

He was an Average Joe, lamenting over the cruel erosion of time. Humans are greedy beings. The more they have, the more they want. Despite living a comfortable life filled with joys and sorrows, he wished for more! A twist of fate—changed his life. Dying, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. In a world where, the advent of steam and machinery rang the bell of magic, churches, cults, hexes, arcane strength, artifacts, noble power struggle, eldritch horrors, and evil lurking in the darkness, he finds himself in the body of his new self. "I wish to fight against Time! I want to unchain myself! I desire to peer deep into myself!" He looked at the Canvas of Felony — A painting filled with filthiness, with cold calculative eyes while pressing down on his half-top hat and straightening the collars of his tuxedo. The corner of his lips, curved into a lopsided grin. To find what he so desires. He dawdled with the fine line between reality and fantasy — He questioned himself again and again. He kept prying into the unknown realm of mysteries — giving birth to all that is unholy! As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky bureaucracy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunt him? Will he peer deep into his spirit? Will he unfold a utopia—a world that doesn't exist in his wake? Or will he be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires? ....... This web novel is highly plot-driven. There will be some "cultural" stuff, but it wouldn't appear all the time, after every two chapters. This is for my fellow men of culture who had been looking for a novel where there is no mindless pokemon hunting, but at the same time, has some questionable stuff with a well-thought-out plot. It has both action and "plot". If you come here by accident and are interested, then certainly read till 32 chaps(First arc) to decide whether you want to continue. The early chapters(1-25ish) are very short! (Not to mention, they are all free!) Much love!

AverageJoe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


In the dining hall of Akerses' manor, gas lamps lit up around the walls, lighting the simple yet elegant chamber.

Despite the flickering flames of candles offering a graceful touch, the atmosphere was anything but awkward.

Faneia was eating her part as she usually would, with no changes in her emotions. On the other hand, Kole was also on a similar wavelength.

But one person was cutting through the steak as if they were releasing their pent-up grudges on that piece of meat.

"Sister… this not how I wanted to welcome you back…" Kole tried to soothe her, but he obviously failed.

Caroline didn't even look at him as she stuffed the food in her mouth and glared at Kole while chewing hard.

If the situation was right, Kole would've teased her by saying she looked like a cute hamster, but it unambiguously wasn't.

After gulping, Caroline let out a heavy breath, "Mom."

She half-titled her head toward her mother, "Di-Did you know?"

Of course, Caroline wasn't stupid and grasped that a powerful individual like her mother would obviously know all the details of Kole's affairs, especially inside her own home.

But she couldn't help herself from asking for confirmation.

Averting her eyes to the side, Faneia ignored her.

"…" Caroline's eyelids twitched.

With narrowed eyes, Caroline curved back to her brother, "Mark Moore… you did it, didn't you?"

"I—" The flabbergasted expression, that appeared on Kole's face was everything Caroline needed to confirm her suspicions.

He had never expected Caroline to become so sharp in these years.

It was easy for Caroline to connect the dots.

After all, which woman would come to someone else's house and have such a level of intimacy right after their fiancé died?

From the clues she knew, Caroline reached that conclusion effortlessly.

She could even tell that Kole had already Ascended long ago because of the change in his height, impeccable handsome face, and chiseled physique.

He certainly has changed.

And if that wasn't all, the air of confidence oozing from him almost made Caroline breathe erratically. But she controlled herself. Right now, her mind was on something else!

Ruthlessly, Caroline sliced the steak, "You—You became a murderer because of that bitc—"

"Hey!" Kole cut her off with an annoyed look.

"Mom told me to take things into my own hands, and this was the most efficient method. And don't badmouth somebody you don't even know, sis." Kole pushed the blame on Faneia, shamelessly.

Caroline ignored her mother for now.

Watching Kole defend Alice, the knife in Caroline's hands crumbled into dust.

Clearly, neither did she care about Mark or Kole becoming a murderer as people like them—aristocrats, all had a few dirty deeds in their hands. It was just a pretense—an excuse to release her wrath…

What she was bothered about was the scene she saw upon her arrival.

"Get out!" Caroline barked, her eyes flaring up.

She ground her teeth and breathed heavily, desperately trying to control her rising anger.

"…" A stunned expression appeared on Kole's face.

He didn't wish to have such a reunion with his sister.

Though he wanted to retort, as that was his true nature—to Dominate, he knew it wasn't the right time.

He had perfect control over most of his emotions. He couldn't let his pride lead him by the nose.

Letting out a turbid breath of air, Kole stood up, and his footfalls followed to the doorway when he heard Caroline say in a stern tone that held no room for refusal.

