

Chapter 313: Curse (Seeking Subscriptions)

"How did I, with my limited abilities, manage to attract a main god to descend?"

In the high sky, the soul of the Lust Goddess trembled. The twenty-four main gods of the Ocean of Light and the Abyss of Darkness had not intervened in worldly affairs for countless millennia.

To the main gods, those demi-gods who secretly spread faith were akin to maggots hiding in dark corners, to be cleared out periodically.

The Lust Goddess had escaped several sieges by the Order Church not because of her own strength, but because the main god of Order didn't even bother to consider her a threat.

Of course, luck played a part as well.

"Which of the twenty-four main gods is it?"

Maintaining her frantic escape, the Lust Goddess struggled to calm her mind.

She felt that the god who had acted probably wasn't specifically targeting her, but rather casually dealt with the Lust Church.

"Fortunately, I didn't stay in the church."

A look of relief washed over the Lust Goddess's face. If she had stayed, facing that short, chubby man? The Lust Goddess felt she wouldn't have been any different from the other worshippers and believers.

"I can't go back to the Wangu Plateau."

The Lust Goddess felt like a frightened bird. "Although the cost of this ordeal was severe, at least I survived."

The Lust Goddess's face brightened. "Since I survived, there's hope to gather faith and elevate the divine realm."

Underground palace in Anpu City.

Standing before the idol, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes. "I've found you."

Through the causal connection with the Lust Goddess, Lin Yuan, separated by billions of miles, pinpointed the Lust Goddess's approximate location.

"Not on the Wangu Plateau?"

Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow. "No problem."

As long as he used causality to lock onto the Lust Goddess's location, it would be easy.


Lin Yuan's expression grew slightly solemn. Following the rules of causality, tracing back from cause to effect, a terrifying force crossed billions of miles in an instant.

The art of cursing was a certain application of causal rules.

To curse someone, you needed a 'medium', which could be an object or the causality between two entities. Secondly, the realm of the one casting the curse had to be at least two levels higher than the one being cursed. The Lust Goddess was a Seventh-Level demi-god, and Lin Yuan's true realm was Ninth Rank, meeting the conditions for cursing.

Lastly, once the curse succeeded, the caster had to withstand the backlash from causal rules, paying a sufficient amount of lifespan as the price.

The limitations of cursing were significant, and its appearance in the main universe was not frequent because of the high cost. Furthermore, it wasn't a permanent kill; if the one cursed had high enough talent, they could still be 'revived' by a superior.

In the high sky.

The Lust Goddess was rejoicing at surviving under the hands of a main god when her expression suddenly changed drastically.

In her perception, an intangible and irresistible force descended in an instant.


Before the Lust Goddess could form any thoughts, her body and soul disintegrated together, permanently disappearing from this world.


Lin Yuan sensed that the 'causal' connection with the Lust Goddess had completely disappeared, confirming that she had died.

If the Lust Goddess had any other means of survival, the 'causal' connection between them would still exist. Determining whether the other party had died through causality was the mainstream method among the strong in the main universe.



Lin Yuan furrowed his brows slightly, vaguely sensing that a tiny bit of his lifespan had vanished into thin air.

Roughly equivalent to a thousand years.

"To curse a mere Seventh-Level life requires a thousand years of my lifespan?" Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. This was indeed not worth it.

Unless there was some deep-seated enmity. But for a Ninth-Rank powerhouse to kill a Seventh-Rank, there were far too many methods available, and the cost-benefit ratio of cursing was the lowest.

"Just a thousand years of lifespan."

Lin Yuan didn't care. If it were in the main world, he might have felt sorry for those thousand years of lifespan, but in the world of traversal?

With a known maximum residence time of only 1,111 years, lifespan was the most meaningless thing to Lin Yuan.

Precisely because of this, Lin Yuan didn't hesitate to use the curse on the Lust Goddess, especially since lifespans in this world were practically free.

"But in this world, the Eighth-Level divine spirits, being embodiments of collective faith, seem to have no concept of lifespan?" Lin Yuan pondered silently.

Under the restrictions of this world's rules, Fourth and Fifth-Level knights struggle to live beyond two hundred years, while Sixth-Level legendary knights find it difficult to survive past a millennium.

A thousand years is the maximum lifespan limit for beings in this world.

As for Seventh-Level demi-gods? Once they ignite their divine flame, their essence of life begins to change. As long as the divine flame of a Seventh-Level demi-god remains lit, they won't die. Normally, a Seventh-Level demi-god can easily live for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Although they are still far inferior to the Seventh-Rank evolutionists in the main world, compared to mortals, they are considered immortal.

While Seventh-Level demi-gods can easily live for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, they will still perish if they don't establish a divine realm.

As for Eighth-Level true gods, and even Ninth-Level main gods, throughout eternity, aside from divine wars, there hasn't been any mention of a true god dying of old age.

"The Lust Church has been dealt with."

"It's time to go back."

Lin Yuan glanced around the grand hall and then turned to leave.

Taking action against the Lust Church was firstly due to the grudge between Longshan Yuan and them, and secondly, because the area around Longshan Ridge was the base where Lin Yuan conducted his operations during this traversal.

Having such an unstable factor like the Lust Church nearby was not acceptable. Who knows what trouble they might cause? They might even attract the attention of the Order Church again.

The Order Church is a church of the main gods, and until Lin Yuan has restored himself to the Ninth Rank, he is not keen on interacting with beings at the level of the main gods.

Now that Lin Yuan had the strength to deal with it, it was only natural to wipe out the Lust Church.

"Clean up all those bodies."

With a thought, all the bodies and bloodstains in the palace disappeared.

If it weren't for this underground palace being directly under Anpu City, any disturbance would affect this prosperous city.

Lin Yuan even thought about making the entire palace disappear.

"That's about it."

"Even if someone investigates here later, they'll at most think the Lust Church has relocated again."

Lin Yuan stood at the exit of the palace and glanced back.

The movements of the Lust Church in Anpu City were secretive, but not completely without traces. Lin Yuan's intervention would surely be traced afterward.

However, they could only trace it back. Lin Yuan had already fabricated the scene, and outsiders wouldn't imagine that the entire Lust Church and their Lust Goddess had vanished from the world.

"Demon Web."

Lin Yuan faintly sensed the power that enveloped the world, belonging to one of the twenty-four main gods, the Goddess of the Demon Web.

Constructing a web that covers the entire mortal world, the more lives used in the web, the more faith power it provides to the Goddess of the Demon Web.

To Lin Yuan, the Demon Web wasn't just for communication; it was the 'eyes' of the Goddess of the Demon Web.

