
Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer

On a faithful night, a man catches his girlfriend of 3 years cheating on him with another guy, his best friend at that. Distraught by the events and disloyalty by his girlfriend and best friend, he storms off in anger all alone in the nightly rain. As he begins to cross the street, he gets hit by the infamous and classic truck-kun and dies upon impact. The protagonist is suddenly reincarnated into a new world, but not as a normal human but as a King. He isn't any King, however. He has been reborn as a God-Emperor, the Stongest King to exist who is seen as a God in their Kingdom. The protagonist soon discovers that his kingdom is in a crisis after a cruel war took place and his kingdom was destroyed. This is where the protagonist's legend begins in the story of Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer.

ForgottenSaint · Fantasy
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19 Chs

New Allies

I sat Lulu down on her bed and sat beside her. I could see her looking around the room, trying to get herself accustomed to her new life as a wife of a royal. "So, where do you come from?"

Lulu looked at me then looked down a bit. "Uhm...I used to work at a tavern with my old master, but after the war when he was killed I was stuck wandering around until Lady Iris found me and saw my Royal Crest." She answered and her cow ears flicked.

"I see. Is something like this really your first time?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've never been married before, especially not to a Ruler. Honestly when Lady Iris brought up the idea, I was so excited then I saw how handsome you looked and immediately got nervous. I was thinking that you would reject me for being a Mammalian.." Lulu said.

"You're a beautiful woman, and a woman of royal descent. How could I reject you? I've never had a spouse either so this is pretty new to me as well." I smiled and held her hand gently.

Lulu blushed and looked at our hands then back at me. "I've never had my first kiss either or even had...sex...before. I'm so inexperienced with this and I'm nervous that I might mess something up.."

"Don't worry, I'll take lead if that's what you want." I said in a reassuring way.

"You don't mind me being inexperienced..?" She asked.

"I was once inexperienced also.." I chuckled softly.

Lulu began to become less tense and relaxed. She smiled shyly at me then looked down. "Can...I uhm...Can I kiss you? S-So I'll know what it's like and so I won't mess it up during the marriage!"

"Yeah, I'll allow you to kiss me." I nodded.

She felt very nervous on the inside then took a deep breath and exhaled softly. She looked at me shyly and leaned into me. She closed her eyes and pressed her inexperienced lips against mine, kissing me softly. I kissed back softly and she pulled away.

"See? It's just that easy." I chuckled softly. "Just relax and go for it."

Lulu nodded then heard a knock on the door.

"You may enter." I said.

Felix walked into the room. "Your Majesty, I would like for you to come with me and meet the new subordinates I have acquired."

I nodded then stood up. I looked at Lulu and gently rubbed her cheek before walking off with Felix. Felix waved at Lulu and Lulu shyly waved back. We headed over to the training grounds where the new subordinates were being held. As we walked there, I heard some laughing going on.

"Ohohohoho!~ Your skills reek of barbarianism! Ohohoho!" A woman laughed.

"Barbarianism..? What are you suggesting that I am..?" Another woman asked, slightly annoyed.

"I'm suggesting that you're a brute when you fight!" The first woman laughed.

"Oh and you aren't slug?" The other woman fired back.

We walked onto the training grounds and I noticed the two women bickering. One woman was a woman who looked pretty much like a princess. She was wearing a white and teal short dress with white leggings, and silver armored boots. Her golden hair was very curly and extended to her lower back. Her eyes shined a radiant blue color.

The other woman had black hair that extended to her shoulders, ruby colored eyes, and wore a black and gold hair band on the top of her head. She wore a red top, brown leggings, and white boots. She looked more like a mercenary than the other woman and her hair was more messy than the other woman's. She also wore a red scarf around her neck.

"Ohohohoho!~ You think you can actually defeat me in battle?!" The princess looking woman asked.

"Trust me, I've been in this fighting business way longer than you. Your daddy ain't here to protect you anymore so I'll kick your ass effortlessly." The mercenary woman said.

"Alright ladies, let's calm it down." Felix said.

"Hmph!" Both women scoffed.

