

Chapter 317: Ninety Million Layers of Space (Subscribe)

Three hundred years passed, and Longshan Ridge underwent a complete transformation.

The Longshan family's territory expanded continuously, even occupying one-fifth of the Surlan Empire's territory.

If it weren't for the legendary clan leader of the Longshan family not clearly expressing his stance and not agreeing to the request from the Order Church to settle in.

Today, the Longshan family would probably have become the Longshan Empire.

In the Wangu Plateau, the establishment of each empire requires permission from the Order Church.

This was a strict rule set by the gods of the Ocean of Light.

However, even without establishing an empire.

The influence of the Longshan family today is no weaker than that of an empire.

The legendary clan leader of the Longshan family was confirmed as a semi-divine level powerhouse a hundred years ago.

The Longshan family had endless glory because of this.

As long as a semi-divine level powerhouse did not stand against the church and secretly collected faith.

Then, they could live exceptionally well. When the Pope of the Order Church learned that the Longshan clan leader had stepped into the seventh rank of semi-divinity.

He was still worried that the other party would use the Longshan territory to gather faith.

But after observing for a while, and even using the church's unique perception of faith, he confirmed that there was no trace of faith condensation in Longshan Ridge.

Only then did he completely set his mind at ease regarding the Longshan clan leader.

After all, a semi-divine being who didn't cause trouble and wasn't interested in faith would save the church a lot of worry.

And with the tacit consent of the Order Church.

The subsequent development of the Longshan family was exceptionally smooth.

On this day, many members of the Longshan family gathered at the family training ground.

"Today should be the day the clan leader talks about the martial arts cultivation method."

"Finally, we get to see the clan leader. Such days only come once every ten years."

"Our generation's clan leader is amazingly talented, stepping into the seventh rank of semi-divinity before five hundred years old. This should break the record of nearby empires, right?"

The members of the Longshan family were full of pride, their tone filled with enthusiasm.

This wasn't surprising. Before Longshan Yuan succeeded as clan leader, the Longshan family was just a small force curled up in the southeast corner of the empire.

"I heard that the Pope of the Order Church has invited the clan leader several times to join the church and promised to request a subordinate deity spot from the God of Order."

"Subordinate deity, this is a deity under the main god. In terms of status, it is much stronger than those deities who live alone in the divine realm."

"It's a pity that the Longshan clan leader didn't immediately agree and said he needed to think about it."

"No wonder he's the clan leader. If a main god invited me to become a subordinate deity, I wouldn't need it to be a main god. Just any deity invitation would make me wake up laughing from my dreams."

Chapter 317: Ninety Million Layers of Space (Subscribe)

Many members of the Longshan family gathered at the edge of the training ground. Since it was still early, and the clan leader had not yet appeared, they began to discuss in low voices.

The center of their discussion naturally revolved around the Longshan clan leader. As a semi-divine being, being invited by the main god church was undoubtedly a remarkable thing.

The vast and vast Wangu Plateau had quite a few semi-divine level powerhouses, but it was rare to hear of one being valued and invited by a deity.

Now, not only was the Longshan clan leader valued by a deity, this deity was one of the twelve main gods of light. Such an honor undoubtedly made many semi-divine beings envious.

Although becoming a subordinate deity meant losing one's freedom, these were the subordinate deities of the twelve main gods of light.

Since ancient times, the number of true gods may fluctuate, but the number of main gods is fixed at twenty-four, neither more nor less.

While countless members of the Longshan family continued to discuss.

In the center of the training ground, a figure appeared on a high platform at some point.

"The clan leader is here."

"The clan leader has appeared."

The members of the Longshan family stopped their conversations one after another, their eyes filled with intense enthusiasm as they looked at the figure on the high platform.

In the Longshan family, the Surlan Empire, and even the Order Church, they all had to rely on the clan leader. The clan leader was the only "heaven."

In the center of the platform.

Lin Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, sweeping his gaze over the numerous members of the Longshan family gathered at the edge of the training ground.

"It's been three hundred years." Lin Yuan felt a little emotional. In these three hundred years, besides cultivation, he also guided the clan members in the practice of martial arts cultivation methods.

After all, when it came to "passing down the law," Lin Yuan was willing to put in some effort.

Under Lin Yuan's occasional guidance, the number of people practicing martial arts cultivation methods quickly increased. Just among the Longshan family, the number of people who practiced martial arts cultivation methods to the third level exceeded ten thousand.

There were over two thousand practitioners at the fourth level of martial arts.

There were even more than fifty at the fifth level of martial arts.

Even at the sixth level of martial arts, equivalent to legendary knights, one had emerged.

And this was only within the Longshan family. There were even more practitioners of martial arts cultivation methods outside, although lacking Lin Yuan's personal guidance.

But with such a large base, the number of strong practitioners at various levels of martial arts cultivation methods was more than just a few in the Longshan family.

In just three hundred years, there had been such achievements. The main reason was the "localization" of martial arts cultivation methods, focusing on tapping into the power deep within one's own bloodline.

This approach undoubtedly sacrificed future potential, but in terms of the speed of initial cultivation, it was indeed formidable.

The spread of martial arts cultivation methods was just one of Lin Yuan's many gains over the past three hundred years. One of Lin Yuan's greatest achievements in these three hundred years was the astonishing ninety million layers of space opened up.

Ninety million layers of space, this was a number that Lin Yuan didn't dare to think about before this journey began.

Even with his extraordinary comprehension, assistance from dozens of cosmic powers, over a dozen higher cosmic powers, and one supreme cosmic power.

Lin Yuan only dared to set his sights on ten million layers of space, and that was the result of consuming a thousand years of residency time.

Even so, this speed of expansion was reaching ten thousand layers of space per day, which was absolutely beyond the reach of other ninth-tier powerhouses in the eyes of other ninth-tier powerhouses.

But now, with the appearance of "divine grids," especially those with spatial attributes, equivalent to the "keys" to unlock the essence of spatial rules in this world.

Lin Yuan's speed in opening up derivative spatial layers soared unreasonably.

In simple terms, for those ninth-tier powerhouses in the main world, in order to open up more layers of space, they had to comprehend one layer at a time and slowly open them up.

But Lin Yuan's method of opening up space layers was different; he only needed to use the space layers of this world as a template for expansion.

The moment he opened up the space layers, he directly comprehended the spatial essence related to these layers.

