
Re: Equilibria

Reborn in Aethel, a world of magic tied to morality, Theo finds himself weak and unaligned – an outcast. Yet, Theo's true power lies in his flux, an ever-shifting alignment that grants unpredictable magic. He navigates prejudice, masters strategy, and unlocks his hidden potential. Joining an eliteguild, Theo builds a team while desperately seeking the fabled Equilibria, an artifact rumored to control his alignment. As a rising villain threatens Aethel's balance, Theo must master his moral tightrope walk, wielding his unique magic and strategic mind to save the world, one shifting choice at a time. … Disclaimer: The book cover isn’t mine.

HiddenSun · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Blinding Light

A blinding white light pulsed from the heart of the market square, drowning out the red chaos and the blue serenity of the ongoing battle. Theo squinted through the crack in the boarded window, his curiosity outweighing his fear for a moment.

The white aura emanated from a single figure, a figure standing tall amidst the chaos.

It was a woman. Her features were obscured by the blinding light, yet there was an aura of power radiating from her, a power that dwarfed even the combined might of the Lawful Good enforcers and the Chaotic spellcaster.

The Chaotic figure, its red aura wavering with confusion, let out a guttural roar and charged towards the white figure. It was a foolish act. The white figure raised a hand, and a wave of pure white light engulfed the Chaotic form. There was a deafening crackle, and then… silence.

The Chaotic figure was gone, seemingly vaporized by the woman's power.

A collective gasp resonated through the slums. Even the Lawful Good enforcers, their blue aura flickering with awe, lowered their weapons. This woman, whoever she was, possessed a power they had never witnessed.

Theo's cynical mind raced. Where did she come from? What was her alignment? Was she a friend or foe? He couldn't discern her motives, but one thing was clear – she was a force to be reckoned with.

The woman, now bathed in the fading white light, turned her gaze towards the slums. Through the narrow window crack, Theo felt her eyes pierce through the darkness, locking onto his hidden position. An unsettling feeling washed over him, a sense of being exposed, of his secret being laid bare.

For the first time in his life, Theo felt a flicker of genuine fear. His carefully crafted facade, the cloak that masked his unaligned state, felt utterly useless under her scrutiny. He was a rat hiding in a hole, exposed to the gaze of a predator.

Panic threatened to consume him, but his years of survival conditioning kicked in. He needed to act, and fast. He glanced at the paralyzing potion still clutched in his hand. Maybe, just maybe, it could be of some use against her. It was a long shot, but it was the only leverage he had.

As Theo contemplated his next move, the woman spoke. Her voice, resonating with a strange power, echoed through the slums. "Theo Everlight. You are not who you appear to be."

Theo's blood ran cold. His secret, the secret he had guarded so fiercely, was out in the open. He had never mentioned his real name to anyone, not even in a whisper. How could she possibly know?

He remained silent, a tense standoff playing out between him and the woman. Fear gnawed at his insides, but a defiant spark remained in his eyes.

The woman continued, her voice tinged with curiosity. "The anomaly. The unaligned one. The ... of Twilight. You hold a power within you, a power unlike anything in this world."

Theo's grip tightened on the potion vial. A power? He had always attributed his survival instincts and cunning to nothing more than street smarts. Could there be more to it? The forgotten memories, the fleeting images of his past life – did they somehow connect to this newfound revelation? Also what was that about twilight?

The silence stretched, thick with tension. The slum dwellers, paralyzed by fear, watched the scene unfold. The woman, the embodiment of pure white light, seemed to be waiting for a response.

Theo knew he couldn't stay silent forever. He slowly edged away from the window, his mind working frantically. He had to assess the situation. Was this woman a threat? Or an opportunity? Maybe, just maybe, she could be the key to unlocking the mystery of his own existence.

Finally, he spoke, his voice hoarse from disuse. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled, a gentle smile that seemed to soften the harshness of the white light. "I am called Lyra, an Observer from beyond."

An Observer? Beyond? Theo's confusion deepened. This was beyond anything he had heard of in the rigid social structure of Aethel.

Lyra continued, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "You are in great danger, Theo Everlight. Your unaligned state makes you a target for those who seek to control the balance of power in this world."

Theo scoffed internally. Danger? He had lived in danger his entire life, ostracized and shunned. But this new threat felt different, more profound.

As if reading his thoughts, Lyra added, "This world is not what it seems. There are forces at play that extend far beyond the Nine Cardinal Alignments."

A thrill of excitement coursed through Theo. This was the kind of knowledge he craved, a glimpse beyond the veil of his regimented existence. He couldn't

A thrill of excitement coursed through Theo. This was the kind of knowledge he craved, a glimpse beyond the veil of his regimented existence. He couldn't resist the opportunity.

"Tell me more," he blurted out, the words escaping his lips before he could fully consider the consequences.

Lyra's smile widened. "There is much to tell. But first, you must come with me."

Theo hesitated. Trusting a stranger, especially one wielding such immense power, went against every survival instinct he possessed. Yet, the allure of knowledge and the promise of safety were tempting.

He glanced at the paralyzing potion still clutched in his hand. He could always use it, a last resort against this enigmatic Observer.

The tension stretched, a silent power struggle playing out between them. Finally, Theo made his decision.

"Where are we going?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of defiance.

Lyra's gaze softened further. "To a place where you can learn about your true potential, Theo Everlight. To a place where the lines of alignment blur, and the true nature of this world is revealed."

Theo took a deep breath, the weight of his decision settling on him. He didn't know who to trust, what dangers awaited, or what this journey held.

 But for the first time in his life, he had a choice. A choice that could rewrite the narrative of his existence.

He slowly emerged from the shadows, 

the paralyzing potion forgotten in his hand. He met Lyra's gaze, a spark of determination flickering in his eyes.

"Alright," he said, his voice firm. "Let's go."

Lyra extended her hand, the blinding white light emanating from her form swirling around her like a celestial cloak. Theo stared at it for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. This was a leap into the unknown, a journey fraught with peril.Yet, a flicker of hope, long dormant within him, ignited.

He reached out, his unaligned hand meeting hers.

The world dissolved into a swirling vortex of white light. The market square, the slums, his life as he knew it - all faded away.

Theo Everlight, the unaligned anomaly, was stepping into a new reality, a reality where the very fabric of existence defied the rigid confines of Aethel's Nine Cardinal Alignments.