If it weren't for the fear of the Demon Web's perception, and the inability to use too powerful a force, Lin Yuan wouldn't have needed to personally enter the underground palace.

He could have erased the entire Lust Church from outside.

Longshan City.

Lin Yuan was chatting with his parents.

A century had passed, and Longshan Yuan and his wife were still living well, without any signs of aging, thanks to Lin Yuan secretly nurturing them with the power of the world.

The suppression of lifespan in this world was too severe, but with the power of the world, Lin Yuan was confident that Longshan Yuan and his wife could live up to the maximum lifespan.

That is, the millennium that only Sixth-Level legendary knights can hope to reach.

As for more? According to the rules of this world, they would need to ignite their divine flame and change their life form.

However, given Longshan Yuan and his wife's aptitude, that was obviously impossible. Otherwise, they would have to become like Lin Yuan, advancing to the Seventh or Eighth Rank in martial arts, which would also greatly extend their lifespan.

But that was obviously more difficult.

At this moment.

The sun's divine essence transformed into strands of solar power and returned to Lin Yuan's body.

Lin Yuan glanced in the direction of Anpu City.

"Son, what's wrong with you?" Longshan Yuan looked at Lin Yuan and asked.

"Nothing, just dealt with a small matter."

Lin Yuan casually replied, having wiped out the Lust Church. There would certainly be no trouble in Longshan Ridge in the future, saving him some worry.

After chatting with his parents for a while longer, Lin Yuan returned to the practice room.


The lunar and solar divine essences appeared opposite him.

Facing each other, Lin Yuan and the two divine essences sat down.

Since he hadn't restored his peak strength, Lin Yuan hadn't brought the mysterious gourd with him. The two divine essences were still in a soul state and hadn't transformed into flesh and blood entities using the illusionary reality technique.

"My cultivation speed is still too slow now. I need to quickly restore myself to the Ninth Rank and then open up more space layers."

Lin Yuan felt a lot of pressure. After all, he and Xilan were still being chased by Huyi within the Mysterious Yellow Realm. Although they were safe for the time being due to the special environment of the realm, who knew what unexpected changes might occur?

If possible, Lin Yuan didn't want his solar divine essence to disappear. The call of the Mysterious Yellow Realm still made him quite excited.

"To advance from the Eighth to the Ninth Rank, for me, is just the accumulation of energy. As long as I have sufficient energy, I can quickly return to the Ninth Rank."

Lin Yuan glanced at the eternal stars in the sky. They were the divine realms of the true gods and theoretically contained infinite energy.

But now, Lin Yuan wasn't suitable for directly opposing the other gods.

"It seems I can only rely on those churches." Lin Yuan thought silently.

Churches are the earthly representatives of the gods, also spreading faith on behalf of the gods.

Although those Seventh-Level demi-gods are also establishing churches, compared to the true god churches, they are simply insignificant.

True god churches have means to communicate with true gods, and can summon divine incarnations when necessary.

Although divine incarnations cannot use the power of the true gods' divine realms, they far surpass Seventh-Level demi-gods and are powerful enough to walk among mortals.

However, supporting divine incarnations requires a large amount of energy. Therefore, every true god church reserves a large amount of "divine crystals" to summon divine incarnations at any time.

In order to compete for faith, conflicts occasionally arise among the gods, and even battles between divine incarnations may occur.

Lin Yuan's goal is the "divine crystals" stored by major churches. These are extremely pure energy, even purer than the "Taiwei Clear Crystal" in the main world.

"Next, go and find the 'divine crystals'."

As soon as Lin Yuan had the thought, the incarnations of the two divine essences understood his meaning. After all, they shared the same consciousness and didn't need to communicate.

The incarnations of the two divine essences were soul bodies, free to come and go as they pleased, making them perfect for this kind of operation.

Underground palace in Anpu City.

At this moment, members of the Order Church stood at the entrance.

"This palace should be one of the strongholds of the Lust Cult, but for some reason, it's been abandoned."

A bishop of the Order Church frowned. The Lust Cult had caused quite a stir in the imperial capital in the past, with many royal nobles indulging in the cult's pleasures.

Later, the Order Church discovered that behind the Lust Cult, there were demi-gods secretly collecting faith, so they decisively besieged and almost wiped them out.

The remnants of the Lust Cult withdrew from the imperial capital. Over the years, the Order Church had been searching for traces of the Lust Cult. Recently, the activity in Anpu City had caught the attention of the Order Church.

When the Order Church came to investigate, they finally confirmed that the Lust Cult had once stayed in Anpu City.

"Bishop, it's been thoroughly investigated. There are no clues in the palace. It seems that the cult has deliberately erased all traces."

A member of the Order Church approached and said in a low voice.

"It seems so."

"The Lust Cult really did voluntarily leave."

The bishop of the Order Church nodded slightly. The palace was too clean. He deduced that this place was indeed one of the strongholds of the Lust Cult from the murals on the walls and remnants of certain rituals.


The bishop of the Order Church, Laine, furrowed his brow slightly.

Currently, all the clues pointed to the Lust Cult voluntarily withdrawing.

But Bishop Laine realized something was amiss. Why would the Lust Cult retreat?

Clearly, the Order Church had not yet discovered them, and the Lust Cult could have hidden here and continued to develop slowly. Why did they suddenly withdraw?

Bishop Laine had dealt with the Lust Cult many times before, and even led the siege against them in the past.

Therefore, Bishop Laine had a deep understanding of the Lust Cult. It was a cult with significant influence, controlling sentient beings through their desires and ultimately dominating their minds.

It operated silently and subtly. Even the most resolute individuals found it difficult to resist the "corruption" of the Lust Cult.

Once assimilated by "lust," one could provide faith to the Lust Cult's lustful goddess.

If allowed to develop further, the Lust Cult and its lustful goddess would undoubtedly produce a powerful true god.

"However what?"

"The Lust Cult, like a rat crossing the street, won't run unless it's facing us?"

Another bishop beside him shook his head slightly and said.


Bishop Laine thought for a moment. Although he didn't understand why the Lust Cult retreated so cleanly, these cultists' minds had always been erratic and irrational, and could not be reasoned with using common sense.

"However, the Lust Cult's abandonment of Anpu City means they must be hiding elsewhere. Next, we need to search all regions of the empire and try to find the cult's new stronghold."

Bishop Laine ordered.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 314: Peak (Seeking Subscriptions)

After the Lust Cult withdrew, the Order Church made inquiries in Anpu City and the surrounding territories as usual.

That matter was considered completely resolved.

