
Re-Life In A Novel

Novel Title : Re-Life In A Novel ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Greetings, Dear WebNovel Readers! Here is the short Synopsis : The tale of [Re-Life] unfolds within the quiet solitude of our Protagonist's room as his heart comes to a sudden halt, thrusting him [In A Novel]. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, he finds himself immersed in a wondrous realm - a world he once adored only in the pages of a cherished novel, now pulsating with life. Step into a captivating slice-of-life tale set in a Mediaeval Era brimming with wonders beyond imagination. Picture guns and cannons harmoniously blending with the clanging of Swords, the thrusting of Spears, the peak of Archery and the rhythmic galloping of gallant steeds. In this tumultuous land, Emperors clash in unending strife, and Kingdoms wage ceaseless wars beneath their banners. Everywhere, the echoes of battle resonate, leaving no corner untouched by the turbulence of their ambitions. But our Protagonist's story is far from ordinary. With a fresh identity and a memory tinged with familiarity, he embarks on an extraordinary slice of life journey. Amidst the turmoil, he finds solace in the simple moments of existence - the warmth of Family, the trust in Camaraderie, the laughter of Friendship, and the blossoming of Romance. As pages turn, secrets unravel, and the tapestry of destiny weaves a tale that bridges the gap between past and present. "[Re-Life In A Novel]" invites you to savour the essence of everyday life, even amidst a world engulfed in ceaseless turmoil. Are you prepared for an enchanting slice-of-life adventure? Embrace the charm, and let the journey begin. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ So? How was it? I hope you are interested in giving the Novel a try. Well anyway, here are the #Tags : #Slice Of Life #Romance #First Love(:Strong Couple) #Family #Adventure #Academy(:Military) #Kingdom Building(:Just a little) #R18(:Only for gore scenes) #Transmigration(:dah~) #No-Harem(:Assemble)

WrightBrothers · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter - 9 : Meeting Lotuscrest


(Next Day Morning)

(Rei's POV)


"Your Highness, Princess Elizabeth, is waiting for you to join."(Kavir)

Kavir's voice jolted me out of my momentary daydreaming, reminding me of the awaited meeting.

"Oh, right, the meeting."(Rai)

I mumbled, trying to focus on the present.

"Yeah, let's head over. Don't want her going in alone."(Rai)

I responded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as I took the lead, Kavir following close behind.

Today, we were going to meet the Lotuscrest Royal Family, and while it wasn't an official affair, it carried significance, and I couldn't help but wonder how this encounter might shape our future.

"Big Brother~! Good morning."(Elizabeth)

Elza's chirpy voice interrupted my contemplation as she bounded toward us.

"Good morning, Elza! Are you ready to meet the King and Queen?"(Rai)

I grinned, knowing full well she was more than ready.


She replied, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Together, we followed Kavir's lead, who had already been informed of the location for the banquet.

The anticipation filled the air, and my heart pounded in my chest as the doors to the grand banquet hall swung open.

Stepping inside, the majestic hall of the royal palace unfolded before us, adorned with elegant tapestries and exquisite chandeliers.

The room was filled with an air of formality.

Before us stood the Lotuscrest Royal Family – King Oberon, Queen Valentine, Prince Adrian, and the enigmatic Princess Viviana.

Each of them exuded an air of sovereignty, yet their smiles were warm and welcoming.

"Welcome, Prince Karnal and Princess Elizabeth!"(Oberon)

King Oberon's voice resonated through the hall, his demeanour calm and composed.

"Thanks for having us, Your Majesty."(Rai)

I replied, giving a nod of respect.

Queen Valentine extended her hand towards Elza and exchanged pleasantries.

"I'm Elza! Nice to meet you again, Queen Valentine!"(Elizabeth)

Elza said her enthusiasm was contagious.

"The pleasure is mine, dear."(Valentine)

The Queen chuckled, charmed by Elza's innocent excitement.

Queen Valentine remained as welcoming as she was yesterday, putting us at ease with her warmth and outgoing nature.

"And this is my elder Son, Prince Adrian."(Adrian)

Oberon introduced the friendly-looking 20-year-old-young man standing beside him.

"Nice to meet you, Prince and Princess of Silverthorne."(Adrian)

Prince Adrian said, giving a polite nod.

"Hi! I'm Elza, and he's my big brother, Rai!"(Elizabeth)

Elza introduced us, her smile widening.

"Hello, Princess Elizabeth. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Rai."(Adrian)

Prince Adrian replied, smiling warmly.

And though he was older than me, he had a friendly personality similar to his Mother's, and we exchanged friendly nods.

Finally, my gaze landed on the enigmatic Princess, Lotuscrest Viviana Rasalind.

She stood gracefully with an air of elegance, and her deep eyes seemed to hold secrets only she knew.

"Princess Viviana Rosalind."(Rai)

I said, nodding politely.

There was an undeniable aura of curiosity and intelligence surrounding her, leaving me both cautious and captivated.

