nine steps, Lin Yuan will have crossed ninety million light-years, at which point many of his energies will be depleted, and the cost will be much greater than using his physical abilities to "strengthen."

Depletion of strength means that Lin Yuan will have no resistance whatsoever. Therefore, this escape technique is generally not used for all nine steps, as the cost would be too great.

"Time-Space Steps" is the integration of time and space rules. For me, perhaps understanding the time rules first will make it easier to comprehend? Lin Yuan's eyes brightened slightly.

One of the prerequisites for an eleventh-rank powerhouse to break through to the ultimate level is the fusion of time and space rules.

Normally, an eleventh-rank powerhouse would have no idea how to fuse time and space, but Lin Yuan has seen traces of it in this technique.

"His Majesty the Mystical Emperor can reveal the essence of time-space fusion in the form of a secret technique. It's terrifying." Lin Yuan marvels.

"Time-Space Steps" is more of a "shortcut" to integrating time and space than an escape technique.

It's worth noting that although all powerhouses have fused time and space, actually doing it is entirely different from merely saying it. The time and space fused by powerhouses are their own, and unless they have an incredible understanding of the essence of time and space, they cannot explain it to others.

But His Majesty the Mystical Emperor has done it.

"Will such powerhouses also disappear? Will they also die?" Lin Yuan finds it difficult to understand. Powerhouses can jump out of the river of time and, with a little caution, find it hard to die.

Especially powerhouses like His Majesty the Mystical Emperor at the ultimate level.

"Twenty years, and I've reached the two thousand one hundred and seventy-third understanding of the time model." Lin Yuan raised his hands, and strands of temporal power intertwined at his fingertips.

So far, the pioneering scholars of human civilization have summarized a total of two thousand one hundred and seventy-three time model theories.

In other words, Lin Yuan has basically completed the understanding and expression of the time rules summarized by those pioneering scholars of human civilization.

The reason why it's "basically" is that Lin Yuan has not yet understood the last time model.

"This kind of time model involves time reversal, time stoppage, time acceleration? All the states of time converge into one?" Lin Yuan carefully pondered, and flashes of insight kept appearing in his mind.

"If I can comprehend the time rules at the ninth rank, make my inner world independent of the primary universe, and undergo the final transformation when reaching the tenth rank..." Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The eighth-rank evolutionists of human civilization can open up an inner world, but this inner world is not a completely independent world. Many of its rules, especially the time rules, are shared with the primary universe.

To break free from this sharing, one must comprehend the time rules and then integrate them into the inner world.

In theory, the earlier one comprehends the rules of time and integrates them into their inner world, the greater the benefits when making major breakthroughs in realms.

Crossing major realms leads to the transformation of the inner world, and a fully independent inner world undergoes a transformation far surpassing one attached to the primary universe.

If Lin Yuan were to comprehend the rules of time at the ninth rank and make his inner world "independent," he would have two opportunities for transformation when breaking through to the tenth and eleventh ranks.

In this aspect, he outshines many eleventh-rank powerhouses who only comprehend the rules of time after reaching that rank.

Eleventh-rank powerhouses comprehend the rules of time and integrate them into their inner world to achieve "independence," but their "independent" inner worlds have not undergone the previous transformations and are much weaker in foundation.

When striving for the twelfth rank and achieving the ultimate sublimation of the inner universe, the difficulty naturally increases significantly.

"As much as possible, let's give it a try," Lin Yuan thought. In the records of human civilization, there are examples of tenth-rank evolutionists comprehending the rules of time and then ascending to the eleventh rank, enhancing the foundation of their inner worlds.

However, a ninth-rank evolutionist comprehending the rules of time? At least Lin Yuan has not heard of it.

Ninth-rank evolutionists can barely sense slight fluctuations in time. It's quite challenging for them to comprehend the rules of time.

"Just a little bit more, and I can comprehend this time model," Lin Yuan continued to contemplate.

After a while, Lin Yuan stopped contemplating.

"Let's go to the Magic Jade Space and challenge the fifth level again," Lin Yuan said, utilizing the Magic Jade Mark to descend into the Magic Jade Space.

