

Chapter 308: The Excited Viscount Longshan (Seeking Subscriptions)


Lin Yuan sat cross-legged on the bed.

In this world, those who reached the seventh tier of strength were referred to as semigods.

To advance from the seventh to the eighth tier in the main world, an Evolver needed to develop a world within their body.

However, in this world, reaching the seventh tier required the elevation of a divine kingdom to enter the realm of gods.

To elevate a divine kingdom, one needed the massive power of belief. This was why some semigods risked being discovered by the main god and secretly spread faith on the Plateau of Ten Thousand Nations.

Without sufficient belief, one couldn't become an immortal god, and their body and soul would quickly decay.

Of course, many semigods pledged themselves to a certain main god and became subordinate deities.

But most semigods had their integrity. Once they became subordinate deities, everything about them belonged to the main god, including their consciousness.

Many semigods had cultivated from weakness to strength and were unwilling to pay such a price.

"Now what should I do?"

Lin Yuan calmly analyzed.

Being targeted by a church founded by a semigod was troublesome.

As for directly reporting to the Empire or the Church of Light? It could be effective, but it couldn't guarantee that the semigod would be killed.

As long as they weren't killed, there was a possibility of retaliation afterward. The Longshan Ridge couldn't withstand the slaughter of a semigod-level powerhouse at the moment.

The strongest in Longshan Ridge was Viscount Longshan, who was at the fifth-tier Great Knight realm. While a fifth-tier Great Knight was formidable enough to roam the empire, they were still far inferior to a seventh-tier semigod.

"I should go back to Longshan Ridge." Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and made his decision.

Although Anpu City was prosperous, it was a chaotic place. Even the church of a semigod emerged. Lin Yuan didn't want to get involved without absolute strength.

Longshan Ridge was his own territory, officially sanctioned by the Empire. The church of a semigod was already hated on the Plateau of Ten Thousand Nations and wouldn't dare to appear openly.


Lin Yuan stepped out of the room into the warm sunlight and called softly.

"Young master." A burly man over three meters tall strode over.

"What's the matter, young master?" Dashan rumbled, his words carrying a heavy aura.

"I'm going back to Longshan Ridge." Lin Yuan looked at the massive figure before him.

Dashan was Lin Yuan's bodyguard, and even within the entire Longshan Ridge, his strength ranked in the top twenty. He had the bloodline of a Lesser Dragon flowing within him.

Although only at the third tier of strength, when he fully unleashed his bloodline, he could even contend with a fourth-tier knight for a good half hour.

The only downside was that he wasn't very bright, but as a bodyguard, as long as his combat power was sufficient, it was already enough.

"Back to Longshan Ridge?" Dashan was slightly surprised. Whenever the young master came to Anpu City, he would stay for three or four months. Why was he leaving after just a month this time?

"Is it because the girl last night didn't serve you well?" Dashan muttered, "I knew that girl wasn't good; she's as thin as a stick."

"Young master, when you have time, I'll introduce you to a few sturdy ones, sure to serve you comfortably." Dashan immediately suggested. In his view, the more robust women were, the better. They should be over three meters tall and have a waistline over a meter.

Only then could his conquest desire be aroused.

Poor Viscount Longshan only knew how to enjoy those thin women all day long and didn't know the pleasure of strong women. Dashan felt exceptionally sympathetic towards Viscount Longshan.

"Grandpa told me to go back quickly." Lin Yuan casually gave a reason without mentioning much about the fox woman.

Dashan wasn't very smart, and he would blurt out anything. If the fox woman was indeed related to a certain semigod's church, mentioning her would only raise their vigilance.

At present, Lin Yuan just wanted to quietly return to Longshan Ridge, stabilize, and slowly cultivate. Time was on his side.

As long as Lin Yuan fully recovered his strength, not to mention a mere semigod's church, even the gods of the Sea of Light and the Abyss of Darkness would hold no fear for him.

"Viscount, ah." Dashan's expression also became serious.

Among the people he respected in Longshan Ridge, Viscount Longshan was definitely one of them.

"Then let's go now." Dashan immediately said.

"Okay." Lin Yuan nodded.

Such occurrences were not unheard of. In the past, when Viscount Longshan was enjoying himself, he would suddenly receive orders from Longshan Ridge and be forced to return midway.

Now, Lin Yuan used the order of Viscount Longshan as a reason to leave Anpu City and return to Longshan Ridge, which was perfectly reasonable.

Lin Yuan led a group of guards out of Anpu City.

The deputy city lord of Anpu City even personally saw them off. "Young Master Longshan, leaving in such a hurry, could it be that Anpu City's hospitality is lacking?"

The deputy city lord, slightly balding, smiled and asked Lin Yuan with some curiosity.

"It's family matters." Lin Yuan didn't explain much, showing impatience, which was very much in line with the usual behavior of Viscount Longshan.

"Since it's a matter of the Longshan family, then Young Master Longshan, take care. When you come again next time, Anpu City has prepared a gift for you."

The deputy city lord spoke kindly. Although he looked down on the likes of Viscount Longshan, he had to consider Longshan Ridge's backing.

As a convergence point for several major viscount territories, Anpu City had to consider the opinions of those few viscount families to thrive.


Under the gaze of the deputy city lord of Anpu City, Lin Yuan sat in the carriage, and seven or eight guards hurried toward Longshan Ridge.

Watching Lin Yuan leave wasn't just the deputy city lord of Anpu City.

On the top floor of a pavilion, a graceful woman dressed in black gauze was also watching Lin Yuan.

"This Longshan Yuan, he comes back early and leaves late. Now he's suddenly going back; all the efforts from before are wasted." The charming fox woman next to her sighed.

According to the plan, she would slowly drain Longshan Yuan over three months until he died from excessive indulgence.

There would be no trace of suspicion, even the most skilled experts couldn't detect it.

Now, after a month of effort, with only two months left for success, Longshan Yuan was leaving?

After returning, according to Longshan Yuan's favor within the Longshan family, he would inevitably consume numerous tonic medicines. By then, the depleted vital essence might be replenished again.

"It doesn't matter. Knowing Longshan Yuan's temperament, he will soon return to Anpu City." The woman beside her remained calm.

She hadn't noticed any suspicious points. The excuse Longshan Yuan used when leaving

 was the order of Viscount Longshan, so their misfortune was just bad luck.

Just one time of bad luck, can they still be unlucky the second and third time?

The graceful woman believed that when Longshan Yuan visited Anpu City again, it would be their successful moment.

Once Longshan Yuan died, they could then scheme against the first and second heirs of Longshan Ridge.

The entire Longshan Ridge would become a hotbed for their semigodization and even radiate to the other major territories with the help of Longshan Ridge.

Longshan Ridge.

Longshan City.

Not long after Lin Yuan returned, he met his original parents.

"Yuan, why are you back so early this time?" Longshan Fang, a middle-aged man, glanced at Lin Yuan, slightly curious.

Although he had long since given up hope for his son, Longshan Fang was still surprised to see Lin Yuan voluntarily give up the pleasures of Anpu City.

He hadn't heard anything about Viscount Longshan ordering Lin Yuan to return. Could it be that Lin Yuan came back on his own?

"What's wrong with our son coming back early?" A woman, looking like a young lady, glared at Longshan Fang.

"Son, what do you want to do this time? Longshan City may not be as lively as Anpu City, but it's still pretty good. If you explore more, you'll definitely find some surprises."

The woman looked at her son with indulgent eyes.

Lin Yuan glanced at his parents without speaking.

The succession of the viscount title in the Longshan family wasn't simply from father to son. It depended on the current viscount's decision. For example, when Lin Yuan was born, Viscount Longshan had just advanced to the fourth tier and was overjoyed, considering it a good omen.

Lin Yuan's birth signified the continuous transmission of fourth-tier strength in the Longshan family.

Thus, he was directly placed as the third-in-line heir, skipping over his father.

