

Chapter 338: Treasure of the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm (5000 words, please subscribe)

"Just this simple?" Lin Yuan was somewhat surprised.

He could feel the uniqueness of the earth-yellow crystal in front of him.

The faint connection with the entire Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm made Lin Yuan certain that the six-armed figure hadn't lied.

As long as he refined this earth-yellow crystal, he would inherit the entire Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm.

By then, the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, which even the strongest couldn't lock onto, would become Lin Yuan's backyard.


Was it really this easy?

Without experiencing battles.

Without undergoing tests.

Without facing obstacles.

Just like that, entering the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, arriving at the core area, and obtaining all of this?

"Simple?" The six-armed figure pondered for a moment. "Indeed, it's simple."

In fact, His Majesty the Mysterious Emperor had also left behind many trials and tribulations.

But the six-armed figure glimpsed a part of Lin Yuan's strength and knew that those trials and tribulations were meaningless.

So, they simply couldn't be bothered and directly handed over everything to Lin Yuan.

"Your talent, your gifts, are worthy of the blessings of my Mysterious Yellow lineage," the six-armed figure said directly.

They might as well have written 'I believe in you' on Lin Yuan's face.

"I can sense that the time you've experienced hasn't been very long, definitely not more than four thousand years."

"In such a short time, you've opened up so many layers of space. I've never seen such depth. I believe there's a great possibility that you will become a Twelfth Order lifeform."

The six-armed figure looked at Lin Yuan. "His Majesty should be pleased to have a successor like you."

"I understand." Lin Yuan suddenly realized that the six-armed figure had been watching him all along.

Well, as the 'Tao' of the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, nothing happening in the realm could escape their notice.

"What can I do for His Majesty?" Lin Yuan put away the earth-yellow crystal and asked.

"You don't need to do anything," the six-armed figure said meaningfully. "You just need to remember His Majesty's name as much as possible, and in the future, spread the path of Mysterious Yellow evolution."

"I know that cultivating the path of Mysterious Yellow evolution has a high threshold, but it doesn't matter. With your talent and qualifications, you will live for a very long time in the future, so just do it as you go along."

The six-armed figure said.

"Remember His Majesty's name."

"And spread the path of Mysterious Yellow evolution?"

Lin Yuan didn't think it would be difficult to accomplish, and the six-armed figure hadn't set any standards, such as requiring it to be done within a certain number of years.

This left a very loose standard, and even if Lin Yuan didn't specialize in it in the future, there would be no problem.


"At His Majesty's level, there is no concept of life and death. As long as future generations still remember his name, and his cultivation methods continue to be passed down, perhaps in the distant future, there will be a day of return."

The six-armed figure's tone carried a hint of hope.

"A return?"

Lin Yuan was surprised.

Although the six-armed figure didn't say it, nor did the stone statue of Shen Ji in the Magic Jade Space have a conclusion.

But Lin Yuan subconsciously believed that His Majesty the Mysterious Emperor had already fallen, and the master of the Magic Jade Tower had also fallen.

After all, if they hadn't died, why hadn't they appeared for such a long time? Even if they were trapped, they should have a way to contact the outside world.

But according to the six-armed figure, even if His Majesty the Mysterious Emperor had truly died, he could still return?

The meaning of return is resurrection.

The strongest can resurrect others, but how can the strongest resurrect themselves?

The essence of resurrection is to reverse the river of time, pluck out the fallen creatures from the past, and then bring them back to the current time point.

But the strongest?

They have long transcended the river of time. Past and present are one. When the strongest dies, they cannot be resurrected because their life imprint cannot be found in the past timeline.

And even if it could be found, who could bear the cost of resurrecting the strongest?

Resurrecting creatures by the strongest is not without cost, but the strongest bears all the cost, and the more powerful the resurrected creature, the higher the backlash.

Typically, resurrecting an eleventh-tier powerhouse is enough to have a significant impact on the strongest, and resurrecting a powerhouse of the same level?

The strongest would also perish for it.

Although the strongest have eternal life, it doesn't mean they won't die.

"It's just a possibility. His Majesty never took that step in the end," the six-armed figure shook his head.

"That step?"

Lin Yuan looked at the six-armed figure.

This kind of secrecy was something that could only be known at the ultimate level.

"You should know that the path of evolution contains the Tao of the founder," the six-armed figure said.

"As long as His Majesty's 'Tao' exists, it means that His Majesty has not completely died."

"And His Majesty's name is also unique. Remembering His Majesty's name can also be a help when His Majesty returns."

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yuan secretly pondered that the meaning of the ultimate existence surpassed his imagination.

Of course, His Majesty the Mysterious Emperor must have gone very far in the ultimate domain, possessing some characteristics beyond the ultimate, which is why there was hope for him to return after death.

It's just unknown whether the master of the Magic Jade Tower has reached this level. The Magic Jade Space is just a place of trial left behind by the master of the Magic Jade Tower.

It's different from inheritance places like the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, the former is not the root of the Magic Jade Tower inheritance.


"You want to refine the core of the secret realm, which I estimate will take some time. Now, let me introduce you to the treasures and legacies within this Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm."

The six-armed figure was in a good mood, having found such an excellent successor for His Majesty the Mysterious Emperor. Even though this successor still seemed very weak at the moment, there was hope for the future.

Perhaps before this secret realm vanished, Lin Yuan would be able to step into the ultimate realm?

"Treasures and legacies?" Lin Yuan was slightly curious, his expression filled with anticipation.

He had stored the earth-yellow crystal in his inner world and was trying to refine it using the power of his world. Lin Yuan indeed realized that it wouldn't be something he could accomplish in a short time.

But it probably wouldn't take too long either.

According to the feeling this crystal gave him, once fully refined, Lin Yuan would become the 'master' of the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, possessing all the 'authority.'

"First is the 'Source of the Mysterious Yellow,' also known as the 'Mysterious Yellow Crystal' in the outside world." With a thought, the six-armed figure led Lin Yuan to a spacious area.

"That mountain?" Lin Yuan first noticed a small mountain in the distance.

The small mountain was earth-yellow, only a few hundred meters high, looking inconspicuous.


