
Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer

On a faithful night, a man catches his girlfriend of 3 years cheating on him with another guy, his best friend at that. Distraught by the events and disloyalty by his girlfriend and best friend, he storms off in anger all alone in the nightly rain. As he begins to cross the street, he gets hit by the infamous and classic truck-kun and dies upon impact. The protagonist is suddenly reincarnated into a new world, but not as a normal human but as a King. He isn't any King, however. He has been reborn as a God-Emperor, the Stongest King to exist who is seen as a God in their Kingdom. The protagonist soon discovers that his kingdom is in a crisis after a cruel war took place and his kingdom was destroyed. This is where the protagonist's legend begins in the story of Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer.

ForgottenSaint · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Royal Power

Raven stayed up watching the area. She wasn't even tired as this was what she was best at. Charlotte on the other hand was already asleep in her room. As Raven scouted for potential enemies she heard one of her allies groan and fall off a watchtower. She looked at the falling man then noticed an arrow had struck him.

"What the hell?" Raven said then noticed a flurry of arrows being shot at the outposts and took cover. She listened to her allies groaning and yelling in pain as the ones watching the area were being shot. She heard the neighing of horses and galloping.

Charlotte woke up and sat up then looked around. She looked out the window and her eyes widened. "Oh shit. We're under attack..!" She quickly took out her magic communication tool and contacted Felix.

I sat up on my bed as I heard Iris bursting in my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. "It's 6 AM...what could you possibly need?"

"Our soldiers are under attack! We need to help them!" Iris yelled.

"Shit.." I said then got out of bed and began to get ready to defend my army.

Lulu opened her room door and heard the ruckus going on. "What's going on, moo.." she asked as she rubbed her eyes and noticed me hurrying down the hall.

"We shall return shortly. Our frontlines are under attack and we have to save them. I know our wedding is today, but I promise once we are done and back safely I will marry you." I said.

She nodded and watched me hurry off. "Good luck!" She called out to me.

Raven deflected multiple arrows and grunted as she began getting pushed back. She took cover behind a tree and panted. "Alright...these guys are definitely boosted by some form of magic." She looked to the right of her and noticed Charlotte on the other side behind a tree. They both nodded at each other.

Charlotte and Raven rushed out at the enemy soldiers and began to work together, cutting down their numbers as best as they could. Charlotte quickly dodged a few attacks then thrusted her rapier at a soldier then blew him away. A force of wind followed and blew away the other soldiers. Raven rushed ahead then began sending cutting waves at the soldier and bellowed, slashing down three times, sending three cutting waves at the soldiers.

A knight dodged the final cutting wave then dashed ahead to Raven and smirked. He swung his sword at her, but Raven blocked it and they entered a blade lock. "The famous Raven Nightmare joining the ranks of a dead kingdom..! We known the God-Emperor is still alive and we've come to finish the job!"

"As if I'll allow that, low life scum!" Raven yelled and pushed the knight backwards then Charlotte dashed forward and her Royal Crest shined.

Another knight blocked Charlotte's attack and she looked surprised. The knight groaned and held her head. "Die...Die..! Die! I'll kill you all!" She bellowed and her dark aura struck Charlotte and sent her flying backwards.

Raven caught Charlotte and both of them crashed to the ground. They groaned and Charlotte got off Raven then helped her up.

"Now this is a real barbarian.." Charlotte said and dusted herself off and got a crazy look in her eyes. "But she hasn't seen a real crazy person yet!"

"What the hell..? What's with her..?" The male knight asked.

The female knight looked at Charlotte and held her head then grunted. She yelled and dashed ahead to Charlotte like a wild animal. "I'll kill you!" She slashed at Charlotte.

Charlotte parried her attack and smirked and got a devilish look on her face. Her rapier began shining a blood red. "I'm gonna tear you in half!" Charlotte bellowed and struck the female knight with her rapier then ten more stabs struck her body, blowing her away.

The female knight landed on her feet and slid backwards and coughed up a bit of blood. She fell to one knee and her amber hair covered her eyes. "I can't lose...I can't lose..! He'll kill me if I lose! I won't lose! Win..! Win! WIN! I MUST WIN!" The knight bellowed and her dark aura grew stronger, striking her allies and they groaned as they began choking because of her dark aura.