No one had anticipated that Lin Yuan would later become so unpromising, indulging in women and pleasures, showing no interest in inheriting the family's foundation.

"This time, I came back to do something important." Lin Yuan said solemnly, looking at his parents.

"Something important?" Longshan Fang pondered. "Yuan, have you taken a fancy to another woman?"

"Son, don't listen to your father's nonsense. Whatever you want to do, just say it. Your mother will always support you." The young lady smiled gently.

"I want to cultivate," Lin Yuan declared.

As the third-in-line heir of the Longshan family, if Lin Yuan expressed a desire to cultivate, the family's accumulated resources would be fully at his disposal.

This was why Lin Yuan chose to speak up. Secretly cultivating and then astonishing everyone was too exhausting; gathering resources alone would consume a lot of time.

"To cultivate?"

His parents exchanged a glance.

They had imagined many things Lin Yuan might say, but this was not one of them.

No, the word "cultivate" was even more unimaginable, more outlandish, coming from Lin Yuan.

"Why the sudden desire to cultivate?" Longshan Fang asked, staring at Lin Yuan.

"Because I find everything happening now to be meaningless. How long can I enjoy these pleasures? A hundred years? Two hundred at most."

"And then, just wait to die?"

"But cultivation is different. As long as I can become a fifth-tier Great Knight, my lifespan will be extended, and my life's essence will transform. That's what I want to pursue."

Lin Yuan presented his prepared explanation.


Longshan Fang thought for a while and then nodded. "I will tell the clan leader about your desire to cultivate. I hope this isn't just a passing interest."

Longshan Fang was in a good mood.

Lin Yuan's words boiled down to one thing.

Simply put:

He was bored of playing.

As for extending lifespan and other things, who wouldn't want to live a few more years? The key was that not everyone could become a fifth-tier Great Knight.

But anyway, his son's shift in interest, from indulgence to cultivation, was entirely a good thing.

Even though Longshan Fang didn't have high hopes for Lin Yuan's cultivation results—considering his body had been weakened by indulgence and whether he could become a first-tier knight was questionable—getting physically stronger was still beneficial.

"Son, cultivation is a tough job."

The woman looked at Lin Yuan with some concern.

"It's okay. I want to give it a try." Lin Yuan smiled.

That afternoon.

### Longshan Family Underground Training Ground

This place spans hundreds of miles, serving as the secluded training area for many members of the Longshan family.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged. Opposite him was an elderly man with white hair and beard. The elder appeared somewhat frail, but his restrained aura hinted at a latent power capable of shaking mountains.

"Training to become a knight is no simple task," the elder said calmly, looking at Lin Yuan.

He was one of the few fourth-level knights of the Longshan family. Since the first Viscount Longshan established the family two thousand years ago, very few fifth-level grand knights had emerged.

The highest strength typically achieved was the fourth level, and it was only thanks to the measures left by the first Viscount that the Longshan family had endured for so long.

For a viscount-level family, fourth-level strength was usually sufficient. A fifth-level grand knight was only likely to appear during the peak periods of such a power.

"I understand," Lin Yuan nodded.

"Good." The elder didn't waste words. He produced two items: a book and an orange fruit.

"This is the main text of the Longshan training method, and this is a Longshan fruit, which contains a great amount of energy."

"Every member of the Longshan family must enter the training method on their own," the elder explained. "If you can grasp the basics of the Longshan training method within a month, it means you have the potential to continue."

"What counts as grasping the basics?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Feeling the qi sensation," the elder replied.

The elder was about to explain the details of sensing qi. Although all Longshan family members had to master the training method on their own, Lin Yuan, as the third in line for succession, was not the same as other family members.

For example, the specifics on sensing qi that the elder was about to share were not accessible to regular family members. Many of them didn't even understand the concept of qi sensation, making such detailed guidance critical.

However, before the elder could speak, Lin Yuan glanced at the training method, closed his eyes briefly, and then opened them again.

"I have already sensed the qi," Lin Yuan stated.

The elder looked at Lin Yuan, speechless.

Deep within the Longshan family estate, the current Viscount Longshan rubbed his temples. As the ruler of Longshan Ridge, he had numerous responsibilities, from negotiations with other viscount territories to addressing the concerns of his people.

"I wonder how Yuan is doing?" he thought. Longshan Fang had informed him at noon that Lin Yuan wanted to train.

The Viscount had immediately assigned a fourth-level knight to instruct Lin Yuan. By now, the instruction should be complete.

At that moment, an elder hurried in.

"Patriarch, Patriarch!" The elder's face showed shock, and he had not yet calmed down.

"Oh? I was just about to ask you," the Viscount said, his eyes lighting up. But seeing the elder's expression, he felt a slight chill.

Could it be that Lin Yuan lacked any talent, and the elder had been driven back in frustration?

(End of the chapter)

### Chapter 309: The Hope of the Longshan Family


The elder, named Longshan Zhu, had been a fourth-level knight for many years, representing the foundation of the Longshan family.

How many fourth-level knights were there in the entire Longshan Ridge?

If it hadn't been for the Viscount Longshan's personal request, it would have been impossible for someone of Longshan Zhu's status to make an exception for a junior member of the family.

Yet Longshan Zhu never expected that what he intended to treat casually would turn out to be so incredible, almost dreamlike.

To the point that he was still somewhat bewildered, needing to constantly check if he was dreaming.

"What happened?"

Seeing Longshan Zhu silent, the Viscount Longshan sensed something was wrong. "Could it be that Yuan is really a hopeless case?" His tone held a hint of disappointment. The Longshan family boasted exceptional bloodlines and practiced the family's own Longshan training method.

With guidance from a veteran like Longshan Zhu, Lin Yuan should have no difficulty sensing his qi sea within a month.

"A hopeless case?"

Hearing this, Longshan Zhu was taken aback and quickly explained, "Patriarch, Young Master Yuan is not hopeless. He... he has already sensed his qi sea."

"Not hopeless..."

The Viscount Longshan, just relieved, suddenly widened his eyes. "What did you say? He's already sensed his qi sea?"

Whether it was the Longshan training method or any other knight training method, the first step was to sense the qi sea.

This was the prerequisite for becoming a first-level knight. Any being who could sense the qi sea could harness its power, transform themselves, and then choose a suitable knight training method.

But sensing the qi sea was difficult, a true test of knightly aptitude.

The Longshan family allowed a month for their members to sense the qi sea. Anyone who achieved this within a month had the potential to become a formal knight and would receive the family's support.

But now?

How long had Longshan Zhu been guiding Lin Yuan?

An hour? Or two?

"You mean Yuan sensed his qi sea within two hours?" The Viscount Longshan's voice trembled.

In the history of the Longshan family, since the first Viscount settled in Longshan Ridge, only three people had sensed their qi sea within two hours.

Of these three, two became fifth-level grand knights, leaving a significant mark in the family's history.

The other one, unfortunately, died prematurely.

The Longshan family did not have a fifth-level grand knight in every generation. For instance, the current strongest member was only a fourth-level knight.

The emergence of a fifth-level grand knight would signal a return to the family's peak, reminiscent of the initial Viscount's era, commanding respect and cooperation from neighboring viscounts.

Even the Empire would bestow rewards, congratulating the family on producing another grand knight.

All these honors and benefits stemmed from having a fifth-level grand knight.

"Two hours to sense the qi sea..." Longshan Zhu fell silent again.

If this were true, he would be ecstatic, not unsure of how to speak or slightly fearful.

"Patriarch, Young Master Yuan sensed his qi sea in... two breaths," Longshan Zhu said with some difficulty.

In fact, he wasn't sure it even took two breaths. He just remembered Lin Yuan glanced at the Longshan training method and then said he had sensed his qi.

If Longshan Zhu hadn't personally felt the qi sea's fluctuation in Lin Yuan, he might have scolded him.

"What did you say... two breaths?" The Viscount Longshan was stunned.