"This is a mountain composed of Mysterious Yellow Crystals?" Lin Yuan was somewhat shocked. In the outside world, a fist-sized Mysterious Yellow Crystal could sell for a sky-high price of ten thousand cosmic crystals.

But now, this small mountain, hundreds of meters high, was all made up of Mysterious Yellow Crystals?

How much would this be worth in cosmic crystals? With Lin Yuan's mind spinning rapidly, even just a slight calculation led to a cosmic value for this small mountain in the trillions.

Trillions weren't civilization coins or cosmic coins, but cosmic crystals.

The entire wealth of an eighth-tier powerhouse only hovered around tens of thousands of cosmic crystals, and even a ninth-tier powerhouse's entire wealth would not exceed three billion.

This 'top' referred to those special ninth-tier powerhouses who had lived through the ages.

And these Mysterious Yellow Crystals here were worth trillions?

"In fact, these Mysterious Yellow Crystals were collected only after the indigenous lives in the secret realm died." The six-armed figure shook its head. "And as time passed, a large part of the Mysterious Yellow Crystals naturally dissipated."

"Died?" Lin Yuan exclaimed.

Below the strongest, except for 'puppets' or 'artificial spirits' like the humanoid stone statue Shen Ji, every life had a limit to its lifespan.

Only by reaching the ultimate could one be eternal.

"Are all of these mine?" Lin Yuan asked.

"They are all yours." The six-armed figure smiled.

Although Lin Yuan had not yet refined the core of the secret realm and couldn't be considered the master of the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, in the eyes of the six-armed figure, Lin Yuan had already been chosen.

"I have a suggestion." The six-armed figure hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"Please say." Lin Yuan responded immediately.

"It's best not to take out these Mysterious Yellow Crystals in a short time," the six-armed figure said.

"Every time the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm opens, there is more than one strongest attempting to lock onto specific coordinates."

"But where can they crack the methods left by His Majesty?" The six-armed figure sneered. "Those strongest ones want to obtain the inheritance left by His Majesty, but have never succeeded."

The six-armed figure hinted at something.

With this statement, Lin Yuan instantly understood.

The Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm had opened many times.

Each time it opened, roughly the same amount of Mysterious Yellow Crystals would flow out.

If Lin Yuan were to take out this mountain-sized scale of Mysterious Yellow Crystals in a short time and spread them around in the outside world, it would definitely attract the attention of major peak groups. Why did so many Mysterious Yellow Crystals flow out this time the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm opened?

Although it was unlikely, peak groups would certainly investigate whether there was a ninth-tier powerhouse who had gained recognition from the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm and therefore obtained so many Mysterious Yellow Crystals all at once.

Once such speculation arose, all the ninth-tier powerhouses who entered during this opening period would be thoroughly investigated. As one of the most dazzling figures among them, Lin Yuan would definitely be the focus.

Even if there were human civilization protection, other peak groups wouldn't be able to intervene, but within human civilization, there was a small possibility that Lin Yuan would be asked about this matter.

Then, how should Lin Yuan respond?

Lie? The high-levels of human civilization might not necessarily believe it.

Tell the truth? Then what if human civilization demands that Lin Yuan voluntarily open the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm for human evolutionists to enter and train?

Or if they ask Lin Yuan to voluntarily hand over the inheritances and other gains from the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm?

Lin Yuan's strength was still too weak to deserve such a precious land as the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm.

Of course.

The above were just things that might happen with a small probability.

More likely, human civilization still valued Lin Yuan's potential and wouldn't let a mere Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm cool the heart of the strongest genius in human history.

But Lin Yuan wouldn't put himself in such a human moral dilemma.

"You can take out a portion of the Mysterious Yellow Crystals every hundred thousand years, divide them into several hundred or even thousands of times. It shouldn't attract too much attention," the six-armed figure suggested.

"Every time the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm opens, some Mysterious Yellow Crystals flow out. The quantity fluctuates, but as long as too much isn't added at once, it won't cause too much impact."

"Understood," Lin Yuan nodded.

At this moment, he felt a strong desire for power. If he were a supreme powerhouse, there would be no need to hide. Even if he announced to the various peak groups of the universe that the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm belonged to him, what could others do? Without a true supreme powerhouse guarding the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, many other supreme powerhouses wouldn't dare to pry. With a supreme powerhouse in place, who would dare to object?

"Then there are some weapons, treasures, minerals, plants, blood, and the bodies of special lives," the six-armed figure said. "These are all items left by ninth-tier powerhouses who attempted to stay in the secret realm during past openings."

The Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm opens once every two hundred thousand years and lasts for a hundred years after opening.

The secret realm contains many opportunities, as well as the Mysterious Yellow Crystals within the indigenous life forms.

For many ninth-tier alien beings in the universe, the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm is definitely a treasure trove. Just within a hundred years of opening, it accumulates as much wealth as tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation.

If he could stay in the secret realm after it closed and wait until the next opening to leave, what would the harvest be like?

Two hundred thousand years is not too long for ninth-tier beings.

So, during the first few openings of the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, many ninth-tier aliens would try to stay after the realm closed.

Even now, there were still ninth-tier powerhouses who were not giving up and were trying various methods to stay in the Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm.

After all, the gains were too great. Just within a hundred years, it was comparable to accumulating for tens of thousands of years. So what about two hundred thousand years?

"So many?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up.

With a glance, Lin Yuan found that all the ninth-tier treasures totaled about two hundred and forty-eight pieces, followed by some bodies of special lives and so on.

The bodies of special lives were very precious. They could extract bloodlines to make bloodline elixirs. When Lin Yuan swept through the Milky Way Galaxy before, he killed some special lives and made them into bloodline elixirs.

Lin Yuan could predict that with the branching of the bloodline cultivation path alongside the path of martial arts evolution, the exploration of human civilization's bloodlines would inevitably play a huge role.

By then, bloodline elixirs related to specific special lives would be invaluable.


"It's the inheritance left by His Majesty."

The six-armed figure looked at Lin Yuan, and once again, the world changed, bringing them to a space only a few miles in diameter.

"The inheritance left by His Majesty is divided into two types."

"One is the path of evolution."

"The other is secret techniques."

The six-armed figure said.

"The path of evolution?" Lin Yuan's spirit shook slightly.