For example, for those ninth-tier powerhouses in the main universe, opening up space layers required starting from scratch, akin to deducing a profound "formula" without knowing any target directions.

But for Lin Yuan, opening up space layers was like already having access to this "formula" in advance. The difficulty of the process dropped by several orders of magnitude.

"Ninety million layers of space?" Lin Yuan slightly closed his eyes, feeling the boundless power transmitted from his inner world to his entire body.

In the main universe, turning ninth-tier into five levels, with ten million layers already considered the peak of the ninth tier. 

As for ninety million layers?

Even if Hunyi opened up thirty million layers of space, he would already be the strongest ninth-tier lifeform in the Tianyu tribe. Ninety million layers of space, estimated to be beyond reach for all groups in the main universe, even including those unique "special beings."

Probably, very few could come close.

Here, "close" didn't mean reaching or surpassing.

Especially for those unique special beings, in the vast universe, there were probably only a few of them, with talents that were terrifyingly legendary.

Their inexplicable depth of heritage meant that opening up space layers was almost as simple as eating and drinking for them, or at least not much more difficult.

Even so, to open up to ninety million layers of space, let alone actually opening them up, even counting them one by one would take a long time, right?

The key point was that, according to the current trend, ninety million layers of space were far from Lin Yuan's limit, with still half of the residency time limit remaining.

Lin Yuan still had a lot of room for growth.

"It's a pity that the current semi-divine grids are not very useful to me anymore," Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

For the past three hundred years, with his two major divine souls, he had searched all over the world for semi-divine grids with spatial attributes, namely those with spatial abilities.

If the spatial essence of this world were divided from bottom to top into ten thousand parts.

Then, the semi-divine grids of the semi-divines only occupied the lower third of the region.

As for the upper two-thirds, the level of the semi-divine grids was too low to see.

As Lin Yuan gradually mastered the spatial essence of the lower third, the other semi-divine grids with spatial attributes had already "overlapped" with what Lin Yuan had mastered.

"A true divine grid should help me advance further," Lin Yuan looked up at the sky, actually looking at the layers of space where the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness were located.

"Not in a hurry."

"Take it slowly."

Lin Yuan's thoughts converged. Although the current semi-divine grids were not as effective for him as before,

there was still some use, so Lin Yuan planned to thoroughly comprehend the semi-divine grids and the spatial essence that they could glimpse before considering the matter of deities.

"My inner world has now reached one hundred and eighty-three billion miles in diameter."

Lin Yuan's consciousness descended into his inner world. Over the past three hundred years, he had absorbed most of the sixth type of mysterious liquid from the mysterious gourd—the blue liquid.

Theoretically, after completely absorbing the previous six colored liquids, Lin Yuan's inner world would reach a diameter of one hundred and ninety-nine point eight billion miles.

"With a nearly two hundred billion mile inner world and ninety million layers of space, my current strength should be considered invincible at the ninth tier," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Compared to the eighth tier, there was no concept of invincibility in the ninth tier.

Because the confrontation between ninth-tier powerhouses was not based on the level of power and might. It wasn't about having stronger strength meant you would definitely win.

Unless it was like a single strike from an extreme powerhouse, tearing through countless layers of space. Regardless of which layer of space you occupied or fled to, you would still die kind of attack. Otherwise, the struggle between ninth-tier powerhouses needed to be competed among the layers of space.

For example, in a specific environment, even ninth-tier powerhouses like Xilan, who couldn't open up to a million layers of space, could slip past Hunyi, a top-tier ninth-tier powerhouse who opened up over thirty million layers of space.

But that was before.

Now, with the size and depth of Lin Yuan's inner world, facing other ninth-tier powerhouses, he could easily suppress them with a flick of his hand. Even Hunyi, who opened up over thirty million layers of space, was no exception.

This wasn't invincibility, what else could be?

"Now I just need to end the shuttle, and the predicament of the Profound Yellow Secret Realm is nothing at all," Lin Yuan thought silently.

But in that case, it would be a bit of a waste of this shuttle opportunity. Although he had the world coordinates in hand and could continue to descend, it would require consuming ten strands of Boundary Breaking Source Power.


Lin Yuan's will in the inner world raised his right hand, and the steady flow of time began to fluctuate, either speeding up or pausing.

"Time pause?"

Lin Yuan's eyes revealed a hint of surprise. Over the past three hundred years, he had comprehended more than two hundred kinds of time rule models and gained some understanding of the ability to pause time.

"Unable to maintain for long?"

Lin Yuan tried it and found that the longer the duration of the 'time pause,' the greater the backlash from the time rules.

It was like a dam. You could forcibly block it to prevent the river water from flowing down, but as more and more upstream water accumulated, once the dam burst, the resulting disaster would be more severe.

Time pause was similar.

Forcing a certain area's time to pause would continuously suffer from the backlash caused by the correction of time rules.

With Lin Yuan's current foundation, he could only maintain the 'time pause' state in a certain area for twenty breaths at most. Any longer would result in irreversible damage.

Moreover, this area where time was paused couldn't have too powerful lifeforms.

Pausing time for a stone was naturally not as difficult as pausing time for a ninth-tier lifeform.

As his thoughts fluctuated, Lin Yuan looked around at the many Dragon Mountain clan members and began his narration of martial arts cultivation methods.

Several hours passed.

Lin Yuan's narration also came to an end.

Under the fascinated gazes of countless Dragon Mountain clan members, Lin Yuan disappeared from the center of the training ground.

In the underground cultivation chamber.

Lin Yuan's figure appeared once again.

"These three hundred years, I secretly captured a large number of demigods, including many from the True God Church. It should have made a big impact," Lin Yuan thought silently.

In order to better comprehend the spatial essence of this world and open up multiple layers of space, Lin Yuan, apart from not taking action against the demigods of the main god church, had visited most of the True God Church.

This was much more serious than plundering the 'God Crystals' from the True God Church three hundred years ago.

In a situation where the true gods could not intervene in the mortal world, ninth-tier powerhouses were the strongest combat power of the church.

As for the descent of divine power avatars? It was the last resort. For most things in peacetime and conflicts with other churches, they relied on ninth-tier powerhouses.

"No problem."

Lin Yuan just thought about it for a while and didn't pay too much attention.

If three hundred years ago, Lin Yuan still had some fear of the gods of the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness, after opening up ninety million layers of space and with his inner world approaching two hundred billion miles in diameter, Lin Yuan in this world was truly—


(End of this chapter)

Chapter 318: Shall I Hide? (Subscribe Please)

"Continue to open up layers of space," Lin Yuan's thoughts converged.