In the fifth level of the Black Tower, the challenge lies in the comprehension of time rules. According to the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji's suggestion, one must fully comprehend the time rules to pass through.

Although Lin Yuan still has some way to go before fully comprehending the rules of time, attempting to challenge the fifth level and utilizing various time environments there might help him comprehend the final time rule model.

Although Xia Qin, the powerhouse, can be consulted for any problems in his cultivation, Lin Yuan prefers not to trouble him unless he's truly stuck in a bottleneck.

Regarding the last time model that hinders him, Lin Yuan doesn't consider it a bottleneck that will impede him for long.

Lin Yuan's comprehension in the field of time rules has reached such a height in just twenty or thirty years. Even for an eleventh-rank life form, it's incredible, let alone Lin Yuan, a ninth-rank life form.

But after being in contact with Lin Yuan for so long, Shen Ji, the humanoid stone statue, has almost become accustomed to Lin Yuan constantly breaking various miracles.

As Shen Ji observed the scenes on the fifth level, suddenly, he seemed to perceive something, his expression showing a hint of surprise as he looked towards another direction in the Magic Jade Space.

In the misty haze, a strand of spiritual will descended.

"This" spiritual will has the form of a burly man, over three meters tall, looking around excitedly.

"Is this the Magic Jade Space?" The burly man carefully examined the surrounding mist.

He comes from a prominent evolutionary family in the northern star region of human civilization, a genius that stands out among dozens of star domains.

Nearly a hundred years ago, human civilization voluntarily exposed parts of certain geniuses' bodies, and from then on, this burly man began to comprehend a path of evolution from within his body.

After countless efforts and a great deal of luck, the burly man barely completed this path of evolution, which condensed the Magic Jade Mark deep in his soul.

"The Goddess of Wisdom told me that completing the path of evolution I have comprehended will lead to entry into a mysterious space, where great opportunities await."

The burly man's heart was stirred, and he followed the surrounding mist towards the depths.

Before long, the burly man arrived at the towering ninth-level Black Tower.

"Another one?" Shen Ji glanced at the burly man and, in an instant, knew how the other person became an ordinary member of the Magic Jade Tower.

"The most common completion of a certain path of magical evolution?" Shen Ji shook his head inwardly.

This is vastly different from Lin Yuan, who comprehended three thousand three hundred and thirty-three paths of magical evolution. The gap is like a chasm.

Moreover, Lin Yuan is no longer an ordinary member of the Magic Jade Tower; he's a core member.

"You." The burly man saw Shen Ji, cautiously asking.

"Yes, here's some information about this place." Shen Ji raised his right hand, pouring various information into the burly man's sea of consciousness.

"Ugh" The burly man frowned, gradually calming down after a while.

"The ninth-level Black Tower, the first level, the second level, the third level." The burly man looked at the towering Black Tower in front of him, his expression showing a hint of shock.

"You wait here, there are others ahead attempting it," Shen Ji glanced at the burly man, casually saying.

"Others attempting it?" The burly man felt somewhat lost. So he wasn't the first to enter the Magic Jade Space?

"Are they attempting the first or second level?" The burly man received the information transmitted by Shen Ji, knowing the difficulty of each level.


"The fifth level?"

The burly man looked up and saw that the fifth level of the Black Tower was emitting a faint light, immediately realizing that the person ahead was attempting this level.

"The fifth level?" The burly man widened his eyes. From the information Shen Ji transmitted to him, he knew that to pass the fifth level, one must fully comprehend the rules of time.

Comprehending the rules of time? In the burly man's eyes, this is a domain that ancient eleventh-rank powerhouses might hope to achieve.

"Which eleventh-rank powerhouse is attempting it?" The

"Is there anyone else here?"

Lin Yuan immediately noticed the presence of the burly man.

His arrival in the Magic Jade Space was accompanied by a hint of mental will, and both his appearance and figure were casually arranged, with the intention of concealing his true identity.

"I have seen. I have seen, senior." The burly man's scalp tingled, hastily showing utmost respect to Lin Yuan.

In his mind, the young man in front of him was an ancient eleventh-tier powerhouse, someone he didn't even have the qualification to meet eye-to-eye.


Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

He could tell that the burly man was human.