"The Xuanhuang Evolutionary Path you cultivate is the prelude to the evolution path left by His Majesty."

The six-armed figure raised his right hand and pointed at Lin Yuan, and a large amount of information poured into his mind.

The complete Xuanhuang Evolutionary Path spans from the first to the twelfth stage.

Countless pieces of information were quickly absorbed by Lin Yuan.

"It really is the supreme evolutionary path," Lin Yuan glanced over it slightly and felt delighted.

This was the first time Lin Yuan had seen a supreme evolutionary path other than the nine major evolutionary paths of human civilization.

In the rewards for breaking through the third and fourth levels of the Magic Jade Tower, there was indeed a partial supreme evolutionary path, but Lin Yuan ultimately chose the 'Miniature Universe.'

"The threshold of the path left by the master is too high, and the ultimate existence has not yet been born." The six-armed figure said.

"Not yet born?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up. This meant that the value of this evolutionary path was countless times greater than imagined.

Supreme evolutionary paths are divided into two types.

One is a supreme evolutionary path with an ultimate existence.

The other is a supreme evolutionary path without an ultimate existence.

The former is more common, such as the nine major evolutionary paths of human civilization, while the latter? It is extremely rare.

It can't even be described as rare.

This symbolizes the quota for ultimate existence.

"But don't hold too much hope. I can sense that in other universes, there are some beings who have cultivated the Xuanhuang Evolutionary Path to the eleventh stage." The six-armed figure added.

"Other universes?"

Lin Yuan nodded gently.

His Majesty the Emperor's Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm had tens of thousands of them.

Although most of these Mysterious Yellow Secret Realms had disappeared, a small portion remained.

Eggs should not be placed in one basket. His Majesty must understand this. He could obtain the inheritance of this Mysterious Yellow Secret Realm, and similarly, suitable successors could also be found in other Mysterious Yellow Secret Realms.

"This is a secret technique."

The six-armed figure pointed again.

In an instant, many pieces of information poured into Lin Yuan's mind again.

After a long time.

Lin Yuan finally absorbed it.

The secret techniques left by His Majesty total three types.

To be precise, three categories.




The attack technique is 'Xuanhuang One Strike.'

The defense technique is 'Xuanhuang Body.'

The escape technique is 'Space-Time Step.'


Lin Yuan understood a bit and couldn't help feeling shocked.

When he became the core disciple of the Magic Jade Tower, Lin Yuan also saw several inherited secret techniques left by the owner of the Magic Jade Tower.

After careful consideration, he chose the one with the greatest effect on himself, 'Illusory Reality,' which could fully utilize the power of the mysterious gourd to greatly enhance the combat power of the two major spiritual avatars and get rid of its redundant position.

Choosing 'Illusory Reality' didn't mean that other secret techniques were ineffective.

And now, the three secret techniques left by His Majesty made Lin Yuan realize how terrifying the techniques created by supreme powerhouses truly were.

First is the Xuanhuang One Strike, gathering all one's strength to deliver a blow that surpasses one's own limits.

This secret technique is divided into four levels. The first level delivers a blow that surpasses one's own strength by twice. The second level delivers a blow that surpasses one's own strength by three times. The third level delivers a blow that surpasses one's own strength by four times. The fourth level delivers a blow that surpasses one's own strength by five times.

Lin Yuan's physical and spiritual technique, 'Enhancement,' can momentarily burst out ten times his own strength.

It seems to far surpass the secret technique 'Xuanhuang One Strike.'

But this is unsustainable and comes with a price afterward—a brief period of weakness.

But the Xuanhuang One Strike has no such cost. As long as it is cultivated to the corresponding level, it can be fully integrated into any strike.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 339: Great Harvest (5200 words, seeking subscriptions)

In a certain sense, "Xuanhuang One Strike" seemed more like a 'passive' secret technique.

Of course, activating "Xuanhuang One Strike" consumed a lot, but Lin Yuan was least worried about consumption right now.

The vastness of his internal world, whether in terms of intuitive size or spatial depth, was unknown multiples of an ordinary ninth-tier.

"If I combine 'Xuanhuang One Strike' with the spiritual technique 'Enhancement,' my instantaneous burst attack..." Lin Yuan's heart raced.

So far, Lin Yuan's defensive means far exceeded his offensive capabilities. After all, the spiritual technique 'Enhancement' couldn't be used casually.

With "Xuanhuang One Strike," however, Lin Yuan could greatly enhance his offensive abilities.

As for the defensive secret technique "Xuanhuang Body," it was a body refining technique.

The body is like Xuanhuang, undying and immortal.

This secret technique also had four stages.

Once perfected, the body's qi and blood would span millions of light-years. Even the strongest existence would find it difficult to destroy.

Lin Yuan remembered among the secret techniques left by the owner of the Magic Jade Tower, there was one called "Indestructible Demon Body," which was also an extremely terrifying body refining technique.

However, it was unclear how it compared to "Xuanhuang Body."

"Very well," Lin Yuan felt joyful.

Although he had two major spiritual techniques to protect his body, as well as the Origin Bell guarding his body, soul, and mind, the Blood Rebirth only enhanced the power of rebirth and did not increase physical strength. Likewise, the Elemental Body only had an exemption effect, also not increasing physical strength.

The liquid in the mysterious gourd did increase physical strength, but that was not a secret technique.

More importantly, secret techniques could be used universally, and even the main soul could cultivate them.

Like the Origin Bell, Lin Yuan couldn't bear to give it to the main soul as a trump card.

If the main soul died, Lin Yuan wouldn't care, but if he lost the Origin Bell, he would definitely be heartbroken.

"Remember, there's nothing taboo about 'Xuanhuang One Strike' and 'Xuanhuang Body.' Practice according to your own situation. But even if you succeed in refining 'Space-Time Step,' you must use it cautiously," the six-armed figure suddenly said.

"'Space-Time Step'?" Lin Yuan's expression became serious, and the information about this secret technique flashed in his mind in an instant.

This was an escape secret technique, and the most remarkable thing about it was that it combined the rules of time and space.

Time and space rules were the two major pillars of rules, especially the rule of time, which was obscure and difficult to understand, let alone creating a secret technique based on the two rules.