"Theresa is losing control...tch...why'd they choose a berserker like her to mind control..?" The male knight said.

"You want a piece of me bitch? I'll show you why they call me the Two Faced Princess." Charlotte smirked and got in her battle stance.

"And she calls me the brute.." Raven said as she watched.

Theresa stood up and her greatsword began to transform into its berserker mode. The blade shined red and the black blade opened revealing a wider blade, making her greatsword into a claymore. "My Ruinmaker...desires destruction.."

"Charlotte, hold on! She's extremely unstable!" Raven warned.

"And so am I!" Charlotte dashed ahead.

Theresa rushed over to Charlotte and bellowed. They both slashed and clashed. Charlotte was holding her own against a berserker mode Theresa. Theresa bellowed and kicked Charlotte away. Charlotte grunted as her back hit a tree. She landed on her knees then chuckled darkly.

Charlotte dashed towards Theresa and her eyes shined brightly. "You're nobody compared to me! You disgusting barbarian!"

I appeared on the scene with Felix, Iris, Yukari, and Wolfe along with his men. I hopped off my horse then noticed Charlotte battling against Theresa. "It's her again and she looks more unstable now than before."

"Look it's Raven!" Iris pointed.

Raven and the male knight were battling each other and Raven was growing fatigued. She rolled out of the way and panted. "We have to end this now.."

Yukari performed hand gestures then slammed her hand on the ground. "Ninpo Arts: Wood Prison."

Wood emerged from the ground and trapped the male knight in a wood cage. The knight looked a bit surprised then scoffed and his sword turned into flames. He slashed in a circle, slicing the cage in two and burning it to the ground.

Wolfe howled and his men began charging at the enemy soldiers then he rushed ahead and red aura spiralled around his body. He went for quick strikes at the male knight, but the knight dodged his attacks and went for an attack. One of Wolfe's soldiers took the attack and was blown away.

"My fallen soldier, your death won't go in vain!" Wolfe bellowed and palmed the knight's chest. The knight groaned as his armor shattered then he was sent flying backwards.

The knight rolled backwards then rebounded on one knee. He looked up then stood up. He looked at Theresa and Charlotte.

"What's the matter?! Can't keep up?!" Charlotte laughed and swung her rapier.

Theresa tried to dodge her attack, suffering only a cut on her left breast. She jumped backwards and panted. "You...you cut me...for that you shall pay!"

Theresa roared and dashed forward to Charlotte. Charlotte dashed to Theresa and went for an attack, but Theresa dodged and struck Charlotte with a lariat. Charlotte looked surprised and coughed blood then was blown away.

"Charlotte..!" I said then rushed ahead and caught her. I looked at her and she was out cold. I noticed her rapier disappear and looked at Theresa. I gently laid her down and looked worried.

Theresa let out a triumphant war cry and her aura surged powerfully. She looked at us and gave us an insane smirk. Her left eye shined a dark blue and her left eye shined a yellow color.

"Charlotte..!" Iris ran over to us and looked at Charlotte.

Raven looked surprised seeing Charlotte in her condition. She hurried over to Charlotte and held her face. "Charlotte..! Charlotte say something! Open your eyes at least..!"

"She's still alive." Yukari said using her aura sense. She looked at Charlotte and crouched down then touched her neck and a green aura surrounded her hand. "She needs to rest. She's out of commission."

Raven let Charlotte go and glared at Theresa. She walked ahead then I grabbed her shoulder then stopped her. "God-Emperor.."

I summoned my weapons and grabbed my greatsword then walked ahead. "This is as far as you'll go. I'm stepping up to the plate now, and I'm about to beat your ass!"

"You think you can beat me, failed King?! I'll you all!" Theresa laughed then ran to me.

I walked ahead then dragged the blade of my sword along the ground then went into a full sprint and swung my sword, clashing with Theresa. She chuckled as she began to overpower me. I glared and bellowed then pushed her back. Theresa looked surprised.

"Prepare yourself! I will strike you down!" I bellowed and my Royal Crest began shining.

"There it is..!" Felix said surprised.

"The Crest of Divinity." Iris said in shock was she watched.

My sword began shining and transformed into its Awakened Form. A white hilt extended from the golden curved hilt and the orb began shining. Magic symbols began to appear on the blade of the greatsword and divine aura surged from the sword.