Sensing the qi sea within two hours was somewhat comprehensible, but two breaths?

Two breaths weren't even enough to calm one's mind, and yet he had sensed his qi sea?

"Are you sure?"

The Viscount Longshan took a deep breath, stood up, and asked solemnly.

Though he knew Longshan Zhu wasn't one to joke, especially about family matters, sensing the qi sea in two breaths was too unbelievable.

"I am sure," Longshan Zhu affirmed.

He was certain Lin Yuan's qi sea only appeared after he looked at the Longshan training method.

"Sensing the qi sea in two breaths... is the Longshan family about to soar?" The Viscount Longshan was ecstatic after the initial shock.

Sensing the qi sea within two hours hinted at the potential to become a fifth-level grand knight.

So what about sensing it in two breaths? A sixth-level legendary knight? Or a seventh-level demigod?

In the myriad nations, a seventh-level demigod, as long as they didn't spread faith secretly, could join any empire, bask in infinite glory, and even receive recognition from the gods of the Sea of Light.

A seventh-level demigod could make deals with the gods of the Sea of Light and potentially establish a new empire.

"Who else knows about this?" The Viscount Longshan's eyes grew sharp.

"Patriarch, only the two of us know," Longshan Zhu replied seriously, understanding the gravity of the situation.


The Viscount Longshan nodded.

Neighboring viscount territories, even distant powers, might tolerate the rise of a future grand knight sensing the qi sea in two hours.

But sensing it in two breaths? If this leaked, it wouldn't be good news.

The Viscount Longshan was certain the Empire would intervene, possibly conscripting Lin Yuan to the capital.

"From now on, Yuan sensed his qi sea in five hours," the Viscount Longshan decided after some thought, looking at Longshan Zhu.

Sensing the qi sea in two hours marked a future grand knight, still too conspicuous.

Five hours was perfect, indicating potential for a fourth-level knight without attracting undue attention.


Longshan Zhu agreed immediately.

He realized this was an unprecedented opportunity for the Longshan family. Once Lin Yuan matured, it would be their time to soar.

"Yuan is our family's hope. No one can threaten him," the Viscount Longshan murmured.

As Lin Yuan walked out of the Longshan family's underground training ground, he sensed eyes on him.

"Have they sent someone to protect me?" Lin Yuan thought to himself.

He revealed part of his talent to ensure that the Longshan family would unreservedly allocate their resources to him, enhancing his efficiency in future training.

This strategy stemmed from Lin Yuan's experiences accumulated over eight previous travels. As for whether it would provoke the Longshan family's suspicion, Longshan Yuan was a pure-blooded member of the family and the third in line to inherit. The stronger his potential, the better for the Longshan family.

Moreover, Lin Yuan's display of talent was restrained; merely sensing the qi sea instantly was not too extraordinary.

At that moment, a giant over three meters tall named Dashan approached.

"Young master, I heard you sensed the qi sea in just five hours," Dashan asked, his voice somewhat simple and honest.

"Yes," Lin Yuan nodded.

Not long after sensing the qi sea, Longshan Zhu returned, repeatedly cautioning him not to reveal the true speed at which he had sensed it.

Lin Yuan understood the intention behind this advice and readily agreed.

"Sensing the qi sea in five hours, young master, your knight potential must be very high," Dashan said in a booming voice.

It had taken Dashan almost a whole day to sense the qi sea back in his time.

"Let's go," Lin Yuan instructed.

"Alright," Dashan immediately bent down, letting Lin Yuan sit on his shoulder.

Standing over three meters tall, Dashan resembled a small giant, and with Lin Yuan perched on his shoulder, there was no sense of awkwardness.

"The starry sky is really beautiful," Dashan said as he ran, looking up at the sky.

Night had fallen, and vast, profound 'stars' appeared. Even across great distances, their terrifying power could be felt.

"Indeed, it is beautiful," Lin Yuan agreed, his mind recalling various information about the 'stars' in the sky.

In this world, once lifeforms reached the seventh-level demigod stage, they needed to gather faith and eventually raise their divine kingdom to the Sea of Light or the Abyss of Darkness.

Why was it called 'raising the divine kingdom'? Because the divine kingdoms of the gods ascended into the sky, becoming eternal 'stars'.

This meant that each 'star' Lin Yuan saw was the divine kingdom of a god. The stronger the god, the more formidable the corresponding 'star'.

The 'stars' representing the twenty-four main gods were particularly vast, their terrifying aura vibrating through much of the sky.

Even Lin Yuan, from an infinite distance, felt a sense of awe when observing those twenty-four stars.

Through sensing the divine kingdoms of the main gods, Lin Yuan faintly grasped their true power.

Each main god was no weaker than a special ninth-level being like Hun Yi, and not far from reaching the tenth level.

"The cultivation system of this world places their internal world externally... However, this allows the internal world to fully rely on the primary world, accelerating its growth significantly," Lin Yuan thought silently.

In the main universe, eighth-level beings placed their developed worlds internally, hence called internal worlds. This allowed them to have absolute control over their internal world.

An internal world was the foundation of an eighth-level lifeform. Placing it externally was too dangerous.

However, this also caused a sense of separation between the internal world and the primary world, preventing it from fully leveraging the main universe's power for growth. Thus, ninth-level evolvers struggled to develop multiple layers of space to increase the depth and thickness of their internal worlds.

"This is also a decent cultivation system," Lin Yuan nodded. Placing the internal world externally had many benefits, such as accelerating its growth and reducing the burden on oneself.

Of course, the drawbacks were also clear. If an enemy targeted the stars in the sky, they could directly strike at the gods' weaknesses.

Both the divine kingdoms of gods and the internal worlds of eighth-level beings were foundational cores. Their collapse would have unimaginable consequences.

"Dashan, do you think those stars might fall?" Lin Yuan asked casually.



Dashan widened his eyes, not quite understanding. Each star represented a deity, and the fall of a star signified the demise of a corresponding deity. In Dashan's understanding, gods were eternal, overseeing mortals from the Sea of Light.

"Young master, how could stars fall?" Dashan asked.

He had never considered this possibility. Since birth, he had gazed at the numerous stars in the sky, and they had remained unchanged all these years.

"Indeed," Lin Yuan nodded.

Soon, with Dashan's rapid pace, Lin Yuan arrived home. His parents had been waiting for a while, evidently having received news in advance.

In this world, among the twenty-four main gods of the Sea of Light, there was a goddess known as the 'Web of Magic'. Her divine power constructed a magical network that spanned the mortal realm, allowing any message to be conveyed quickly through the 'Web of Magic'.

"Son, your knight training talent is even stronger than mine! Truly worthy of being my son, hahaha!" Longshan Fang exclaimed, his voice full of excitement.

Sensing the qi sea in just five hours meant a strong potential for becoming a future fourth-level knight. In the vast Longshan Ridge, there were no more than twenty fourth-level knights. Each one was a cornerstone of the Longshan family, the strongest force used to deter other viscount territories.

"Do you really have the face to say he's stronger than you?" a woman, looking like a young lady, beside him couldn't help but say. "I remember it took you nearly half a month to sense the qi sea."

"Just say he's stronger than me," Longshan Fang said, unconcerned.

A little stronger is still stronger. A hundred times stronger is still stronger.

If another family member had sensed the qi sea in five hours, Longshan Fang might have made a sarcastic comment. But this was his own son. Longshan Fang felt only pride.

After chatting with his parents for a bit, Lin Yuan returned to the training room.

"So many Longshan fruits?" Lin Yuan looked at the dozens of fruits already placed there.

Longshan fruits, produced in Longshan Ridge, were spiritual fruits containing a lot of energy that could aid in knight training. When Lin Yuan was sensing the qi sea earlier, Longshan Zhu had also brought a fruit, intending for Lin Yuan to consume it while sensing the qi. The abundant energy in the Longshan fruit could help better lock onto the qi sensation.

