
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 10


Please check out the Auxiliary chapter 'information'


{Age 743}

After 10 minutes of continuous drilling holes on Roshi's head and turning his head into a sieve, the bird was finally satisfied and left him alone.

Now, all four of us are sitting in the living room, Turtle is sitting beside me, the Bird is on top of Turtle's shell, and Roshi is… well the poor guy is sitting in front of me looking angrily at the bird with bandages all over his head.

"Who is this, Turtle," I asked Turtle while petting the beautiful Bird.

"It's Phoenix, Arlic," Turtle replied.

"Phoenix," I said in shock, "You mean, this bird is a Phoenix, the bird from myths,"

"Yes, it is," Turtle nodded.

"And why was it angry at Master Roshi," I inquired.

"Pii, Piiii, Piiiiii," Phoenix chirped at Turtle.

"I see," Turtle nodded, "Actually when we turned the house into a capsule he was sleeping inside, and was sent into the capsule along with the house,"

"Oh, poor you," I sympathized with the poor bird.

"That still doesn't give this damned bird the right to turn my head into a sieve," Roshi said angrily,

"PIIIIIIIIIIII", The bird shrieked at Roshi with all his might and spat a ball of flame towards Roshi.

"Eeepp," Roshi yelped like a little girl, "My Beard, My Glorious Beard", then started flailing and running around to extinguish the flame that is now burning his beard and moustache.

"Hahaha," Turtle and I started laughing at his antics.


-//-Scene Change-//-

After the commotion was finally over, we decided to do some house chores, as the living room was already in a bad shape after the fight between Roshi and Phoenix.

As Phoenix is not able to help with house chores, he got the duty to hunt for food in the nearby forest. At first, I had some doubts that how can a 1.5-feet bird hunt enough food for all of us, but then Roshi and Turtle reassured me of his abilities, and I too remembered that the power of the beings of this world doesn't make any sense.

Roshi took the chance and went to the nearby city to get some groceries, so Turtle and I divided our work. I was tasked to clean and Turtle took the duty to put back all the items in their respective place. This poor marine creature is under too much pressure.

House chores such as cleaning are not that hard, but for a person like me who doesn't have much control over his newly gained strength, it demands a lot of mental strength. I was doing everything slowly and carefully, so I would not break things.

As I was doing my work, I felt a presence near the house window, so I carefully looked from the corner of my eye to not alert the person. There I saw Roshi peeking from the window, smiling proudly while looking at me cleaning the house.

'He's a great master,' I thought as the respect for this man increased tenfold in my heart.

"Turtle, let's increase our speed and finish our work before Master and Phoenix return," I said with excitement.

Turtle nodded and we increased our pace of cleaning.


-//-Scene Change-//-

It's now evening and Phoenix has returned from his hunt, and man I sure am surprised by the animal he caught. Phoenix hunted a Bison and even brought it here. I can now understand how he was able to drill holes through Roshi's head.

"Whoa, this thing is huge," I said while checking out the dead Bison.

"This is nothing compared to what he brought last time," Turtle clarified, "Last time he brought a fish double the size of this Bison,"

"Wow, you're so amazing Phoenix," I said while petting Phoenix, and he rubbed his face on my hand in appreciation.

"Phoenix, you go bring Roshi, I'll protect it till you return," Turtle said to Phoenix, and then looked at me, "Arlic, you go start preparing for tonight's meal, I join you once Roshi returns,"

"Piii/Okay," Phoenix and I replied together.

Coming back inside I went into the kitchen section of the house and started preparing for dinner.


[Half an hour later]

Turtle entered the house and came to me.

"Roshi is back, he went with Phoenix to butcher the Bison," Turtle said, and then continued with an angry tone, "Can you believe instead of buying groceries he was looking at some nasty books in a bookstore,"

"Hehe, that's something only Master Roshi would do," I replied with a chuckle.