That was enough. If the burly man belonged to another race or even a hostile human group, Lin Yuan estimated he would temporarily expel him using his status as a core member.

But a human? As a fellow member of the same race, Lin Yuan didn't mind if he went to challenge the Ninth Floor Black Tower.

The rewards obtained from the Ninth Floor Black Tower depended entirely on one's displayed talent. Most of the rewards obtained by adventurers were not too valuable.


The burly man bowed his head, not daring to release even a trace of perception, afraid of provoking the eleventh-tier powerhouse who had just completed the fifth floor.

After a long time, the burly man finally gathered the courage to look up, only to find that the figure in front of him had long disappeared, leaving only the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji watching him.

"Did the senior leave?" The burly man breathed a sigh of relief, "Is the senior also human?"

Through their brief encounter just now, the burly man also realized that Lin Yuan was human.

"I wonder which eleventh-tier evolutionary of the Human Alliance I am?" The shock in the burly man's heart still hadn't dissipated.

Today, he actually had the fortune to meet an eleventh-tier evolutionary? The main star of the Galaxy.

Lin Yuan comprehended all the rules of time and felt good.

"Oh right."

"After Xia Qin the Supreme allowed me to comprehend all the models of time rules, he asked me to come find him." Lin Yuan recalled Xia Qin the Supreme's instructions.

Immediately, he connected his consciousness to the virtual world.

The towering Evolution Tower World.

Xia Qin the Supreme sat on the throne, his expression suddenly changing slightly.

"That little guy wants to see me, could it be..." Xia Qin the Supreme's thoughts were complex. Had it only been this short of a time and he had comprehended all the models of time rules?

A moment later.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared.

"Supreme." Lin Yuan bowed slightly.

"You've comprehended all the models of time?" Even though he had some expectation, Xia Qin the Supreme still asked.

"Yes." Lin Yuan nodded, "So I came to find the Supreme."

"I see." Xia Qin the Supreme nodded. While he appeared calm on the surface, his inner turmoil was considerable.

"Comprehending all the models of time is still a distance away from mastering the rules of time. I need to figure out where you stand in that distance." Xia Qin the Supreme steadied his mind and spoke.

"Alright." Lin Yuan nodded. He also wanted to know how far he was from mastering the rules of time.

"In that case, I'll have Nalan spar with you purely on the comprehension of time rules." Xia Qin the Supreme said.

The simplest way to know where Lin Yuan stood was naturally to spar with each other. But Xia Qin was the Supreme, he naturally wouldn't spar with Lin Yuan himself.

So he intended to let Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, come and test Lin Yuan.

Soon enough, Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, also appeared beside Lin Yuan.

"Supreme." Nalan bowed slightly to Xia Qin the Supreme, somewhat puzzled.

"Nalan, spar with the Galaxy Master. Remember, you can only use the comprehension of time rules." Xia Qin the Supreme said directly.


"With the Galaxy Master?"

Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, was somewhat stunned.

He was a tenth-tier Armor-grade, and he was asked to spar with the ninth-tier Galaxy Master?

Wasn't this bullying? No matter how strong the Galaxy Master was, even if he performed exceptionally at the ninth-tier, he was still ninth-tier. What could he do even if he opened up billions of layers of space?

Moreover, what the Supreme meant was that they would purely spar based on the comprehension of time rules, and the Galaxy Master couldn't even use his best space layers.

This was too much of a bullying to the Galaxy Master.

Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, felt a bit reluctant.

"What does the Supreme mean?" Nalan, the Deputy Tower Master, secretly pondered, "Could it be that he sees the Galaxy Master's cultivation progressing too smoothly and wants to give him some setbacks and hardships, so he wants me to hone the Galaxy Master?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 348: A Helping Hand (5000 words, please subscribe)

"Tower Master, how about we change someone else?"

Deputy Tower Master Nalan glanced at Lin Yuan standing aside, hesitated for a moment, and whispered.

He still had some hesitation.

Moreover, Deputy Tower Master Nalan felt that Supreme Xia Qin didn't need to specially give Galaxy Master a hard time.

As the strongest genius in human civilization's history, he should be unstoppable.

