
Re: Equilibria

Reborn in Aethel, a world of magic tied to morality, Theo finds himself weak and unaligned – an outcast. Yet, Theo's true power lies in his flux, an ever-shifting alignment that grants unpredictable magic. He navigates prejudice, masters strategy, and unlocks his hidden potential. Joining an eliteguild, Theo builds a team while desperately seeking the fabled Equilibria, an artifact rumored to control his alignment. As a rising villain threatens Aethel's balance, Theo must master his moral tightrope walk, wielding his unique magic and strategic mind to save the world, one shifting choice at a time. … Disclaimer: The book cover isn’t mine.

HiddenSun · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Cage of Judgement

The world flickered back into existence, not in the chaotic market square, but in a lush, verdant valley. Vibrant flowers bloomed in every corner, and a crystal-clear river snaked through the landscape. High above, a celestial city shimmered in the distance, its architecture defying any logic Theo had ever encountered.

Lyra, her white aura dimmed but still radiant, stood beside him. "Welcome to the Order," she announced, her voice echoing in the tranquil setting.

Theo scanned his surroundings, his cynicism momentarily replaced by a flicker of awe. This hidden paradise wasn't what he had expected, but it was certainly a stark contrast to the squalor of the slums.

"The Order?" he questioned, his voice dripping with his usual skepticism. "Sounds a little… grand."

Lyra chuckled, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in a gentle breeze. "It is grand, Theo. The Order is a force for good in this world, working behind the scenes to maintain stability and protect the weak."

His words raised a cynical eyebrow. "Stability? From what I've seen, this world thrives on chaos, not some invisible order."

Lyra's smile faltered slightly. "There is more to Aethel than you know, Theo. The Nine Alignments are a tool, but not the whole picture. The Order exists to ensure that all alignments play their part, preventing any one from tipping the balance into complete chaos."

Theo remained unconvinced. This idealistic view of the world clashed with his experience of brutal survival. But he kept his thoughts to himself, wary of this woman who held such immense power and knew his secret.

They continued walking, navigating the pristine paths towards the celestial city.

 As they neared, Theo noticed a growing number of figures. Each emanated a different colored aura, representing various alignments. He saw Lawful Good paladins clad in gleaming armor, Neutral Good healers dressed in soothing greens, and even a glimpse of a Chaotic Good jester adorned in vibrant purple.

A strange tension filled Theo. These powerful beings, who had ostracized him in their mundane forms, now seemed almost friendly. He knew better, however. Power dynamics often shifted with the circumstances.

They finally reached a towering building within the city, its spires piercing the clouds. Guards, radiating auras of unwavering Lawful Neutral, flanked the entrance. They scanned Theo with suspicion, their gazes lingering on his dull grey hue.

Lyra, sensing the tension, stepped forward. "This is Theo Everlight," she declared, her voice resonating with authority. "I have brought him to be trained as the Seventh Hero."

A collective gasp rippled through the guards. Even Theo couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Seventh Hero? It sounded more like a title from a children's bedtime story.

Before he could voice his doubts, a wave of movement within the building brought them face to face with a group of figures. Seven of them, to be precise, radiating powerful auras that spoke of immense experience.

There was a stern Lawful Good woman, a wise-looking Neutral Good elder, a vibrant Chaotic Good bard, a stoic Lawful Neutral warrior, a calm True Neutral scholar, a mischievous Chaotic Neutral rogue, and... something else. The last figure remained shrouded in shadow, its aura an unreadable void.

Theo noticed a flicker of apprehension pass across Lyra's face, replaced quickly by a composed smile. "Greetings,esteemed Council," she addressed the group, her voice respectful yet firm.

The man seated at the head of the table, his white beard cascading down his chest and a faint Lawful Good aura pulsing from him, nodded curtly. "Lyra, Observer. We appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention." This, Theo assumed,must be Lyra's father, a powerful figure within the Order.

A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned to Theo. He felt their scrutiny like a physical weight, their gazes lingering on his unaligned state. A tense silence stretched, punctuated only by the distant chirping of unseen birds.

Finally, the woman with the Lawful Good aura spoke, her voice laced with disapproval. "Lyra, while your judgment is usually sound, bringing an… Unaligned… into the Order is highly irregular."

The other council members murmured their agreement, their colorful auras flickering with unease. The shadow figure remained silent, an enigma amongst the brightly colored company.

A cold wave of anger washed over Theo. Here they were, these self-proclaimed protectors of the world, treating him like a disease to be eradicated simply because he didn't fit neatly into their rigid system.

He was about to retort, to unleash his sarcastic wit, when Lyra intervened. "With all due respect, Council," she said, her voice surprisingly firm, "Theo's lack of alignment may be a strength, not a weakness. His unique perspective may prove….."

A heated debate erupted within the grand hall. Lyra, her voice unwavering despite the weight of ten disapproving gazes,fought Theo's corner. She spoke of his potential, his cunning honed by years of survival, and his unique ability to navigate the world outside the confines of alignment.

The council, however, remained unconvinced. The Lawful Good woman, her voice laced with righteous fury, argued that Theo's unalignment was an abomination, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. 

The Chaotic Good bard, ever the contrarian, chimed in with a playful jab, suggesting they throw Theo in a vat of alignment paint and see what color stuck.But his attempt at levity fell flat, met with stern glares from all sides.

Theo, forced to witness the debate with a churning stomach, felt a familiar spark ignite – his cynical humor. He couldn't help himself. "Perhaps," he interjected sardonically, "you could lock me up in a cage and study me like some exotic beast."

Silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by Theo's ragged breaths. The council members exchanged horrified glances. His flippancy, fueled by his simmering resentment, had only served to solidify their fear.

Finally, the aged Lawful Neutral warrior, his voice gruff and laced with weary authority, spoke. "Enough. This bickering won't solve anything. We need a clear head, and a decisive action."

He turned to Lyra, his gaze piercing. "Observer,despite your esteemed position, your judgment on this matter is clouded. You should know how dangerous unaligned are.

Lyra's jaw clenched, but she held her tongue. She knew pushing them further would only backfire.

"Therefore," the warrior continued, his voice booming through the hall, "I propose an emergency council session. All ten of us, including the Observer, will convene to decide the fate of Theo Everlight."

A collective sigh of agreement rippled through the room. The tension remained thick, but a semblance of order had been restored. Theo, the center of the storm, was ushered out of the hall by two stoic Lawful Neutral guards, their unwavering blue auras a stark contrast to the chaos churning within him.

He found himself in a sparsely furnished anteroom, the weight of their scrutiny pressing down on him. Despite the luxurious surroundings, it felt like a prison cell. Fear, a primal instinct he had spent years suppressing, threatened to consume him. Were they going to kill him? Or worse, lock him away for study like a lab rat?