The energy within Longshan fruits was not only abundant but also gentle. Even if one couldn't absorb it immediately, it would remain dormant in the flesh, to be gradually absorbed later.

Therefore, Longshan fruits were very precious. Normally, a family member with knight training talent would receive only one fruit a month.

Yet now, Lin Yuan's training room had dozens of Longshan fruits. Most Longshan family members would never see so many Longshan fruits in their lifetime.

"I can't train just yet," Lin Yuan thought, sitting cross-legged and casually picking up a Longshan fruit to eat, feeling the gentle energy flow through his body.

For now, Lin Yuan's priority was to replenish the original Lin Yuan's depleted vital energy, a result of years of indulgence.

(End of this chapter)

### Chapter 310: The Passing Century

Replenishing vital energy isn't something that can be perfectly achieved by simply consuming spiritual fruits and other supplements. At least, not by Lin Yuan's standards.

However, it isn't particularly difficult either. According to Lin Yuan's estimation, given the current conditions, it would take at most three to four days to fully replenish.

Once his vital energy is restored, Lin Yuan's cultivation speed will significantly increase. It's not so much about training, but rather regaining his former peak condition.

"The life forms of this world possess unimaginable potential in their physical bodies," Lin Yuan thought as he sat cross-legged.

Lin Yuan had noticed this as soon as he awakened his consciousness. Despite the original Longshan Yuan's constant indulgence in women, he would almost fully recover after a few days of rest, indicating the robust nature of his physique.

"Does this potential come from the bloodline?"

Lin Yuan closed his eyes slightly, carefully sensing his body.

Even with a rough perception, he could detect dozens of bloodlines within Longshan Yuan. Some of these were faint, likely due to being ancient, but over ten of these bloodlines were of the seventh level.

"This is somewhat similar to the bloodline-evolution families in the main universe," Lin Yuan mused.

The 'knight' cultivation system of this world essentially involves continuously tapping into the power of one's bloodline. For instance, the Longshan cultivation method stimulates the 'mountain dragon' bloodline within the Longshan family to enhance their strength.

"There are too many and too varied bloodlines. How chaotic were the ancestors of the Longshan family?" Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

The 'mountain dragon' bloodline of the Longshan family came from a dragon beast resembling a mountain. How this bloodline was integrated into the family remains a mystery.

In the main universe, bloodline-evolution families typically extract the bloodlines of special life forms, create bloodline potions, and then integrate these potions into their own bloodlines.

However, the methods used by the Longshan family and other noble families or imperial families in this world are unknown. So far, Lin Yuan hasn't heard of 'bloodline potions' in this world.

"Due to relying heavily on bloodline power, knights in this world cultivate rapidly but have short lifespans," Lin Yuan reflected.

Bloodline-evolution families in the main universe also exploit their bloodlines but supplement their evolution through other means. They don't rely entirely on bloodline power like the knights in this world.

As a result, unless they ignite their divine fire and become seventh-level demigods, even sixth-level legendary knights rarely live for a thousand years. Fourth and fifth-level knights are considered long-lived if they surpass two hundred years.

"It's not just dependence on bloodline power; the world's rules are also a limitation," Lin Yuan concluded.

Regardless of bloodline power, crossing into the sixth level corresponds to a sixth-level evolutionist in the main universe, whose life essence is such that they should live for at least a thousand years. The only plausible explanation is the world's inherent rules.

For instance, in the eighth traverse, supreme immortal kings in the spirit world could survive for eons, far outliving the eighth-level evolutionists of the main universe, unless killed by an accident.

This world is similar. Without igniting the divine fire, lifespans are very short. 

"But the lifespan of eighth-level gods is astonishingly long, in stark contrast to those below the seventh level," Lin Yuan thought, glancing at the sky.

If seventh-level demigods with ignited divine fire still risked their divine fire extinguishing, eighth-level gods truly achieved eternal existence, overlooking the mortal realm from the Sea of Light or the Dark Abyss.

Especially the twenty-four main gods, who wield partial rule authority, posed a greater threat to Lin Yuan than the most powerful ninth-level life form of the Tianyu clan, Hunyi, who had established over thirty million spatial layers.

"Take it slowly."

"This time, I have one thousand one hundred and ten years to stay in the clan."

Lin Yuan wasn't in a hurry. With the full support of the Longshan family, once he regained a certain level of strength, his power would grow exponentially.


"This world places so much emphasis on bloodlines, with ancient and mysterious bloodline sources. The resulting 'fleshly divine abilities' are surely formidable."

Lin Yuan looked forward to this. Fleshly divine abilities are exclusive capabilities of the martial evolution path, awakened based on one's bloodline upon reaching the sixth level.

Other martial evolutionists might only awaken one fleshly divine ability in their lifetime, but Lin Yuan, with his multi-world consciousness ability, could awaken multiple divine abilities.

However, even among fleshly divine abilities, there are differences in strength. Currently, Lin Yuan possesses three fleshly divine abilities—Blood Rebirth, Moving Mountains, and Enhancement.

Blood Rebirth and Enhancement greatly benefit Lin Yuan, but Moving Mountains, a pure strength ability, is somewhat less useful in terms of range and intensity compared to the other two.

Given the numerous bloodline sources in this body, the fleshly divine ability he will eventually awaken should be quite powerful.

Longshan Ridge.

Longshan City.

This day was a significant one for the Longshan family. It was said that the first Viscount Longshan established the family on this day, ushering in over two thousand years of dominance in Longshan Ridge.

As the third heir of the Longshan family, Lin Yuan naturally could not miss such an important occasion.

"Brother Yuan, today's sun is so hot. It's making me dizzy. What should I do?" A young girl from the Longshan family, her cheeks flushed, leaned toward Lin Yuan.

"Hot sun?" Lin Yuan glanced up at the sky.

It was indeed somewhat hot, but for the physically strong Longshan family members, this heat was nothing. They could stand under it for three days and nights without issue.

"Are you having problems with your training?" Lin Yuan glanced at the girl. Her name was Longshan Ling, a distant cousin.

To maintain pure bloodlines, the Longshan family usually married within the clan. As long as they weren't direct relatives, they could become partners.

"I don't know. I just feel like the sun is making me hot," Longshan Ling said as she continued to lean against Lin Yuan, sounding a bit spoiled.

"I think the heat you feel isn't from the sun but from yourself," another girl nearby couldn't help but interject, scoffing.

"Longshan Lan, will you die if you don't talk?" Longshan Ling immediately glared.

"Ha! Why? You can talk but I can't? Is there such a rule in the Longshan family?" the girl named Longshan Lan retorted.

"If you're tired, take a rest. I need to go back to training," Lin Yuan said, turning to leave.

As the third heir of the Longshan family, Lin Yuan had become very popular among the family's girls after his 'reformation' and demonstrating the ability to sense qi within five hours.

Firstly, Lin Yuan was good-looking. Unlike the robust and rugged traits typical of the Longshan family, he had a kind of androgynous beauty. Additionally, he was highly likely to become a fourth-level knight and inherit the viscount title of the Longshan family.

This made him the most sought-after male in the family. Many eligible girls, even those a bit older or younger, were vying for his attention.

A talented man is attractive to everyone, and Lin Yuan was not just talented—he was nearly perfect.

"If only a little more, Longshan Lan, you ruined my chance," Longshan Ling said furiously as Lin Yuan walked away.

"Ruin your chance? Can't you see that Brother Yuan isn't interested in you?" Longshan Lan retorted.

She had pursued Lin Yuan herself but was rejected. Seeing Longshan Ling making advances, she couldn't help but intervene.

"I think Brother Yuan likes gentler girls. You're too direct; you'll scare him away," a younger girl chimed in.

"Scare him?" Longshan Lan rolled her eyes.

Had everyone forgotten Longshan Yuan's past after just a few years?

But the girls in the Longshan family didn't mind a man's promiscuous past, as long as he was strong and outstanding.