"It's you."

"No one else is suitable."

Supreme Xia Qin shook his head.


Deputy Tower Master Nalan nodded.

The will of the Supreme couldn't be defied, even if he thought the Supreme was wrong.

But one must follow the rules when the time comes.

"Galaxy Master, if you can't hold on later, remember to concede." Deputy Tower Master Nalan kindly reminded.

Although Supreme Xia Qin restricted the two to only spar on the aspect of time rules, Deputy Tower Master Nalan believed he was only one step away from comprehending all the time models.

The Galaxy Master was only ninth-tier, and even comprehending time fluctuations was difficult for him. What could he achieve in the aspect of time rules?

Under the rule suppression, if the Galaxy Master conceded in time, he could spare himself some torment.

"Understood." Lin Yuan's expression slightly grave.

This sentence from Deputy Tower Master Nalan put pressure on Lin Yuan.

After all, Lin Yuan had only seen Deputy Tower Master Nalan make a move once, when he was still at the seventh tier.

At that time, Deputy Tower Master Nalan stood outside the Black Abyss Secret Realm and, single-handedly, suppressed the entire Black Abyss clan, leaving them no room for resistance.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Insect Clan powerhouse, the entire Black Abyss clan would probably have been slaughtered by Deputy Tower Master Nalan.

"Let's begin."

Supreme Xia Qin waved his right hand.

Lin Yuan and Deputy Tower Master Nalan felt the world change.

Immediately, the two appeared in a desolate starry sky.

With the authority of Supreme Xia Qin, relocating the two to a virtual 'arena' world was just a thought away.

"Galaxy Master, you go first." Deputy Tower Master Nalan was quite modest.

If it was fighting against other races, he would naturally strike first without any carelessness.

But Lin Yuan?

Firstly, they were only sparring, far from a life-and-death battle. As his senior, it was only natural to let him have a chance.

Secondly, Deputy Tower Master Nalan believed he had the upper hand.

How could a tenth-tier beat a ninth-tier? Moreover, he was an Armor-grade within the tenth tier, a powerful one among the Armor-grades.

With such a huge gap in strength, if Deputy Tower Master Nalan struck first, he would feel embarrassed.

He didn't want to humiliate his opponent; at least he wanted to give the other side a chance to strike.

"Remember, give it your all."

"This might be your only chance." Deputy Tower Master Nalan said casually, reminding him.

In the realm of time rules, the confrontation often happened in an instant. When the collisions of different time rules occurred, the disadvantaged side often had no chance to resist.

Of course, real battles had many variables, such as using other means.

Just because one was inferior in time rules didn't mean they were also inferior in other means.

But Supreme Xia Qin stipulated that only the comprehension of time rules was allowed.

This meant that the battle was destined not to last long. In a pure confrontation of time domains, it was difficult to reach a stalemate.

The reason why Deputy Tower Master Nalan felt that Supreme Xia Qin intended to give the Galaxy Master a setback was because of this.

The rules were too restrictive, as if they were specifically tailored for him.

"Alright." Lin Yuan nodded. "I'll give it my all."

"Mm," Deputy Tower Master Nalan looked satisfied.

Only when the Galaxy Master gave his all and realized that he was no match at all, playing with time rules like toys, could it have a tempering effect.

"Galaxy Master, when it comes to opening up space layers, I'm indeed not as good as you, but in time?" Deputy Tower Master Nalan thought leisurely.

Suddenly, at this moment.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan found that Lin Yuan, in the distance, had disappeared at some point.


Deputy Tower Master Nalan immediately realized something was wrong.

"The flow of time... has changed?" Deputy Tower Master Nalan's expression became serious.

Clang clang!

Deputy Tower Master Nalan raised his hand, and a large number of time fluctuations suddenly released, continuously interfering with the time fluctuations around him.

"Break for me!!"

Deputy Tower Master Nalan faintly realized something, exerting all his efforts to comprehend the time rules, attempting to break free from various time quagmires enveloping him.


Lin Yuan stood quietly there, in front of him, floated a crystal ball about half a meter in size, entirely composed of time fluctuations.