Lin Yuan's life returned to calmness.

In Longshan City, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in the center of the practice field.

"The rules of time. Scholars of human civilization have summarized 2,173 models of time rules based on the essence of time rules."

Lin Yuan contemplated. Compared to the nearly ten thousand models of spatial rules, there were far fewer models of time rules, but they were much more difficult to comprehend.

Even if one comprehended 2,173 models of time rules, it didn't mean they had fully grasped the complete time rules.

To fully understand the complete time rules, one needed to reach the final step on their own.

The 2,173 models of time rules merely pointed evolutionists in a direction for comprehending time rules.

"I haven't yet restored to Ninth Rank, so I can't open up spatial layers, but I'm making significant progress in time rules."

Lin Yuan felt strangely satisfied. Over the past hundred years, he had comprehended over a hundred models of time rules, approaching a state of "attainment."

This was a depth of understanding usually possessed by Tenth Rank evolutionists.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan also had deeper insights into spatial rules.

It wasn't that comprehending the complete spatial rules meant reaching the limit in spatial rules. Spatial rules were vast and endless, with different levels of understanding.

The owner of the Moyu Tower left behind "Interpretation of the Void," which explained the essence of spatial rules from another perspective, greatly benefiting Lin Yuan. Every time he watched it, he gained new insights.


"People have arrived?"

Lin Yuan swept his gaze and found a large number of Longshan family members gathered at the edge of the practice field, eagerly watching him.

Invisible and ethereal forces began to converge towards Lin Yuan.

"This world is indeed suitable for walking the path of faith." Lin Yuan understood clearly that the converging forces came from the faith of the Longshan family members towards him.

This was extremely unimaginable in the main world's primary universe.

In the main world's human civilization, there were also evolutionists attempting to walk the path of faith, but they found it difficult to condense the power of faith. However, it was much easier in this world.

"Unfortunately, the power of faith relies too much on sentient beings. If sentient beings disappear or die, the gods who rely on faith as their foundation will lose their source of power."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

Compared to the path of faith, he still preferred to gather power within himself. Even though spreading the path of evolution made Lin Yuan's ultimate leap easier, it didn't mean that he couldn't reach Twelfth Rank without spreading it.

Lin Yuan's thoughts drifted as he looked at the increasing number of Longshan family members.

To better spread the martial arts cultivation methods, Lin Yuan regularly explained the essential principles of martial arts cultivation within the Longshan family.

"Clan Leader, that's the Clan Leader."

"The Clan Leader is too powerful. Even just looking at the Clan Leader, I feel my heart racing."

"Indeed, our Longshan family's Clan Leader is hailed as the number one Fourth Rank knight in the surrounding territories, and is expected to become a Fifth Rank Grand Knight in the future, a super genius."

Excited discussions among the Longshan family members ensued. Many of them didn't even practice martial arts cultivation, but they came specifically to see Lin Yuan.

Over the past century, Longshan Ridge had developed increasingly well, attracting the attention of several other nearby baronies. These baronies had joined forces, sending over a dozen Fourth Rank peak knights into Longshan City to pressure the newly appointed Longshan Baron.

However, after Lin Yuan single-handedly defeated these Fourth Rank peak knights, the neighboring baronies no longer harbored any thoughts about Longshan Ridge. In their view, the strength of the Longshan Baron was almost close to that of a Fifth Rank Grand Knight, just a matter of time.

What the Fourth Rank peak knights from the neighboring baronies didn't know was that the Longshan Baron who fought them was actually a terrifying existence comparable to a true god.

Time passed.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yuan's explanation was coming to an end, and the Longshan family members around him listened attentively, hanging on his every word.

With Lin Yuan's understanding of the essence of power, even if he wasn't good at teaching, his description and explanation of martial arts cultivation methods directly addressed the core principles.

The Longshan family members didn't necessarily fully understand on the spot, but at the very least, they had some insights or realizations, and they could gain something by pondering and reviewing when they returned.

In the sky above Longshan City, there was a slightly distorted space.

Several figures stood there, carefully watching Lin Yuan below.

The three leading figures had concealed their auras and were surprisingly all Sixth Rank legendary knights, the Empire's ultimate trump cards.

On the Great Plains, perhaps the strongest empires had Seventh Rank demi-gods, but the vast majority didn't. Sixth Rank was already the limit.

Seventh Rank demi-gods generally only had two choices: either they pledged allegiance to true gods, or they secretly spread faith and tried to become gods themselves.

"Lord Fabian, the martial arts cultivation methods were spread by that Longshan Baron." A young man with golden hair respectfully whispered to the eldest among them.

Fabian was a myth in the Empire, a Sixth Rank peak legendary knight, and even had the potential to ignite the divine fire and enter the realm of Seventh Rank demi-gods.

"In my opinion, the martial arts cultivation methods are nothing special. Although they can encompass the vast majority of bloodlines, they can't compare to our royal family's cultivation methods when it comes to targeting specific bloodlines."

Another young man couldn't help but interject.

The Longshan family publicly released the martial arts cultivation methods, which quickly spread to the imperial family.

Fabian immediately realized the importance of the martial arts cultivation methods. Perhaps they could revolutionize all knight cultivation methods. He brought everyone to Longshan City to secretly observe the Longshan Baron.

"You should say, 'How can our royal family's cultivation methods compare to the martial arts cultivation methods?'" Fabian glanced at the young man and shook his head. "This Longshan Baron's potential is immeasurable. He's very likely to reach Seventh Rank in the future."

As soon as these words were spoken, the others around him were stunned.

They had never heard Fabian speak so highly of any knight before. Immeasurable potential? Very likely to reach Seventh Rank?

My goodness.

Was this coming from the always aloof Fabian?

"Do you not believe me?"

Fabian's tone remained calm as he continued to carefully listen to Lin Yuan's explanation below.

He couldn't see through Lin Yuan's strength, nor could he perceive any anomalies, but merely from every word spoken by Lin Yuan, accurately describing the essence of power and cultivation, he vaguely felt that the future achievements of this Longshan Baron would far surpass his own.

At least when Fabian was Lin Yuan's age, he only knew how to wield power, and his understanding of the essence of power was far inferior to the current Longshan Baron.

The higher he cultivated, the more

At least when Fabian was that age, he only knew how to exert power, with far less understanding of the essence of power compared to the current Longshan Baron.

The higher he cultivated, the more Fabian realized the importance of understanding the essence of power.

"Sir, it's not that we don't believe; it's just too unbelievable," the others exchanged cautious glances and said.

