

He was an Average Joe, lamenting over the cruel erosion of time. Humans are greedy beings. The more they have, the more they want. Despite living a comfortable life filled with joys and sorrows, he wished for more! A twist of fate—changed his life. Dying, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. In a world where, the advent of steam and machinery rang the bell of magic, churches, cults, hexes, arcane strength, artifacts, noble power struggle, eldritch horrors, and evil lurking in the darkness, he finds himself in the body of his new self. "I wish to fight against Time! I want to unchain myself! I desire to peer deep into myself!" He looked at the Canvas of Felony — A painting filled with filthiness, with cold calculative eyes while pressing down on his half-top hat and straightening the collars of his tuxedo. The corner of his lips, curved into a lopsided grin. To find what he so desires. He dawdled with the fine line between reality and fantasy — He questioned himself again and again. He kept prying into the unknown realm of mysteries — giving birth to all that is unholy! As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky bureaucracy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunt him? Will he peer deep into his spirit? Will he unfold a utopia—a world that doesn't exist in his wake? Or will he be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires? ....... This web novel is highly plot-driven. There will be some "cultural" stuff, but it wouldn't appear all the time, after every two chapters. This is for my fellow men of culture who had been looking for a novel where there is no mindless pokemon hunting, but at the same time, has some questionable stuff with a well-thought-out plot. It has both action and "plot". If you come here by accident and are interested, then certainly read till 32 chaps(First arc) to decide whether you want to continue. The early chapters(1-25ish) are very short! (Not to mention, they are all free!) Much love!

AverageJoe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


After being questioned by the Police for hours, Alice felt her mind buzzing.

Steam was coming out of her head as she lay in the back seat of her car.

Lucy—her maid, was driving the car.

"Miss, I don't think he'd let us off…" Lucy still felt chills when she remembered Chief Inspector Ryan's skeptical look.

It was as if he knew this incident was related to them.

However, neither Lucy nor Alice knew anything.

Although Alice couldn't be happier that that bigot had been assassinated, she was still sour because even in death that bigot annoyed her.

If he had to be assassinated, why didn't he die somewhere alone, so that nobody would know about it and they couldn't be suspected?

Thinking about that bigot's death, Alice felt chills creep up her spine.

She has never even treated an unintelligent creature with such brutality.

And those pure dark eyes of that man, along with his long black hair… Alice couldn't help but shudder as she thought how distorted—his face must be.

Alice has never seen Kole in his <<Berserk Mode>>. She didn't know who that person was. However, somewhere deep in her heart, she thought that—that person might be arranged by Kole.

It was just a fleeting thought. Nothing more, nothing less.

"We didn't do anything, so we have nothing to be afraid of either!" Suddenly Alice said with a smirk, "Turn back!"


"We are going to Akerses' manor. I have to celebrate my broken marriage!" Alice's grin broadened.

Lucy: "…"

Lucy couldn't disobey her master's orders. She was only supposed to be an eye, not Alice's caretaker.

With a swift turn, the car took to another street, leaving smoke bellowing in its wake.

Kole's eyes spluttered open.

With his hazy vision, he knew he was back in his bed.

Memories of the fight with his mother surfaced briefly in his mind as he chuckled a little.

Her shocked expression as she saw his changing appearance was too enticing.

It turned on the hidden sadist in his heart. He liked teasing his mother.

When his vision turned clear, he saw a beautiful woman sleeping on the bed by his side.

Kole paused.


Kole rubbed his eyes and saw who it was…

It was Alice!

Kole silently wrapped his arms around her and embraced her from behind, inhaling her sweet scent.

"Mhm~ You woke up?" Alice asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this question?" Kole chuckled amusedly.

"Hmph!" Alice snorted.

Kole looked around and noticed his room was dark as faint moonlight entered through the wide windows.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows were slightly parted, and a gentle evening breeze was floating in the room as well.

"I heard what happened…" Kole feigned a look of sympathy, "A lady's fiancé was assassinated in front of her eyes… It must be traumatic."

Alice rolled her eyes.

"Of course. The lady is experiencing extreme grief…" With a low giggle, Alice played along, "Is there a way to soothe her disordered emotions?"

"Oh, there is…" Kole grinned as he climbed on top of Alice, "I know just the perfect solution!"

"Since the night is still long, why don't you show me what this perfect solution is handsome?..." A smirk etched over Alice's face.

She was mesmerized by his appearance. It was just perfect... for any woman! Literally any!

Looking into Alice's beautiful emerald eyes, Kole leaned forward and locked his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.

Soon, Kole's tongue entered her little mouth, coiled around Alice's pink tongue, and slithered all over her mouth.

They exchanged saliva as if it was the most delicious drink.

Over time, Alice felt she was being dominated as such, tugged at the growing erection in Kole's pants.

Kole stiffened, feeling her hand over his bulge.

However, he wasn't one to take the teasing lightly.

Maintaining balance over Alice with one hand, his other hand slithered up and gently pinched the erected pink bud through the thin lining of Alice's dress.

"Ahh~" A muffled moan escaped her throat.

Kole increased his actions all over her body as he broke the kiss, leaving behind a panting mushy mess.

