
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 11


Please check out the Auxiliary chapter 'information'



After working in the pottery shop for another hour, I learned lots of different methods to create amazing pieces of pottery. Although it was boring in the beginning, as time went by I started to enjoy it. But soon Roshi came and informed me that my working time in the shop is over, as my work was finally over for the day, I returned home with Roshi.

After we reached the Kame House I looked towards Roshi and asked him "What now, Master".

"It's time for Lunch, Arlic," Roshi replied.

"Ohh," I replied, "But I didn't make lunch,"

"It's okay, we have someone who took care of that," Roshi replied and entered the house.

I followed Roshi into the house and saw that Turtle had already made food. He had prepared a simple dish for us to eat.


[10 minutes later]

After finishing lunch, Roshi took me out of the house towards a tree that is just a couple of meters away. He then hung a blackboard on the tree and placed two chairs, one big and one small facing each other in front of the board.

"It's time to study my dear little student, Turtle told me about you lacking some proper education, so here we are," Roshi explained, and gestured to me to sit on the small chair.

"Now, tell me how much did you learned at the orphanage," Roshi asked me.

"Um, I know how to read, do basic maths, and little about the history," I replied,

"Hmm, great, we can skip the basics then," Roshi said happily, closing the book I presume he wanted to use for teaching me how to read.

"As we are skipping the basics, let us study some history then, as you already know that I'm 313 years old, I can teach you lots of things about history," Roshi said while stroking his beard like a sage.

Roshi then started the class and began telling me about how the world before 300 years was. His lessons started from the time when he was young and naive.


[2 hours later]

The history or more specifically the stories Roshi told me about the past were amazing, he had lots of adventures during his youth. The world of the past was simply just too violent, even before piccolo the world had many wars. And after Piccolo, the world grew so weak that dictators could conquer lands with just a simple army. Roshi during his youth had many encounters with people like these. The man in front of me has gone through too much to become what he is today.

"That's it for today, Arlic," Roshi said as he got up from his chair.

"Okay, Master," I replied and stood up.

"Now, back to the training," Roshi said to me with a kind smile.

"Huh, I thought we were done for the day," I asked him with some confusion.

"Ho-ho-ho, we're not done yet," Roshi said and started walking towards the forest.

Being his student I had to follow his order, so I followed Roshi until we reached the outer area of the forest. Roshi then started looking around to find something.

"Arlic, would you stand near that tree," Roshi said to me while gesturing towards a particular tree.

"That tree," I asked and Roshi nodded.

I then walked up to the tree and stood beside it. Roshi then pulled out a rope from somewhere, I don't know where, as I didn't see him carry one, but he brought it out from somewhere. He then walked up to me and then tied one end of the rope to me and the other to the tree.

Roshi turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, then looked me in the eyes and said, "Arlic, whatever happens, don't try to run away or break this rope," Roshi then slowly retreated backwards.

"Master, what are you trying to do…." I stopped mid-sentence as I saw Roshi picking up a stone and then looking up, I tried to match his vision, and my eyes widened as I saw that he was looking at a beehive.

"Dodge, Arlic," Roshi said and threw the stone towards the beehive, then quickly hid behind the bushes.

As the stone struck the beehive, the bee's came out and rushed towards me angrily. This kind of thing has happened to me before, it happened when I was training in the sacred lands, but at that time I was able to run away from them.

Although I have an almost indestructible body I'm not sure if these bee stingers would be able to penetrate my skin or not.

"Aaaaa," I screamed in fear as the bee's got near.

Suddenly the instincts I honed during my training in the Sacred Land resurfaced, and I regained control over my emotions. I immediately stopped screaming, and reluctantly followed Roshi's order against my will. I didn't run but instead started to dodge every bee I could.

The bees after some time got frustrated and left, as some were not able to sting me, and some who were able to couldn't penetrate my skin.

'Shit, I got too much into the childish act there for a second,' I sighed in relief.

I then checked myself to look for any bees hiding in my clothes. Finding none, I untied the rope on my waist, then walked up to the tree and untied the rope on the tree as well.

"Hmm, this didn't work at all," Roshi said as he come out of the bush, "I Guess, we have to train your reaction time in the old traditional way,"

"Yeah, I don't want to do this again too," I replied in relief, "By the way, what traditional way are you talking about,"

"Ho-ho-ho, it's a surprise, but I assure you by the end of your training you'll definitely learn how to dodge," Roshi said with a kind smile.

"Now come, let us go to the next location," Roshi said and started walking towards the inner part of the forest.


[5 minutes later]

Roshi and I reached a big clearing in the Forest, and at the centre of the clearing was a big lake.

"Arlic, do you know how to swim," Roshi asked while analysing the lake.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

"Then, it's time for you to take a dip," Roshi explained, "Swim in the lake continuously for an hour,"

"An hour?" I inquired.

"Yeah, have fun," Roshi said, then walked towards a tree and sat under its shade.

Walking up to the edge I removed my clothes and then placed them carefully on the side. We're both guys here, so it's okay, right. Then I jumped into the lake and started swimming around in the cold water.

"Ahh, it's so refreshing," I said while enjoying the swim.

"Hey, Arlic, there's something behind you," I heard the voice of Roshi.

Turning around I saw a big fin approaching me at high speed.

'Shark, in a lake' I thought with amazement.

Understanding the situation I'm in, I quickly came into motion and started swimming opposite to the Shark, but to my bad luck, another fin emerged at some distance in front of me. Taking a sharp turn I got away from their path. Both Sharks couldn't follow my sudden turn and collided with each other. The Sharks then surfaced and looked at me angrily. I looked at them and smirked, to which one of the sharks went underwater and then resurfaced in a minute, soon multiple fins started to surface behind the two main sharks.