"What a joke! Which Seventh-Rank demigod doesn't have profound and powerful bloodlines? While the Longshan family's 'Mountain Dragon' bloodline is indeed extraordinary, its upper limit is only Fifth Rank. Reaching Seventh Rank demigod? That's as difficult as reaching the heavens."

"No matter."

"If you don't believe it, just wait five hundred years," Fabian said nonchalantly. Since he dared to say that, it meant he was sure the Longshan Baron would definitely reach Sixth Rank within five hundred years. Because only Sixth Rank legendary knights could live for five hundred years.

"Martial arts cultivation methods should be popularized immediately within our imperial family. Otherwise, if we continue to wait, other neighboring empires will catch up," Fabian pondered and spoke.

In recent years, there had been endless debates within the imperial family about how to deal with martial arts cultivation methods. But now, after personally meeting the Longshan Baron, Fabian had made up his mind.

As for blocking the news and keeping the martial arts cultivation methods exclusive to the imperial family? It wasn't very realistic. Nowadays, too many knights knew about the martial arts cultivation methods, and many neighboring empires were also aware of them.

The reason for the current silence was solely because they were still researching martial arts cultivation methods.


The other knights behind immediately responded.

In the imperial family, Fabian's authority was second only to the Order Church, and his decisions were final in internal matters.

"Also, immediately approach this Longshan Baron, elevate his title to Count, and transfer any excess territories nearby, as well as those of the other barons, to the Longshan family," Fabian contemplated for a moment and continued.


The other knights exchanged glances and responded immediately.

They could clearly discern that Fabian's attention to the Longshan Baron was unprecedented. Directly elevating the Longshan Baron to Count? Since the establishment of the empire, had there ever been such a significant promotion of title without any notable accomplishments? 

Moreover, the Longshan Baron had yet to achieve any significant feats.

It's important to note that any Count in the empire could inherit their title perpetually, with ownership rights over their territories even surpassing those of the empire itself.

"Let's go."

"It's time to return."

Fabian glanced at Longshan City one last time before leading everyone back to the imperial capital.

What Fabian, a Sixth Rank peak legendary knight, didn't know was that as soon as he left, the Longshan Baron below subtly glanced at the spot where he had stood.

"How interesting," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Naturally, Fabian and his entourage couldn't escape Lin Yuan's perception. Not only that, but every word they said was also heard by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan had long anticipated that the spread of martial arts cultivation methods would attract the attention of the empire.

After all, compared to many knight cultivation methods, the martial arts cultivation methods were too special, fully capable of replacing the vast majority of knight cultivation methods.

Originally, Lin Yuan thought the empire might take some measures, like controlling the Longshan Baron who spread the martial arts cultivation methods?

But evidently, the empire's upper echelons were not short-sighted. After realizing that the martial arts cultivation methods couldn't be contained, they immediately took the initiative to join in.

They even sought to reward and recruit Lin Yuan, the person who spread the martial arts cultivation methods.

In a series of events, even Lin Yuan didn't harbor any ill feelings toward the Imperial Family.

"My two avatars have already begun infiltrating the Church," Lin Yuan glanced into the distance.

Although it's called the "Ten Thousand Nations Plateau," the number of empires far exceeds ten thousand.

Lin Yuan instructed his avatars to collect "God Crystals" from distant imperial churches.

The current empire where Lin Yuan resided, known as the "Sulan Empire," was the realm of the Order God's faith.

Facing a deity-level existence, Lin Yuan remained cautious and wouldn't easily provoke a deity.

In another distant empire from the "Sulan" Empire,

This was the land of faith in the "Starry Sky" True God, and the "Starry Sky" Church was the most esteemed place in this empire.

In the depths of the church,

The Pope smiled as he looked at the god crystals continuously condensing before him.

"It seems my god is very pleased this time. So many god crystals bestowed?" the Pope rejoiced inwardly.

God crystals contained incredibly pure energy, which not only could supply divine avatars but also greatly benefited cultivation.

The god crystals bestowed by the Starry Sky True God this time were enough for all the strongmen above Fifth Rank in the church to cultivate for hundreds of years.

"If I could devour these god crystals, perhaps I could reach Seventh Rank, then elevate my divine kingdom and, like my god, enter the Sea of Light for eternal existence?" The Pope stared at the god crystals in front of him, feeling a sudden greed rise in his heart.

Just then,

A figure appeared silently beside the Pope.

The figure's face was blurry, enveloped in a mysterious aura.


The Pope glanced at him, not reacting immediately, then his face changed drastically. "You are—"

Before the Pope could finish speaking, his consciousness plunged into darkness. When he woke up again, he found that the thousands of years of accumulated god crystals in the church were gone.

"Who on earth?!"

The Pope's eyes were bloodshot. So many god crystals, just disappeared like that?

Outside the church,

Lin Yuan's figure reappeared.

"Not bad." Lin Yuan glanced at the number of new god crystals he had acquired and nodded slightly.

Although the quantity wasn't large, there were many times. Along the way, dozens of churches with accumulated god crystals for many years had fallen into his hands.

"Keep going."

Lin Yuan understood the need for speed.

Strive to gather enough god crystals to reach Ninth Rank before the gods react.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, ten years had passed.

During these ten years, Lin Yuan's two avatars traversed nearly half of the Ten Thousand Nations Plateau, plundering countless true god churches.

Of course, Lin Yuan was only interested in god crystals. As for the worshippers? He didn't harm them.

The main goal was to minimize the situation. Killing worshippers would provoke the high echelons of the church, which would be detrimental to Lin Yuan's collection of god crystals.

Longshan Ridge.

In a certain underground cave.

Lin Yuan looked at the large pile of god crystals in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, the vast amount of god crystals shattered and fused into Lin Yuan's body. In an instant, his inner world began to expand, and the spatial layer became thick and vast.

Having experience crossing into Ninth Rank in the main universe,

Lin Yuan's re-entry into Ninth Rank was seamless, with not even a hint of a breakthrough disturbance.



A mysterious aura lingered for a brief moment.

No one knew that in this small place in the Sulan Empire's Longshan Ridge, an existence equivalent to the twenty-four main gods was born.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 315: Divine Power (Subscribe Request)

The sky was dim, with stars hanging high.

Lin Yuan stepped out of the cave, feeling pleased.

Returning to Ninth Rank not only meant having more time to open up derivative spatial layers.

It also symbolized Lin Yuan's qualification and confidence to roam fearlessly in this world.

Compared to the gods, Lin Yuan had no burden of faith. As long as he was in the mortal realm—

Even a powerful deity wouldn't dare to lay hands on Lin Yuan.

How could they?