In fact, as early as when he opened up to the ten millionth layer of space, Lin Yuan could have attempted to break through to the Tenth Tier.

According to the countless experiences of ninth-tier breakthroughs to the Tenth Tier in the main world, the ten millionth layer of space met the threshold for breakthroughs.

But Lin Yuan was unwilling to abandon the greatest opportunity of this shuttle.

After breaking through to the Tenth Tier, the transformation of the inner world continued, beginning to 'solidify' to a certain extent.

By then, wanting to open up space layers like a ninth-tier would not be so easy.

Instead of that, it would be better to open up as many space layers as possible at the ninth tier.

Why didn't the strongest ninth-tier life form of the Tianyu Clan, Hunyi, break through to the Tenth Tier even after opening up more than thirty million layers of space?

Was he foolish?

Of course not.

Space layers are the depth and thickness of a world, a more subtle essence beyond mere size.

The more space layers opened at the ninth tier, the greater the help for entering the Tenth Tier, and even the Eleventh Tier, after the inner world transformed into an inner universe.

This was also why Lin Yuan was currently crazily opening up layers of space. Although it couldn't be said that if this village was missed, there wouldn't be this store, opportunities had to be seized.

Furthermore, another reason Lin Yuan hadn't attempted to break through to the Tenth Tier was the Profound Yellow Secret Realm.

The Profound Yellow Secret Realm did not allow ninth-tier and higher powerhouses to enter, which had been the rule since the opening of the secret realm.

Even the strongest couldn't forcibly enter. Lin Yuan worried that if his essence of mind and will transformed during his shuttle between worlds, the Profound Yellow Secret Realm would sense the anomaly and 'reject' him.

Of course, this possibility was not very high.

Even if Lin Yuan really broke through to the Tenth Tier, it wouldn't have much to do with his main body.

The descent of wills was also a 'trial and error' for Lin Yuan.

But for the sake of caution and considering various factors, Lin Yuan temporarily focused on opening up space layers.

Anyway, with his current accumulation, there was no need to rush to the Tenth Tier.

Those ninth-tier peak powerhouses who had just opened up ten million layers of space were eager to try to break through to the Tenth Tier because their lifespan was approaching its limit.

They had no other choice but to do so.

Lin Yuan's lifespan was still ample, so there was no need to rush.

"The Profound Yellow Secret Realm." Lin Yuan once again sensed the situation on the side of the Sun Divine Spirit through the Gateway of Ten Thousand Worlds.

"Brother Xilan's aura has weakened by nearly a quarter," Lin Yuan estimated, knowing that Xilan could hold on for some time longer.

As for the damage caused to his main body by burning the essence of mind and will, it was not irreparable. At worst, when Lin Yuan finished his shuttle and returned to the Profound Yellow Secret Realm, he would give Xilan some opportunities.

Lin Yuan could foresee that when this shuttle ended, with his current strength, he should be able to sweep away all the ninth-tier powerhouses in the secret realm.

By then, many resources in the realm would be his for the taking.

Actually, Lin Yuan didn't need to experience this shuttle journey completely. Right now, as long as Lin Yuan returned, he could sweep the entire Profound Yellow Secret Realm.

The Sea of Light.

Hundreds of true gods sat in a spacious hall.

The fact that Lin Yuan's two major avatars had long abducted a large number of demigods had thoroughly angered the gods of the Sea of Light. Coupled with the large number of God Crystals plundered three hundred years ago, the old grudges and new hatreds made the gods itch with anger.

"My most devout believer, the seventh-tier demigod Yinmo Si, has disappeared inexplicably for over two hundred years. I can sense that he's still alive, but I don't know where he is."

A true god with a single horn scanned the many true gods around and spoke.

"My two demigod followers are the same. Who could it be? Someone capable of shielding us from sensing them?" another true god with white wings said.

"My followers are the same."

"Shielded from our senses, could they have fallen into other divine realms?"

"Is it the work of those spirits from the Dark Abyss?"

"No, the Dark Abyss also has divine constraints and wouldn't do such a thing."

The hundreds of true gods continued to converse, ultimately concluding that their followers might indeed be in other divine realms; otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to shield them from the gods' perception.

However, the divine realms here might not necessarily be inhabited by living deities; in the distant past, even the remnants of fallen gods' realms possessed similar capabilities.

"So, someone has abducted our demigod followers and hidden them in these shattered divine realms?"

"What is their intention? Why not kill them directly? Why do this?"

The true gods pondered, though the conclusion seemed incredible. But now, besides this possibility, there was no other explanation for what they had experienced.

"In the mortal realm, there are powerful demigods who have luckily obtained divine favor and acquired a shattered divine realm. However, they've started targeting our demigods, abducting them and placing them in these shattered divine realms for some purpose?"

Soon, a true god speculated on the cause and process of the events.

Although there were still many unexplained things in the middle, they had finally managed to understand the reasons.

"Now, what should we do? Where are our demigod followers, and who is the mastermind behind all this? Do we have any clues?"

A true god voiced their questions.

"Don't worry."

Just then, a true god sitting at the head spoke up.

He was a higher god, one of the most powerful divine beings beneath the main gods. He looked around the hall of gods and said slowly, "I've already sent the aura of your followers to the God of Divination over a hundred years ago, and he will deduce the final location of their existence."

With these words, a certainty settled over the assembly of gods.

The God of Divination was one of the twelve main gods of the Sea of Light.

The abilities wielded by the God of Divination were very special, namely foresight and divination.

In short, as long as the God of Divination was willing to pay the price, he could know anything in the world.

However, asking the God of Divination for help also required paying a huge price. If it weren't for the severe losses suffered by their demigod-level followers, this high god wouldn't have sought the God of Divination's assistance.

"The God of Divination told me that results will be provided soon," the high god sitting at the head said.


"In that case, we'll wait."

"We're willing to share the cost of asking the God of Divination for help."

The gods looked at each other and spoke one after another.

The high god sitting at the head showed a slight improvement in his expression upon hearing this.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, several months had passed.

The expression of the high god sitting at the head suddenly changed.

The other true gods noticed and turned their gaze towards him.

After a moment.

The expression of the high god gradually returned to normal.

Then, he looked at the other gods and said slowly, "The God of Divination has given the results."

"As expected of the God of Divination."

"This is the source of the aura that we couldn't find no matter what!"

