
Re-Life In A Novel

Novel Title : Re-Life In A Novel ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Greetings, Dear WebNovel Readers! Here is the short Synopsis : The tale of [Re-Life] unfolds within the quiet solitude of our Protagonist's room as his heart comes to a sudden halt, thrusting him [In A Novel]. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, he finds himself immersed in a wondrous realm - a world he once adored only in the pages of a cherished novel, now pulsating with life. Step into a captivating slice-of-life tale set in a Mediaeval Era brimming with wonders beyond imagination. Picture guns and cannons harmoniously blending with the clanging of Swords, the thrusting of Spears, the peak of Archery and the rhythmic galloping of gallant steeds. In this tumultuous land, Emperors clash in unending strife, and Kingdoms wage ceaseless wars beneath their banners. Everywhere, the echoes of battle resonate, leaving no corner untouched by the turbulence of their ambitions. But our Protagonist's story is far from ordinary. With a fresh identity and a memory tinged with familiarity, he embarks on an extraordinary slice of life journey. Amidst the turmoil, he finds solace in the simple moments of existence - the warmth of Family, the trust in Camaraderie, the laughter of Friendship, and the blossoming of Romance. As pages turn, secrets unravel, and the tapestry of destiny weaves a tale that bridges the gap between past and present. "[Re-Life In A Novel]" invites you to savour the essence of everyday life, even amidst a world engulfed in ceaseless turmoil. Are you prepared for an enchanting slice-of-life adventure? Embrace the charm, and let the journey begin. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ So? How was it? I hope you are interested in giving the Novel a try. Well anyway, here are the #Tags : #Slice Of Life #Romance #First Love(:Strong Couple) #Family #Adventure #Academy(:Military) #Kingdom Building(:Just a little) #R18(:Only for gore scenes) #Transmigration(:dah~) #No-Harem(:Assemble)

WrightBrothers · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter - 8 : [Lotuscrest Viviana Rasalind]

(Same Day–Evening)

(Rai's POV)

Just as Kavir had informed me, the train reached our destination after ten minutes or so.

By now, I had changed back into my more formal attire from the casual outfit I had worn during the journey.

In the dim light of dusk, the train finally pulled to a stop with huge smoke-releasing sounds.


I let out a sigh of relief. It was a long ride, and I was glad to be on solid ground again.

My little sister, Valencia Elizabeth, and I were dressed in attire befitting the Prince and Princess of the Kingdom of Xantrinia.

We were ready to make a good first impression in this new kingdom we had arrived in.

As the train came to a stop, I extended my hand to help Elza, as I gently caught her hand, step off the train.

The sights and sounds of the new kingdom surrounded us as we set foot on unfamiliar ground.

People around us couldn't help but cast curious glances and whisper among themselves, but Kavir and the escort knights shielded us from the attention. It seemed we were already causing a bit of a stir.

Well, I guess it's not every day you see a Prince and Princess strolling through a train station, right?

Elza held my hand tightly, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the unfamiliar sights and sounds of the bustling station.

But before we could fully take in our surroundings, a delegate from the hosting Kingdom approached us. He looked quite proper, with a touch of formality in his demeanour.

"Prince Rai Karnal and Princess Valencia Elizabeth, I welcome you both to our Kingdom of Alchemoria."(???)

The delegate announced it with a warm smile and a respectful bow.

Elza and I returned their politeness with appreciative smiles, acknowledging the warm reception we received.

"I am Harrington, the King's Advisor. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, Prince Rai Karnal and Princess Valencia Elizabeth."(Harrington)

Advisor Harrington introduced himself.

I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the formal address.

"Advisor Harrington, you can just call me Karnal.

"And I also don't think my Sister would mind being called Elizabeth."(Rai)

I replied with a playful voice, hoping to ease the tension a bit.

"You can call me Elizabeth~, Advisor Harrington!"(Elizabeth)

Elza chimed in, immediately supporting my words and adding a little curtsy for extra flair.

Advisor Harrington smiled warmly, seemingly amused by my Sister's immediate response.

"Very well, Prince Karnal and Princess Elizabeth. The Queen is looking forward to meeting you both.

"We have arranged for a motorised carriage to take you to the Capital City, Alrafiore."(Harrington)

I couldn't help but raise an intrigued eyebrow at this new information.

Well, well, they're really going all out to please us.

Sending the King's advisor, and now this fancy ride.

I chuckled to myself, thinking, I wonder what they're up to.

If I were the same naive person as yesterday, that is what I might have thought to myself.

It's pretty clear they want something from me, and I know exactly what that is.

But they won't get it so easily, that's for sure.

Anyway, for now, I'll play along with their little game.

Let's see how far they're willing to go to win my favour.

With Elza's hand in mine, we followed Advisor Harrington to the luxurious carriage waiting for us.