"Anyway, I still think Brother Yuan likes me. At least he didn't reject me just now."

Longshan Ling thought dreamily, then glared at Longshan Lan, "Longshan Lan, if you mess with me again, we'll be enemies!"

"Am I supposed to be afraid of you?" Longshan Lan sneered.

"Hmph, Brother Yuan will definitely become a fourth-level knight and inherit the viscount title. He'll only be with a woman who can help him. I, Longshan Yao, my grandfather is a fourth-level great knight, will help Brother Yuan in managing the family. I'm the best match for Brother Yuan," another young girl interjected.

Her grandfather was Longshan Zhu. While Viscount Longshan and Longshan Zhu decided not to reveal Lin Yuan's true potential, Longshan Zhu continuously hinted at his granddaughter to pursue Lin Yuan, knowing his true potential far exceeded what was shown.

Although he couldn't guarantee Lin Yuan would become a demigod because the Longshan family lacked detailed information on seventh-level demigods, he was confident in Lin Yuan becoming a sixth-level legendary knight.

A legendary knight could earn at least the title of 'Earl' if they pledged allegiance to the empire, ruling lands many times larger than Longshan Ridge.

Becoming the wife of an earl would be a rare honor in the entire empire.

Lin Yuan soon arrived at his training room.

"The vital energy is almost replenished. Time to start training," Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, took a Longyuan fruit, and swallowed it.

A vast amount of energy flowed through his limbs, quickly absorbed by Lin Yuan.


"The situation in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is stable. Xilan hasn't been caught by Hunyi yet." Lin Yuan sensed this through the Myriad Worlds Gate and breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been in this world for almost a week, equivalent to about half an hour in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Given that Hunyi still hadn't caught up to Xilan in such a long time, it seemed likely no unexpected events would occur soon.

Since Xilan dared to promise Lin Yuan she could hold out for three years, she must have enough confidence.

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm…"

Lin Yuan squinted slightly, feeling the mysterious call from the core area of the secret realm.

"This world should be the homeland of a follower of the 'Emperor' of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm."

That follower's deepest wish was to return to his homeland, even regarding its coordinates as his most precious legacy.

Now, the homeland that follower longed for lay before Lin Yuan.

Anpu City.

In a dark palace.

A graceful woman in a black veil stood there, frowning, "Longshan Yuan returned to Longshan City and became interested in training, sensing the qi sea within five hours?"

The graceful woman was somewhat bewildered.

That incompetent Longshan Yuan, could he really have the potential to become a fourth-level knight? 

No, it couldn't be called potential anymore.

Sensing the qi sea within five hours, coupled with being the third heir of the Longshan family and receiving the family's full support, it was safe to say that he would definitely become a fourth-level knight without any surprises.

"Divine Envoy, what should we do now?" The fox woman below was also full of incredulity. She knew Longshan Yuan's character well; they had spent quite some time together.

"Now Longshan Yuan is definitely receiving special protection from the Longshan family. This is troublesome," the graceful woman felt the situation was tricky.

If it were the previous Longshan Yuan, even though he was the third heir, without the qualifications of a knight, he wouldn't have received much attention from the Longshan family.

But now?

The graceful woman even suspected that there were fourth-level knights secretly protecting Longshan Yuan.

"The most important thing now is to meet Longshan Yuan."

"Qualifications are determined by fate. There's nothing we can do about that. But Longshan Yuan enjoys indulgence and the company of beautiful women. Once you meet him, he won't be able to resist," the graceful woman looked at the fox woman. "You go to Longshan City, try to meet Longshan Yuan as much as possible. Only then can we keep him in our hands."

After replenishing his vital energy, Lin Yuan spent most of his time practicing.

Apart from occasionally visiting his parents, Lin Yuan was rarely seen by anyone, not even his family members.

During this time, the various fourth-level knights of the Longshan family wanted to give Lin Yuan some guidance, hoping to steer this future hope of the family away from any wrong paths.

Unfortunately, what happened again made the mindset of these fourth-level knights collapse.

Their guidance to Lin Yuan had absolutely no effect. Lin Yuan seemed to be born to be a knight.

The theories and techniques those knights taught, once they mentioned a few words, Lin Yuan could fully comprehend them.

Over time, these fourth-level knights gave up their hopes of shining for the family because they realized they couldn't guide Lin Yuan at all.

On the contrary, as they continued to converse with Lin Yuan, these fourth-level knights were horrified to realize: Were they on the wrong path? Was the Longshan family's cultivation method no longer correct?

Meanwhile, Lin Yuan's cultivation soared after sending away those family fourth-level knights.

With abundant resources, after the initial period, Lin Yuan was constantly improving.

And so, time began to quietly pass.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years had passed.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 311: Mother Goddess of Desire (Subscribe)

The Longshan Range spans over 60 million miles, with the vast majority of areas uninhabited.

Atop a mountain peak thousands of zhang high, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged alone. The space around him faintly distorted, and a terrifying aura was suppressed within dozens of zhang around his body.

If released, it could likely sweep across hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

"Among the numerous bloodlines of the Longshan family, the 'Mountain Dragon' bloodline is the most prominent and the easiest to sense."

"So most members of the Longshan family focus on excavating the 'Mountain Dragon' bloodline."

"Over two thousand years ago, the first Viscount of Longshan excavated the Mountain Dragon bloodline to the fifth level."

Lin Yuan's thoughts expanded as he continued to contemplate.

"But the easiest to sense doesn't mean the strongest. In recent years, I've almost analyzed all my own bloodlines and discovered a very faint one."

"This bloodline is at least at the ninth level, and it might even be at the pinnacle of the ninth level, approaching the tenth level."

For a hundred years, Lin Yuan not only restored his strength but also studied the cultivation system of this world.

The so-called knight's cultivation method essentially involves tapping into the potential deep within one's bloodline, ultimately achieving 'reversion.'

Under the restrictions of the laws of the universe, even a sixth-level legendary knight would find it difficult to live for a thousand years. The slow cultivation method of the main universe obviously no longer suited this world.

Excavating one's bloodline potential, breaking through quickly along the path laid by one's ancestors, was in line with the trend of this world.

In the main human civilization of the primary world, becoming a fourth or fifth-tier under a hundred years old was a rare talent, even for a planet or a star domain.

But in this world, becoming a fourth or fifth-level knight under a hundred years old? Although not common, it was definitely not rare.

Before reaching the limit of bloodline potential, there were almost no restraints, the only question was how much bloodline potential one could excavate.

"I want to spread my martial evolution method in this world. I have to make changes. Relying on the original cultivation method, how can I compete with the local knight's cultivation method?"

Lin Yuan thought to himself. The martial evolution method required comprehension of external rules, but deep within the lifeblood of this world, the corresponding rule essence was already hidden.

Comprehending external rules? How could it be faster than comprehending the essence of bloodline rules internally? 

Moreover, under the compression of the lifespan limit, Lin Yuan also began to study bloodlines, making the martial evolution method 'adaptive to local conditions.'

"The nearly tenth-level bloodline hidden within me, although thin, has been continuously refined over the years, and I probably know where it comes from."

Lin Yuan raised his right hand, and a colorful stream of light appeared, vaguely exuding a terrifying pressure.

The Rainbow Dragon Clan.

The most powerful life form in this world, born since the beginning of the world. It is said that among the twenty-four main gods living in the Ocean of Light, one of them is a member of the Rainbow Dragon Clan, known as the Rainbow Dragon God, the ultimate belief of the human dragon lineage.

Whether it's the Rock Dragon, the Mountain Dragon, the Sub Dragon, the source of bloodlines is the Rainbow Dragon Clan.

"Absorbing the many knight cultivation methods in this world, even the cultivation methods hidden by the imperial royal family, and supplemented by the deduction of ninth-level insight, finally, while maintaining the core of the martial evolution system, making it primarily focused on excavating the bloodline within the body."