"Where exactly did our demigod followers disappear to?"

The gods looked at the high god sitting at the head with anticipation.

"The God of Divination said that the last place where all the followers' auras disappeared is located in the Dragon Mountain Range area of the Longshan Empire on the Wanguo Plateau."

The high god stated directly.

"The Longshan Empire? That's the territory of the Order Main God."

"The Dragon Mountain Range? I recall that the lord of the Dragon Mountain Range has decent talent, and outsiders speculated that he might have obtained divine favor."

"Divine favor? I see, it's clear now. The culprit who abducted our demigod-level followers is the lord of the Dragon Mountain Range. This aligns with our previous speculation that all our followers were hidden in some shattered divine realm."

"The lord of the Dragon Mountain Range, the patriarch of the Longshan Family, a demi-god under five hundred years old. He deserves to die for this, daring to secretly act against us."

"If it weren't for the God of Divination, we would still be in the dark. That patriarch of the Longshan Family deserves to die."

The gods spoke indignantly, but they didn't act recklessly.

After all, the Dragon Mountain Range was within the jurisdiction of the Order Church, and the Order Church was the church of the Order Main God.

Before they were sure whether this matter had anything to do with the Order Main God or if the Order Main God was aware of it, they, as true gods, had to remain rational, no matter how angry they were.

"Let's go."

"We'll personally descend with our divine avatars and pay a visit to Longshan Range to see if the mighty Order Main God cares about this."

"Indeed, the revered Order Main God advocates order, and the actions of the Longshan Family's patriarch are equivalent to causing chaos. I don't believe the Order Main God is aware of this."

The gods exchanged glances and immediately reached a decision.

The twelve main gods of the Sea of Light were lofty figures, especially the Order Main God. At the level of the Order Main God, how could they possibly care about those mortal demigods?

This matter was probably orchestrated by the patriarch of the Longshan Family and had nothing to do with the Order Main God.

But regardless, the people of the Longshan Family were within the territory of the Order Church. Even if they were in the right, they should inform them.

"I've had contact with the Pope of the Order Church in the Slan Empire. Let's first ask him if he knows about this."

A true god spoke and immediately established a divine connection.

The Pope of any true god church had a very special connection with the true god himself, even being a direct descendant.

In major god churches like the Order Church, the Pope directly served as the vessel of the will of one of the subordinate divine spirits of the Order Main God.

Only in this way could they better control the entire church.

Although the subordinate divine spirit didn't have freedom, they were still divine beings. Meeting another true god on the Sea of Light was quite normal.

"We're leaving now."

"We'll demand an explanation from Longshan Range."

The hundreds of true gods in the hall each descended their divine avatars associated with their own churches and headed toward the Longshan Range in the Slan Empire.

Slan Empire.

Order Church.

The Pope suddenly opened his eyes.

"The patriarch of the Longshan Family is the culprit behind the abduction of numerous church demigod-level strongmen in recent centuries?"

"Now, there are countless divine avatars descending and rushing towards us?"

The Order Pope frowned. His true self was a divine spirit of the Sea of Light, entrusted by the Order Main God to manage the church in the mortal world.

The task given to him by the Order Main God, besides managing the church well, was to find demi-gods with enough potential to be extradited to the Sea of Light and become attached divine spirits of the main god.

In recent years, the Order Pope had the highest hopes for the patriarch of the Longshan Family.

He was young and had immense potential. Plus, he didn't show much interest in faith, which made the Order Pope eager to recruit him.

Over the years, the Order Pope had been working in this direction.


"So many true gods, disregarding their dignity, descending with their divine avatars. Isn't this nonsense?" The Order Pope immediately got up and rushed towards Longshan Range.

He also felt somewhat uncertain. Those true gods dared to mobilize like this, indicating they must have evidence. Once this matter escalated, it wouldn't be good for Longshan Yuan at all.

The Order Main God valued order the most, and order included rewards and punishments.

If Lin Yuan was truly the culprit behind the disappearance of many demigod-level strongmen from various churches over the past few centuries and the Order Main God knew, he would definitely follow the rules and not show any bias.

Ruthless and impartial, that's how you describe the Order Main God.

"We absolutely cannot let Longshan Yuan meet those divine spirits," the Order Pope decided to protect Lin Yuan.

As long as the two sides don't meet face-to-face or confront each other directly, there's room for things to calm down. At that time, it will also be easier to negotiate with the Main God.


In the blink of an eye, the Order Pope arrived at Longshan Range.

"I want to see the patriarch of Longshan," the Order Pope directly approached the front of the Longshan Hall.

"See the patriarch?" Longshan Ling and a few others immediately stepped forward to welcome him. They also knew the identity and status of the Order Pope and dared not show any negligence.


"The patriarch of Longshan may be related to the disappearance of demigods over the past few centuries. Now, there are many true gods descending with their divine avatars to come and question the patriarch of Longshan."

The Order Pope briefly explained.


"Your Holiness, there must be a misunderstanding here."

Longshan Ling and the others trembled in their hearts. Hundreds of true gods descending with their divine avatars? Those were divine avatars of true gods. Just leaking a bit of their aura would be enough to flatten Longshan Range.

Longshan Ling and the others quickly realized that the reason those true gods were willing to come and question them might be out of consideration for the face of the Order Church.

Otherwise, with the domineering nature of true gods, they could have just wiped out Longshan Range directly. Why bother asking for explanations?

"The most important thing now is to bring the patriarch of Longshan to our church before those true gods arrive, to hide for a while."

The Order Pope said quickly.

The true gods dared to come to Longshan Range to question,

but they absolutely wouldn't dare to question before the Order Church.

That's the authority of the Order Main God.


"Please hide in the church."

Longshan Ling and the others quickly found their backbone.

Immediately, they led the Order Pope and others into the Longshan Hall, to the door of the meditation room.

"Patriarch, something big has happened."

Longshan Ling immediately activated her communication method, trying to contact Lin Yuan, who was in seclusion.


Inside the meditation room, Lin Yuan silently opened his eyes.


The door opened.

Lin Yuan walked out calmly.


Longshan Ling quickly explained what had happened.

"Patriarch, you need to hurry to the church and hide," Longshan Ling said anxiously.

Even if she admired her patriarch, she didn't believe Lin Yuan could survive in front of hundreds of true gods descending with their divine avatars.

Facing the life and death crisis of the Longshan Family's pillar, how could Longshan Ling not be anxious? How could she not panic?