"And she isn't allowed in this house anymore!"

"…" Kole almost felt incredulous.

This isn't your house; you know that, right?

Mother makes the rules here, and she hasn't said anything to me yet…

With a smug grin, Kole half-turned his head and looked at his mother, "Mother, you need to remind your daughter that this isn't her hou—"

However, the words coming from his mouth were caught in his throat as he saw his mother avert her eyes to the side and mutter, "Follow your sister's arrangements."

Kole's eyes opened wide; even his mouth hung open.

He had suspicions about whether Faneia favored Caroline or not, but it seems his notions were on point!

His mother really did favor her daughter more. Or perhaps Faneia just didn't want to step on the burning timbre of ire by overruling Caroline's approach to this fiasco…

Kole just sighed.

Faneia was right, Caroline was right…

This wasn't 'his' home. He didn't buy it. He lived in Faneia's home and he will have to follow their arrangements.

It was at that moment, Kole's ambitions for independence soared.

He couldn't hide under Faneia's skirt for long; if he tried, he would be forced to follow her pace and rhythm. He didn't want this. He wanted to live a fulfilling life.

He needed his own money, people, status, power, etc.

"As you wish…" Kole left the hall, but he didn't go back to his room.

His mood wasn't the best. As such, he decided to take a night walk and roam Stormwatch to get some steam from his heavy mind.


After Kole left the hallway, Caroline also stood up with her terribly shaking body. Whether it was from anger, disappointment, or jealousy… even the author didn't know.

Despite eating the delicious steak made by her mother, the bitter taste in Caroline's mouth couldn't get any worse.

She walked out of the hall and used her powers to see what Kole was doing when she found Kole wasn't in the manor.

She frowned; however, she wasn't stupid enough to not know Kole's mood was also spoiled by her and he must not have the patience to stay at the manor.

Her feelings, which she had been fighting for so long—erupted in a full-blown rage… It wasn't her fault either.

If only she didn't see what she saw, things would've been much more harmonized.

Caroline walked in the hallway alone, her eyes watering up… unconsciously.

Perhaps she pushed him away because she couldn't bring herself to see him with someone else—because of petty jealousy.

I couldn't be with him, while some other woman who arrived out of nowhere is already… already… Ugh!... Caroline pressed her forehead to ease her growing frustration.

Unconsciously, she stumbled upon a room.

It was Kole's room.

Biting her lower lips, she entered as the clicking of the doorknob echoed in the hallway.

Looking around the dimly lit room, Caroline released a sigh.

Faint moonlight lingered along with a light breeze flowing through the windows.

Caroline felt much more relaxed when she noticed everything had already been cleaned up.

After she arrived, Alice quickly excused herself while Kole cleaned his room in a hurry.

Letting out a heavy breath, Caroline took off her greatcoat and hung it on the coat rack by the side.

Her perfect tall physique with alluring curves covered behind a thin black dress shone in the hazy silver light.

Caroline exhaled to calm her turbulent emotions.

Only she knew how tired and frustrated she was.

She climbed onto her brother's bed and slid into the sheets.

Biting her lips gently, her hand slithered to the sweet spot beneath her skirt.

As she inhaled his lingering manly scent in the sheets and thought about the taboo aspect—imagining herself instead of Alice, her toes curled up as her jaw clenched.

The fingers didn't stop and drove her to a new world when the fact that she was in his bed registered in her mind.

Her ragged breathing and the slight tremors coursing through her body covered in her brother's sheets made her shut her eyes tight while envisioning things she shouldn't.

Caroline knew she needed this.

Otherwise, her mind would be overwhelmed by all kinds of emotions, and she wouldn't even realize when she would become a "Bane".

She wanted this!

Her hands picked up a rhythm as she stimulated herself furiously—Half-frustratingly, Half-euphorically.

"Ahhh…. Ahhh!... Kole!~"

Her back curved in an elegant arc as her body shook violently while speaking the name of her beloved brother.

"Uuu… you are so unfair… why can't you see all the signs?!" When her ecstasy-filled mind calmed down, she couldn't help but blame everything on Kole as she shed crystal tears lightly.

If Kole heard these words, he would have no idea whether to laugh or cry.

The only thing he would be sure of was that women were difficult-to-understand creatures.

Kole's adventures of "coincidently" finding cultists is about to begin. I wanna show the night scene of Stormwatch. Booze, Beer, Clubs, Bars, etc.

As for development between these two... yeah wait for it. I don't wanna do it like—wham sham bam! It will take time. :]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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