With Lin Yuan's combination of "Blood Rebirth" and "Elemental Body" defensive divine skills.

Even when facing the siege of the twenty-four main gods, he could hold out for a long, long time.

He might not even die at all, at most just be sealed.

The ripple effects caused during this time would cover almost half of the mortal realm, if not more.

At that time, countless beings would perish.

But for Lin Yuan, that wasn't much of a loss.

Breaking through to a higher level meant giving up on passing down his teachings in this world.

That's all.

But for the gods, this was their foundation of faith.

Before Lin Yuan's arrival, even if the gods of the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness engaged in divine wars, they wouldn't let the flames reach the mortal realm.

Everyone relied on the faith of mortals to exist, and they wouldn't do something as self-destructive as that.

But Lin Yuan was different.

He didn't care about the lives of mortals.

This was also a flaw in the path of faith.

With the power of faith, a demigod could more easily elevate their divine kingdom. For the peak Seventh Rank evolvers in the main world, it would be much harder to open up internal worlds, wouldn't it? But here, all it took was gathering enough faith from mortals.

But faith could also be a downfall.

The flaws in the path of faith were obvious. Being raised by mortals, one could also be swayed by them.

Of course, engaging in war with the twenty-four main gods was an extreme situation, and Lin Yuan wouldn't do it unless absolutely necessary.

It could only be said that with his restored Ninth Rank strength, Lin Yuan now had the qualifications to negotiate with the twenty-four main gods.

Lin Yuan leaned more towards the idea that before he grew to his limits, the twenty-four main gods wouldn't even know of his existence.

"These years of crazily collecting god crystals from various major churches have definitely caught the attention of the true gods of the Sea of Light," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

There was no way even the most insane demigod would target the true god churches for plundering. Demigods only wanted to quietly collect faith; as for opposing the true gods? They weren't that foolish.

But Lin Yuan didn't regret it. Without those god crystals, the time for him to recover to Ninth Rank would have been delayed by at least fifty to sixty years.

Moreover, the churches targeted by Lin Yuan were not backed by overly powerful true gods. As long as they didn't attract the attention of the main gods, it was fine.

"The number of spatial layers has exceeded two hundred thousand." Lin Yuan's consciousness descended into his internal world, carefully sensing the fluctuations of the numerous spatial layers.

Although Lin Yuan had to open each layer of space one by one, similar to realms, once a layer of space was opened, it was equivalent to completely mastering the mysteries of that layer of space.

Just like how Lin Yuan's strand of spiritual will descended into the Demon Jade Space, even without the support of many spatial layers within his internal world, he could still easily occupy one layer of space.

"In this world, the reserves are quite abundant, with the number of spatial layers exceeding at least a trillion."

After stepping into Ninth Rank, Lin Yuan's sensitivity to spatial layers became even clearer, and he even vaguely felt the existence of two extremely powerful spatial layers.

That should be where the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness, where the gods reside, are located.

The Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness. These were the places where the gods dwelled, not existing in the main space.

Over the long years, many powerful demigods had wanted to know where the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness, where the gods dwelled, were located.

Many demigods had traveled almost half of the mortal realm but had not found them.

In fact, the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness were not in the mortal realm at all.

However, with Lin Yuan's current sensitivity to spatial layers, as long as he wished, he could enter the spatial layers where the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness were located at any time.

"At the rate I'm opening up spatial layers now, if nothing unexpected happens, before the time limit for my stay expires, opening up tens of millions of layers of space should be stable," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

This was almost equivalent to opening up ten thousand layers of space in a year, I wonder how many Ninth Rank evolvers in the main universe he would surpass.

Tianyu Tribe's Hunyi had opened more than thirty million layers of space, but how much time and resources did he spend? Even then, on average, it didn't even come close to opening up ten thousand layers of space in a year.

"As long as I can reach the Ninth Rank and open up tens of millions of layers of space, Hunyi shouldn't be a concern." Lin Yuan was very confident, and this time his journey had awakened the "Elemental Body," a powerful physical divine skill.

The most terrifying aspect of the "Elemental Body" lies in its growth potential. In theory, once Lin Yuan reaches the Twelfth Rank, he would be immune to ninety percent of the attacks from powerful beings.

"Xuanhuang Secret Realm." Lin Yuan, through the Gate of the Myriad Realms, faintly sensed his Sun Elemental Spirit located in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Xilan was still fleeing in panic under Hunyi's attacks. Lin Yuan vaguely sensed that Xilan's aura had weakened, not in terms of physical or spiritual strength, but in terms of mental willpower. This weakness affected his other incarnations.

"Brother Xilan, just hold on for two more years. Even if this incarnation of yours perishes, I will bring back the treasures for you," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Although he deceived Xilan about being an "elder," as long as the latter could hold on until Lin Yuan finished his journey, Lin Yuan himself was the "elder" and fully capable of dealing with Hunyi.

Sea of Light.

Within a vast and winding palace.

True gods gathered here.

The Sea of Light, where the twelve Light Supreme Gods reigned supreme, held partial control over the rules.

The other gods were divided into lower, middle, and upper gods based on their strength and type of faith.

At this moment, gathered here were eighteen lower gods and one middle god.

"This is outrageous, utterly outrageous."

"They dare to even plunder the 'god crystals' we bestowed!!"

"It seems those evil gods in the mortal realm have forgotten the majesty of us gods."

The true gods were full of anger. Over the years, the god crystals accumulated by the churches they established had been looted one after another.

Although their churches were not as powerful as the main god churches, equipped with demi-god-level forces to guard them at any time, they were still not easy to plunder.

To achieve such a scene, there must be at least a demi-god-level existence, and a very powerful one at that.

Because the churches where the god crystals were looted were far more than just these few, they were just the first ones to gather together.

Many more true gods were still asleep and unaware of such events.

"What should we do now?"

"The people who plundered the god crystals were very cautious and left no clues."

"And besides, what benefits do those evil gods gain from plundering the god crystals?"

One true god sounded puzzled. Those demigods at the Seventh Rank didn't aim to gather faith, but came to loot god crystals? 

The essence of god crystals was the pure energy formed by the true gods over countless ages using their divine kingdoms, to support their divine incarnations descending into the mortal realm, or to sustain the operation of their divine kingdoms.

Those demigods were already in the mortal realm themselves and didn't need to supply a divine kingdom. So what was the point of plundering so many god crystals?

"No matter the purpose, openly looting our churches is a provocation. I suggest we immediately investigate with the utmost intensity."

"Yes, we must find out which evil god did this. I will extract their soul and let it burn in the divine kingdom for ten thousand years."