"The modified martial evolution method allows knights to prioritize excavating the bloodline with the greatest potential within their bodies, rather than being limited to specific knight cultivation methods."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

The many knight cultivation methods in this world are tailored to specific bloodlines.

For example, the Longshan family's Longshan cultivation method can only detect the 'Mountain Dragon' bloodline, and other bloodlines cannot be explored through the Longshan cultivation method.

But Lin Yuan's 'localized' martial cultivation method did not have this limitation. Perhaps it wasn't stronger than many knight cultivation methods in specific aspects, but it was suitable for every knight or aspiring knight.

Just based on this, the martial cultivation method could quickly spread in this world.

Of course, the 'localized' martial cultivation method is only suitable for spreading in this world. As for the primary universe? If the lifespan limit imposed by the laws of the universe is not greatly shortened.

It's naturally better to comprehend external rules. This can be seen from the strong people in this world after becoming demigods, needing the faith of sentient beings to raise a divine realm.

Evolutionists of human civilization in the primary universe, relying on opening up their own internal worlds without relying on external forces, will go further and have fewer hidden dangers.

"Just excavating the bloodline of the Rainbow Dragon Clan indeed strengthened my physical body by sixty percent. There are also merits to the path of bloodline cultivation."

Lin Yuan stroked his chin. This sixty percent was the basic strength of his physical body, without undergoing many enhancements, equivalent to the improvement of his body after bathing in the Eternal Spring once.

Moreover, Lin Yuan also felt that his exploration of the bloodline of the Rainbow Dragon Clan had not reached its end. As the exploration deepened, the enhancement of his physical body would become stronger.

"For a hundred years, I have also opened up a world within my body and reached the eighth stage. As long as I accumulate to the peak of the eighth stage, I can smoothly advance to the ninth stage."

Lin Yuan restrained his breath and stood up from the mountaintop.

According to the comparison between the realms of this world and the main world, the eighth stage is equivalent to a deity holding up a divine realm.

Once a deity holds up a divine realm, they will inevitably enter the Ocean of Light or the Abyss of Darkness.

Under the agreement of the twenty-four main gods, deities are not allowed to stay in the mortal world because it would have an impact on sentient beings, which is an unbearable cost for the gods who rely on the faith of sentient beings as their foundation.

In other words, with Lin Yuan's current strength, he is already considered invincible in the mortal realm.

"However, the gods may not appear in the mortal world, but that doesn't mean they cannot descend. It's just that they are limited by the most powerful of the twenty-four main gods. I still need to quietly cultivate until I return to the ninth stage, then I will fear nothing."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

This return to the eighth stage held no suspense for Lin Yuan,

The only surprise was the bodily divine ability awakened this time.

Elemental Body.

It can resist ninety percent of all elemental attacks at the same level.

The so-called elements are the interpretations of this world, which in the main universe, are rules.

Elemental attacks.

Are attacks based on rules.

You should know, for seventh and eighth-stage and even stronger evolutionists, the main means is to attack using the power of rules. Even the power of the world within their bodies is composed of many rules.

The same blow can have a power of ten.

But with the amplification of rules, the power could reach one million.

Immunity to rule attacks, and even up to ninety percent of rule attacks, directly places Lin Yuan among the nearly invincible ninth-stage evolutionists.

Unless using external forces, which ninth-stage evolutionist can kill Lin Yuan?

Don't mention killing him? Even if they just injure Lin Yuan, it would be extremely difficult. Moreover, Lin Yuan also has the divine ability of blood rebirth, any injury will recover in an instant.

The immunity provided by the Elemental Body to rule attacks does not overlap with defensive treasures, meaning both can be fully utilized.

Most importantly, this divine ability can grow with Lin Yuan's growth.

When Lin Yuan reaches the ninth stage, he can resist ninety percent of all rule attacks at the ninth stage.

When Lin Yuan reaches the tenth stage, he can naturally resist ninety percent of all rule attacks at the tenth stage.

"It's abnormal, truly abnormal."

Lin Yuan marveled in his heart, this kind of divine ability combined with blood rebirth is equivalent to the strongest defensive divine ability combination.

Ending today's cultivation.

Lin Yuan returned to Longshan City.

In the main hall of the Longshan family, powerful knights stood guard.

"Chief." Seeing Lin Yuan appear, a knight immediately saluted respectfully.

In a hundred years, the former Viscount of Longshan had long passed on the titles of Viscount and Chief to Lin Yuan. Even though Lin Yuan had concealed his strength, more than eighty years ago, he publicly declared his entry into the fourth stage, becoming the true top combat power in Longshan Range and several other Viscount territories nearby.

The transition of family power went smoothly, mainly because Lin Yuan's strength was strong enough. Many of the previous Viscounts of the Longshan family did not have the strength of the fourth stage before taking over. 

After becoming the Chief, with the help of the vast cultivation resources within the clan, they barely reached the fourth stage.

With Lin Yuan's absolute strength as the successor Chief, plus the potential to become a fifth-level Great Knight, many members of the Longshan family were very convinced.

"A-Ling, has that set of cultivation methods been used by the clan members?" Sitting on the Viscount's throne, Lin Yuan asked softly.

The 'A-Ling' he referred to was Longshan Ling, who had once crazily pursued Lin Yuan,

In the end, finding no hope, she turned her energy to the trivial matters of the Longshan family, and was quite valued by Lin Yuan.

"Chief, the effect of that set of cultivation methods is very good. It seems to have no specific bloodline restrictions. The quasi-knights of our Longshan family have even explored the power of bloodlines beyond the 'Mountain Dragon' bloodline."

Longshan Ling's tone was slightly excited. She understood very well what such cultivation methods meant.

Many members of the Longshan family clearly had the potential to become knights, but because their 'Mountain Dragon' bloodlines were too thin, they couldn't practice the Longshan cultivation method.

But the set of cultivation methods Lin Yuan gave them automatically explores the most suitable bloodlines, rather than being limited to non-'Mountain Dragon' bloodlines.

Once this kind of cultivation method is popularized, it means that the number of knights in the Longshan family will skyrocket.

And the more knights there are, the stronger the Longshan family will be. The stronger the Longshan family, the more resources it can obtain, which can then be used to cultivate more knights.

Forming a virtuous cycle.

"If that's the case, then let's popularize it." Lin Yuan said plainly.

The martial cultivation method Lin Yuan gave to Longshan Ling is precisely the localized path of martial evolution after "localization".

During this journey, besides striving to become stronger, Lin Yuan naturally didn't forget about "spreading the teachings".

Before stepping into the realm of the strongest, a final leap is needed. The more lives practice the martial evolution path, the greater the benefit to Lin Yuan.

The creatures of this world are the source of belief for the gods, and Lin Yuan also wants a share.

In any case, there is no strict conflict between the two. Lin Yuan doesn't need the belief of creatures; he just needs them to practice the martial evolution path.

"Spread it." Longshan Ling's heart trembled. She knew too well the value of the martial cultivation method Lin Yuan gave her.

Although spreading it would greatly enhance the strength of the Longshan family, it would also inevitably lead to the leakage of this cultivation method.

At that time, knights from other territories would also obtain this cultivation method. The advantage of the Longshan family would be diminished, possibly even putting them on the same starting line as others.

"Don't worry, do as I said, and there won't be any problems."

Lin Yuan glanced at Longshan Ling and said calmly.

The purpose of Lin Yuan's localized martial evolution path is to spread it as much as possible in this world, popularize it among all members of the Longshan family, and then spread it outside.

As for making the Longshan family insignificant? With Lin Yuan, the Viscount of Longshan, the future glory of the Longshan family will far exceed Longshan Ling's imagination.

"Is there still someone from the 'Lust' Church in Longshan City?" Lin Yuan asked about the second matter.

The 'Lust' Church is one of the semi-divine churches that the empire harshly suppresses, and it wandered near Anpu City over a hundred years ago.