"'Space-Time Step' allows you to traverse vast distances in an instant, but you must understand that you can only take a maximum of nine steps, even for a supreme existence," the six-armed figure said solemnly.

"Even a supreme existence can only take nine steps?" Lin Yuan understood.

If "Xuanhuang One Strike" consumed oneself according to 'quantity,' then "Space-Time Step" consumed oneself according to 'proportion.'

Regardless of the level of strength, when activating this secret technique, each step would consume one-ninth of one's own strength in qi, blood, soul, and mind.

Continuously taking nine steps would drain all of one's strength.

If at this point, one took another step, it would cause irreversible damage to oneself.

Of course.

The price was high.

But the effect was also exaggerated.

With Lin Yuan's current strength, activating "Space-Time Step," each step could traverse millions of light-years.

Millions of light-years.

In one step?

It should be noted that even with Lin Yuan's full strength, the most he could do with ordinary teleportation techniques was to traverse thousands of light-years in one step.

Millions of light-years?

Lin Yuan would have to continuously take one thousand steps without stopping.

Even if one step was equivalent to one breath, one thousand steps would be equivalent to one thousand breaths.

With this secret technique, even facing an eleventh-tier powerhouse, as long as Lin Yuan hadn't completed nine steps, the opponent wouldn't be able to catch up.

By the time Lin Yuan completed nine steps, he would probably have reached a safe place long ago. One step covering millions of light-years, nine steps would be equivalent to tens of millions of light-years.

Even in the vast universe, tens of millions of light-years was quite a distance.

"If a supreme existence were to use this secret technique, they could descend to any position in the universe with just one step," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The stronger the strength, the higher the realm, the greater the distance each step of this secret technique could cover. Lin Yuan's one step was equivalent to millions of light-years, and a supreme existence could probably cover half the universe in one step.

The three major secret techniques, for offense, defense, and escape, once widely known, can be targeted for their weaknesses.

No secret technique is flawless. Take, for example, the "Spatial Steps"; it seems invincible at first glance, but its flaws are evident—it can only take nine steps.

After nine steps, one will fall into absolute weakness.

If the enemy doesn't know this, it's fine. But once they do, they can track you down after you take nine steps—what then?

"The Xuanhuang Fist" and the "Xuanhuang Body" also have weaknesses, just not as significant as the "Spatial Steps", so they absolutely cannot be leaked.

This isn't just about Lin Yuan, the inheritor of the Xuanhuang lineage, but about other inheritors of the Xuanhuang lineage in the universe.

"No problem," Lin Yuan agreed without hesitation.

It's just that it shouldn't be spread.

Lin Yuan had never intended to spread it.

Wouldn't spreading such an intensely personal life-saving secret technique be actively exposing weaknesses?

"Good," nodded the six-armed figure. "Follow me in reciting."

"I, a disciple of His Majesty the Emperor, solemnly swear by the Emperor's Mark that I will never disclose the protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage. If I violate this oath, my soul shall perish."

The six-armed figure looked at Lin Yuan.

"I, a disciple of His Majesty the Emperor, solemnly swear by the Emperor's Mark that I will never disclose the protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage. If I violate this oath, my soul shall perish."

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, then followed suit in recitation.

In the instant Lin Yuan finished reciting, a towering mark resembling a earth-yellow mountain emerged from the depths of his soul, then quickly disappeared.

"The Emperor's Mark?" Lin Yuan's heart stirred.

Apart from the Emperor's Mark, there is also the Magic Jade Mark deep in his soul.

"Alright," the six-armed figure breathed a sigh of relief.

"As you cultivate the Xuanhuang evolutionary path, you will naturally condense the Emperor's Mark. I know you are a life form within the universe, capable of being resurrected by ultimate beings. However, this oath is rooted deep in your memory. If you die because of this oath, even if you are resurrected, as long as the memory remains, you will continue to die, endlessly."

"Rest assured," Lin Yuan nodded.

"But you can relax, as long as you don't spread the secret techniques, nothing will happen," the six-armed figure added.

"Mm," Lin Yuan also understood.

The oath he made brought forth a flood of information in his mind. Every word was unequivocal, leaving no room for doubt.

"This is the safest place in the secret realm. Stay here and refine the core of the secret realm," the six-armed figure said before disappearing.

"Refine the core of the secret realm."

Lin Yuan let out a breath of relief.

Then, he crossed his legs and began to slowly refine the earth-yellow crystal, infusing it with the power of the world.


"So this is the overall appearance of the Xuanhuang secret realm?" Through the core of the secret realm, Lin Yuan saw the true extent of the Xuanhuang secret realm.

The overall appearance of the Xuanhuang secret realm consisted of three vast continents. Currently, many ninth-tier powerhouses from the universe had only entered one of the continents.

As for the other two continents, they remained closed, shrouded in dense mist. Apart from Lin Yuan and the six-armed figure, no other powerhouse had noticed them.

"This Xuanhuang secret realm is truly unbelievable. No wonder it has eluded all the lock-ins of the supreme beings," Lin Yuan said as he continued to refine the core of the secret realm, gaining more understanding of it.

The Xuanhuang secret realm was not located in a specific spatial layer but in the gaps between spatial layers, changing its position with the flow of countless spatial layers in the universe.

It could be said that the position of the Xuanhuang secret realm changed every moment, which was why the supreme beings could not accurately lock onto it.

Galactic Master.

Lin Yuan crossed his legs.

The sun god of the Xuanhuang secret realm was working hard to refine the core of the secret realm, striving to master the entire Xuanhuang secret realm as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Lin Yuan's true body was comprehending the three great protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage.

As for the rule of time? There was no hurry for the rule of time. Breaking through from the ninth to the tenth tier did not require any demands on the rule of time.

But each level of the three great secret techniques would boost Lin Yuan's strength.

"The Xuanhuang Body needs to be cultivated, requiring a large amount of 'Xuanhuang Source,' which is the 'Xuanhuang Crystal,'" Lin Yuan smiled.

At present, he had plenty of Xuanhuang Crystals. With so many years of accumulation in the Xuanhuang secret realm, the Xuanhuang Crystals were as large as small mountains.