The tone of many true gods was icy. Since they raised their divine kingdoms and ascended to the Sea of Light, their dignity could not be violated. When have they ever suffered such humiliation?

"I will have my followers unite with other demigods to investigate this matter thoroughly."

At this moment, the only middle-ranking god on the field spoke. Under the constraints of the twenty-four main gods, these true gods couldn't descend into the mortal realm themselves.

As for descending in the form of divine incarnations? Maintaining divine incarnations required a large amount of god crystals. Investigating such time-consuming matters couldn't be left to divine incarnations all the time.

The role of divine incarnations was to make a final judgment, like finding the culprit who plundered many churches, and then descending to directly suppress them.

So deploying demigods to investigate this matter was the best choice.

Many demigods in the mortal realm had joined churches, but they only joined the powerful ones.

Dragon Mountain.

In an underground cultivation chamber.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged.

In his mind, the Gate of the Myriad Realms faintly emitted light.

A gray-green gourd slowly emerged from the Gate of the Myriad Realms, crossing endless dimensions and arriving in this world.

In addition, a "bell-shaped" weapon also came through the Gate of the Myriad Realms and fell into Lin Yuan's hands along with the gray-green gourd.

Since he had restored his full strength, gaining self-preservation power in this world, Lin Yuan naturally summoned the mysterious gourd.

Absorbing the liquid inside the mysterious gourd could continuously enhance the size and strength of his internal world and physical body. It could also enhance the "Blood Rebirth" divine ability of his physical body.

With higher levels of "Blood Rebirth," Lin Yuan's absorption of the liquid inside the mysterious gourd didn't start from scratch but quickly caught up to the latest progress.

Just like in the main world's main universe, Lin Yuan was about to completely absorb the liquid inside the mysterious gourd.

In this world, Lin Yuan would be able to reach the degree of completely absorbing the blue liquid in a short time, maybe within half a month or several months.

Similarly, if Lin Yuan in the main world completely absorbed the sixth type of liquid, the blue liquid, his main world self would also quickly reach this progress.

Both were synchronized with their realms.

In addition to the mysterious gourd, the "bell-shaped" artifact was naturally the original essence gold.

The original essence gold had terrible growth potential, but it required a large amount of time to cultivate.

In the main world, Lin Yuan's cultivation speed was too fast, and he didn't have much time to cultivate his world, so he could only do his best while traveling between worlds.

Anyway, bringing these two treasures into the traversal time would only consume two strands of dimensional source power, which Lin Yuan's current wealth of over a hundred strands could fully support.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, another two to three years passed.


Lin Yuan's consciousness descended into his internal world. At this moment, his internal world was vast, nearly two hundred million square miles.

To be precise, it was 1.665 billion square miles.

Compared to the basic size of ten million square miles, it increased by sixteen point six five times.

This was the complete amplification brought about by completely absorbing the green liquid.

The mysterious gourd had a total of seven types of liquid, with the green liquid being the fifth, followed by the blue liquid and the purple liquid.

"The blue liquid."

Lin Yuan inverted the mysterious gourd, with the mouth facing down, and a drop of deep blue liquid slowly condensed.

"How was this liquid formed?" Lin Yuan carefully observed. At his current level, he could see through countless layers of space with just one glance.

But the essence of the blue liquid still puzzled Lin Yuan. Even when magnified billions of times, the blue liquid remained just that—blue liquid.

There was no change whatsoever.

This was quite astonishing because anything magnified billions of times would typically exhibit different microscopic forms and more subtle compositions.

However, it seemed that the blue liquid had no micro or macro characteristics.

In fact, it wasn't just the blue liquid; even the initial red liquid was the same.

"Well, as long as it benefits me, that's all that matters. The principle will become clear later," Lin Yuan pondered for a moment before starting to absorb the blue liquid.


As soon as the blue liquid entered his body, terrifying blue flames ignited. With the help of the "Blood Rebirth" divine ability, Lin Yuan barely persisted for a while before his figure turned to ashes. Eventually, he reformed.

Unbeknownst to him, Lin Yuan had served as the patriarch of the Dragon Mountain Clan for a century.

During this century, the Dragon Mountain Clan had grown rapidly, especially twenty years ago when the imperial family of the Slan Empire openly rewarded the Dragon Mountain Clan and directly elevated their title to that of a Count.

It's worth noting that during peacetime, it was extremely difficult to elevate one's title. The imperial family wasn't foolish either; the more counts there were, the less land and power they themselves would have.

The territory of the Dragon Mountain Count encompassed the surrounding major baronies and vacant lands, reaching five hundred million square miles, nearly ten times the original sixty million square miles.

Furthermore, the martial arts cultivation methods had spread even more widely, accompanied by the Slan Empire's first popularization of martial arts cultivation methods.

Other surrounding empires followed suit. At least, the experts of these empires had repeatedly studied them and found no hidden dangers in martial arts cultivation methods.

With no hidden dangers and a single cultivation method that could achieve the effects of the vast majority of knightly cultivation methods, why not popularize it? The longer it took to popularize, the more knights would be born in already popularized empires, and this slow progress would eventually affect the national strength.

Of course, the prosperity of martial arts cultivation methods had aroused the curiosity of countless strongmen on the Wangu Plateau about the origin of these methods and the Dragon Mountain Count of Dragon Mountain Ridge.

Many demigods' eyes were on Dragon Mountain Ridge.

Outside Dragon Mountain Ridge, a thin old man emerged from a shadowy corner.

The old man's aura was restrained, with a hooked nose and a gloomy gaze directed toward the distant Dragon Mountain Ridge.

As a semi-divine-level powerhouse who ignited the divine fire, he had lived for nearly a hundred thousand years and had experienced countless things. There weren't many things that could pique his interest anymore.

"Dragon Mountain Count, full name Lin Yuan. The propagator of martial arts cultivation methods. I've seen that martial arts cultivation method; its sophistication is far beyond what mere fourth or fifth-level knights could create."

"This Dragon Mountain Count has a great secret!"

The thin old man's figure quickly blurred and turned into an almost invisible shadow, sneaking into Dragon Mountain Ridge.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 316 Three Hundred Years Later (Subscribe!)

The main hall of the Dragon Mountain Clan.

Lin Yuan was listening to the report from Dragon Mountain Ling.

Nowadays, Lin Yuan delegated all the trivial matters of the entire Dragon Mountain Clan to a few trusted subordinates to handle, and Dragon Mountain Ling was one of them.

Lin Yuan only needed to listen to reports periodically to grasp the overall direction.

