
Re: Equilibria

Reborn in Aethel, a world of magic tied to morality, Theo finds himself weak and unaligned – an outcast. Yet, Theo's true power lies in his flux, an ever-shifting alignment that grants unpredictable magic. He navigates prejudice, masters strategy, and unlocks his hidden potential. Joining an eliteguild, Theo builds a team while desperately seeking the fabled Equilibria, an artifact rumored to control his alignment. As a rising villain threatens Aethel's balance, Theo must master his moral tightrope walk, wielding his unique magic and strategic mind to save the world, one shifting choice at a time. … Disclaimer: The book cover isn’t mine.

HiddenSun · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Divided We Stand

Eldran, the Steadfast, his white beard cascading down his chest and a faint Lawful Good Alignment's aura pulsing from him, surveyed the solemn faces around the polished obsidian table. Ten figures, each radiating a distinct aura, represented the diverse alignments that governed the Order. The tension in the air hung thick as fog, a stark contrast to the pristine tranquility that usually graced the council chamber.

On one side of the table sat Anya, the Weaver, her Neutral Good Alignment a calming presence in the charged atmosphere. Her gentle eyes, usually brimming with wisdom, held a flicker of concern.

Beside her, Corvus, the Melodious, a Chaotic Good bard, tapped his foot impatiently, his vibrant purple aura a discordant note in the somber symphony.

Across from them, Alistair, the Unwavering, a stoic Lawful Neutral warrior, sat with an impassive expression. His steely gaze flickered between Eldran and the empty seat at the table, a silent reminder of the anomaly at the heart of this extraordinary session.

Seraphina, the Seeker, a scholar radiating an aura of True Neutrality, adjusted her spectacles and smoothed the ancient scroll on her lap. Her keen intellect, devoid of emotional bias, would be crucial in navigating this complex situation.

Vex, the Trickster, a figure shrouded in shadows and an aura of mischievous Chaotic Neutrality, leaned back in their chair, a playful smirk twisting their lips. Their presence, always unpredictable, added an unsettling layer of chaos to the already volatile mix.

And finally, there was the nameless Shadow Figure. Its shrouded form, radiating an unknowable aura, remained silent and still, a constant enigma in the council chamber.

Eldran cleared his throat, his voice heavy with the weight of his decision. "We are gathered here today," he began, his gaze sweeping over the council members, "to address a most… unusual… circumstance brought before us by my daughter, Lyra, the Observer."

Lyra, her Lawful Good aura a beacon of unwavering conviction, met her father's gaze with a resolute nod. Since Theo's arrival, she had tirelessly advocated for him, highlighting his unique potential and the value of his unaligned perspective. However, the council remained unconvinced.

"Theo Everlight," Eldran continued, his voice laced with a hint of disapproval, "an anomaly, an unaligned individual, stands accused of being a potential threat to the delicate balance we strive to maintain."

Anya, the Weaver, spoke first, her voice soft but firm. "Eldran, while Theo's unaligned state is… unorthodox, could it not be an opportunity? Perhaps his lack of bias allows him to see beyond the rigid confines of our alignments."

Corvus, the Melodious, chimed in with a playful flourish. "Perhaps a little chaos wouldn't hurt! Shake things up a bit, you know? Maybe this Theo fellow is just the unorthodox hero we need!"

Alistair, the Unwavering, slammed his fist on the table, his voice booming. "Chaos is a recipe for disaster! An unaligned individual is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode and disrupt the order we have fought so hard to establish!"

The room erupted in a cacophony of voices, each council member arguing their stance. Seraphina, the Seeker, attempted to interject with a call for reason, but her voice was drowned out by the passionate debate.

Vex, the Trickster, chuckled with amusement, their eyes gleaming with malicious delight. "Oh, this is rich," they rasped, their voice tinged with amusement. "The very foundation of the Order is being questioned by a… nobody!"

The Shadow Figure, for the first time, shifted slightly in their seat. A faint flicker, almost imperceptible, emanated from their shrouded form.

Eldran slammed his fist on the table, silencing the room. "Silence!" he boomed, his voice filled with repressed fury. "This bickering solves nothing! We need a solution, one that upholds the principles of the Order and ensures the safety of Aethel."

A tense silence descended upon the council chamber, broken only by the rhythmic tapping of Corvus' foot. The weight of the decision hung heavy in the air, the fate of Theo Everlight, and perhaps the future of the Order itself, resting on their shoulders.

Eldran slammed his fist on the table, silencing the room. "Silence!" he boomed, his voice filled with repressed fury. "This bickering solves nothing! We need a solution, one that upholds the principles of the Order and ensures the safety of Aethel."

A tense silence descended upon the council chamber, broken only by the rhythmic tapping of Corvus' foot. The weight of the decision hung heavy in the air, the fate of Theo Everlight, and perhaps the future of the Order itself, resting on their shoulders.

Eldran turned to Lyra, his gaze softening slightly. "The Observer is too young to understand the true dangers of the unaligned," he said in a serious tone. "But rest assured, there is a reason these anomalies are dealt with swiftly."

Lyra, still reeling from her father's unexpected rebuke, felt a flicker of confusion. Everything she knew about the unaligned, gleaned from a single, fragmented page in a forbidden tome, painted a different picture. Legends spoke of them as the embodiment of the world's spirit, reincarnated every ten thousand years. Yet, history was littered with accounts of unaligned individuals being hunted and eliminated. Why, then, were they considered so dangerous if they were supposedly chosen by fate?

Lyra, still reeling from her father's unexpected rebuke, felt a flicker of confusion. Everything she knew about the unaligned, gleaned from a single, fragmented page in a forbidden tome, painted a different picture. Legends spoke of them as the embodiment of the world's spirit, reincarnated every ten thousand years. Yet, history was littered with accounts of unaligned individuals being hunted and eliminated. Why, then, were they considered so dangerous if they were supposedly chosen by fate?

A tense silence descended upon the council chamber. Lyra, her mind racing, found herself desperate to understand. She knew there was more to the story, a truth her father was clearly unwilling to share.

"The reason unaligned are considered dangerous is because..." Eldran began, his voice heavy with a secret he seemed reluctant to reveal.