"When I completely control the Xuanhuang secret realm, I'll let the sun god bring out some of the Xuanhuang Crystals," Lin Yuan decided.

As long as these Xuanhuang Crystals were not circulated outside, there would be no impact. Besides, how would anyone else know if he cultivated with them?

Time passed.

Two years flew by in the blink of an eye.

Virtual world.

In his personal space.

Lin Yuan and Xilan sat facing each other, savoring delicacies.

"This Blaze Dragon Meat, even in the virtual world, it's not cheap, right? It probably costs several Universe Crystals just to taste it?" Xilan couldn't help but remark as she looked at the half-meter-sized leg of meat in front of her.

Blaze Dragons, special creatures deep in the universe, were already fifth-tier when fully grown.

Blaze Dragons were most famous for their flesh and blood, which was delicious. After being prepared in a specific way, its taste was unrivaled throughout human civilization.

Unfortunately, Blaze Dragons couldn't be raised domestically, so every pound of Blaze Dragon meat had to be obtained through combat.

This led to the price of Blaze Dragon meat remaining high.

Blaze Dragon meat in the virtual world retained only its deliciousness without any real effects. Even so, it still cost several Universe Crystals per pound.

"Hahaha," Lin Yuan took a bite of Blaze Dragon meat, a look of enjoyment on his face.

Actually, the Blaze Dragon meat in front of him wasn't bought by Lin Yuan; it was a gift from the virtual world.

As one of the privileges of being an eighth-level citizen, it was provided every month, even in the form of Blaze Dragon meat from the virtual world, and occasionally, Blaze Dragon meat from the real world was also given.

However, the weight was much less.

"Galactic Master, your reputation now stands alone in the ninth-tier circle. Those special ninth-tier beings who see you all have unsightly faces. The ninth-tier aliens of the Xuanhuang secret realm dare not show themselves now," Xilan said with a smile.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel grateful.

If it were in the past, as an ordinary ninth-tier evolutionary, she wouldn't even be noticed by those special ninth-tier beings of human civilization, let alone someone like Multidisciplinary, who was once the strongest ninth-tier in human civilization.

But because of Lin Yuan, because of her good relationship with Galactic Master, Multidisciplinary contacted her personally, speaking kindly and treating her as an equal.

What Xilan regretted the least right now was hiding with the Galactic Master in the Xuanhuang secret realm for those two or three years, evading the pursuit of the Barbarians.

"Driving out the aliens from the Xuanhuang secret realm?" Lin Yuan fell into contemplation.

"No problem," Lin Yuan nodded.

As a member of human civilization, inherently opposed to those hostile alien races, Lin Yuan had no psychological burden in doing these things.

"But it might not be possible in the recent years," Lin Yuan spoke up.

His Sun God was currently fully engaged in refining the core of the secret realm, leaving no time for other matters.

"No problem."

"But Multi and the others said it's fine as long as it's within twenty years," Xilan chuckled. With the Xuanhuang secret realm still closed for another forty years, starting to clear out those ninth-level alien races within twenty years would be more than enough time.

Human civilization and the allied groups of ninth-level powerhouses, joining hands to search for the positions of those ninth-level alien races, was not a difficult task.

In the past, this wasn't done because it could easily provoke other ninth-level alien races to join forces. But now, with the Galactic Lord present, the more these ninth-level alien races united, the greater their losses.

In the Xuanhuang secret realm, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

The suspended core of the secret realm in front of him had already been half-refined.

"Now," Lin Yuan said as he continued refining, while also opening his eyes to sense his own state.

Although he hadn't completely refined the core of the secret realm yet, Lin Yuan already had many privileges within the realm.

Such as instantaneous movement.

The Xuanhuang secret realm suppressed all forms of instantaneous movement. Even Lin Yuan, an invincible ninth-level powerhouse who had opened up over two billion layers of space, had to fly slowly.

This wasn't because Lin Yuan's spatial perception was lacking, but because the rules dictated so.

Just like in the main universe, the highest flight speed could only reach the speed of light. Anything faster required entering a wormhole.

This was the rule of the world.

But now, with his gradually increasing control over the Xuanhuang secret realm, many restrictions from the world had disappeared, which was also a 'privilege' that a realm owner should have.

In the virtual world.

Dozens of ninth-level evolutionists gathered.

These ninth-level evolutionists emitted powerful auras, each at least a powerhouse who had opened up millions of layers of space.

"Do you think the Galactic Lord will agree to our plan?" one of the ninth-level evolutionists, who had opened up millions of layers of space, couldn't help asking.

Although the Galactic Lord was also a ninth-level being like them, at this moment, many ninth-level evolutionists on the scene already treated Lin Yuan as a tenth-level powerhouse.

That kind of strength, which could kill special ninth-level beings in seconds, who else could achieve it except for a true tenth-level being?

"I'm not sure," Multi shook his head slightly. He had asked Xilan to convey their message, saying they wanted to join forces to eliminate other ninth-level alien races, but it was only his plan and not part of the human civilization's agenda.

So the Galactic Lord could agree or disagree.


Just then.

In this personal space.

Xilan's figure appeared.

"Brother Xilan, what did the Galactic Lord say?"

One by one, the ninth-level beings who had opened up millions of layers of space turned to Xilan.

"Well," Xilan had never been so scrutinized by so many powerhouses before, and for a moment, he felt a bit pressured. He paused for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "The Galactic Lord has agreed, but it'll have to wait a few years."


"The Galactic Lord agreed?"

"A few years, no problem."

Many ninth-level evolutionists who had opened up millions of layers of space breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Galactic Lord was much younger than them, strength was respected among evolutionists. With the Galactic Lord's strength, he had already won the respect of all the evolutionists.

"Just one thing to note, though—the Galactic Lord will take ninety percent of the spoils," Xilan added.

Although Xilan hadn't discussed the division of the spoils with Lin Yuan in detail, he couldn't possibly compromise.

"Ninety percent?"


"No problem, not even ninety-five percent."

Many ninth-level evolutionists had no objections. If it weren't for the Galactic Lord, this matter would never have been accomplished. Relying solely on them to clear out the ninth-level alien races in the secret realm? It was nothing more than a pipe dream.

