
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Two Meet

A soft curious noise left when Xilo looked back down at the streets. Three men were wildy running down the street holding something in their hands and coming straight for him. "They look similar." Not really thinking about it too much he moved over to block their way. They didn't stop or try to curve around him at all though instead they fired attacks at him instantly while a quiet cry reached his ears. Blocking their attacks with a shield he quickly took out Icebreaker as his blades silently hid themselves in his skin. Looking at the direction the cry came from Xilo held his breath for a second.


Seeing a small animal with red fur covering its body Xilo doubted his eyes at first until he saw the white heart symbol on it's head. "Why do they have Kirel?" That symbol confirmed his initial guess but brought along a lot more questions along with anger. He was doing a pretty good job of holding himself back beforehand, now that they had Kirel though things changed. Crushing his own shield, his Astral Dagger replaced it as he dashed, striking at the three men. He didn't even bother asking any questions, just attacked.

While Xilo did that, Azalu snuck around the side of them doing her best to get behind them and block their way. She couldn't really attack anymore however she could be a body that blocked their only path of escaping. "This body sucks." Feeling how slowly her energy was coming back she grumbled in her mind as she made her way behind them. Once she was there she faced the three men and stood tall trying not to appear weak. If she did they would just walk all over her and escape in no time.

Breaking one of their swords, Xilo swung Icebreaker like a bat as he whacked the man right in the stomach. As he passed by a blade lunged out of his skin and quickly stabbed the man as well as he hit the ground hard. An attack came his way but he just ignored it and let it hit him instead of trying to dodge it as he moved on to the next guy. The two men left over felt a slight panic with each move Xilo made. They had already lost most of their group now they were attacked once more. "Fuck." Ideas went through their minds as they tried to figure out a way to leave alive, nothing came to mind though as another attack came their way.


Turning around they tried their best to run away in any direction they could. They were met with a blue haired girl with twin tails staring at them with a cute smile full of danger. In seconds a wall of wind appeared in front of them blocking and pushing them back towards the devil behind them. "Fools." With the last of her energy she could muster Azalu sent them towards Xilo with a smile on her face that never left. Memories came flying back to her as she remembered all the fights she used to do alone however one thing stayed consistent. "I can take from others, not the other way around." When people tried to take from her, they died.

"It's quite a simple concept."

Like a little child she giggled as she saw Xilo ripping through their defenses as he made his way to the little fox. "Azalu...?" "Oh finally awake sleepy head?" "Yeah, feel a little...tired though." Hearing Relia's faint voice in her head waking up, Azalu stretched her body as they talked. "You pushed yourself too hard, of course you're tired." "I see...am I needed anymore?" "No, Xilo has this covered, let's just sit back and watch the show." Just like that the two of them fell silent as Xilo fought. Snapping anothing sword with a blade that came out of his skin, Xilo felt his anger rising as he got closer to Kirel.

"Give her back!"

Swiping at the man's arm who was holding it, he didn't even care if he had to rip it off. Grazing the man he saw bone once he finished attacking however his arm still stayed attached as the man cried out. The other man tried to defend his partner as he stabbed Xilo's wide open back. Feeling a sword pierce his skin, Xilo quickly tried to get out of the way before it pierced his back completely. Ducking to the side a bit, Xilo ran his arm along the sword as he reached the man swinging it and grabbed a hold of his arm. Crushing his wrist he forced the man to drop the sword as a blade pierced his skin and dug into the man's body like butter as he swapped back to the man holding kirel and grabbed at her.

"Looks like I need to step in."

Watching from afar Mason had been following Relda when he saw her rushing off in a hurry. "That kid is stronger than I thought." He had been watching their fight from the very beginning. If he didn't step in now he would lose his chance at getting that Fox. "Relda is here...." He knew Relda was here as well, however that couldn't stop him now. They were off equal strength so as long as he got his hands on the Fox before they did it was his win. Stepping down from the roof he announced his presence to the two fighting.

"We meet once again, little man."

Putting his hand on Xilo's shoulder he threw his body off of his men before he ripped their entire arm off. Flying back against the wall Xilo felt slightly winded as he looked up to see a slightly familiar face. "it's him." Holding his head he stood back up after being thrown around for the second time today, luckily he got what he was after. Catching her breath Relda finally caught up as she watched Xilo get flung across the street. "What the hell?" Looking at the direction he came from she saw Mason with a small group of men.

"Mason, what the hell is going on here?"

"Oh nothing, just collecting my future. How's your day been?"

Hearing his mocking tone, Xilo couldn't stop himself from interrupting .

"Your future, what the hell do you want with Kirel?"

Before he was sent flying he had quickly grabbed Kirel out of the man's hands and secured her safety thankfully.

Sorry today's is late along with nothing yesterday, was quite busy sadly. :c


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