
Re-Life In A Novel

Novel Title : Re-Life In A Novel ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Greetings, Dear WebNovel Readers! Here is the short Synopsis : The tale of [Re-Life] unfolds within the quiet solitude of our Protagonist's room as his heart comes to a sudden halt, thrusting him [In A Novel]. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, he finds himself immersed in a wondrous realm - a world he once adored only in the pages of a cherished novel, now pulsating with life. Step into a captivating slice-of-life tale set in a Mediaeval Era brimming with wonders beyond imagination. Picture guns and cannons harmoniously blending with the clanging of Swords, the thrusting of Spears, the peak of Archery and the rhythmic galloping of gallant steeds. In this tumultuous land, Emperors clash in unending strife, and Kingdoms wage ceaseless wars beneath their banners. Everywhere, the echoes of battle resonate, leaving no corner untouched by the turbulence of their ambitions. But our Protagonist's story is far from ordinary. With a fresh identity and a memory tinged with familiarity, he embarks on an extraordinary slice of life journey. Amidst the turmoil, he finds solace in the simple moments of existence - the warmth of Family, the trust in Camaraderie, the laughter of Friendship, and the blossoming of Romance. As pages turn, secrets unravel, and the tapestry of destiny weaves a tale that bridges the gap between past and present. "[Re-Life In A Novel]" invites you to savour the essence of everyday life, even amidst a world engulfed in ceaseless turmoil. Are you prepared for an enchanting slice-of-life adventure? Embrace the charm, and let the journey begin. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ So? How was it? I hope you are interested in giving the Novel a try. Well anyway, here are the #Tags : #Slice Of Life #Romance #First Love(:Strong Couple) #Family #Adventure #Academy(:Military) #Kingdom Building(:Just a little) #R18(:Only for gore scenes) #Transmigration(:dah~) #No-Harem(:Assemble)

WrightBrothers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter - 7 : Kingdom-[Alchemoria]


(Rai's POV)

"Okay, System I Choose–

"[Archery] from [Long-Range Combat]

"[Martial Arts] from [Close-Range Combat]

"[Horsemanship] from [Semi Combat]

"And finally, [Hunting and Tracking] from [Non-Combat]"(Rai)

I called out the Skills with their names conforming to my choice.


[Processing The Host's Request]

[Noted - Positive]

➣[Archery]-[Close-Range Combat]

➣[Martial Arts]-[Long-Range Combat]

➣[Horsemanship]-[Semi Combat]

➣[Hunting and Tracking]-[Non-Combat]

[Ding! The Host's Choice of Skills are Successfully Locked]





[Skills Integration Is Halted]

[System Note : To Complete Skills Integration, The Host Is Required To Open The Beginners Pack]


"Shit! What's this now?"(Rai)

I groaned in frustration as the warning message popped up.

I should have–


[Ding! The Host Received Access To The Beginners Pack]

[Does The Host Wish To Accept The Beginners Pack?]



–seen this coming, sh….?

My thoughts caught in my throat as I stared at the next System popup in surprise.


Beginners Pack…?

Now of all the time.

But seriously, was this thing lurking around from the very beginning, and I somehow missed it?

Or is this damned System springing it on me now out of nowhere?

And don't even mention those shitty [Yes/No] questions.

As if I will ever say No.

But here's the thing, System, you're being a little too generous, don't you think?

First, you offered me a whole bunch of Skills to choose from, and now you're throwing in some 'additional' ones.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

However, I gotta say that this whole situation is raising my suspicion levels.

Isn't that right?


[Processing The Host's Request]

[Noted - Negative]

[The System Is Unable Comprehend The Host Request]



"Yep! Totally suspicious."(Rai)

I muttered, feeling a bit frustrated by the lack of clear answers from the System.

Additionally, it seems that the System is one-way functional, with me doing all the talking.

It's like talking to a wall.

I thought with a hint of annoyance, realising the limitations of our interactions.

After a moment of contemplation, I decided to take a leap of faith.

I mean, why not? It was a free Beginners Pack, and who knows, it might have something valuable to offer.

Anything is OK as long as it's free.


I replied decisively, not hesitating to accept the Beginners Pack and deciding to put my residual doubts aside for now.


[Processing The Host's Request]

[Noted - Positive]

[Beginners Pack Accepted!]

[Ding! Host Received Additional Skills]

➣[Stealth and Subterfuge]-[Semi Combat]

➣[Writing and Illustration]-[Non-Combat]

◆[Death Aura]-[Special Skill]


[Does The Host Wish To Integrate All The Skills Selected And Skills Received?]


◆[System Note : Host Might Feel Dizzy In this Process Of Integration]


Hum…so what do we have here?

As the rewards materialised before me, I read through them, doubt crept in.

"[Stealth and Subterfuge]-[Semi Combat]"(Rai)

I mused aloud, nodding to myself.

This skill sounded like a valuable asset, especially in an era where danger lurked around every corner. Being able to move silently and unnoticed could be a game-changer

It would not only amp up my [Archery] skill but also add a whole new dimension to my abilities as a combatant.

But as I glanced at the next reward, [Writing and Illustration], a chuckle escaped my lips.