So no matter what conditions the Galactic Lord proposed, they would agree.

Clearing out the ninth-level alien races was mainly for their own dignity. As for the spoils? That could be discussed later.

Galactic Central Star.

Lin Yuan quietly opened his eyes.

"The 'Xuanhuang Strike,' the first stage, is considered refined."

Raising his right hand, Lin Yuan's body emitted a faint light, and with a casual strike, his strength doubled.

The Xuanhuang secret technique "Xuanhuang Strike" was divided into four stages. Refining the first stage allowed one to double their strength with a casual strike, while refining the fourth stage allowed one to unleash five times their strength with ease.

"So powerful."

Continuously using the "Xuanhuang Strike," the same strike, when powered by the secret technique, could unleash a strength far beyond the limit. This complex and mysterious transformation left Lin Yuan somewhat astonished.

In the Xuanhuang secret realm.

The Sun God, who was refining the core of the secret realm, also opened his eyes.

"The 'Xuanhuang Strike.'" As Lin Yuan continued to refine, he also tried out this secret technique.

Refining the core of the secret realm wasn't difficult; the main issue was the time it consumed. Lin Yuan would occasionally do other things while refining.


A terrifying aura vibrated on Lin Yuan's body surface.


"The 'Xuanhuang Strike' actually has a promotional effect on refining the core of the secret realm?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up slightly.

At the same time.

Not far away.

The six-armed figure was observing Lin Yuan.

When Lin Yuan's body emitted a faint yellow light, the six-armed figure's face showed a look of astonishment. "The 'Xuanhuang Strike,' this kid has already mastered the first stage of the 'Xuanhuang Strike'?"

"It's only been a few years? When did the protective secret techniques of my Xuanhuang lineage become so simple?"

The six-armed figure couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 340: No matter how powerful the Galactic Lord is, can he really wipe us all out? (5000 words, please subscribe)

The three major protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage—

Encompassing attack, defense, and escape, they seem flawless,

But the prerequisite is being able to master them.

But mastering them? Is it that easy?

In the world, everything subtly maintains a stable balance,

Special life forms have terrifying talents but low reproductive abilities,

Those unique special life forms have even less reproductive capabilities.

Countless citizens of human civilization have average aptitudes that are at the bottom among several peak groups,

Yet their reproductive abilities are extraordinary.

This is a kind of balance.

Or perhaps, a form of 'constraint'.

Secret techniques are the same way. The three major protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage are all incredible.

However, wanting to master them, or even just getting started, is much more difficult than imagined.

If Lin Yuan were an eleventh-level life form, having comprehended the complete rules of space and time, then it would barely make sense for him to quickly master the secret techniques.

After all, with a high vantage point, one learns things faster.

But Lin Yuan is only ninth-level. For a ninth-level life form, mastering the first stage of the "Xuanhuang Strike" in just a few years?

"This kid, his real age breath shouldn't exceed four thousand years, and he's opened up so many layers of space, now?"

The six-armed figure fell into silence.

At Lin Yuan's current rate of cultivation, he could master the "Xuanhuang Strike" up to the third stage in no more than five thousand years.

By then, Lin Yuan's casual strikes would unleash four times his maximum strength,

And this state would be 'permanent'.

"My Xuanhuang lineage, when His Majesty was still around, took the fastest time of seven thousand three hundred and ninety-four years to master the "Xuanhuang Strike" up to the third stage, and that person was still an eleventh-level life form."

The six-armed figure thought to himself,

The speed at which ninth-level life forms cultivate secret techniques is faster than that of eleventh-level life forms? This was something he had never expected.

Ninth and eleventh-level life forms are almost not the same species anymore,

The gap between the two is like a sky moat; what an eleventh-level life form can see through at a glance, a ninth-level life form might not understand even after ten thousand years.

"But it's not necessarily."

"Just because the first stage was mastered smoothly doesn't guarantee that the second stage, or even the third stage, will be just as smooth."

The six-armed figure breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly laughed, "What am I worried about? His Majesty's descendants naturally have exaggerated talents and aptitudes. If they weren't exaggerated, how could they keep up with His Majesty's footsteps?"

The six-armed figure shook his head slightly. At this point, he couldn't be bothered to understand why Lin Yuan's cultivation speed in secret techniques was so fast because it was meaningless.

Just then.

Countless layers of heavy space outside the Xuanhuang secret realm suddenly began to ripple.


"Are those twelfth-level life forms trying to lock onto the secret realm's location again?"

The six-armed figure glanced over and sneered, "Even if His Majesty has disappeared for dozens of cosmic epochs, for you twelfth-level beings who have never experienced the complete destruction of a universe, trying to break through His Majesty's methods is just a fool's errand."

Deep within the vast space layers.

Several huge figures stood there.

They merely stood there, yet they caused many space layers to retreat, forming a domain entirely their own, where space and time were mere playthings, to be freely manipulated.

"I'm getting more and more curious about where this Xuanhuang secret realm is located and about its former owner, that 'Majesty'."

A figure with twenty-four pairs of wings behind it spoke with a grand voice, its tone tinged with curiosity.

"What do we do now, we still haven't locked onto the secret realm's location." Another colossal figure, whose size spanned millions of miles, spoke. His voice spread through space and time, disrupting the region's spacetime.

"What can we do? We go back where we came from!" The third colossal figure turned around, taking a step and disappearing into the distance.

"Hmph!" The second colossal figure's expression remained calm. Every time the Xuanhuang secret realm opens, the strongest come to try to lock onto its location coordinates.

But without exception, they've all failed.

At the level of the strongest, most treasures, weapons, and secret techniques in the world are of little use to them, but the Xuanhuang secret realm is different.

Apart from anything else, just its ability to conceal itself has left many of the strongest trembling.

Moreover, all the strongest share a common thought: there must be great secrets or treasures hidden inside the secret realm.

Otherwise, why would so much effort be put into hiding the Xuanhuang secret realm?

Before long.

The several strongest figures standing here all disappeared, and this spacetime returned to stability.

Inside the Xuanhuang secret realm.

Lin Yuan operated the "Xuanhuang Strike" and found that the speed of refining the core of the secret realm had greatly increased, filling him with joy.