Inside the crystal ball, Deputy Tower Master Nalan struggled incessantly, but in the end, like sinking into a quagmire, he was enveloped by various time quagmires, unable to break free on the time level.

After comprehending all the time models, Lin Yuan continuously combined many time models to comprehend many secret methods on the level of time rules.

Among them, the Time Prison was Lin Yuan's masterpiece, using thirteen hundred and thirty-seven time models, constantly merging and interweaving, to establish a time corridor.

Each time corridor formed another time prison.

Life trapped in the Time Prison, as long as the comprehension of time rules did not surpass Lin Yuan, would be unable to perceive its own flow of time, completely becoming a plaything.

After all, the amount of time experienced by life in the Time Prison depended on Lin Yuan.

With just a thought, Lin Yuan could make the other party experience a day while only a year passed in the outside world, or make the other party experience a year while only a day passed outside.

Isn't this just playing with others?

Of course, there was also a way to forcibly break free from this move.

Even if Deputy Tower Master Nalan was inferior to Lin Yuan in comprehending time, if he exerted all his strength and used methods beyond time rules, he could also break free.

Time rules were not invincible; it still depended on the overall strength of both sides.

But without a doubt, the higher the comprehension of time rules, the more initiative one could grasp. Just like Lin Yuan, if he were to truly fight Deputy Tower Master Nalan with all his strength.

Not limited to the realm of time rules.

Even if he couldn't beat the opponent, using time rules, he could still retreat unscathed.

"The Time Prison?"

In the virtual 'arena' world, Supreme Xia Qin was also observing the time crystal ball floating in front of Lin Yuan.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan struggled desperately inside the crystal ball, trying to shake the prison, but from start to finish, the time crystal ball remained as steady as a mountain, without any wavering.

"This kind of time secret technique, combining over a thousand time models, has a trapping and stabilizing effect. Even placed at the tenth-tier level, it can still be considered profound." Supreme Xia Qin thought silently, at the same time having a rough estimation of Lin Yuan's comprehension of time rules.

Without Deputy Tower Master Nalan, Lin Yuan would only display this time secret technique, unable to demonstrate many aspects of the Time Prison when facing an enemy.

Supreme Xia Qin wouldn't be able to see Lin Yuan's true accomplishment in the realm of time rules.

But with Deputy Tower Master Nalan continuously probing inside the Time Prison, Supreme Xia Qin could naturally perceive more essence.

"That's enough."


Supreme Xia Qin continued to observe for a while, then spoke.


The world changed again, and Lin Yuan returned to Supreme Xia Qin's personal world.

In front of him, the time crystal ball floated, and Deputy Tower Master Nalan inside had stopped struggling, probably realizing that relying solely on his methods of time rules was unable to break free.


Lin Yuan's thoughts moved slightly.

The time crystal ball in front of him collapsed instantly.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan's figure grew larger and larger, finally appearing outside again.


Deputy Tower Master Nalan felt as if he had traveled through another world, although the battle had only lasted for dozens of breaths.

But he had spent over ten minutes inside the Time Prison.

During these over ten minutes, Deputy Tower Master Nalan thoroughly understood that he had fallen into the great Time Prison, most likely created by the Galaxy Master.

Supreme Xia Qin had him spar with the Galaxy Master.

So, during the spar, his opponent would only be the Galaxy Master.

No matter how incredulous Deputy Tower Master Nalan was, he couldn't question Supreme Xia Qin.

"Galaxy Master." Deputy Tower Master Nalan looked at Lin Yuan, his gaze complex.

Spending over ten minutes inside the Time Prison, Deputy Tower Master Nalan completely witnessed Lin Yuan's methods in the realm of time rules.

Definitely surpassing him, not to mention comprehending the time rules, he had already comprehended all the time rule models summarized by human civilization.

This Galaxy Master, with only ninth-tier strength, had already surpassed him, a senior Armor-grade tenth-tier, in the realm of time rules.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan glanced at Supreme Xia Qin. At this moment, he faintly realized that Supreme Xia Qin had him spar with the Galaxy Master not to hone the Galaxy Master.

But to use him as a test subject to gauge the approximate level of the Galaxy Master in the realm of time rules.

"I concede." Lin Yuan clasped his hands and smiled.