This world was a transcendent realm, where individual power surpassed that of factions. As long as Lin Yuan maintained absolute strength, he didn't have to worry about being sidelined by delegating power.

On the contrary, the members of the Dragon Mountain Clan were well aware that the current prosperity of the clan relied on Lin Yuan.

Without Lin Yuan, the Dragon Mountain Clan would now be just a baronial-level force in a corner, far from being the Earl of Dragon Mountain dominating the southeastern region of the empire.

"Chief, in recent years, there have been more and more strong residents in Dragon Mountain City, including fourth-level knights, fifth-level grand knights, and even legendary sixth-level knights appearing in the city," Dragon Mountain Ling reported, while waves of shock surged in her heart.

A hundred years ago, it was impossible for Dragon Mountain Ridge and the surrounding areas to produce a grand knight of the fifth level for centuries. But now, they were appearing frequently, and even knights above the fifth level?

In the past, these were supreme figures that Dragon Mountain Ling wouldn't dare to dream of, even in the Slan Empire, they had a far-reaching impact.

"I see," Lin Yuan nodded calmly.

In fact, as the martial arts cultivation methods continued to spread, this phenomenon would become more apparent. Those strong individuals who were rarely seen would all want to understand the origin of the martial arts cultivation methods.

And whether there were more profound cultivation methods than martial arts cultivation methods.

People are greedy. Some can suppress their desires, while others cannot.

"What about us?" Dragon Mountain Ling hesitated.

"Don't worry about them," Lin Yuan shook his head.

With the deterrence of the Slan Empire, strong individuals below the level of seven semi-gods wouldn't dare to act recklessly.

The Slan Empire openly conferred the title of Earl to the Dragon Mountain Clan, which was equivalent to supporting the clan.

As for the semi-gods of level seven? If they dared to have any other thoughts, Lin Yuan could crush them with a single thought.

"Yes," Dragon Mountain Ling said respectfully.

Facing the Dragon Mountain Earl who was almost the same age as her, Dragon Mountain Ling had a kind of almost dependent trust.

It was as if no matter what happened, even if the sky fell, Lin Yuan could hold it up.

Outside Dragon Mountain City.

Several hidden figures communicated with each other.

"What are you old folks doing here?"

"What are you doing here? I'm here for the same reason you are."

"Hahaha, in the end, it's all for the secret behind that Dragon Mountain Earl."

The owners of these breaths were all semi-divine-level existences. In fact, once they reached level seven, semi-gods were no longer interested in most things in the world.

Their only obsession was to become gods and continue to grow stronger.

The emergence of martial arts cultivation methods had given these semi-gods a glimmer of hope. The sophistication of these cultivation methods couldn't have been created even by semi-gods.

So many semi-gods speculated in secret whether the Dragon Mountain Earl had fortuitously obtained divine favor.

The so-called divine favor referred to divine-level opportunities. For most creatures, gods were immortal, but semi-gods with long lifespans knew better.

Even gods could die.

For example, in a divine battle? When a god fell, the stars formed by their divine kingdom would fall from the sky.

If lucky enough to enter the fallen star, it might be possible to obtain the treasures of the deceased god.

This was also the reason why so many semi-gods had gathered here.

Although divine-level opportunities couldn't make them gods, they could learn more secrets. If they were fortunate enough to obtain a true divine artifact.

Then they could be invincible under the gods.

A true divine artifact could shelter semi-gods and gain more faith, which was related to whether they could eventually raise the divine kingdom and enter the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness.

If this Dragon Mountain Earl really obtained divine favor, we can share it equally," a figure in gray robes spoke up.

He was also a well-known semi-divine.

"Of course."

"We are all colleagues, there's no need for bloodshed."

"Right, then let's agree that we'll split the secret of the Dragon Mountain Earl's divine favor when the time comes."

Although the other semi-divine said so, they had different thoughts in their hearts.

If it's just a secret, naturally, it can be shared equally. But what if it's a true divine artifact? There's only one true divine artifact, how can it be split?

However, the semi-divine on the scene were all old foxes. Even if they really fought, they would only do so when they saw tangible benefits. Even if it's just lip service now, they wouldn't turn against each other.

"Then let's sneak in quietly, take down the Dragon Mountain Earl, and directly search his soul," a thin old man hidden in the shadows said.


"No problem."

The semi-divine nodded.

In their eyes, the Dragon Mountain Earl was already a dead man. Except for those true gods who resided in the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness, who in the mortal world could resist being besieged by several semi-divine?

It's worth noting that the semi-divine who appeared outside Dragon Mountain City so quickly were not ordinary semi-divine, but strong ones among the semi-divine.

That Dragon Mountain Yuan was targeted by these semi-divine powerhouses simultaneously, and his fate was sealed.

"Let's go."

"Go in."

The eight semi-divine immediately entered Dragon Mountain City cautiously.

Although their strength was formidable, they weren't stupid. They knew that many semi-divine were watching the Dragon Mountain Earl, and the reason they hadn't taken action until now was mutual wariness.

Even if they acted, they had to avoid making noise as much as possible, or they would also be targeted by other semi-divine.


The eight semi-divine entered Dragon Mountain City and infiltrated the Dragon Mountain Hall.

"Is that the Dragon Mountain Earl?"

"Just a little guy over a hundred years old?"

The semi-divine figures hid in the shadows, carefully observing Lin Yuan, but none of them took the initiative to attack.

Since they speculated that Lin Yuan might have obtained divine favor, they had to consider whether the other party had any cards to play.

In divine favor, not only did true divine artifacts exist, but there were also many other means. Even after countless years, they could still inflict heavy damage on semi-divine.

So the semi-divine were very cautious.

The closer they were to success, the more they had to remain calm. This was common knowledge among all semi-divine.

"It should be fine."

"I haven't felt any danger."

"Right, I haven't sensed the aura of any eighth-level true gods."

Several semi-divine glanced at each other, disappointment evident on their faces.

Because this meant that the divine favor Lin Yuan obtained might be quite ordinary, perhaps he didn't even bring out a treasure with the aura of a true god.

But regardless, even a small mosquito is meat.

Since they had come, they couldn't return empty-handed.


Suddenly, the thin old man hidden in the shadows changed his expression slightly, looking solemnly at the other seven semi-divine.

"What is the strength of the Dragon Mountain Earl?" the emaciated old man immediately asked through telepathy.

"What strength?"

"Seems to be fourth level?"

"No, it's fifth level," the seven semi-divine immediately replied through telepathy.

Since Lin Yuan was right in front of them, they weren't in a hurry. The duck that's in the mouth won't fly away.