"So, what are we going to make Arlic," Turtle asked while looking at the ingredients I was preparing.

"Beef bowl," I replied, "With some stir-fried noodles on the side,"

"Oh, that sounds tasty," Turtle said as he washed his front flippers in the Basin.

"Turtle, you eat cooked food," I asked getting surprised, "I thought you would go and eat something in the ocean,"

"Arlic, what have you taken me for, I'm a 980-year-old turtle, I don't eat those shells and seaweed, I eat human food," Turtle replied.

"Now you're going to say that Phoenix also eats cooked food," I inquired.

"Arlic, what is wrong with you, did you never get proper education, how can you think of such stupid things, birds don't eat these kinds of things," Turtle said with a concerned tone, "I guess I will have to ask Roshi to educate you properly,"

"Now stop looking at me like that and start preparing ingredients before Roshi returns with meat," Turtle said, snapping me out of my stupor.

I then resumed my work, now with the addition of a helper and some confusing information.


-//-Scene Change-//-

"Mmm, this food is good, Arlic, my boy where did you learn to cook," Roshi said while licking his lips.

"Yeah, Arlic, this food is 10 times better than what Roshi makes," Turtle said while slurping noodles.

"He-he, I worked in a restaurant before, I had talent, so I learned things quickly," I replied while rubbing the back of my head.

"Huh, worked in a restaurant, why did a child like you work in a restaurant," Roshi inquired with doubts.

"My orphanage didn't get much help from the town mayor, so we had to do odd jobs to make the ends meet," I replied with an awkward smile.

"Oh, poor you," Roshi sympathized with me and patted my head.

"Don't worry, Arlic, now that you have become a powerful fighter, you will never suffer like that again," Turtle said while caressing my shoulder.

"Yeah, Turtle," I replied with a smile.

Roshi then ruffled my hair and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure once you learn under Kami, you'll be able to help your orphanage,"

"Yes, I will do my best," I replied with a big smile.

"Come on guys the food's getting cold," Roshi said and resumed eating.

"Yeah, let's eat," Turtle and I resumed eating.


[Next Day]

I was meditating outside the Kame house on a big rock near the house when I felt the Ki of Roshi approaching me.

"Good Morning, Master," I greeted Roshi with my eyes still closed.

"Morning, kid," Roshi replied, "You woke pretty early, even made breakfast for everyone,"

"I don't have any need for rest, so I used the free time to do things," I explained.

"I don't understand what you mean by 'you don't have any need for rest'," Roshi inquired with a curious tone.

I turned towards him, and then explained everything about my regeneration ability I learned from Korin to Roshi.

"Fuc…, cough, Damn that's cheating," Roshi complained.

"What can I say, it's a gift from God," I replied with a cheeky smile.

"Cough, okay, I will now modify the training according to your ability, we will do it in the most efficient way," Roshi clarified.

"Okay, Master," I nodded, and then called Roshi, "Master"

"Yes," Roshi asked.

"I thought about your words all night, and I… I agree with you," I said to him, "I… I want you to teach me techniques to kill,"

"Hmm, if that is what you want," Roshi said seriously, "But do you know why did I say those words to you,"

"No," I shook my head.

"Normally, I don't teach how to kill, but you are different, you are going to become Kami's pupil, hence in future you will have the job to protect this world," Roshi explained, "And that job requires lots of sacrifices,"

"Do you know the tale of Demon King Piccolo, Arlic," Roshi asked as he turned his head towards the sky.

"Yeah, Master Korin told me about it," I nodded.

"Did he mentioned Master Mutaito," Roshi asked with a sad tone.

"Yeah, the one who saved the world by sacrificing himself," I replied.

"I was his student," Roshi said, "Although, I don't blame myself anymore, but if I had focused more on training instead of girls, he wouldn't have to sacrifice himself for us,"

Roshi then looked straight into my eyes and said, "One day, you too will take the responsibility to protect this world, and a protector sometimes needs to kill,"

"I understand, Master," I replied with determination.