"Patriarch Longshan, as long as you hide in the church, I guarantee those divine spirits won't dare to force their way in," the Order Pope also hastily said.


Lin Yuan's gaze was calm and distant as he walked out of the Longshan Hall and looked towards the end of the sky.

Faintly, a terrifying and majestic aura was rapidly approaching from a distance, as if a mighty force was descending.


Lin Yuan raised his right hand, his sleeve fluttering. With a gentle flick forward, when he retracted his hand, hundreds of 'introduction' figures had appeared in his palm at some point.

"Shall I hide?"

(The end of this chapter)

Chapter 319: God Among Men (Please Subscribe)

The vast expanse of the world.

Hundreds of powerful figures' auras soared towards Longshan Range.

As incarnations of divine power descended from the Light Ocean, each figure on the scene symbolized a true god.

Even though they were just incarnations, their strength far surpassed the peak of demigods, approaching the level of eighth-grade true gods.

Especially the dozen or so figures at the forefront were incarnations of upper-grade gods, and their aura fluctuations had reached the threshold of true gods.

Even among eighth-grade true gods, there was a vast difference in strength, depending on the rules and authority of their own divine nature, as well as the purity of their divine power.

Of course, the most important thing was how much faith they had gathered.

Faith was the foundation of every true god. With the power of sentient beings, demigods could only condense and elevate divine kingdoms with the faith they received.

In the distant past, there were countless divine wars between the true gods of the Light Ocean and the Abyss of Darkness, essentially for the sake of vying for faith.

"Wait a moment."

After flying for a while, hundreds of incarnations of divine power faintly sensed that something was wrong.

Especially those incarnations of upper-grade gods, they furrowed their brows, constantly surveying their surroundings.

As true gods, their realm was there, even as incarnations of divine power, they had a keen perception of space. At this moment, some true gods had already sensed something.

"The space has changed."

"The space in the mortal realm is not like this."

"Exactly, I also find it very strange."

"Could it be that we didn't arrive in the mortal realm?"

"Impossible. The 'anchor' of our divine incarnations is the major churches of the mortal realm. How could it not be the mortal realm?"

True gods quickly communicated with each other, looking around at their surroundings, feeling unprecedentedly unfamiliar.

"Don't make noise."

After pondering for a moment, an upper-grade god spoke up, "According to our speed, we should have arrived at Longshan Range long ago. But now, where is Longshan Range?"

As soon as this was said, all the other true gods' expressions became solemn.


The speed of true gods was incredibly fast. Even though the Ten Thousand Nations Plateau was vast and boundless, a large group of true gods flying for so long should have arrived.

The flight of true gods was not simply flying in the physical sense, but a 'teleportation' flight that compressed space distance.

"What does this mean?"

"Has Longshan Range been moved?"

Some true gods, mostly lower-grade ones who didn't have much perception of spatial essence, hadn't reacted yet.

"It's not that Longshan Range has been moved."

"It's that we've been moved."

"I don't know when, but under our noses, we've been moved into a sealed space."

An upper-grade god voiced his speculation.

Although this speculation was unbelievable, to move them in front of so many true gods was as fantastical as a fairy tale.

But apart from this possibility, the upper-grade god couldn't think of any other explanation.

"If you don't believe it, you can try to return to the Light Ocean."

This upper-grade god glanced at the gods, whose expressions were full of disbelief, and added another sentence.

The Light Ocean was not located anywhere in the mortal realm but in another spatial layer.

So no matter how demigods searched, they couldn't find the Light Ocean where the gods lived, nor the Abyss of Darkness.

It was just that for demigods, the Light Ocean, with their deity as a 'coordinate,' seemed to be far away, but for the gods present, it was within arm's reach.

With their deity as a 'coordinate,' many incarnations of divine power on the scene could easily locate the spatial layer where the Light Ocean was located.

In the end, breaking open the space is the only way to enter.

"I don't believe it. Are there really such powerful beings in the mortal realm who can easily move us?"

"Exactly. I'm returning to the Light Ocean now."

"Besides the great God, it's impossible for anyone else to move us at the same time!"

A large number of true incarnations immediately broke through the space, wanting to enter the Light Ocean and reunite with their deity.


The space was indeed broken open.

But moments later.

All the incarnations of divine power reappeared in the main space with pale faces.

Through their recent attempt, these incarnations of divine power were shocked to discover that they could indeed vaguely sense the location of the Light Ocean.

But they couldn't go there.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier between them.

Or rather, all their incarnations of divine power were within a space prison.

This speculation made many incarnations of divine power look unpleasant, even with a hint of fear.

If the speculation was true, then who would be the one behind this action? The main God? Would the main God be so bored as to come and tease them?

If it wasn't the main God, then who would it be?

Outside the Longshan Hall.

Under the gaze of the Order Pope and several core members of the Longshan family, Lin Yuan reached into the void with his right hand and produced hundreds of 'Intermediary' figures in his palm, resembling headless flies.

"Chief, if what the Pope said is true, and a large number of true god incarnations are about to arrive, then hiding in the Order Church is the most urgent matter."

"Chief, there are many doubts about the disappearance of many demigods. Right now, the priority should be to protect ourselves."

The core members of the Longshan family, including Longshan Ling, continued to advise earnestly.

They knew the importance of Lin Yuan to the Longshan family. Anyone in the Longshan family could have problems, or even be destroyed.

But Lin Yuan absolutely could not have any problems. With Lin Yuan present, rebuilding the Longshan family would be a matter of moments. Without Lin Yuan, even if everyone in the Longshan family survived, they would only be waiting to be divided by other forces.

As for Lin Yuan's earlier words, "Would we hide?" In the ears of Longshan Ling and others, it should be a denial of his involvement in the disappearance of many demigods.

But at this moment, whether what Lin Yuan had done mattered anymore, with so many incarnations of true gods descending, accidentally killing Lin Yuan was entirely possible.

The core members of the Longshan family, including Longshan Ling, also saw the hundreds of 'Intermediary' figures in the Chief's palm, but they didn't pay much attention. The top priority now was to follow the Order Pope and hide in the Order Church before the many incarnations of true gods arrived.

Only by relying on the mighty Order God could they deter those incarnations of true gods.

Next to him, the Order Pope was also feeling anxious. The arrival of hundreds of incarnations of true gods was also a pressure for him.