Among the three major protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage, the "Xuanhuang Strike" is listed as an attack technique, but in truth, it's not very accurate. It's more like a 'passive' technique that can be applied to any aspect.

For example, right now, Lin Yuan was using the "Xuanhuang Strike" to accelerate the speed of refining the core of the secret realm,

For example, right now, Lin Yuan is using the "Xuanhuang Strike" to accelerate the refinement of the core of the secret realm. However, refining the core of the secret realm has nothing to do with attack.

"Is this what control feels like?"

As Lin Yuan progresses in refining the core of the secret realm, his control over the realm also improves.

Now Lin Yuan can clearly sense the activities in the peripheral areas of the Xuanhuang secret realm, including the movements of ninth-level alien races hiding in certain corners and their interactions.

None of this escapes Lin Yuan's perception.

Of course, by the peripheral areas here, it refers to the outskirts of the continent where these outsiders have descended.

As for the other two continents, they will be completely under Lin Yuan's control as he continues to refine the core of the secret realm.

"These ninth-level aliens, if I want to kill them now, I can do it at any time," Lin Yuan's heart raced with excitement.

Within the Xuanhuang secret realm, any outsider would be suppressed, unable to teleport, and their perception would also plummet.

So normally, as long as a ninth-level alien doesn't attract too much attention and stays quietly hidden in a corner, there shouldn't be any danger.

"Never mind, I'll just act ordinary." Lin Yuan gave up this tempting idea.

Becoming the new master of the Xuanhuang secret realm must leave no traces.

Precisely pinpointing the location of each ninth-level alien and hunting them down? That's not just a matter of strength.

The six-armed figure had long informed Lin Yuan that every time the Xuanhuang secret realm opens, it attracts the attention of the strongest.

In this situation, it's better to keep a low profile. If Lin Yuan could become one of the strongest in the future, openly declaring himself the master of the Xuanhuang secret realm wouldn't be a problem.

"At the current rate of refinement, it will be about five more years before it's completely refined."

Lin Yuan continued to look at the core of the secret realm in front of him. Without relying on the "Xuanhuang Strike," refining the core of the secret realm would take at least twenty years.

Using the "Xuanhuang Strike" greatly reduced the time required.

Actually, the time it takes to refine the core of the secret realm doesn't matter much to Lin Yuan.

Becoming the 'Emperor' heir and starting to refine the core of the secret realm gave Lin Yuan the 'permission' to enter the Xuanhuang secret realm at any time.

There's no need to wait for the Xuanhuang secret realm to open to enter.

As long as Lin Yuan's mind moves, he can use the Xuanhuang mark to enter the Xuanhuang secret realm.

"But I can't take the initiative to attack those ninth-level aliens. However, next, the ninth-level evolvers of human civilization inside the secret realm will clear out all hostile ninth-level aliens. Then, I won't have any problem taking action."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

With human civilization as a cover, as long as Lin Yuan is careful, he shouldn't expose anything.

As for demonstrating some extraordinary combat power? Compared to the entire Xuanhuang secret realm, what would that count for?

In fact, with Lin Yuan's current talent and aptitude, even being the first genius evolver in human civilization history hasn't made the alien powerhouses pay too much attention.

For the alien powerhouses, as long as Lin Yuan doesn't reach the twelfth level, he's just a 'pitiful creature' in the river of time, destined to face the limit of life span and be on the brink of old age someday.

Galactic Capital.

Lin Yuan is fully immersed in comprehending the "Xuanhuang Strike."

Among the three major protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage, the "Xuanhuang Body" requires a large number of Xuanhuang crystals and cannot be practiced for the time being.

The "Space-Time Step" is an escape technique, but Lin Yuan currently feels no pressure. With his true body sitting in the Galactic Capital, under the gaze of the powerhouses of human civilization, he is absolutely safe.

The Lunar Avatar is on Battlefield B0001, absorbing the source power of the permanent spatial rifts. No one knows the true identity of Lin Yuan's Lunar Avatar.

With the strength of the Lunar Avatar, hiding in a medium-sized alien battlefield is as stable as it gets.

As for the Solar Avatar, it has now become half the master of the Xuanhuang secret realm. To some extent, even the powerhouses can't do anything about it.

There's currently no need for the "Space-Time Step."

"It truly deserves to be one of the three major protective secret techniques of the Xuanhuang lineage. At my current rate of comprehension, it will probably take decades to master it completely."

Lin Yuan's expression was filled with amazement. Naturally, he didn't know that even for an eleventh-level life form, it would take over seven thousand years to master the third stage of this secret technique.

As for mastering all four stages? It's simply impossible without tens of thousands of years.

"But if I can reach the tenth level within ten years, I probably won't take much longer to master it completely?" Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The extraordinary comprehension ability that Lin Yuan possesses depends entirely on the level he's at. The comprehension ability at the ninth level is completely different from that at the tenth level.

When Lin Yuan was at the ninth level, it would take decades or even hundreds of years to master the "Xuanhuang Strike" completely. When he reaches the tenth level, it might only take a few years or even months.

If he reaches the eleventh level, perhaps mastering the "Xuanhuang Strike" completely will be just a matter of time, according to the laws of the universe.

"Take it slowly."

"I still have plenty of time."

Lin Yuan's mind was filled with fragments of the "Xuanhuang Strike" as he continued to immerse himself in his cultivation.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, four years had gone by.

On another continent within the Xuanhuang secret realm, Lin Yuan's figure appeared out of thin air, unnoticed by the countless indigenous life forms below.

"At most, there's only one year left before I can completely refine the core of the secret realm," Lin Yuan smiled. Although he had no time limit while in the Xuanhuang secret realm, refining the core sooner rather than later was certainly advantageous.

"In these four years, the second stage of the 'Xuanhuang Strike' is almost complete," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

In reality, this rate of cultivation was already exceptionally remarkable, even terrifying. It was estimated that in the entire history of the Xuanhuang lineage, no descendant had ever mastered this technique to the second stage in less than ten years.

Was mastering a technique that could easily deliver a strike at three times one's maximum power as simple as picking vegetables by the roadside?

But for Lin Yuan, it was still a bit slow, considering it was just one technique.