"Hmm, I'll return in 10 minutes, until then warm-up," Roshi said to me and left to clean up.

I nodded and began running around the area near the house.


[10 minutes later]

Roshi came out of the house wearing his martial arts clothes and saw me doing exercises.

"Arlic, I'm here," Roshi called me.

"Coming," I replied stopping mid push-up.

I walked near him, and asked with excitement, "What are we going to do Master,"

"We're going to start with a jog around the island," Roshi said, then started running, and I followed behind.


[10 minutes later]

We were passing through the forest and suddenly a T. rex came out of the tree line and started chasing us.

"Run, Arlic, Run, or he'll catch up to you," Roshi said and increased his speed.

"No Master, you run, or he'll catch you," I said as I passed Roshi leaving him behind.

"Hey, get back here, don't cheat," Roshi yelled at me.

"Hahaha, catch me if you can," I said and increased my speed even more.

"ARLIC!!!," Roshi yelled at the top of his lungs.


[5 minutes later]

After running at our best speed Roshi and I finally reached our destination, The City.

"Huff-Huff, we have finally… Huff… reached our destination," Roshi said while trying to breathe.

"Oh, here, what are we going to do here," I asked with confusion.

"Huff… let me take a breath first," Roshi said as he bent to take a deep breath.

After his breath got under control Roshi stood up straight and said, "It's you who's going to do things here,"

"Me?" I asked in confusion.

"Come with me," Roshi said and took me to a big field.


-//-Scene Change-//-

"What are we going to do here, Master," I asked while checking out the field.

"You are going to work in the field," Roshi explained and gestured to someone, most probably the owner of the field, and the owner gestured back.

"Go, plough the field, but, with your hands," Roshi said to me.

"With my hands," I said while looking at my hands.

"Yes," Roshi replied and gestured me to go.

I reluctantly went to the field and started ploughing the field. It wasn't that bad because of my strong body and quick regeneration ability, so my hands didn't hurt that much. As I was working on something that can't break I was able to use some of my strength, but I still had to control while throwing the soil, or it'll go flying to somewhere unknown.

I had to continuously plough for around 1.5 hours to finish the job.

"Good job, Arlic," I heard Roshi's voice from the far end of the field.

"Now, come back we have to leave for the next place," Roshi called me.

"Okay," I replied and ran back to him.

Roshi then took me to the next place, it was a Pottery shop.

"Are we here to buy some pots," I asked Roshi.

"No, we are here, so you can work here," Roshi explained.

"Me working here," I asked.

"Yeah," Roshi said and walked inside while gesturing me to stay outside.

After a minute he came out and then took me towards the backside of the shop, and we entered the shop from the backdoor.

When we entered the shop, I saw that the room we entered was where potters were making the pottery. Roshi then gestured to someone and a man around his twenties came walking towards us.

"Arlic, meet Aki, he's going to be giving you classes on Pottery, and is also going to be your boss while you work here," Roshi explained.

"Do I have to work here," I asked Roshi.

"Yes, you have to, this is part of your training," Roshi said to me, "And while training we will also earn some cash, it's a win-win situation,"

"Ugh, fine," I replied and went with the man to learn pottery.

Learning pottery wasn't as hard as I had thought, in just 2 hours I became good enough to make simple pieces of crockery they can sell in the shop.

While I was immersed in my work, shop owner Aki and Roshi were having some words.

"Mr Roshi, I have never seen someone with so much talent in Pottery," Aki said with excitement.

"Ho-ho-ho, as I would ever take any simple kid as my student," Roshi replied with a proud laugh, "Only special kid's get the chance to become the student of Turtle Hermit,"

"You have a keen eye, Mr Roshi," Aki replied.

"So tell me how much are you going to pay us," Roshi asked with Zeni's in his eyes.


{Current Power Level - 310}


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