I couldn't escape the keenness in her gaze. Her perceptive eyes seemed to scrutinise me, mirroring my own attempts to decipher her.

"Prince Rai Karnal."(Rai)

She replied with a nod, her words measured and composed.

Soon we all moved on from introductions and settled at the banquet table, where the conversation flowed naturally.

The Royal Family was genuinely interested in getting to know us, and they asked about our Kingdom and our journey.

Elza and the Queen bonded instantly, chatting animatedly about favourite foods and hobbies. I was happy to see my sister making such a strong connection.

Meanwhile, I engaged in discussions with the King and Prince, discussing various topics of mutual interest. But nothing serious.

Both the King and Prince were amazing hosts, making me feel at ease and welcomed in their Kingdom.

Throughout the meal, the Princess remained mostly quiet, but her occasional interest in Elza's stories intrigued me. It was like she was trying to figure us out.

Following the banquet, the King, Prince Adrian, and I retreated to a more private setting for some after-meal drinks and relaxed conversation.

Well Princess Viviana was present as well, but it seems she isn't keen on chit-chat, so I decided to not disturb her and let her be.

As we sipped our drinks, the atmosphere grew more informal, and we engaged in friendly banter. The topic finally shifted to Elza's health, and I couldn't help but express my concerns.

"Prince Kranal.

–King Oberon said with a reassuring tone.

"I want to assure you that there is no need to worry about Princess Elza's health.

"We have engaged the most skilled and experienced doctors in our Kingdom to oversee her treatment."(Oberon)

"Indeed, Prince Kranal. I understand your concerns completely.

–Prince Adrian, seeking to further alleviate my worries, joined in and added.

"Allow me to speak not just as a fellow Prince but as a friend and well-wisher.

"Princess Elza is in the safest of hands, and every possible care will be taken to ensure her well-being."(Adrian)

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Your consideration means a lot to me."(Rai)

I said it sincerely.

Later, we talked more about the treatment, and I was relieved to find out that they'd be giving it to Elza right here on the Palace grounds.

With all my doubts cleared, we shifted the conversation to lighter topics. It felt good to take a break from all the seriousness and just enjoy some easy-going banter.

During our discussion about Elza, I noticed something interesting.

Princess Viviana had this subtle hint of worry on her face as she glanced over at Elza and the Queen, who were busy admiring the flowers in the garden.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her mind.

It's got me curious, you know? Like, what could be racing through her thoughts right now? Is she worried about something?


As the day ended, we said our goodbyes, feeling a sense of warmth and connection with the Royal Family.

Elza and I felt more at ease, knowing that the Lotuscrest Royal Family was genuinely interested in us.

After the banquet, we bid our farewells to the Royal Family, expressing our gratitude for their warm welcome.

As we made our way back to our chambers, Elza couldn't contain her excitement.

"Big Brother, they're all so nice! Did you see how much the Queen liked me?"(Elizabeth)

Elza said, her eyes shining.

"Yes, I did, Elza. You made quite an impression."(Rai)

I replied, ruffling her hair affectionately.

"And Prince Adrian was friendly too! Maybe you'll make a good friend."(Elizabeth)

Elza playfully commented(:teased), hitting me straight in the heart.

I chuckled, glad to see Elza enjoying herself.

"We'll see.

"It seems like we'll have some pleasant days ahead of us."(Rai)



(Same Day-After Four and Half hours later)

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the castle grounds as I strolled back towards my chambers.

Unlike the morning, when we dined with the Lotuscrest Family, the night meal was only shared between me and my Sister.

Maybe they thought to give us some time alone before Elza's treatment started tomorrow.

Anyway, after completing our meal and spending some quality time with my Sister, I led her back to her room.

It would have been a perfect escape for me to stroll around and clear my head while strolling through these long corridors if not for this guy's presence.

"Hey, Kavir, why don't you leave already?"(Rai)

I called out in annoyance, looking at Kavir, who was walking in front, my voice carrying a mix of irritation and concern.

"Your Highness, I can't do th–"(Kavir)

Kavir halted in his tracks, turning to face me with a perplexed expression.

"First off, did you arrange the Bow?"

I didn't let him finish his sentence, cutting him off sharply.


"No. Not yet, Your Highness."(Kavir)

The question hung in the air for a moment, and Kavir sighed, looking up at the dark night sky as if gathering his thoughts.

"Then go do that first, you idiot."(Rai)

However I didn't shy away from his gaze and harassed him.

The stubbornness of this guy, seriously!


"As you wish, Your Highness."(Kavir)

After a moment of staring, Kavir finally relented.

"Just go already!"(Rai)

I couldn't help but urge him on, my frustration now fully evident.

Man! Getting him off my back is a really tough job.

Kavir nodded, offering a small, respectful bow before turning to leave. It was clear that he was hesitant to depart.

Once Kavir departed, I ventured through the palace's quiet corridors, occasionally coming across knights on their nightly patrols.


(To be continued…)


Chapter words : 1450

Total words : 13.22K