

He was an Average Joe, lamenting over the cruel erosion of time. Humans are greedy beings. The more they have, the more they want. Despite living a comfortable life filled with joys and sorrows, he wished for more! A twist of fate—changed his life. Dying, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. In a world where, the advent of steam and machinery rang the bell of magic, churches, cults, hexes, arcane strength, artifacts, noble power struggle, eldritch horrors, and evil lurking in the darkness, he finds himself in the body of his new self. "I wish to fight against Time! I want to unchain myself! I desire to peer deep into myself!" He looked at the Canvas of Felony — A painting filled with filthiness, with cold calculative eyes while pressing down on his half-top hat and straightening the collars of his tuxedo. The corner of his lips, curved into a lopsided grin. To find what he so desires. He dawdled with the fine line between reality and fantasy — He questioned himself again and again. He kept prying into the unknown realm of mysteries — giving birth to all that is unholy! As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky bureaucracy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunt him? Will he peer deep into his spirit? Will he unfold a utopia—a world that doesn't exist in his wake? Or will he be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires? ....... This web novel is highly plot-driven. There will be some "cultural" stuff, but it wouldn't appear all the time, after every two chapters. This is for my fellow men of culture who had been looking for a novel where there is no mindless pokemon hunting, but at the same time, has some questionable stuff with a well-thought-out plot. It has both action and "plot". If you come here by accident and are interested, then certainly read till 32 chaps(First arc) to decide whether you want to continue. The early chapters(1-25ish) are very short! (Not to mention, they are all free!) Much love!

AverageJoe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs



Kole's <<Baneful Sense>> has also evolved a notch. It could sense the malign thoughts of others very efficiently.

He immediately decided to make use of his teleporting abilities through Subspace.

It was like an overpowered weapon from gacha games; all one had to do was spam basic attacks, and everything would go their way.

However, Kole's eyes opened wide when he felt the restrictions on the Subspace around him! He couldn't "communicate" with Subspace!

Immediately, Kole's eyes turned dark as his hair grew longer.

<<Berserk Mode: Dominator>>

Then, Kole saw a sharp blade approaching his calf; floating at high speeds in the air.

With a low breath, Kole's Spirit Energy rolled in the air as his aura rose.

His hands stretched, and he was just about to casually block the blade with his palm when he felt an indescribable sense of danger!

His <<Baneful Sense>> was screaming at him!

He couldn't stop it with pure raw strength and might lose his hand if he dared to!

Kole's thoughts churned in his mind, as he muttered, "Guard!"

A half-sphere of pure Spirit Energy formed in his palm. He gently pushed it and met the blade.

Fortunately, the blade hit the guard and darted to the ground.


Kole's eyes narrowed.

<<Baneful Sense>>

This time three blades were approaching him from different angles.

Kole did the same and stopped them one by one in rapid succession.


<<Baneful Sense>>

"…" Cold sweat poured down Kole's forehead.

Ridiculous! 10 Blades!

Kole could tell all the blades were formed out of pure Spirit Energy.

However, every individual has limited Spirit Energy that they could spend.

After completing exhausting their Spirituality, they would be rendered helpless and as weak as an ordinary human.

Even their skills needed Spirit Energy to work.

All of Kole's skills have required him to expend Spirit Energy.

Even his passive <<Baneful Sense>>.

The difference was that the expenditure of passive skills was so less that it was overshadowed by the recovery rate of Spirit Energy.

And Kole didn't carelessly use his other skills all the time. As such, he has never felt exhaustion brought by the complete depletion of Spirit Energy.

The only way to recover Spiritual Energy was to rest, and wait for it to heal on its own.

But Kole could never match his Quality and Quantity of Spiritual Energy with Faneia. She was on a completely different level! He couldn't win a battle of attrition against his mother. It was an established fact.

If this keeps happening, I'd lose terribly… The Dominator couldn't allow that to happen.

I can't remain on defense; I need to shift to offense!... Kole made his decision.

Suddenly, his deep dark eyes turned extremely calculative.