He didn't know that Deputy Tower Master Nalan hadn't even comprehended the time rule models. In Lin Yuan's mind, Deputy Tower Master Nalan had a 'very strong' filter.

Plus, before the sparring, Deputy Tower Master Nalan repeatedly urged him to exert all his strength.

This led to Lin Yuan not giving Deputy Tower Master Nalan any chance to resist, directly suppressing him with the Time Prison.

"Even with only ninth-tier strength, the Galaxy Master has such a high comprehension of time rules. I admit defeat." Deputy Tower Master Nalan sighed.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan understood that with Lin Yuan's growth rate, his comprehension of time rules currently surpassed his own, and the gap between them would only widen in the future.


"Deputy Nalan, you may step down now."

On the throne, Supreme Xia Qin spoke, casting a glance at Deputy Tower Master Nalan.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan immediately bowed and disappeared on the spot.

Losing to Lin Yuan, this junior, even if Deputy Tower Master Nalan could justify the gap in strength between himself and the Galaxy Master, he felt somewhat embarrassed to stay any longer.

Deputy Tower Master Nalan left.

Once again, only Lin Yuan and Supreme Xia Qin remained on the field.

"Supreme One." Lin Yuan bowed slightly.

"You monster." Supreme Xia Qin shook his head slightly.

Lin Yuan's comprehension of the time rules was nothing special to him.

However, it depended on who it was. In the case of an eleventh-tier life, it was considered normal. Among the eleven-tier evolvers of human civilization, about half had comprehended all the time rule models.

For a tenth-tier life, it was exceptionally rare. At least, Deputy Tower Master Nalan, a senior Armor-grade tenth-tier, hadn't achieved it.

But for a ninth-tier life? At least Supreme Xia Qin had never heard of it, especially considering Lin Yuan's comprehension of the time rules, which was more than just understanding all the time models.

"Monster?" Lin Yuan blinked. To be called a monster by a Supreme One was somewhat of an 'honor,' wasn't it?

"Supreme One, you had me comprehend the time rule models. Is there something hidden in it?" Lin Yuan directly voiced his doubts.

Facing the Supreme One, there was no need to beat around the bush; just ask directly.

"Indeed, there is something hidden." Supreme Xia Qin nodded.

If Lin Yuan hadn't comprehended all the time models for a long time, or if, after comprehending all the time models, he was still far from comprehending the time rules, Supreme Xia Qin wouldn't have said much.

But at this moment, Lin Yuan's performance gave Supreme Xia Qin hope —

He saw hope for Lin Yuan to comprehend the time rules at the ninth tier.

"You should know that the earlier you comprehend the time rules and make your inner world 'independent,' the greater the benefits you'll receive."

Supreme Xia Qin spoke.


"I'm aware of that."

Lin Yuan nodded.

In the history of human civilization, there were occasionally freaks who comprehended the time rules at the eleventh tier.

So Lin Yuan knew that comprehending the time rules at the tenth tier would bring far greater benefits upon advancing to the eleventh tier than not comprehending them. The inner world would undergo a transformation.

As for comprehending the time rules at the ninth tier? There were no corresponding cases in the history of human civilization, but that didn't prevent Lin Yuan from speculating.

If comprehending the time rules at the tenth tier provided an additional opportunity for transformation in the inner world, then comprehending them at the ninth tier would mean two more opportunities for transformation upon advancing to the tenth and eleventh tiers, wouldn't it?

"Do you know what specific benefits there are? Why does the inner world undergo transformation?"

Supreme Xia Qin asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Lin Yuan shook his head.

He only knew there were benefits, but as for what they were, he had no idea.

The information he checked didn't have specific records, probably involving some undisclosed secrets of human civilization.

Even with the authority of an eighth-tier citizen, he couldn't access all of it.

"That needs to be explained. When an eleventh-tier evolver breaks through the great realm and enters the eleventh tier, the difference in whether the inner world becomes 'independent' needs to be discussed."

Supreme Xia Qin paused for a moment, then continued:

"If an eleventh-tier evolver hasn't comprehended the time rules, their inner world lacks a temporal pillar and can only depend on the main universe, functioning as a subsidiary world of the main universe."