With the identity of an attached deity of the Order God, the Order Pope dared to assert that those incarnations of true gods wouldn't dare to lay a hand on him.

But Lin Yuan...

First of all, Lin Yuan was not a follower of the Order God. If he was really involved in the disappearance of demigods, the Order Pope had no reason to protect him.

Only by entering the Order Church could they use the majesty of the Order God to deter those incarnations of true gods.

"Chief of the Longshan Family, time is of the essence." The Order Pope looked at Lin Yuan, already having the idea of forcibly bringing Lin Yuan into the church.

Lin Yuan's publicly known strength was that of a demigod, but the Order Pope's true form was a true god of the Light Ocean. Although he was just an attached deity of the main god, his strength was stronger than that of a lower-level god.

At this moment, although his body was just a mortal vessel, forcibly taking away a demigod was still not a problem.

"Chief of the Longshan Family, forgive me."

The Order Pope took a deep breath. Before taking action, he subconsciously glanced at Lin Yuan's right palm.


The Order Pope glanced at it again.

And then glanced for the third time.

The fourth glance.

The fifth glance.

Until the end, the Order Pope stared fixedly at Lin Yuan's right palm.

Within the palm, hundreds of 'Intermediary' figures, resembling headless flies, kept darting around but couldn't escape the palm's range.

For a demigod, this wasn't strange at all. Capturing small creatures like flies and trapping them in the palm was simple.

But the Order Pope was sweating profusely at this moment.

If Lin Yuan's palm was magnified billions of times, and then those 'Intermediary' figures within were magnified billions of times...

They would discover that these 'Intermediary' figures all possessed overwhelming power, far surpassing the peak of demigods.

"True god incarnations?"

The Order Pope felt a bit absurd.

True god incarnations were the continuation of a true god's will. Even the true god incarnations of lower-level gods approached the threshold of eighth-level true gods in terms of strength.

But now, these true god incarnations were struggling in Lin Yuan's palm like ants?

How could this be possible?

"No, something's not right."

The Order Pope immediately looked towards the end of the sky.

Just now, or more precisely, before Lin Yuan extended his right hand and those hundreds of 'Intermediary' figures appeared in his palm, the Order Pope could clearly sense terrifying auras rapidly approaching Longshan Ridge.

It should be those true god incarnations who came to investigate.

But now.

All their auras had disappeared without a trace.

The Order Pope initially thought that these true god incarnations were deliberately restraining their auras due to fear of the Order Church.

But now, as the Order Pope stared at the struggling 'Intermediary' figures in Lin Yuan's palm and the sudden disappearance of the divine incarnations' auras, a terrifying thought suddenly surfaced in his mind.

At the same time.

The Order Pope's true form in the Light Ocean began to contact those gods who came to investigate.

Although the incarnations of these true gods were trapped in Lin Yuan's palm, their true forms were still free, but chaotic at the moment.

"All the divine incarnations of true gods are trapped in an unknown and vast space, unable to escape or return to the Light Ocean."

"Some true gods wonder if it's the main god of the Dark Abyss who intervened?"

The Order Pope uncontrollably swallowed, his gaze still fixed on Lin Yuan's right palm.

Trapped in an unknown and vast space?

Is it Lin Yuan's palm?

The Order Pope's mind was in turmoil, unable to maintain a calm demeanor.

Because it was too unimaginable.

Just a demigod like the Chief of Longshan could easily trap hundreds of true god incarnations by simply raising and retracting his right hand?

This was beyond what true gods could do. Even a powerful upper-level god couldn't achieve such a feat.

This was the main god.

The domain of a ninth-level main god.

The Order Pope even vaguely felt that it might not be difficult for a ninth-level main god to kill hundreds of true gods, but to casually manipulate them like Lin Yuan did in the spatial realm, perhaps even a main god who wasn't adept in spatial matters might not achieve it so effortlessly?

Defeating and killing were two different matters.

Killing and manipulating were also two different matters.

"Chief of Longshan, you... you..." The voice of the Order Pope trembled as he looked at Lin Yuan's back, his gaze filled with astonishment.


"The true god incarnations won't come."

Lin Yuan glanced at the Order Pope, then at the bewildered core members of the Longshan family like Longshan Ling.

Then Lin Yuan slightly raised his right hand, bringing his face closer to his palm, and gently sucked.

Within the palm world.

After the initial panic, hundreds of true god incarnations immediately began to try to join forces to break the prison and return to the mortal realm.

The capacity of space is limited. Even the vast mortal realm would have its spatial layers torn apart under the battles of the gods.

And this space that currently trapped them should be no exception.

As long as hundreds of true god incarnations united, the power they could unleash would reach the level of upper-level gods.

Even if they couldn't tear apart the prison, they might be able to shake it a bit, providing them with an opportunity.

However, after numerous attempts by the true god incarnations, tearing through millions of layers of space in this prison, they still couldn't see the end of it.

"Which god of the Dark Abyss created such a heavy space prison?"

A true god incarnation couldn't help but speak. Initially, they didn't think it was the main gods because the main gods wouldn't be so bored.

But as they continued to probe and understand this space prison, their astonishment grew. Apart from the main gods, who else could create such a space prison?

"What do we do now?"

"Seek help from the main god of my Light Ocean?"

Many true incarnations appeared helpless.


At this moment.

A face suddenly appeared in the sky, occupying half of the firmament.

The eye of this face was as large as the sun. Even though it emitted no aura, it made all the god incarnations on the scene shudder.

Before the true incarnations could react, the colossal face gently sucked.

Terrifying power instantly filled every inch of space. All the true incarnations disintegrated, not even the incarnations of upper-level gods could withstand it for a moment.

These true incarnations were made of pure divine energy, not flesh and blood. They returned to their origins, transforming into a vast amount of pure energy, pouring into the 'mouth' of that colossal face.


Lin Yuan 'consumed' all the divine incarnations. With his current size, the energy contained in these divine incarnations was no more than a dessert after a meal, merely a taste.


Lin Yuan patted his right hand, glanced at the stiff Order Pope and the still bewildered core members of the Longshan family, and said, "There's no danger now."

"You guys go do whatever you need to do."

After saying this, Lin Yuan walked straight into the Longshan Hall. Dealing with hundreds of true god incarnations posed no difficulty for him.

As a ninth-order being who had opened up ninety million layers of space, Lin Yuan's expertise in spatial matters might even surpass some tenth-order powerhouses in the main world, let alone in this parallel world.