'Shit' I cursed myself and began swimming around to dodge as sharks started to attack me from all the sides.


[1 hour later]

Roshi gestured to me to come out. As my one hour was finally over, I Immediately began swimming towards the land and quickly climbed up the edge of the lake. After wearing my clothes back, I ran towards Roshi.

"Hahaha, Master this was fun, it made me remember the game of chase I played with Master Korin," I said while laughing heartily.

"Great, if you like it then you can come here every day," Roshi said to me and ruffled my hairs, "Alright, it's time, let's return home,"

I nodded and followed him back home.


-//-Scene Change-//-

As we returned home, Roshi asked me to wait outside and brought two recliners out. Then placed both of them under the shadow of a tree, and sat on one.

"Master, what's the next task," I asked him excitedly.

"Now we rest," Roshi said as he positioned himself in a comfortable position on the recliner.

"I see, so we are done for the day, right," I asked, as I sat on the recliner that's beside his.

"Yeah, eat well, train well, study well, and rest well, that's the way Turtle School follows" Roshi explained to me.

"Oh, okay," I replied and then sat in a lotus position on the recliner.

"No, no, no, what are you doing, Arlic," Roshi said as he saw me get in a lotus position, and sat-up on the recliner.

I looked towards him and said, "I meditate to rest myself, while also training my Ki this way,"

"No Arlic, rest means complete rest, so no training, if you keep training without rest, it will affect your progress," Roshi said to me strictly.

"Okay, fine," I replied and got in a comfortable position to rest.

"Arlic you just mention Ki, right," Roshi inquired, and I nodded, "So, you can use Ki already,"

"Yeah, I can, but I can only form Ki orbs," I replied, and then raised my palm and formed a Ki orb on it.

"See, I can only do this much for now," I said as I showed him the Pinkish-Red Ki orb.

"Hmm, you're really a talented Kid, no wonder Kami selected you as his pupil," Roshi said with amusement.

"Ho-ho-ho, but I'm not that behind, let me show you a nice little trick," Roshi said and got up from his recliner.

Roshi then started walking towards the beach, He then took a deep breath and took his fighting stance. He raised his hands forward and joined them from the wrists.

"Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HAAAAAAAAAAA," Roshi screamed as he released a blue colour Ki beam towards the ocean.

'That's the Kamehameha wave,' I thought as I was full of excitement by witnessing the Kamehameha in real life.

With a jolt, I came out of my stupor, as information about the Kamehameha technique appeared in my mind.

'There is no way, I received that ability as well,' I thought as my eyes widened in shock.

I Instantly stood up and ran towards the beach then stopped beside Roshi.

"Huh, Arlic, why did you come here too," Roshi asked me in confusion.

Ignoring Roshi's words, I got into the position.

"Ho-ho-ho, there's no way you can do it by looking at it just once," Roshi laughed at me trying to imitate his technique.

"Ka… Me… Ha... Me… HAAAAAAAA," I screamed as a reddish-pink colour Ki beam was released from my hands.

The beam had so much power that it simply divided the water of the ocean in two parts.

Suddenly I felt completely drained and as I lost control over my body due to exhaustion, and fell backwards. Roshi, as he noticed my fall , quickly caught me in his arms.

"Arlic, are you okay," Roshi asked in concern.

"I… Huff… am okay… just… too much… Huff… exhausted," I replied while taking breaths in between.

Roshi then picked me up and took me back to the tree, then carefully placed me on the recliner.

"Stay here, I'll get you a glass of water," Roshi said and went towards the Kame house.

'How did something like this happened to me,' I was confused at the incident that just happened to me, and was thinking about it.

I mean I know I just completely exhausted my Ki reserves, but it is still practically impossible. I know I don't have good control over my Ki, but that still doesn't make sense how can I make a mistake of exerting all of my Ki in a single attack.

'Unless,' My eyes widened as I remembered that my life is under the control of one powerful entity.

'It was indeed my doing,' I heard the voice of the being I fear the most, Will of the Multiverse.

'Come on, I'm not that intimidating, I'm just a cute little MF Starboy,' It said with a chuckle, 'Or would you rather want to see my other side,'

'No, no, no, you're the most benevolent being I have ever met,' I said with utmost respect.

'Good choice,' It said.

'Lord Will, can you please tell me what just happened to me,' I inquired, as I wanted to know what he did to me.

'Simple, It happened because I limited your Mimicry ability,' It replied.

'Can you please explain,' I asked him.

'Sure, I limited your ability to copy techniques, although you'll learn any technique instantly, but you have to practice and work hard to make it yours,' It explained.

'Alright, Ciao, I have other stories to enjoy as well, I can't waste all of my time on you,' It said, and I hoped it was for the last time.

'So, what happened right now was caused by the combination of having poor control over my Ki as well as the technique,' I thought as I finally understood the reason.

'Wait a minute, I have the mimicry ability, even though it's limited I still have it, does that mean it was because of this ability that I was able to learn things faster,' I thought as I was finally able to understand the reason behind my great talent in everything I tried.

"Ughh, I just hate this feeling of Ki exhaustion," I said as I felt Dizziness and nausea together.


{Current Power Level - 315}

As some people were having difficulty understanding Arlic's abilities, I have added an Auxiliary chapter about the explanation of the abilities Majin Cells grant.


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If you have any ideas that I can use in this story, tell it to me, if you're idea is selected in the story I'll give you a shout out.

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