He licked her slender neck as his finger traced the lining of her dress.

A sharp string of Spirit Energy appeared gently, cutting her dress as effortlessly as a hot knife cutting through butter.

Her dress was torn apart, and Alice didn't even know how she got as naked as she could!

Before Alice could notice the changes, Kole had already latched onto the pink nose of her white rabbit.

"Ahh, ~ Yessh!" Alice clawed at Kole's clothes, wishing to rip them apart, but her senses were muddy, and she couldn't use her powers.

Kole did her a favor by stepping out of his clothes, by tearing them into shreds with a gust of Spirit Energy.

And as soon as he did, Alice was already stroking his long-hard angry dragon.

It looked like she was unwilling to let it go.

"Do you like me or my cock?" Kole asked with a teasing smile.

Alice gently bit her lips as she opened her hazy eyes, a grin appeared on her impeccable face, "Both!"

She was already guiding his hard-as-rock dragon toward her wet dripping snatch!

So eager… Kole briefly glanced at her level of arousal and knew she didn't need any foreplay. The faint scent of her excitement was enough for Kole to feel his reasoning snap.

However, he controlled himself.

Let's take this up another notch!

Kole pulled her up and led her to the large windows.

Alice's breathed erratically. She felt a sense of apprehension as well as excitement.

Swiping the curtains away, the view of Stormwatch fell into Alice's vision.

Although it was distant, it was visible. And that made Alice feel like a lump of saliva stuck in her throat.

Her entire body stiffened when she realized she was completely naked, and that plane glass window did nothing to hide it!

"Put your hand up against the windows and push your ass toward me!" Kole ordered in a domineering tone that didn't hold any room for refusal.

With gritted teeth and a fluttering feeling in her heart, Alice did as she was told, looking at Stormwatch in the distance.

Fortunately, North Grovebourne, where Kole lived, was an administrative block, not a residential one.

People who came here were mostly day workers.

And on top of that, Akerses' manor was in a remote area, far from the city… thinking so Alice's racing heart calmed a little.

However, when Alice saw her car right across the street, her body stiffened.

Oh no, Lucy could see me very clearly!

It was at that moment, Kole thrust his hips forward in a fell swoop.


"Hmm," A low grunt of approval escaped Kole's lips.

Alice, on the other hand, was feeling giddy in her stomach.

Just thinking Lucy could be possibly watching her entire rendezvous, made her fists clench into little knots as she pressed against the glass pane.

Her eyes lingered on her car for a mere moment, before she was overwhelmed by Kole behind her.

Holding her waist tight, Kole had gained a good amount of acceleration. His rhythm increased as he felt Alice's insides clamping around his dragon.

"Ahhh… Yes, Harder!!!"

Hearing that, Kole increased his pace as his profane hands traveled over her lithe waist and up.

They reached her modest breasts and held them as if he owned them…

Hearing her lovely moans of ecstasy, Kole increased his pace further. He could feel his balls tightening in frustration—ready to release all the built-up agony!

Even though Kole was having too much fun, he wanted to make this adventurous woman cum first.

Kole paused his pace.

"Ahh! Wh-What happened?" Alice craned her head as she looked at Kole with half-lidded teary eyes. She looked like an aggrieved child who had been snatched of her favorite candy.

Kole didn't say anything and slid the windows, stepping into the balcony with a mortified Alice.

He didn't need to say anything as Alice held the railings with her hands while Kole continued his pitoning movements.

"Arghhhh!~ Ahhh~ Oh Fu*kkkk!!!" Alice screamed at the top of her lungs.

Maybe she wanted to let Lucy hear her moans…

Feeling the sudden increase in tightness, Kole knew he had hit the right spot!

His dragon was being milked like never before.

"Oh, Alice! You are such a nasty little pervert!" Kole muttered between grunts.

He was also reaching his limits.

Alice opened her eyes and glanced at her car to check something…

What she saw made her jaws clench. Her eyes rolled back to her mind as her spine arced.

Her grip over the railings was so strong—that it was a mystery how they were still not broken!

She held them tight as if her life depended on them. She could feel her body flying through all realms of pleasure a human could reach!

Her entire body shuddered as an orgasm of massive proportions rocked through every fiber of her being.

"Ahhhhhh!!~~" Alice came as her love juices splattered all over Kole's shaft.

"Fu*k! So tight...!"

When her insides tightened to such a degree that it was hard to tell if the couple was not attached by super glue, Kole held her waist strongly as he gave a few final deep thrusts and emptied his babymilk inside Alice.

They stayed in this position, twitching, as they came down from their euphoric high.

After releasing a content sigh, Kole held Alice's still-shaking body in his embrace.

Hmm… This orgasm seems like the greatest one, yet… Kole remarked inwardly as he basked himself in the gentle moonlight.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Kole noticed something that made him freeze.

Outside the gates of Akerses' manor, another car was parked.

Right behind that car, a girl in her late teens was standing while gazing at the couple over the hood of the car with a dark look on her beautiful face.

"Sis…" Kole gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Oh no.

Nothing else needs to be said... Just sit back, eat popcorn, and watch the drama that's about to unfold... :]

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