"Really? [Writing and Illustration]? What am I supposed to do with this Skill?"(Rai)

I asked, half-laughing at the absurdity of it.

While I might personally enjoy writing and illustrating, it doesn't seem like the most practical skill for me now.

I mean, am I going to defeat enemies with my storytelling or draw them into submission? Doesn't seem very likely.

But hey, who knows? Maybe it'll come in handy someday.

However, my musings came to a sudden halt as I continued reading.

"And finally-[Death Aura]-[Special Skill]"(Rai)

I read, my eyes widening at the revelation.

A Special Skill?

Now that's something intriguing and mysterious.

I had no clue what a [Death Aura] meant, but the name alone sent shivers down my spine.

Ghaa…Whatever it is, let's just accept it.


With a resolute nod, I accepted the skills.

This time, I didn't ponder too much and accepted the Skills. Maybe I already got used to it.


[Processing The Host's Request]

[Noted - Positive]

[⧗...Integrating The Skills …⧗]

[■□□□□□□□□□] 10%

[■■■□□□□□□□] 30%


As I accepted the Skills and the Beginners Pack, a rush of information flooded my mind.

It was as if a dam had burst, and years of knowledge and experiences were pouring into my consciousness all at once.

I could feel the weight of the Skills wisdom settling in my head, and for a moment, I thought my brain might explode with the sheer volume of information.


[■■■■■□□□□□] 50%

[■■■■■■■□□□] 70%


"Whoa, isn't this only supposed to be a little dizzy?"(Rai)

I grumbled, attempting to wrap my head around everything.

Skills and their intricacies, combat techniques, survival tactics, and even the art of writing and illustration swirled in my mind like a chaotic storm.

As the skills integrated with me, a rush of energy surged through my body, and I could feel the newfound abilities coursing through my veins.

It was both exhilarating and daunting, knowing that I now possessed the power to wield these skills and carve my own destiny.


[■■■■■■■■■□] 90%

[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%


As the minutes ticked by, the chaotic storm in my mind started to calm down, like the dust settling after a wild adventure.

At first, it felt like my brain was playing catch-up, trying to process all the new information and skills that had just flooded in.

But miraculously, it started to make sense, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place.

It was as if my mind was a sponge, absorbing every bit of knowledge and expertise from the skills I had chosen.

And as it absorbed, I could feel myself becoming more connected to these abilities, as if they had been a part of me all along.

As the last bits of information integrated seamlessly into my being, I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of readiness.


[Ding! The Skills Are Successfully Integrated With The Host!]

[Call "STATUS" To Check Your Stats]



With that I divided in into the system trying to find more about is functions

I delved deeper into the system, eager to uncover more about its functions and capabilities



(After 4 hours…)

In the quiet solitude of my cabin, I was absorbed in my own world, going through the System panel.


My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar knock on the door.

"Come in."(Rai)

I beckoned, lifting my gaze to see Kavir stepping into the room, his warm smile ever-present.

"What is it, Kavir?–

I inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"–...is it another bandit attack?"(Rai)

I playfully teased, flashing an amused grin.

"Your Highness, please don't joke about such matters lightly."

He pleaded, his smile tinged with a hint of helplessness.

"Yeah, yeah, stop whining like a kid already–

I retorted with a fake frustrated growl.

"–If Elza ran in, she might think I am bullying you again."(Rai)

Kavir's eyes twinkled, appreciating the familiarity of our banter.

"Your Highness, we will be reaching our destination in about ten minutes."

He informed me, providing a timely update.

"Thank you, Kavir–

I replied, returning his smile.

"–That's good to know."(Rei)

"Is there anything else you need, Your Highness?"

Kavir nodded, his eyes reflecting concern for his Master.

"No, everything is fine."(Rai)

I replied, glancing around the well-kept room.

"I will prepare to disembark once we arrive."

As he turned to leave, I stopped him with a sudden thought.

"Kavir, wait–

He turned back, his gaze attentive.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"–...I need a Bow. Arrange it."(Rai)

Kavir's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and nodded.

"You can count on me, your Highness. I'll make sure it's ready for you once we reach Alchemoria."

He added, before turning to leave the room.

As I watched him go.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

My mind started to drift back to the reason for embarking on this journey.

My Father, the King-Silverthorne Azrael Alistair, had summoned me, revealing the truth about my six-year-old sister, Silverthorne Valencia Elizabeth. She was suffering from a mysterious ailment.

Thankfully, the ailment wasn't too perilous, and there existed a cure, but one that could only be found in the distant Kingdom.


With that, Father entrusted me with my little Sister's well-being and ordered me to leave for the Kingdom immediately.

My Family thought they had faith in the renowned Alchemical Medicine of [Alchemoria], but they couldn't help feeling worried.

Family—that's what they do, isn't it?

Regardless, now that I personally know the Novel's knowledge, I trust that my Sister will make a full recovery…

Yet there was also something more pressing that required my utmost attention.

In fact, my peaceful future depends on the choices I make in the Kingdom of [Alchemoria] for whatever time I will be there.


(Chapter END)


Chapter words : 1500

Total words : 10.2K