The original Longshan Yuan suffered greatly from a loss of vitality, which was related to the 'Lust' Church.

In the past hundred years, Lin Yuan has basically figured out the purpose of the 'Lust' Church, which is to secretly control the Longshan family in order to collect faith for the 'Lust' Goddess behind the scenes.

According to the information Lin Yuan obtained, the 'Lust' Goddess is a very powerful semi-god who has repeatedly escaped from the blockade of the Order God Church.

Although the gods cannot directly intervene in the mortal world, powerful gods like the Order God can descend in the form of divine power and display a combat power close to that of true gods.

A hundred years ago, the 'Lust' Church targeted Longshan Yuan, but Lin Yuan's consciousness descended, directly returning to Longshan City, showing no intention of returning to Anpu City. This caused the plans of the 'Lust' Church to fail.

Under such circumstances, the 'Lust' Church could only send people to infiltrate Longshan City to see if they could continue to involve Longshan Yuan.

Unfortunately, the seductive fox woman who infiltrated Longshan City waited for fifty years, until she grew old and lost her allure, and still did not encounter Lin Yuan.

To be precise, that seductive fox woman had seen Lin Yuan up close several times, but Lin Yuan couldn't be bothered with her.

Fifty years later, this aging fox woman left in disappointment, but the 'Lust' Church still didn't give up on Longshan Range, and instead sent another young woman.

This time, the 'Lust' Church's target was not Lin Yuan himself, but rather the current heirs of the Longshan family.

Lin Yuan saw through the 'Lust' Church's intentions at a glance.

For an organization like the 'Lust' Church, which is wanted by the empire, they would never act unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise, any trace would attract the attention of the Order Church.

Upon realizing that they couldn't do anything to Lin Yuan, the 'Lust' Church preferred to spend more time, planning to exhaust Lin Yuan and then slowly plot against him.

"Want to exhaust me?"

A strange expression appeared on Lin Yuan's face. According to the rules of this world, even fourth or fifth-level knights would find it hard to live past two hundred years.

In this regard, the 'Lust' Church's plan seems flawless, but that's for ordinary fourth or fifth-level knights.

For Lin Yuan? Even without considering his true lifespan, just his residence time alone gives him a hundred and ten years. Even if the 'Lust' Church can wait, what can they do against Lin Yuan, who is capable of slaughtering even true gods in his prime? (End of this chapter)

Chapter 312: Fear of the Demigod (Subscribe!)

Lin Yuan sat on the throne, lost in thought.

For a hundred years, he had deliberately let the 'Lust' Church go unchecked, after all, there was a powerful figure like the 'Lust' Goddess behind them.

In theory, even if Lin Yuan removed all the hidden members of the 'Lust' Church in Longshan City, it would be difficult to provoke the 'Lust' Goddess.

But better safe than sorry.

Anyway, the presence of the 'Lust' Church's people in Longshan City wouldn't affect Lin Yuan. Compared to the situation of "maturation" over time, Lin Yuan had never been afraid of anyone.

"It's time to deal with the 'Lust' Church."

Lin Yuan made up his mind.

Whether it was due to the grudges of the original Longshan Yuan or the little tricks the 'Lust' Church had played on the Longshan family over the past century, Lin Yuan had no reason to let the 'Lust' Church off.

Before, Lin Yuan didn't have enough strength. When he reached the Seventh Rank, he was worried that confronting a demigod like the 'Lust' Goddess would attract the attention of the Order Church.

But now.

At least in the mortal realm, Lin Yuan was invincible. Even if twenty-four avatars of the main gods descended, they would still be far from enough to contend with Lin Yuan.

Underneath Anpu City.

This was a luxurious palace, where beautiful women in light veils walked together.

A short, chubby man followed behind the group, his vast perception taking in every detail of the palace.

"Is this the largest stronghold newly established by the Lust Church?" The short, chubby man was naturally Lin Yuan, or rather, his Martial Spirit.

Martial Spirits were versatile, and Lin Yuan could easily change his appearance.

Dealing with the insignificant Lust Church didn't require his true form to appear.

"For over a hundred years, it seems the Lust Church has been doing quite well." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly.

Although the demigod behind the Lust Church wasn't a true god, she still possessed some abilities related to 'lust,' capable of making people feel euphoric.

With the help of such abilities, the Lust Church had successfully 'controlled' some high-ranking members of Anpu City and some core members of the surrounding baronies over the years.

The group Lin Yuan was following consisted of the second generation of Anpu City, who had come specifically for pleasure.

"If the demigod behind the Lust Church can gather enough faith and ascend to the position of a true god, then all the desires of mortal beings will become her source of faith."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

For example, one of the twelve main gods of the Dark Abyss, the War God, would become stronger as wars escalated in the mortal realm.

Therefore, the War God had always been trying to incite various wars among mortals, while the twelve main gods of the Ocean of Light were relatively peaceful. The Order God, in particular, had to maintain order in the mortal realm, in stark contrast to the War God.

The criteria for dividing the gods of the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss were not good or evil, but rather the type of authority and faith they wielded.

The demigod behind the Lust Church advocated indulging in desires, leaning towards the Dark Abyss.

But whether it was the gods of the Ocean of Light or the Dark Abyss, their foundation lay in mortal beings and faith.

If mortals disappeared and faith was severed, the fate of these gods would also plummet.

"Each of you young masters, I'm going to take you inside to enjoy true bliss, so I'll be asking for your identities and names one by one."

A woman who looked delicate and easily evoked men's protective instincts said.

The second-generation members of Anpu City in front of Lin Yuan nodded in agreement, some of them impatient. Obviously, it wasn't their first time here.

Soon enough.

The delicate-looking woman came in front of Lin Yuan.

"This young master..." The delicate woman carefully inspected Lin Yuan and her expression changed slightly.

As the main person of the Lust Church, she basically knew all the young masters of Anpu City. Asking for their identities and names one by one was just a formality.

But now?

The delicate woman found that she didn't recognize the short, chubby man in front of her at all.

With such a distinctive appearance, if she had seen him once, she would definitely remember him; it was impossible for him to be a stranger like he was now.

"Who are you, young master, and what are you doing here?" The delicate woman's vigilance rose in her heart, but her expression remained unchanged as she tried to stabilize Lin Yuan.

The scrutiny to enter the underground palace was very strict; it wasn't as simple as following the main group.

Lin Yuan suddenly appearing here must mean something.

"You don't need to know who I am."

Lin Yuan grinned, revealing his white teeth. "As for what I'm doing here?"

"I'm here to..."

Lin Yuan paused for a moment and said calmly, "Kill your gods!"

As soon as the words fell.

The delicate woman's head exploded first, and within a radius of hundreds of miles around Lin Yuan, the brains of beautiful women in the underground luxurious palace exploded one after another.

Those second-generation members of Anpu City and the core members of the surrounding baronies were no exception.

In less than a breath, the entire underground luxurious palace basically had no living people left, and even the twelve Fourth-Level Knights and four Fifth-Level Grand Knights were all dead.

"Only the deepest part remains." Lin Yuan didn't stop, continuing to walk towards the deepest part of the palace.

There was a special divine power there, resisting the shadow of Lin Yuan's world.

Actually, with Lin Yuan's current strength, even as a mere Martial Spirit, he could easily overwhelm a mere Seventh-Rank demigod.

But in this mortal realm, there were the countless magical webs set up by the 'Web of Magic' goddess of the Ocean of Light.

If Lin Yuan were to unleash too much power, the 'Web of Magic' goddess would notice.

The 'Web of Magic' goddess was one of the twenty-four main gods, a Ninth-Rank pinnacle expert, close to the Tenth Rank. Before he returned to his peak, Lin Yuan wasn't eager to attract the attention of such a powerhouse.


Once the Web of Magic goddess found out, the other twenty-three main gods would surely know too.