As the carriage moved through the cobbled streets, Kavir and the other knights followed behind on horses.

I couldn't help but be amazed at the architecture and grandeur of the kingdom. It was unlike anything we had seen before.

Elza, on the other hand, was excitedly pointing at every little thing she found fascinating. Her joy was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

The journey to Alrafiore was relatively short, just an hour or so, as it wasn't far from the railroad station.

Upon our arrival at the grand castle, Advisor Harrington led us inside.

The grand halls of the castle were awe-inspiring, and we were soon received by the Queen-Lotuscrest Valentina-herself.

She greeted us with warmth and grace.

"I apologise for the absence of the whole royal family in receiving you."(Valentina)

After a formal introduction, the Queen apologised for the absence of the whole royal family in receiving us.

"No need for any apology, Your Grace. We are grateful for your warm reception."(Rai)

I reassured her that there was no need to apologise.

"I appreciate your understanding, Prince Karnal.

"I really wish to continue to speak to you and Princess Elizabeth.

"But because you've travelled so far, I'll excuse myself and let you have a decent night's sleep.

"Private chambers have been prepared for you both."(Valentina)

Queen Valentina suggested it in a caring tone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. We will do that.

"I look forward to formally introducing and thanking the royal family for your hospitality and everything you're doing for us."(Rai)

I replied, grateful for her understanding.

Elza also beamed, seemingly at ease in the presence of the Queen.

They didn't hold us long, just as the Queen said, and soon guided us to the private chambers prepared for us.

After settling into our chambers, I found myself lying on a plush bed, feeling like I'd entered a haven of comfort.

"Yep!~ This is how a comfy bed feels like.

"No less than a haven."(Rai)

Lying on the luxurious bed in the guest chamber of the foreign Kingdom, I couldn't help but let my mind wander into the depths of the novel knowledge from my past life.

The upcoming meeting with the Royal Family of [Lotuscrest] and the rulers of Kingdom–Alchemoria weighed heavily on my mind, like an intriguing puzzle waiting to be solved.

The Royal Family of Lotuscrest was no ordinary bunch.

Consisting of four distinct members–the powerful King, the graceful Queen, the refined Prince, and, of course, the enigmatic Princess.

Ah, yes, the Princess.

She's the one who could turn my life upside down, for better or worse…

The reason I'm a bit on edge is all because of this Princess from Alchemoria.

-"[Lotuscrest Viviana Rasalind]"-

-and also the second Female Protagonist of the Novel-[WarZone]

From what I recall from that Novel, she was portrayed as extremely ambitious and willing to go to extreme measures to achieve her goals.

Honestly, I have to admit, she had a certain villainous aura about her.

The knowledge from the novel whispered in my mind, reminding me that her true nature was hidden from the outside world.

She has an ambitious dream of becoming the ultimate ruler, the Emperor of the Empire that our two Kingdoms and multiple other Kingdoms served.

And believe it or not, thanks to her Mother, the Queen, she was the Daughter of the current Emperor.

This royal lineage gave her the right to be a candidate for the next Emperor in line, and that added an interesting layer of complexity to the whole situation.

Now, with all that said, if you are wondering where I came into this play and why I am concerned with it, it would be because, as my luck would have it–

Yours truly, Rei Karnal-me-and the Princess Lotuscrest have a high chance of being Engaged through a political alliance.

Yep, you heard it right. Unless something crazy happens, she would be bound to me as my future Fiancée, meaning my future partner, which is actually not too far off.

Even our marriage proposal, though initially proposed by her Parents, was accepted because she saw potential in my future position as the King of my influential Kingdom to assist her aspirations.

My Kingdom was one of, if not the most important, powers supporting the Empire, generating the most income for them to afford War and Defence.

Though my Family wasn't known for our might and military power, we served the Empire in many Ministry positions for generations, and that's how our paths intertwined.

And when my Family proposed this proposal, I simply accepted it as a sign of gratitude for treating my Sister even though I didn't have to.

The offerings presented by my Father were actually more than sufficient for what they had done.

However, unlike 'him', I am no pushover.

I am conscious of the price being paid by both parties.

I know I have the power to say 'No' to this whole Engagement proposal.

And simply lead a peaceful life away from the political intrigues and the battle for the throne.

Which will also lead to me not involving myself with her once and for all.

However, despite her not-so-good side, I have a favourable opinion of her character, as I used to read about her in the Novel.

I was somehow drawn to her ambitious and determined character for going to any lengths to achieve whatever she intended to, which I had lacked both in my past and current life.

And if somehow I felt like she was the same person at her core, maybe I would be…

As I drift off to sleep, my mind muddled with conflicting thoughts, I decide to let tomorrow's meeting be the deciding factor.

For now, I would rest, hoping that my dreams might provide some clarity on the path I was about to embark on.


(To be continued…)


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