"Regardless of whether it's fourth or fifth level, can you now sense the strength of the Dragon Mountain Earl?" the emaciated old man's tone was somewhat uncertain.

As soon as this was said, the expressions of the seven semi-divine all changed.

For a seventh-level semi-divine, whether it's fourth or fifth level, the difference is negligible, even compared to first or second level knights or ordinary people.

But negligible doesn't mean the same.

In their perception, the Dragon Mountain Earl's aura was so restrained that it was indistinguishable from an ordinary person.

For third or fourth level knights, the Dragon Mountain Earl might seem unfathomable, but now all eight of them were semi-divine. How could they still not perceive the specific aura of the Dragon Mountain Earl?

"Something's not right?"

The emaciated old man's brow twitched slightly. Although as a semi-divine, his perception and foresight did not give any warning, he felt that something was off.

"I feel the same."

"Should we retreat first?"

The other semi-divine also began to consider withdrawing.

The feeling that the Dragon Mountain Earl gave them was just too strange.

Strange enough to make their hearts tremble.

Just as the eight semi-divine were about to exchange glances and plan to leave first and discuss the matter later, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Guests are welcome, please stay."

Under the horrified gaze of the eight semi-divine, Lin Yuan, not far away, looked up at them.

"Be careful."

The eight semi-divine were extremely vigilant, fully prepared.

The statement from the Dragon Mountain Earl meant that he had long since discovered them.

But how could this be possible? The eight of them were already cautious enough, and even if they were fellow semi-divine, they might not necessarily notice each other.

Could it be that this Dragon Mountain Earl was also a semi-divine?

Before the eight semi-divine could figure it out, a terrifying force crushed them through the depths of the void.

Dragon Mountain Hall.

Under Lin Yuan's gaze.

The eight semi-divine turned into powder without any resistance.

"Still trying to kill me for my chance?"

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. Since he dared to make the martial arts practice public, he had already considered these things. Without enough strength, how could he still stay in Dragon Mountain Hall?

"This should be the semi-divine essence that I directly killed?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself. Decades ago, although he also killed the Desire Mother Goddess, it was a curse killing, separated by countless miles, and he didn't even see her face.


"This should be the semi-divine essence?"

Lin Yuan looked towards the original positions of the eight semi-divine. After their flesh and souls turned into powder, eight round crystals fell down.

These should be the semi-divine essences.

In this world, knights who have reached seventh level, ignited the divine fire, and condensed semi-divine essences. When they raise the divine country, the semi-divine essences in their bodies will transform into divine essences.

Whether it's a semi-divine essence or a divine essence, it's the absolute core of semi-divine or true gods, embodying everything about them.


The eight crystals floated in front of Lin Yuan, spinning around.

These eight crystals were different in color and emitted different auras. For example, the semi-divine essence of the thin old man who always hid in the shadows appeared shadowy in color and had a faint spatial fluctuation.

Then there was the figure in gray robes; his divine essence appeared gray, with a toxic aura fluctuating.

Lin Yuan casually inspected them, grasping the semi-divine essence emitting spatial fluctuations, and his consciousness slightly penetrated into it.


Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly.

After probing into the semi-divine essence, Lin Yuan vaguely acquired the perspective of the semi-divine essence.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that the world had changed completely.

The world, originally filled with various rule fluctuations, now only had two: space and shadow.

Although only these two remained, within Lin Yuan's perception, everything became incredibly clear.

Previously, even in the main universe of the main world, with the rich spatial fluctuations on the foreign battlefield, Lin Yuan's perception of spatial rules was still vague. But now, it became incredibly clear.

The profound mysteries of space and shadow in this world, especially the countless layers of space, unfolded slowly before Lin Yuan's eyes.

"You have extraordinary insight, continuously observing the essence of world rules, and your understanding of space and shadow continues to rise."


Inside his body's world.

With a vast radius of nearly two billion miles and nearly three hundred thousand layers of space.

Not only that, the number of space layers in his body's world was increasing at a rate of three to fifty layers per day.


When Lin Yuan, using the perspective of the semi-divine essence, observed the multiple layers of space in this world, the way the space layers in his body's world were opened seemed to have a fixed direction and began to soar.

Three to fifty layers per day.

Three to five hundred layers per day.

Three to five thousand layers per day.


Each layer of space opened up, making the land in his body's world heavier and the sky deeper.

"What?" Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, breaking free from the insights he just gained.

"In this world, semi-divine beings have their semi-divine essence condensed from the world's rules, allowing them to comprehend the most fundamental rules of the world?" Lin Yuan was somewhat shocked.

In simple terms, the rules of attack mastered by the semi-divine beings in this world entirely depend on their semi-divine essence within their bodies.

By harnessing the power of the semi-divine essence, they unleash the profoundness of rule attacks.

"This shadowy space semi-divine essence probably can open up a million layers of space for me," Lin Yuan thought.

This was not because the semi-divine essence contained the profoundness of a million layers of space, but because this semi-divine essence could only glimpse the profoundness of space origin that much.

Seeing and possessing were two different concepts.

Lin Yuan was already at the ninth rank, and combined with his extraordinary insight, he could bring out such effects from an ordinary semi-divine essence.

"Extraordinary." Lin Yuan sighed inwardly. "It's truly extraordinary."

"If the semi-divine essence has such an effect, what about the divine essence?" Lin Yuan's eyes lit up slightly.

This semi-divine essence involved both shadow and space attributes, which were beneficial to Lin Yuan. Among the other seven semi-divine essences, two also involved space.

Together, these three semi-divine essences, excluding overlapping space attributes, could open up two million layers of space for Lin Yuan.

It's worth mentioning that since stepping into the ninth rank, Lin Yuan's total number of space layers was less than three hundred thousand, and that was only after comprehending dozens of cosmic forces, more than ten advanced cosmic forces, and one primal cosmic force.

Now, he could directly increase two million layers of space?


"Semi-divine beings who comprehend space attributes?"

Lin Yuan took a deep breath. Each semi-divine essence that possessed space attributes could glimpse a part of the spatial essence, which was greatly beneficial to him in opening up space layers.

"Next, the two avatars will focus on searching for those semi-divine beings."

Lin Yuan made a decision. He didn't harbor a killing intent towards those semi-divine beings with space attributes. As long as they cooperated and voluntarily let him sense their semi-divine essence within their bodies.

When Lin Yuan finished comprehending, he would only seal them up and release them after the thousand-year residency limit.

For a semi-divine being with a long lifespan, a thousand years wasn't much.

And so.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it was three hundred years later.

(End of this chapter)