Theresa bellowed and slashed down at me, but my aura worked as armor to block the attack. I bellowed and slashed at her, hitting her and she groaned and I sent her flying, making her crash through multiple trees. The male knight looked surprised and looked at me. I stood up straight and looked at my sword then noticed its changed appearance.

"He may not have fully awakened his power, but it's something and enough to take a berserker like her down in one hit." Felix said.

I looked at the male knight. "You're next."

"Actually I'm not because I'm going to retreat! This isn't over People of Luceros!" The knight said then retreated off on his horse. His soldiers followed behind and retreated as well.

We defended the village outpost successfully and the soldiers who remained alive began to relax. Those fallen were buried and given proper tombstones.

"What are the orders, Your Highness?" Yukari asked.

"Let us bring everyone back to the safety of the city. I believe it is time to march and conquer after my marriage." I said then walked back to my horse.

"Affirmative." Yukari said then followed.

Felix carried Charlotte in his arms and Raven followed behind. We all got on our horses and traversed back to Luceros. It took the entire day traversing back and I was sure Lulu was extremely worried about us.

Once we made it back, we noticed the city was nearly back to its original state due to the support of a few helpers from Centuros. There were enough homes in the city for our soldiers to rest. The rest of us headed back to the citadel and there I met up with Lulu after putting my horse away in the stable. Lulu hurried over to me and hugged me. I looked at her and smiled then rubbed her head gently.

We got prepared for the wedding as promised and headed to the altar to get ready. Felix, Iris, Yukari, Raven, and Wolfe attended while Charlotte was in her room still resting. I stood next to the priest and watched Lulu walk towards the front. Her cow bell rang as she walked towards the front and she stood on the others side of me.

"As Iris has explained the process of weddings are quick and easy. All you have to do is give your vows and God-Emperor, mark her with the proof of marriage." The priest said.

"Right." I nodded.

"Alright, Lulu...do you vow to be one of God-Emperor's many wives to come, cherish every moment you have with him, in sickness and in death, be with him until your very last moments and love him unconditionally?" The priest asked.

"I-I do!" Lulu nodded, resisting the urge to moo out of nervousness and excitement.

"And as for you God-Emperor, do you vow to protect Lulu, one of your many wives, with your very life and defend her and the many offsprings you may have until the very end of your life?" The priest asked.

"I do." I nodded.

"Good, with that said. God-Emperor Ares, you may kiss or mark the bride. Which ever you prefer!" The priest smiled.

"How do I mark her?" I asked.

Felix and the others chuckled blandly.

"Your Highness, use your Royal Crest to mark her." Yukari said.

I looked at my hand then noticed my Royal Crest shine. I nodded and took Lulu's hand then placed my other hand on top of her and the process of the marking happened with a Marriage Mark appearing on her hand.

"With that, I pronounce you, Husband and Wife!" The priest said.

"Lord Brother is one step closer to being a true King!" Iris cheered.

Lulu blushed and looked at her hand then smiled. She was happy to be married and I was happy to finally put my past fully behind me. This was the true start of my new life to me and we only go up from here. Since I did come from another world which seems like a different dimension, I could also advance technology and make Luceros the most powerful kingdom in the world.

"Now that's done, are you two going to consummate the marriage?" Felix asked.

"Consummate?" Lulu asked and her ears flicked.

"He's asking if you desire to have sex to complete the marriage." I explained.

Lulu's face became completely red and she had smoke coming from her ears. "I-I don't think I'm ready for that yet!"

I smiled. "That's fine. After all...we still have a Kingdom to conquer."

"And we shall take them down!" Raven stood up. "For Charlotte! I mean-"

I chuckled and looked at Raven. "We shall get revenge for what they did to Charlotte. Idrisid is ours!"

Raven and the others cheered and Lulu smiled and looked at me. She held my arm gently and her tail wagged.

Theresa was being healed by the mage who was controlling her. "I failed...he's gonna kill me.."

"He won't as long as he doesn't know. You are our strongest subordinate. As long as I'm alive you aren't leaving our control so until the God-Emperor is dead...you will keep fighting. No. Matter. What.." The mage giggled and tapped her nose.

Theresa looked at the sky sadly and closed her eyes. "Yes ma'am.."

"Good. Now...we shall strike when they least expect it." The mage stood up and walked away to heal the other knight.