The twenty-four main gods of this world, although divided into the camps of the Ocean of Light and the Dark Abyss, all stood on the side of the gods and could join forces when necessary.

In the deepest hall.

The envoys of the Lust Church and several bishops gathered together.

"The youngest son of the Lord of Anpu City has been completely under our control. As long as we deal with a few more heirs in front, the entire Anpu City will be our church's backyard."

"The fifth heir of Viscount Qingluan is also under our control. In no more than two hundred years, the fifty million square miles of land belonging to Viscount Qingluan will also be ours."

"Two hundred years ago, those mad dogs from the Order Church drove us from the prosperous imperial capital to here. One day, we will surely fight back, and my god will ascend to the divine throne, becoming one of the eternal stars above the sky."

The several bishops of the Lust Church were excited in their tone. They all had the strength of Sixth-Level Legendary Knights, the core power of the church.

Over the years, the Lust Church had taken root in Anpu City, and its influence had been growing. The bishops saw it all.

Although Anpu City was far less prosperous and had fewer believers compared to the imperial capital, it was much safer.

In the imperial capital, the influence of the Order Church was like a rat in the street for the Lust Church, and any slight mistake would result in encirclement and suppression.

But Anpu City was much safer. As long as they were careful and didn't act directly, it was difficult to attract the attention of the Order Church.

"Unfortunately, a hundred years ago, we failed to take down Longshan Ridge smoothly. Otherwise, Anpu City and many surrounding territories would have belonged to our Lust Church by now."

A bishop sighed.

The Lust Church fled to Anpu City, originally targeting Longshan Ridge.

The Lust Church had schemed and controlled the fourth heir of the Longshan family, intending to eliminate Longshan Yuan at the time, causing his accidental death.

In just a few decades, they would have been able to control Longshan Ridge entirely.

Then, leveraging the power of Longshan Ridge to radiate to the surrounding areas, the other baronies and Anpu City itself would have been unable to resist.

But unfortunately.

Longshan Yuan, that wastrel, turned his back on them and went to become a knight genius of the Longshan family, causing all the initial investments of the Lust Church to go to waste.

One step slower, and with the Lust Church unwilling to give up, they diverted their resources to try to salvage Longshan Yuan.

But there was still no return.

If it weren't for Longshan Yuan, with the power of the Lust Church, they could have caused a stir in the imperial capital. How could it have taken nearly two hundred years to gain complete control over Anpu City?

"That Longshan Yuan obstructed the footsteps of my god. Damn it! When the radiance of my god envelops Longshan Ridge, that Longshan Yuan will surely beg for mercy, unable to live or die."

A bishop spoke up.

The divine envoy standing under the statue glanced at the bishops below, saying nothing more.

She was also extremely disgusted with Longshan Yuan, who had wasted precious development time for the church.

Just then.

The hall here suddenly began to tremble.

Strands of pink divine power began to boil, attempting to protect the few people inside the hall.

However, under the overwhelming force of an unknown power, all the pink divine power began to evaporate rapidly.

"What's going on?"

"The divine power barrier of my god has activated automatically?"

"We were attacked just now?"

Several bishops were shocked, and even the divine envoy, who had always remained calm, was equally incredulous.

This hall was a crucial place for the Lust Church, shrouded in the power of the Lust Goddess. Even if faced with an attack from a group of demigods, it wouldn't be a problem to hold them off for a short time.

The Lust Goddess, even among other demigods, was unquestionably powerful.

But now, in just a moment, sixty percent of all the pink divine power had been evaporated, which was terrifying.


"Are all the church members dead?"

Wearing a black veil, the divine envoy seemed to perceive something, and her expression changed again.

As a church envoy, she could sense the life fluctuations of all the church members, and even the power of their faith could be perceived.

So when all the people in the luxurious palace died at the mere thought of Lin Yuan, she immediately sensed it.

"How is that possible?"

The divine envoy looked incredulous. There were over a hundred thousand members in the luxurious palace, including many Fourth and Fifth-Level Knights. Even facing encirclement by the Order Church, they died one by one, but now they all died instantly. What was going on?


Just then.

The door to the hall suddenly exploded.

A short, chubby man walked in leisurely.


"Who on earth is it?"

The bishops were filled with shock and anger, all glaring at Lin Yuan. But the next moment, their heads exploded without any warning. Even powerful Sixth-Level Legendary experts, they couldn't resist at all.

"Respected demi-god, may I inquire about the purpose of your visit?"

The divine envoy, dressed in black veil, composed herself and spoke respectfully.

Only a demi-god of the same level as the Lust Goddess could easily infiltrate and kill Sixth-Level Legendary bishops like slaughtering chickens.

Moreover, not just any demi-god, but at least one as powerful as the Lust Goddess herself.

Faced with such a powerful being, the main gods of the Ocean of Light and the Abyss of Darkness would have to descend in divine form to suppress them, let alone others.

"Where is your god?" Lin Yuan glanced around and asked directly.

His intervention this time was to eliminate the threat posed by the Lust Church. To completely destroy the Lust Church, he needed to kill the Lust Goddess behind it.

As long as the Lust Goddess lived, the Lust Church could rebuild at any time.

"I am not aware of the whereabouts of my god." The divine envoy in black veil hesitated for a moment, then continued respectfully, "But if you wish to meet my god, I can arrange it for you."

"No need."

"It's too troublesome."

Lin Yuan looked at the divine envoy in black veil, and with a slight thought, her head exploded as well.

"Cause and effect."

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, locking onto the approximate location of the Lust Goddess through the threads of causality.

Having destroyed the Lust Church and killed many of the Lust Goddess's followers, although he hadn't directly confronted the Lust Goddess, a connection had been established between them.

Utilizing this thread of causality, Lin Yuan could vaguely pinpoint the location of the Lust Goddess.

Somewhere billions of miles away from the Wangu Plateau.

A woman wearing a pink dress was rushing towards the Wangu Plateau but suddenly stopped.

"Who could it be? Who slaughtered my followers like this?"

This woman was none other than the Lust Goddess. As a demi-god-level powerhouse, as long as she wasn't surrounded by the divine power incarnations of the main gods, she could remain fearless.

"All the devoted followers I've painstakingly accumulated." The Lust Goddess felt a pang in her heart. It wasn't easy to cultivate such devout followers.

She could sense that the church stronghold in Anpu City had been practically wiped out.

"I want to see who did this."

The Lust Goddess followed a certain connection, receiving the last images seen by her dying followers.

This was a power gained after establishing a connection of faith. Deities possessed everything about their followers and could easily access memories and more.

Thump, thump, thump.

The Lust Goddess furrowed her brows slightly.

In just a few breaths, she had seen a large number of images of her followers dying, realizing that they hadn't even seen the enemy before they died.


The Lust Goddess immediately checked the last memories of the divine envoy.

To become a divine envoy of the Lust Church, there must be an extraordinary affinity with the Lust Goddess, and at critical moments, they could even become incarnations of the Lust Goddess.


The Lust Goddess watched the memories of the divine envoy.

She saw the core hall shaking, and her expression turned serious.

Anyone capable of shaking the core hall she had set up like this must be a powerful demi-god.

Finally, from the divine envoy's perspective, a short, chubby man walked in.

Then several Sixth-Level bishops died, and after a few inquiries to the divine envoy, she died too.

"This method of attack?"

The Lust Goddess widened her eyes. Through the divine envoy's perspective, she finally saw the short, chubby man make his move, the several dead Sixth-Level bishops, and finally the dead divine envoy.

"The power of a divine realm!"

"This is the power of a divine realm!"

"This person isn't a demi-god; he's a true god!"

"No, true gods cannot descend to the mortal realm. Is he a main god? The main god who oversees all beings and gods?"

The Lust Goddess was terrified, her soul trembling. Her original course towards the Wangu Plateau immediately changed direction, fleeing frantically away from it.

(End of this chapter)