
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Three Of Them

"Are you sure you're just not forgetting?"

"Having children is way too big of a deal to just forget Xilo. I don't know how or why Landal told you we had kids but I've never wanted children at least right now. He was lying to you, trying to trick you into turning on me."

Xilo was left in a rough spot now that Lexia had openly denied having any kids. "Is she lying or is it the truth?" It was hard to tell and with both sides giving different answers Xilo was stuck. "Let's say she's telling the truth." Did that mean Landal was aware of Xilo's trick or had he been tricked into thinking that he had kids. "And if she's lying." That meant lexia wasn't someone Xilo could trust and there was potential to put everyone in danger being around her let alone help her with the war. Keeping track of his options Xilo slumped his shoulders.

"Yeah, maybe so. Hearing it I was really shocked since you hadn't mentioned them. I just wanted to be sure so I figured I would ask you about that."

"Landal is a very good liar and will try his best to manipulate anyone around him. When we were arguing earlier he knew of my presence which meant he also knew of you as well. I'm just taking a guess here however I bet he only talked to you because he remembered you were with me before. He probably thought he could use you to get to me. You should just forget everything he said and push it out of your mind. It's worthless information."

Lexia figured Landal also told Xilo not to tell them how they talked as well. "Kicks me out and still tries to cause trouble." There was nothing she could do about it except tell Xilo to just forget and answer any of his questions. "Wellthat failed. Let's ask something else." Xilo wasn't done yet, there were still two more things he wanted to ask. This time he planned to be a bit more subtle about his question. Since Lexia currently thought he was being tricked by Landal it was best if she didn't mention him. If he went about it that way maybe he could get a little more out of her.

"My bad, I'll try to forget what he said. You just haven't really talked about your relationship with him in too much detail so I was curious."

"No one really asked, if you want to know, ask away. I'll give you the honest truth."

"Will do, though I'm a bit curious Lexia. Have you ever met Drahal before today at any point?"

"Nope, I've never seen Drahal in my life. Landal used to go out to meet him and would never bring me. Back then Landal was worried about my safety to much and so I agreed to stay back. So besides the few things I had heard of him it was my first time today seeing him in person."

"He's quite a huge….Dragon? I don't really quite know what he is."

Rolling her eyes at the use of the term Dragon, Lexia told Xilo what he was.

"He's no Dragon regardless of how much he likes to pose as one. At most he's an off breed known as something similar to a Hydra. Most Dragons in this world have gone extinct with very few left and even their time is running out. Those Dragons are mostly in the Central Dracal at the very top of the world or hidden away."

"There's Dragons in Dracal?"

"Yes, the king himself is one of them. Maybe one day you'll see him, who knows. It all depends on if you have enough talent to get there. He'll probably die by the time you get a chance though."

"Why is that?"

"He's coming close to the end of his life and is already preparing someone to take his place. Maybe it's a bit out there but Drahal might be trying to be selected for it. That could also be another reason for his sudden aggression towards us. As much as one Astral Zone hurts to lose it's not reason enough alone to invade someone. I could be wrong though, who knows."

Shrugging her shoulders Lexia leaned back as she talked. Hearing Dragons brought up Xilo's thoughts about Xelfia's origins. "Looks like they kept themselves well hidden." For only a few to be known by the world was surprising. Though Xilo remembered how much hate that humans had for Dragons so it was surprising to hear one be a king of Dracal. "There's multiple kings in Dracal, not just one." Althea spoke up a bit on the small bits of information that she knew. Dracal was unique compared to the rest of the world. With three kings in total that were all around similar strengths. "One king Is an Astral Beast, being the Dragon. Another a human." That left Xilo a little confused on who the third King was then.

"What about the third then?"

"The third....is a demon."

"Three different kings...all on top of the world. With each of them all hating each other. Sounds like a real mess in Dracal."

"Try not to think about it too much. That place is complicated even for me and in all honesty you should never go there as you are now. You and everyone you care about will be slaughtered instantly."

Listening to the woman, Xilo had stopped paying attention to Lexia who was sitting right next to him. Noticing Xilo's sudden distraction she gently pushed him trying after her voice failed to work. After a few pushes he jolted out of his daze and looked around at his surroundings. Immediately he remembered what he was doing as he apologised to Lexia. "Right, back on track." Xilo had one more question that he wanted to ask. Trying to figure out how to word it in his head, Xilo took a moment. Waiting for Xilo to speak again, Lexia crossed her legs and put her head on her knees. Staring at him she noticed something about his eyes that she hadn't before, "They're similar...." Her vision flashed back to that dream she had and the Demon's eye she saw.

"Lexia...have you ever felt like you were close to death?"


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