"The ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization have begun to block off the peripheral areas?" Lin Yuan looked up, his gaze penetrating through the layers of emptiness, landing on another continent.

Ever since Lin Yuan demonstrated his absolute strength by killing the strongest ninth-tier Hunchback of the Tianyu Clan, the ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization, led by Duoke, had been planning to eliminate other hostile ninth-tier alien races.

After all, such opportunities were rare. With Lin Yuan in the Xuanhuang secret realm and high-level forces unable to intervene, human civilization had this freak.

Opportunities naturally had to be seized.

"Those ninth-tier alien races probably won't surrender without a fight," Lin Yuan speculated inwardly.

Human civilization's plan to eliminate ninth-tier evolutionists naturally aimed to completely resolve those hostile alien races. At the very least, they would drive them into the inner regions and wait until the end of the secret realm's opening time.

Any ninth-tier alien races not within the peripheral areas would be 'erased' by the secret realm.

And those life forms in the peripheral areas would be expelled by the secret realm itself.


For those hostile ninth-tier alien races, even if they don't want to face Lin Yuan, they will definitely rise up in resistance because death is inevitable in the end.

"I wonder if they'll invest more," Lin Yuan speculated.

The plan of the ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization on this side must have been noticed by those ninth-tier alien races.

Since they can perceive it, they will surely respond.

Ninth-tier powerhouses entering the Xuanhuang secret realm can only leave after a hundred years when the secret realm closes. But during this period, external powerhouses can still come in and communicate with the ninth-tier powerhouses inside the realm, completely delivering special treasures or even inviting powerful ninth-tier allies to assist.

Although the opening of the Xuanhuang secret realm will attract many ninth-tier beings, not every one of them will participate.

Virtual worlds.

Personal spaces.

Dozens of human ninth-tier evolutionists with millions of layers of evolution converged here.

"The Galaxy Lord has arrived."

"Galaxy Lord." Dozens of ninth-tier evolutionists stood up and looked at the young man who appeared out of thin air.

Galaxy Lord.

Each of the powerhouses on the field is formidable in their own right. Some special ninth-tier beings even have a good chance of advancing to the tenth tier.

But now, with all of them combined, even all the ninth-tier evolutionists of this generation of human civilization combined.

In front of the Galaxy Lord.

They all seemed insignificant.

"Galaxy Lord," Duoke greeted Lin Yuan.

Before Lin Yuan, he was the strongest ninth-tier of human civilization in this era, creating nearly forty million layers of space.

But now, naturally, the strongest ninth-tier of human civilization fell on the Galaxy Lord. If it were someone else, Duoke might have felt somewhat resentful.

But the Galaxy Lord?

After watching the 'video footage' of the Galaxy Lord killing the Hunchback, where would Duoke dare to harbor any grievances?

"Everyone, please be seated," Lin Yuan said with a smile, casually taking a seat in the main position.

"Galaxy Lord, the blockade in the peripheral areas of the secret realm is almost complete. Next, we may face backlash from those ninth-tier alien races," Duoke said immediately. "At that time, we will need the Galaxy Lord to take action, or else we won't be able to stop those ninth-tier alien races."

The ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization laid down a blockade line in the peripheral areas of the Xuanhuang secret realm, and those ninth-tier alien races simply dared not resist.

What's the reason?

It's nothing but fear of the Galaxy Lord who could appear at any moment.

So those ninth-tier alien races could only flee and hide.

But the peripheral areas are the smallest area of the Xuanhuang secret realm. No matter how these ninth-tier alien races flee, they will eventually be forced into a dead end.

Then it will be the moment for all the ninth-tier alien races to rise up in resistance.

Among these ninth-tier alien races are the ninth-tier beings of the Insect Alliance, the ninth-tier beings of the Tianyu Clan, and so on. If they weren't wary of the Galaxy Lord, they would have long torn apart the blockade set by human civilization.

"No problem," Lin Yuan nodded.

Killing those ninth-tier alien races was Lin Yuan's original intention, and in this siege, he would gain ninety percent of the benefits.

"Then we'll trouble the Galaxy Lord at that time," Duoke smiled.

"I wonder where the Galaxy Lord is now?" Duoke seemed to be thinking of something and asked tentatively.

"I'm in the peripheral areas, ready to take action at any time," Lin Yuan said casually.

In fact, he was still in the deepest part of the Xuanhuang secret realm, but with Lin Yuan's current control over the realm, he could appear at any location in the realm with just a thought.

So saying 'ready to take action at any time' was not boasting.

"That's good."

"With the Galaxy Lord here, those alien races will obediently wait for death."

"Hahaha, I've never felt so relieved. Thanks to the Galaxy Lord."

The ninth-tier evolutionists were in a good mood.

In the past, when the secret realm opened, the ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization tried to avoid those ninth-tier alien races as much as possible because fighting inside the secret realm was meaningless. The most important thing was to take the gains out.

But now, the ninth-tier evolutionists of human civilization took the initiative to besiege those ninth-tier alien races.

Although these ninth-tier alien races do not represent the main factions behind them, and some of them are just avatars, their morale has been aroused.

On the other side.

In a dim space.

Hundreds of consciousnesses descended. Human civilization has a virtual world for all evolutionists to communicate in real time.

Although other alien races cannot build a virtual world like human civilization, they have opened up some spaces for temporary information exchange.

And the hundreds of consciousnesses descending into this space at this moment are the ninth-tier alien races in the Xuanhuang secret realm.

These aliens come from various major factions and are basically hostile to human civilization.

As for those ninth-tier alien races that do not have significant conflicts with human civilization, as well as some special ninth-tier beings who are loners, they are not within the scope of human civilization's current siege.

Compared to the laughter and joy on the human civilization side, the atmosphere here seemed somewhat lifeless.

All ninth-tier alien races were filled with fear. They had all seen the 'video' of the Galaxy Lord killing the Hunchback. Faced with the Galaxy Lord, they didn't think they had any chance of winning.

"What are you all worried about?"

"Even if that Galaxy Lord is strong, can he kill all of us?"

After a long time, a leader frowned, looking around and said.

(End of this chapter)

Further places would only take two steps.

However, for a supreme existence, consuming one