The core members of the Longshan family blinked, still not recovering. What did it mean that there was no danger? Didn't the Order Pope just say that there were many true god incarnations about to come and demand answers?

"Pope, what's going on?"

Longshan Ling looked towards the Order Pope beside him, still somewhat anxious.

The Order Pope.

(The end of this chapter)

Chapter 320: On the Verge of Collapse (Subscribe Request)

"Yeah, Pope, what's going on?"

Other members of the Longshan family were also puzzled.

They had absolute trust in Lin Yuan. Just a moment ago, hundreds of true incarnations were about to arrive, and the destruction of the Longshan family seemed imminent.

And now there's no danger? The sudden turn of events was too fast.

"What's going on?"

The Order Pope remained silent.

In his mind flashed scenes of Lin Yuan gently sucking, causing all the 'Jiezi' figures within his palm to collapse and merge into his mouth.

Those 'Jiezi' figures were all true god incarnations, right? Some of them were no weaker than normal true gods, even some upper-level god incarnations.

Yet, they ended up in such a state.

The Order Pope felt a tremor in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he hadn't acted just now. Otherwise, even if he didn't die, he would probably have been swept aside by Lin Yuan.

"How could Chief Longshan be so powerful?" The Order Pope looked up at the sky.

Countless stars hung there, the divine realms of the gods of the Light Ocean and the Dark Abyss.

The number of gods is limited, so the divine realms are also limited, and the stars in the sky are also limited.

In this world, some demigods carefully collect faith, hoping to evade the detection of the gods. But once they step into true godhood and raise their divine realms, they can't hide anymore.

Because the divine realms are too conspicuous, hanging high in the sky like stars. There's only a fixed number of them, and every additional one would attract the attention of the gods.

Yet, in the past few hundred or even thousand years, no new stars have appeared in the sky.

This implies that no new gods have been born.

From this, it can be inferred that Chief Longshan has not become a god, at least not raising a divine realm.

But without raising a divine realm, how could Chief Longshan be so powerful? The Order Pope felt his understanding shattering. Chief Longshan wasn't a god, so how could he kill gods like swatting flies?

The Order Pope steadied his mind, suppressed his thoughts, and looked at Longshan Ling and other core members of the Longshan family, who were full of doubts and confusion.

"Chief Longshan is right."

"There's no danger now."

The Order Pope said reluctantly.


All the danger was swallowed by Chief Longshan in one gulp.


"Is it really safe now?"

Longshan Ling and the others breathed a sigh of relief but became even more curious.

"Chief Longshan dealt with all those true god incarnations. Those 'Jiezi' figures in Chief Longshan's palm just now were those true incarnations."

After a moment of silence, the Order Pope patiently explained.

He had a feeling that from today onwards, Chief Longshan's reputation would resound throughout the Light Ocean and the Dark Abyss.

"Those things were true god incarnations?"

Longshan Ling and the others were a bit dumbfounded. "True god incarnations are so weak?"

As soon as they spoke, they realized their mistake.

It's not that true god incarnations are weak, but their chief is too strong. Compared to Chief Longshan, the invincible true god incarnations seemed weak and feeble.

"I'll leave first."

The Order Pope took a deep look at the Longshan Hall before turning and leaving.

What he witnessed was too incredible, and he needed to report it to the Order Main God as soon as possible.

In fact, he didn't need to report it. This matter couldn't be hidden at all. The true gods, the original gods who were swallowed by Lin Yuan, had already caused a sensation.

This incident would spread among the gods at a terrifying speed, not limited to the Light Ocean.

In the Light Ocean.

Inside the winding palaces.

Hundreds of true gods looked at each other, their hearts filled with shock.

"My divine incarnation is dead."

"Mine too. I can't sense anything anymore."

"That colossal face that appeared last, it looks a bit like the chief of the Longshan family, doesn't it?"

"Not just like, it should be the chief of the Longshan family."

The true gods felt their scalps tingling. As eighth-level true gods, their memories wouldn't be wrong. If that colossal face were reduced by billions of times, it would be the chief of the Longshan family.

And with their divine incarnations, they were on their way to Longshan Ridge to demand answers from the chief of the Longshan family when they were moved into the spatial prison.

Under the convergence of many clues, one possibility emerged.

That is, the one who attacked them was the chief of the Longshan family.

The one they regarded as insignificant, wanting to burn his soul in the divine realm of the gods for countless years like a mere demigod.

To be honest, the gods never took Chief Longshan seriously, even though he might have been the mastermind behind the disappearance of demigods in recent years.

But a demigod is still a demigod.

No matter how powerful a demigod is, as long as they haven't gathered faith and raised a divine realm, they are still ants.

But now.

The ant in the eyes of the gods has unexpectedly transformed into a towering dragon?


"He hasn't become a god, how could he be this powerful?"

"Yeah, that Longshan Chief isn't even a true god, why is he so strong?"

Even with many pieces of evidence laid out before them, some true gods still found it hard to believe.

They've endured countless hardships, finally raised their divine realms, and entered the Light Ocean, becoming gods revered by all living beings.

And now this?

"I want to see the main god, find out the reason behind this, why is that Longshan Chief so powerful?"

"Yes, but which main god should we go to?"

"Let's go see the divination god. There's nothing he doesn't know, and he'll surely know the origin of that Longshan Chief."

True gods immediately rose from their seats.

Among the twelve main gods of the Light Ocean, the divination god is the most special and also the one with the best temperament.

The other main gods, such as the Order Main God, the Magic Web Goddess, and the Rainbow Dragon God, are almost purely rational, usually either sleeping or in seclusion.

Only the divination god sometimes helps them understand things.

Earlier, the gods asked the divination god to deduce the final whereabouts of the disappeared demigods.

Now it seems that this deduction was obviously correct. With the strength of the Longshan Chief, secretly abducting some demigods is too easy.

"Could that Longshan Chief be a god who nearly fell before the long years passed, and even the divine realm fell into the mortal realm?"

A true god speculated.

In the distant past, there were several divine wars, and many gods fell, and divine realms fell into the mortal realm.

But falling into the mortal realm doesn't mean certain death. As long as there are still believers in the mortal realm, fallen gods still have the possibility of returning.

Of course, this possibility is extremely low, just a theoretical possibility that has never actually occurred.

But the Longshan Chief is just too powerful, so some true gods couldn't help but think in this direction.

"Regardless of whether he's a fallen god from the past, everything will be clear when we see the divination god." A true god replied.