He muttered under his breath, "<<Veil of Veracity: ???>>"

However, his last words came out like a slur and a murmur, as if he was trying to speak an alien language!

This new skill overlapped Kole's <<Berserk Mode>> and didn't bring any visible changes to his body, but Kole felt something has changed when his lips stretched into a clown-like smile.

The Dominator in Kole tried to dominate the creepy smile that was spreading over his lips.

Fortunately, it was successful as Kole's expression became calm once again.

However, one could see the corner of his lips twitching a little.

Kole was about to get hit by all ten blades at once on different parts of his body…

Then, all of a sudden, they all 'missed' their targets as they all swung past Kole and darted in different directions!

Faneia, who was looking at all this suddenly narrowed her eyes with slight doubt, but she wasn't a top-tier expert if she couldn't recover from her shock.

Suddenly, Kole saw his mother taking a step toward him.

What he saw next, made him wonder again whether Faneia was a sadist or not.

He saw a punch blowing in his face.

Kole could swear, he knew he could neither block it nor dodge it.

He was destined to have a wounded eye tonight!

But Kole's uncontrolled powers brought by his skill <<Veil of Veracity: ???>> haven't stopped yet.

Instead of making Faneia 'miss' her target, Kole vanished from the spot appearing behind Faneia, making Kole 'miss' the point of contact!

Since the Skill couldn't divert Faneia's attack as she was at a different level altogether, it diverted Kole instead.

He teleported without the use of Subspace!

Kole's lips slightly stretched. Presumably, he was delighted when he made a fool of his mother. As if, he was the clown of the circus displaying a magic show.

However, the Dominator dominates emotions! Kole's eyes rapidly turned cold as regained back his authority!

Clenching his fist, Kole pushed it towards Faneia's unguarded back at full strength.

The muscles in his hand bulged, as Spirit Energy cladded around his fist.

If this punch struck a normal person, they'd instantly explode! It held such devastating power!

The moment, it was about to touch Faneia, she vanished...

She still had control over the "connection" of Subspace in this region!

Kole couldn't make use of Subspace, but she could!

Faneia appeared behind Kole.

Kole felt a harrowing danger looming over his heart. He felt the same trick wouldn't work on his mother. And if he did try he would be in for a rapid retaliation.

<<Veil of Veracity: ???>> sprang into action once again; various thoughts clashed in Kole's mind.

That's right!

Kole turned around with a sweep of his ankles as he locked eyes with Faneia with a twitching smile.

In Faneia's eyes, this was a foolish decision.

Kole wasted all that time, on what? To face her?

Instead of a punch in the back, he'd received it in the front!

A gust of Spirit Energy rolled in the air covering Kole's entire figure; making it extremely blurry and distorted.

He has expended all the Spirit Energy into making use of this Skill. His reserves of Spirit Energy were running extremely low. He knew he couldn't last long!

However, in the next moment, Faneia suddenly paused.

Her little fist hung in mid-air hovering above the figure that appeared in front of her.

She couldn't move forward as her fist trembled.

"Mom?" Caroline muttered with a confused look.

Caroline glanced around with a disbelieving expression.

"Mom, how did I…" Caroline's hand suddenly extended and grabbed Faneia's throat.

Caroline grinned with a clown-like smile.

Faneia: "…"

"Argh!" Caroline's figure distorted as blood seeped from her nose.

Slowly her appearance started changing back to Kole.

Kole's Berserk transformation came undone as well as his Veil of Veracity. Both had lost the power source, and he fell to the ground.

With a dizzy head, Kole looked at Faneia from below, and chortled in amusement, "Haha. Looks like you are only sadist toward your son… not to your daughter…"

Saying so, he felt his mind drifting into a realm of dreams.

With a teasing look on his face, he fell unconscious from the exhaustion of Spirit Energy.

I believe it was a decent enough fight scene. They weren't fighting to the death and it was pretty casual.

As usual, the missing part(???) would be revealed by the end of the arc. Haha!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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