"Your Majesty, meet Charlotte Auclair. She is of Royal Lineage as she is the Princess of the ruined kingdom named Aevum. And next to her is a famous wandering mercenary named Raven Nightmare. That's what she goes by though, I don't know her real name so we'll leave it at that." Felix said.

"Oh My King!~ It's an honor to meet you!~" Charlotte said and hurried to me then grabbed my hand. "To meet the famous son of the previous God-Emperor has always been a dream of mine!~ Now I've met you I have to put a ring on your finger and claim you as mine!~"

"Well we don't use rings here in this day and age." Felix said.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Charlotte asked.

"We use Marriage Marks. It'll be proof of marriage and such." Felix explained.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you something Felix. You said first wife instead of a wife. Does that mean I can marry more than one woman?" I asked.

"Yes exactly. You are allowed to marry as many women as you so please as long as they are of Royal Lineage or Royal Descent." Felix explained.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"It's to make sure the offsprings are guaranteed a Royal Crest at birth. The royals of the past realized that if you marry someone who is of the royal bloodline, their offspring is always guaranteed a Royal Crest making them a lot stronger than the normal human." Felix answered.

"And it so happens that I bare a Royal Crest, so our offsprings will become the most powerful especially with the blood of a god!~ Ohohohoho!~" Charlotte said then laughed.

"Does she always laugh like this?" I asked.

"Yes." Raven said. "It's annoying isn't it?"

"Oho- My laugh isn't annoying, 'Miss Nightmare'! If my laugh is annoying then your name is the most generic name to ever exist on this planet!" Charlotte scoffed.

"My name may be generic, but it's way better then a laugh that goes like 'Ohoho' like who even says that anymore." Raven rolled her eyes.

"You're just mad that I have a Royal Crest and you don't! You're upset because I actually have a chance with the God-Emperor and you're gonna remain lonely forever~" Charlotte laughed and held my arm. "How about it, My King?~ Shall we head to the chambers and get our little union started?~"

"Uhm..." I said then scratched my cheek and gave a nervous chuckle.

"Charlotte, let Your Majesty go. We have work to be done and now that we have more subordinates, we can continue our march to Idrisid and get revenge on the Dark Lord who stole the crown." Felix said.

"I'll let go, when My King says to." Charlotte said as she pressed her breasts against my arm and looked at me.

Raven snatched Charlotte off me and both women grunted. "He says hands off lady!"

"Get your hands off me barbarian!" Charlotte said then smacked Raven's hand away.

"These two fight often?" I asked.

"Yes, very often. They are close friends however. Raven used to be Charlotte's knight before wandering off around the world alone. They do make a fine duo and because of that, we will have them on the front lines as well." Felix said.

"Eh?!" Both Charlotte and Raven said.

"You're gonna separate me and My King?" Charlotte asked.

"Do you think about anything else other than marrying someone?" Raven asked.

"I am a Royal Princess-"

"Of a kingdom that no longer exists." Raven said.

"It still doesn't change my status as a Royal! My perfect face can not be damaged in the heat of battle! I wish to keep my face perfect so My King can kiss upon it!" Charlotte said and hugged herself. "I can not look like a WITCH while having sexual relations with someone of perfect status like God-Emperor Ares!"

Raven groaned and facepalmed. "Someone kill me if I have to be stuck with this woman for any much long.."

"Your Majesty, I shall transport these two to the frontlines. We shall continue our training once I get back." Felix said.

I nodded then watched Felix, Charlotte, and Raven walk off. I made my way back to the castle and entered the courtyard, seeing Iris show Lulu around. I knew it was gonna take Felix the next day to come back from getting Charlotte and Raven posted. I decided to join Iris and Lulu.

"Lord Brother!~ Hi!~" Iris smiled happily.

"Y-You're back...Welcome back!" Lulu smiled at me.

"The new recruits are some interesting personas. One is a princess and the other is a mercenary. They most definitely have a fiery chemistry." I chuckled.

"Oh you mean Charlotte and Raven? I like those two! I met them when Felix stopped by the farmland with them. I don't know if Yukari has met them yet." Iris said.