They have absolute trust in the divination god.

Longshan Hall.

Inside the cultivation chamber.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged again.

"The taste of divine incarnations is better than pure 'divine crystals'."

Lin Yuan pursed his lips, casually commenting in his mind. Even placed in the main universe, the pure energy contained in these divine incarnations far surpasses that of 'Chi Ling Liquid'.

"It's a pity it's just an incarnation. If it were the true god himself... At least I could try the effect of the true god level."

Lin Yuan felt a bit regretful in his heart.

With his current strength, the divine incarnations of the true gods are no different from their true selves. The absolute spatial control brought by nearly one hundred million spatial layers allows Lin Yuan to crush any true god or even main god on the level of spatial manipulation.

"But it won't be long."

"When I fully comprehend the last bit of spatial essence of the demigod level."

Lin Yuan secretly thought to himself. In his eyes, the spatial essence contained in the demigod level corresponds to the spatial essence of this world.

It's like a TV. Demigods only know how to use this TV to watch shows.

But Lin Yuan can deduce a complete modern industrial chain through the TV itself, thereby comprehending the entire modern industry.

Of course, the spatial essence of a world is much more difficult than an industrial chain, just a metaphor.

The spatial essence corresponding to the demigod level belongs to the basic part. Lin Yuan needs to fully comprehend it all before he can efficiently comprehend the spatial essence corresponding to the true god level.


In the depths of Lin Yuan's eyes, layers of spatial layers were faintly visible being opened up.

The spatial layers within his body were also rapidly developing, with new spatial layers being born almost every moment.


Suddenly, Lin Yuan stopped comprehending and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

"Have you seen enough?" Lin Yuan muttered to himself.


Invisible forces converged.

A tall, cold-eyed, stunning woman appeared.

The moment this woman appeared, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to recede, and a breath surpassing that of true gods spread out.

"The Magic Web Goddess?"

Lin Yuan looked at the stunning woman not far away without any surprise.

Who was the first to notice when Lin Yuan made a move against many divine incarnations? The divine incarnations in the Light Ocean? Or the Order Pope right beside Lin Yuan?


The first to notice the anomaly was this Magic Web Goddess, one of the twelve main gods of the Light Ocean, who envelops the entire mortal world with her magic web.

Where the magic web covers is within the perception range of the Magic Web Goddess.

When Lin Yuan made a move against the Lust Church, and his divine soul personally descended to the headquarters of the Lust Church, it was because of fear of this Magic Web Goddess, worrying that the eruption of too powerful a force would attract her attention.

"Longshan Chief, what is your true origin?" The Magic Web Goddess's beautiful eyes showed a hint of strangeness as she looked at Lin Yuan and asked slowly.

As main gods, towering above all, overlooking both mortals and gods, there aren't many things in the world that can stir their emotions.

But Lin Yuan is definitely one of them right now.

"What is my origin, you'll know in a while."

"I will personally enter the Light Ocean. I hope you main gods won't disappoint me when the time comes."

Lin Yuan couldn't be bothered to communicate with these main gods. With a lift of his right hand, the terrifying power of the world gathered the power of multiple spatial layers, sweeping away everything.

The Magic Web Goddess in front of him was just an incarnation condensed by the magic web covering the mortal world, naturally unable to withstand Lin Yuan's casual strike.

"Magic web?"

Lin Yuan looked around, his mind slightly moved.

His own power spread out in all directions, driving away the ubiquitous magic web. As for how the members of the Longshan family would communicate without the magic web, with Lin Yuan's strength, he could completely reconstruct a new "communication network" to replace the original magic web.

Light Ocean.

True gods gathered in front of the majestic temple of the divination god.

The things they had experienced not long ago had already spread among the gods, and it was difficult for a newcomer as powerful as a main god to not attract attention.

So at this moment, more than just hundreds of true gods gathered in front of the temple, at least eighty percent of the true gods in the entire Light Ocean were drawn here.

Even the will of the main gods was watching from a distance.

At this time, the doors of the temple were pushed open.

The divination god, wearing a white robe, walked out.

"I already know your intentions." The divination god was an old man with white hair, his tone gentle, his gaze warm.

"Want to know the origin of that Longshan Chief, this matter is not difficult." The divination god's tone was calm, but curiosity also arose in his heart.

Previously, he only divined the last traces of those disappeared demigods, and stopped divining and deducing when it came to Longshan Ridge.

Unexpectedly, this matter would cause such a big disturbance.

"Thank you, divination god."

"The divination god knows everything. The origin of that Longshan Chief will surely appear before us soon."

The true gods were excited. The display of strength by the Longshan Chief was not inferior to that of a main god. Why such a strong individual was in the mortal realm made the gods very curious.

"Then I'll begin."

The divination god smiled faintly and silently recited the name of the Longshan Chief and the specific location of Longshan Ridge.

Finally, he activated the power of deduction from his main god level within him, borrowing the rules and avenues of this world to investigate the true origin of the Longshan Chief.


Scenes appeared before the divination god.

They were all events that happened in Longshan Ridge in the past.

These events began to unfold before the divination god in a way that reversed time.

One hundred years.

Two hundred years.

Three hundred years.

Four hundred years.

In an instant, time reached between four to five hundred years.

"What is the true origin?" The divination god's expression was slightly expectant.

The essence of divination is time, using the time main god level within the divination god to trace back the past.

So the divination god has the title of knowing everything.

After all, as long as the time goes back far enough, there are no secrets for the divination god.

Among the twenty-four main gods of the Light Ocean and the Dark Abyss, the divination god's combat strength may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the most difficult to kill.

Watching the past has enabled the divination god to master countless life-saving methods.


Time continued to reverse.

Just when it reached a certain point.

The slowly reversing time fell into a stalemate.


The divination god's complexion changed slightly. He had never encountered such a situation before.

The time reversal could actually resist him.

The divination god quickly watched the scene. The young Longshan Chief was lying on the bed, suddenly opening his eyes.

The next moment.

The reversing time seemed to touch something unimaginable.

The entire river of time began to ripple. The divination god's face changed wildly, and he clearly felt a backlash from the river of time, almost devouring him.

With a soft sound.

The divination god's face turned as white as paper, his breath continuously plummeted, and cracks appeared in the time main god level within him.

In the sky.

The giant star representing the divination god, which almost illuminated one-tenth of the sky, suddenly began to shake violently.

It was on the verge of collapse.

End of chapter.

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