"When a subsidiary world undergoes a great realm leap, it communicates with the main universe's original ocean. At that time, the main universe will actively open the entrance to the original ocean, pouring a large amount of original power to help the inner world grow rapidly."

"And if the inner world has already become 'independent,' possessing both a temporal and spatial pillar, it can be considered an 'independent' world."

"Even if this 'independent' world is insignificant compared to the main universe, it is still an 'independent' world, theoretically on par with the main universe."

"Having independent temporal and spatial pillars."

"So, when these 'independent' worlds undergo a great realm leap, they receive not the origin of the main universe but the origin of the chaotic void."

Supreme Xia Qin looked at Lin Yuan.

"So that's how it is." Lin Yuan appeared pensive.

The chaotic void must be much vaster than the vast universe, making the origin of the chaotic void naturally more precious than that of the universe.

In terms of hierarchy, it would definitely be chaotic void > universe > subsidiary world.

Once the subsidiary world becomes temporally and spatially independent, it will be on par with the universe, jointly receiving gifts from the chaotic void.

Normally, most powerful individuals can only accept gifts from the chaotic void when they break through to the Ultimate Existence at the eleventh tier because they are basically at this level when they comprehend the time rules.

Only by becoming a Supreme can one enjoy the gifts and transformations that come with breaking through at the tenth tier, results that would be of immense help to oneself.

Moreover, if Lin Yuan were to comprehend the time rules at the ninth tier, he would enjoy gifts from the chaotic void at the ninth tier.

"The infusion of the origin from the chaotic void greatly stabilizes the inner world and enhances its essence, moving towards the transformation into an inner universe."

"Of course, even if you comprehend the time rules, make your inner world independent, and break through to the eleventh tier, due to your own realm strength, you won't be able to transform your inner world into an inner universe all at once."

"But the foundation lies here. In the future, when breaking through to the Ultimate Existence, the difficulty of crossing for the inner world will surely be much lower."

Supreme Xia Qin spoke slowly.

This is equivalent to spreading out the pressure of breaking through to the Ultimate Existence into the present, increasing the possibility of crossing into the twelfth tier.

So far, Lin Yuan had only heard of two methods to increase the probability of breaking through to the Ultimate Existence.

One is spreading one's own evolutionary path.

The other is comprehending the chaotic rules.

As for the fusion of time and space rules? That is a prerequisite for breaking through to the Ultimate Existence.

Without achieving space-time fusion, one cannot even pass the threshold of breaking through to the Ultimate Existence.

"Supreme Xia Qin, I'm not necessarily able to comprehend the time rules at the ninth tier." Lin Yuan thought for a moment before speaking.

With his extraordinary comprehension and the insights gained from treasures like the miniature universe, Lin Yuan was only somewhat confident in comprehending the time rules at the ninth tier.

As for certainty? Not much.

In fact, Lin Yuan had already planned to try comprehending the time rules at the tenth tier.

You should know that comprehending the time rules is even more difficult than advancing to the eleventh tier.

Many eleventh-tier evolvers haven't comprehended the time rules.

Lin Yuan couldn't guarantee that he would comprehend the time rules at the ninth tier.

"What you said isn't surprising. Who dares to guarantee that they can comprehend the time rules, except for those congenital temporal beings?"

"So I had you comprehend all the time rule models and then come to me. Besides gauging your general comprehension of the time rules, I also wanted to give you a boost."

Supreme Xia Qin smiled at Lin Yuan.

"A boost?" Lin Yuan was stunned.

Comprehending the time rules is an extremely personal matter.

Everyone's understanding of the time rules is different, and it cannot be forcibly imposed.

Even extraordinary items like the miniature universe can only reduce the difficulty of Lin Yuan's comprehension of the time rules.

As for giving him a boost? Lin Yuan had never thought about it.

The many treasures and methods left by the Lord of the Demon Jade Tower and His Majesty the Profound Emperor have never been mentioned to push someone to comprehend the time rules.


"Next, I'm going to take you to see..."

Supreme Xia Qin's tone was calm as he slowly said:

"The entire panorama of the river of time."

(End of this chapter)