"I have."

Iris and Lulu yelped and turned around to see Yukari behind us. I looked at Yukari then looked back at Iris and Lulu. Iris and Lulu were holding each other.

"What? Is there an intruder?" Yukari asked and looked behind herself.

"You gotta stop popping up out of nowhere! That's frightening!" Iris said.

"I'm a ninja, what did you expect? I have very quiet footsteps even with armored footwear. Were you frightened, Your Highness?" Yukari asked.

"Not really." I answered.

"Anyway, I have something to report. A group of bandits have been spotted by a few citizens outside the city. What should our approach be?" Yukari looked at me.

"Let's go." I said.

"Affirmative." Yukari said then turned away and placed her hand on my arm.

"Wait you're going to take them down?" Lulu asked.

"Yeah. We have to take them down before they get a chance to terrorize my people." I said.

"I'll keep Lulu company!~ Hurry back safely!" Iris waved.

Yukari nodded then threw down a smoke bomb and she teleported us to the location the citizens spotted the bandits. We appeared in the outskirts of the city and Yukari pointed ahead to a campsite. We ran over to the campsite and the bandits noticed us.

"All men charge at those royal scum!" Their leader howled and his allies charged at us with their weapons drawn.

Yukari performed a hand gesture then multiple clones of her appeared then she began to fight off the bandits while I headed straight for their leader.

"It's you. You're the God-Emperor!" The leader snarled. Their leader was a man of lightly tan skin, black hair, and golden eyes. He didn't wear a shirt but a jacket with its sleeves ripped off, black and beige trousers, and black combat boots. He wore black and red gauntlets on his hands.

"So what of it? You aren't beating me!" I bellowed and my weapons appeared around me. I grabbed my gauntlets and they materialized into their physical form and I equipped them. The other weapons disappeared.

The leader and I clashed fists and he grunted softly. I dodged his next attack then jabbed his face and followed it up with a punch to the gut. He groaned and stumbled backwards. He howled and red aura surged around his body. He dashed to me and the fingers of his gauntlets turned into claws. He began swiping his hands at me rapidly, but I dodged each hit. I moved my hand in a circle motion then palmed his stomach. He groaned and fell to his knees.

It was a rather quick fight as my instincts really helped me avoid every bit of damage possible. I looked at the leader and held my hand out to him. He looked up at me and was a bit surprised.

"Why..? Why not just kill me? I am a lowly bandit. No royal accepts us." The man said.

"Join my ranks. You are an adept fighter and I can tell. I don't know how I can but I can just tell that you are a well trained fighter. You and your men can join my ranks and I'll give you all shelter and pay you all like I do all the others." I said.

Yukari watched me and crossed her arms.

The man stood up and I watched him. He grabbed my hand then looked at me. "The name's Wolfe. A royal who offers his hand out to those like me are deserving of my time. Hopefully this isn't a trick."

"It's not a trick. Just get along with my people and we will get along with you." I smiled.

Wolfe smirked and closed his eyes. "Alright boys-" Wolfe started and looked at his allies, noticing they were all on the ground hurt and groaning.

"My Ninpo is a tad bit too strong for them, but one of these fuckers started hair pulling. I don't do hair pulling let alone ganging up on one target unless the target is a super threat. I am just a ninja.." Yukari said.

"I'll uh...get them." Wolfe said.

I nodded then looked at Yukari and walked over to her then turned her around and placed my hand on her back, leading her back to the city. "You didn't kill anyone right?"

"If I did oh well.." Yukari said and crossed her arms.

Charlotte and Raven were sitting at their posts and Felix gave them the run down and magic communication tools to help communicate to me and the other subordinates. They nodded and Felix got on his horse then rode off back to the city.

"At least we have rations here and a stable farmland and a source of water and everything. My King is so generous! Ohohoho!~" Charlotte laughed.

Raven groaned and used her binoculars to stakeout the area. "I want you to follow my lead, Princess. This is my area of expertise."

"Yes yes, whatever. Just tell me when trouble comes." Charlotte said and began filing her nails.

"Mhm." Raven said and kept scouting.